Monday 21 October 2013

Day 107

Day 107

Today we had an infant around, but we weren’t allowed to eat it, sorry guys.

Oh darn it, why not?


It was something to do with the fact that the child is one of Mike’s friend’s children, and yellow I’m disappointed in you, as you should know from being part of the largest blood sucking cult that has ever existed, by number of followers, that young blood tastes the best, within all of their innocents.

What blood sucking cult is that, I didn’t realise that I was a member of a cult, plus I have never sucked anyone’s blood let alone a baby’s?

Now that’s where you’re wrong, Christianity is a cult at least by the standards of this dictionary because within it stats that a cult is;

a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

b. The followers of such a religion or sect.

2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.

3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.

4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.

a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.

b. The object of such devotion.

6. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.

Now I have changed the type two separate colours blue and green the blue text I have used to show the separation between the two categories they each fall in blue is for the reason why I personally think that Christians fall into the category of being a cult, and the text in green is the members of the more exclusive denominations of Christianity, not to your standard everyday Christian that knows less of the bible than me basically they are ignorant of text that they’re suppose to build they’re life around, but they know that it’s the inerrant word of God.

But I shall expand the blue and green text later on in this article. but first I will get onto the topic of feeding time at the zoo, which wasn’t  in fact actually at an official zoo it as instead at the house that I live in, Now you may be wondering why I compared my home to a zoo within the previous sentence was because it was lunch time/feeding time and the only times that Tina could get the food into the child was when the child was laughing, Tina aid she knew it wouldn’t harm the child as she used to do it to me also at that meal time, mike said that the child was besotted with me but I didn’t realise that I was drunk, at all in fact. Which could mean either one of two things the first and most likely answer would be that I was extremely drunk...

So let me get this straight you’re thinking that both of you were blind drunk? 

Hold your horses red; I know that you have no actual horses but just calm down.

Now where was I? oh that’s where I was. Which I wasn’t and neither was the child, the only other option with that word of which I seriously doubt is infatuated of which I believe is preposterous, as if you have never seen me before then you won’t have the knowledge of how hideous I look and you should be thankful for that.

But what it’s more likely to be is a different word which is intrigued, now I state that as I hadn’t in living memory seen her before as I don’t trend to socialise very much  especially not with people from outside of my family unit.

Ok so shall I expand on the blue/green text?



Ok fine you’re going to anyway

Thank you,

Now I think it’s that time again for religious shenanigans.

Well the second definition of what a cult actually is states that a cult is a system or community of religious worship or ritual, which is Christianity as well as every single religion ever been created,

The third not tenuous is the one that states that a cult is the formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.

Then the third unshaken definition for a cult which also applies to Christianity is a usually non-scientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.

But now I should go onto the three tentative definitions of what the word cult means.

The first uncertain definition I stumbled across on that page I thought was tenuous as it states that it is a religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader, which is followed by the following statement the followers of such a religion or sec  Of which you could immediately say that Christianity and Islam have each got extremist fringes and it is my opinion that the majority of they’re teaching are false, and the extremist fringes vary from religion to religion like one of the extremist Islamic fringes is the birth place of Islam/Saudi Arabia and there about. I know stating that is like nonsense but from my personal experience with the Muslims that I have met and they are much humane human people than the Islamic tyrannical systems of government than the east.

Now the second statement is about the obsessive especially faddish devotion to a person, principle or thing and it continues with the object of such devotion which is stating that if the compulsively fashionable worship which could be of a thing like God, Jesus and Mohamed, .

Now the third statement of a tentative statement within is about an exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest. Which I could strike off the intellectual interest the list right away as I personally believe that the religious are intellectually dishonest when they talk about they’re religions as if there is no faults within.


  1. I cannot say much about Christians as I have little to no knowledge about them.
    However, please note that Muslims do not worship Prophet Mohammad, we worship Allah. Prophet Mohammad, along with Jesus Christ are merely messengers of Allah sent for the purpose of giving messages about Allah's commands.
    We respect every Prophet who has come into this world including Moses, Noah, Adam, abd etc. But that is about it. Worshipping a human being is out of the question.

    1. Thank you Asea Siddiqui I have answered you within the following web address if you'd just copy and past it into your address bar of the browser that you are using that would be most appreciated.

      Which basically states how do you know that 1 these prophets ever existed and they weren't just a creation of one of the super powers at the time like Jesus Christ was of the Romans, I know that you have mentioned a Jesus Christ in your answer to me of whom I doubt ever existed as for the rest of them that I don't think I think they are all imaginary that I have heard of at least.
