Friday 4 October 2013

Day 90

Day 90

So it’s day 90, the day after the ten day period of the fat lady.

I shall start off in the past as I always do within these blog/dairy posts. But tonight I have just seen a blinding flash of light coming from outside a window so I thought that I better schedule this in case of power cuts. But if there is a power cut for me then I will try to get this post up by 7 pm. just in-case it hasn’t come back on by 12 noon or 1 pm o’clock.

Now just either today or yesterday Alice said something to me which I found startling, it was Alice being absurd again, she was being absurd by saying stuff like you hate all religious people, which is untrue I hate certain people irrespective of their religious convictions or lack of them, it’s the belief system that I hate. But don’t worry I shall attempt to create another blogpost or better a vlog in the future which should hopefully clear that up for you.

But Alice has just told me to watch the following video as to which I did, obliviously.

As she wanted me to review it for my blog, as she wanted me to make my probably incorrect assumptions of what I thought it was about. So I listened to it, I liked it as it’s sounds deep but it also sounds fun, but it also has some sincere talking points within it..

Like what is chocolate rain that runs through my veins? It could be the darkness that runs inside of all of us, it always has and most probably always will but certain people be they fictional or real, like the Doctor have attempted to bring out the best of us and doing so they’ve often sacrificed they’re own standards of morality with a lot of it being indirect but just enough to see the subjects darkness. This is just a theory of one potential solution for the problem, I could have many more if I wanted to have a session, which I could do tomorrow.

My YouTube alias has finally received an email from YouTube finally re-allowing my YouTube video, so I’d like to say thank you YouTube, I don’t really know why you ever asked me to privatise it in the first place but you know as they say, alls well that ends well, No who says? Well I do not know them by any other name than “they”.
But the following YouTube video maybe blocked in some countries, as it’s got audio which has been disallowed in certain countries.

Of which you could also the audio file within it’s full 3:35 which is greater than double the length of my video at 1:45 in length so my video would have to equal 2.5 seconds more to make it to half of the way along the original,

So basically EMI you people should just put a load of adverts on it that way you could make money off of my video whichever country it’s shown in not this self-defeating regional blockage tactic/method/approach.

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