Tuesday 1 October 2013

Aren't we all undead, except the dead?

Aren't we all undead, except the dead?

Isn’t the living, not dead? Well duh, yeah are you thick or something? Isn't that the same as saying we are undead, if it’s not then I answer your question of my intelligence yes, I maybe thick or something. As I believe that I am missing something obliviously bad about the statement “we are going to be over-run by the undead when the zombie apocalypse happens” when I am just sitting (or standing) around near by them thinking stuff like, ‘when it happens?’ ‘that’d be cool’ ‘if it happened that’d be a world worth living in’ ‘a world where life is harsh and we have our place back in the food chain instead of being elevated above of it just eating for the sake of it not because we need to’ ‘that’d be epic’ ‘that’d be awesome’.

Now you may have realised from that glimpse into my mind that I don’t think there will be a zombie apocalypse, at least not until people master the nuances of reanimating a lifeless corpse permanently, at least.

I hope to see anyone else’s perspectives on this semi-sincere posts topic in the comment section below, please.

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