Wednesday 23 October 2013

Day 109

Day 109;

Today was a day unlike those before, which it was set up to be like night before.

As the night before it I showered and shaved my face, as today we had to get up early as I had a hospital appointment today, it was in London. But on this trip to London I discovered one fact which was if you want to drive throughout London with limited hold up, it can be done from approximately 6 to 7 o’clock in the morning probably from earlier but I can only say from approximately 6-7 as they were the approximate times that I was there and the city streets were almost empty at the time that we were travelling them,.

As we had got there for our first appointment which was at 9 a bit early, then the first appointment came up and the first doctor that I was at the hospital to see was talking to me and my parent about stuff like the shenanigans that happened 6 years ago to me/the event that left me speechless. then he decided to stick a clear plastic tube that had a camera in the end up my right nostril to get it down my thought just to see my vocal cords and then he stated that they are in good “nick” and then he sent us on our way, with stating that I should that I can make aurally, a grunt, to say yes or no, like one grunts for a yes and only one for a no.

But now I’m feeling that I shout tell you what we did for the next five hours of this day, as that was how long that we were waiting around from the first one to the second appointment. Well we walked around the British museum and I make a revelation to you people of the public about the elephants in Asian countries seem to be a common them, in a lot of the Asian mythologies/religions.

Finally I shall explain about the final appointment of the day. Now within the final appointment wasn’t by a doctor it was by a professor, what the difference is I don’t know but the professor was teaching a class while he was diagnosing me as he was saying things like what is the first thing that we can tell of our patent from just looking at him then the students would say one of my symptoms and he’d ask them to explain why they thought. then he’d do the following routine similarly to Dr Gregory House off the Television programme but the professor was a professor, not a doctor and he wasn’t American as far as I could tell. 

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