Friday 11 October 2013

Day 97

Day 97;

It is day 97, what happened to me on this day?

This/yesterday morning I left my home and I walked into town to get lunch and bread with Alice, I could see for the majority of my journey into town and back, which was a novel (I mean new to the man that I was today/yesterday) sensation, thanks to my sun specs; which shielded my eyes from the majority of the harmful light radiation from the sun.

My ponderings (of a who nature):

So was Rose Tyler a half lesbian, or at least partially, at her parting from the Doctor and Donna as I know she took the doctor’s clone that had some of Donna mixed up inside of him making him the Doctor Donna; it was a two way biological meta-crisis which means that Donna is also partially male. So now the Doctor clone is off there in the parallel earth, which is actually ahead of this world in time, and different historical events happened when similar stuff happened in this, so it’s not really a parallel world.

Now why did you ponder, I made my above little pondering as Alice was saying to me today another thing about homosexual men while the two of us were discussing the inerrant flaws in religion and also some of the positives, As I typed I have absolutely no problem with benevolent believers it’s just the extremists and or the people that knock on the doors of peoples homes and they attempt to convert people to they’re belief system, or just preachers with their preaching their harmful self-indulgent messages.

I’m sorry but my part of this post which was supposed to be a little bit on the Doctor’s clone’s first lesbian lover, in part at least, if you choose to view it my way.  

Religious shenanigans

Firstly you should read the actual subject matter by clicking here, before you continue on in reading this blog post as the rest of this article kind of relates to the article. .

But finally I can get to the part where I type about how Christianity was likely a roman attempt to convert the Jews to there ways of thinking with a back story to match up with the Jewish fallacies of a messiah, which by the first century AD/CE the Romans were already pretty good at because the Roman war machine had been enveloping civilisations and they’re gods into it’s fold for centuries. As the Romans were a very intelligent group of people for their time as they knew that with greater numbers came the greater a presence in this world but a unified force would be more powerful than a large one so they absorbed the belief systems of concord places into their own.

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