Day 96;
Now what have I done today? I have gone to the gym but this
time I haven’t been killing the skin on my hand, at least not that I have
noticed, as I haven’t had any more experiences with the heat prickles/rash that
I experienced last week. I have also seen, and heard, some more information about
Jesus and about how he was created by the Romans, using his pacifistic addenda
(turn the other cheek) to get the Jews on the Roman side, paying they’re taxes
and all of that shenanigans, which I should put in the religious shenanigans.
Now as I started typing before getting slightly off topic so
what was I on about before I interrupted my train of thought, with that religious
rubbish? Oh yeah that was where I was, the gym today while I was on the treadmill
Andy was on the next treadmill along from me and he was properly running,
meanwhile I was walking along at paces of from 5 to 7.5 KM per hour, as well as
grinning like the foolish moron that I am. Anyway you maybe wondering “who is the
Andy that you type of?” If I was to type that it was a very long and complicated
story liar, there is no two ways about it. It was before I got referred to my
current PT (Paul) I had Andy as my PT. but then I went back into the
educational system.
Now should I go into more detail on the religious shenanigans?
No, can you just give it a rest for now as I am
thinking that you have already over filled the bit about the day with religious
shenanigans, Oh, but I shall leave you with a quote that I saw on faceybook.

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