Thursday 3 October 2013

Day 89

Day 89;

So it’s been the last day with one of the fat women in front of it, it’s day 89 as you got from the title of this post.

Caricature time of the numbers, one fat lady and a busty lady/a man with moobs (man boobs).

On this day I started counting the hairs on the back of my hands. A sign of madness or a cry for help? Shut up you yellow troll.

Within this world their are only animals each within their own way trying to make sense of this thing called existence, that you may call life. Some like wolves just howl at the moon, but human animals don't want it to end so much, which leads to making up superstitions to keep everyone they have ever lost, safe in an imaginary prison somewhere that you like to call heaven, just waiting for you to pop your clogs (die).

They can't think that they've got anything wrong, as the person that is the Mormon from the Shaytards said “I have put too much into this life for it to end at his mortality”. So that's why he believes as he does he's not interested in the truth, he wants to believe and that is all that he has time for.

Which is fine by me, he can be as self deceitful as he likes but just as long as he doesn't start harming his children, and other people, with it; and just for the recode the indoctrination of children, into any belief system, is a form of abuse,

If I ever go madder and I decided to have children, now that’d have bad idea written all the way through it like Briton through a stick of rock, I don’t even have a potential mate. Probably as the only contact I have with females is just with my sisters, mother, occasionally my grandma even less the other grand mother, and even less still with either of my aunts, my great aunt and Laura/my other uncles girlfriend. Of the other girls that I meet are the few that I make visual contact (see) at the gym, the two that I see at the opticians and the rest are the people I see on the pavement walking by, TV and computing devices. So where was I, oh there I was just about to tell you people my name ideas of names for the children I shall never have, ok so here go:

If I had a son I'd want to call him Christian and if it was a daughter I would like to call her Jeannie, as in of arc/the French chick that contoured. But yoi may have heard of her being called Jehanne d'Arc or Joan of Arc. Not because of the blatant Christian influenced, the name Christian would be so I could turn around to anyone that says your just  hating me as I'm Christian" and say my son is Christian how dare you say I hate him and play the moral outrage card, meanwhile adding in that he is a proper Christian not just one of those people that just read the bible as they think that it makes them moral, The name for the daughter Jeannie is as I would like to raise her into a fighter, in whatever she believes in (should it be justice, honour, honesty, Christianity, Islam or what ever), so a warriors name should do nicely and I like the name Jean but it was also my great aunts name before she died.

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