Thursday 17 October 2013

Day 103

Day 103;

It's finally here day 103, not my YouTube project; at least not yet.

But I had it completed up to the end of the introduction of the three of us by the other day,

Then what are you waiting for?

 I still have to lip sync the religious shenanigans part to the end of it.

Still haven’t you had enough of that stuff yet?

Using basic terms, no.

Unfair, you racist.

Now that is rich coming from you

Ye... what?

Well I was just stating that what she said was rich, as she was saying that it’s unfair so was her lord and saviour coming to earth 2000+ years ago and leaving behind 0 evidence to his evidence of it’s existence which when you think about it the evidence should be in favour of seeing as the Godfather figure of the child that was supposedly born 2000+ years ago should have been able to whisper into the ears of the 4 surviving apostles whose books are in the bible today a concurring story not the stories that are so far off of the mark it’s humorous.

{End mini rant}

Now I have a friend, whose name is Oliver, he has been feeling a bit depressed recently, so I did what any caring {I know a word that is alien from my MO} friend would do and questioned him on it. so I am going to paraphrase the story for you,

  1. he met a girl
  2. the two of them become friends
  3. they argue which really hurts my friend as he really likes her
  4. she is deliberately flirting with every guy that she meets to make him jealous

What did they argue about?

A joke that my friend told her,

What was the Joke?

Well I don’t know all he told me about the joke that it was about Goths, and the girl was apparently a Goth and she took the JOKE seriously, for crying out loud it was a joke as in ha ha not make you want to kill the person that told you it, now I know that this may be a bit tricky for you, with you being a Goth and all, but can you please lighten up,

Now that was cruel,

So is what she has been doing to my friend apparently, now the behaviour that she has apparently been displaying to him I find very childish, offensive and degrading to her own womanhood if nothing else; if what Oliver has told me is truth; which I have mixed feelings to as if it is true I would like to yell at her telling her to grow up and if it’s false I would like to express my disparagement to Oliver for lying to me.

But Oliver my advise to you is to be honest with her tell her about what she has done from your perception and ask her what you have done wrong as if it only the Goth joke  tell her my joke about her have to lighten/not take stupid things like jokes so sincerely,

Yours honestly, to my opinion,

A stupid but Savage friend

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