Saturday 26 October 2013

Day 112

Day 112

It has gone past day 112,

What has happened?

I have asked a woman (female human above the age of 18) a question that she deemed as inappropriate.

I’m now wondering if I should have called her a lady, a little lady, in both height and age.

How the conversation went-

I questioned the person

The person answered “No comment.”

O responded “Is that code for obviously?” as if not I thought the person should have just said no it’d be honest

The person responded to me “No. Its code for you don't ask a question like that”

Now that series of questioning ended with me typing honestly “that I realise that you do not have to answer my questions but it's just I don't get why you've got do testy about my questioning, it was not meant to cause any offence.”

A short while later she stated that she had to leave But I was away from my computer at that moment as I had been called by Tina to go down stairs and be sociable by that I mean stand downstairs and wave at them, it was traumatic, and it was supposed to be a fancy dress baby shower.

Which isn’t as barbaric as you may have first thought,

What so they don’t make you stand there and get pelted with babies, or they’re excrement?

No it’s not I think it actually is a euphemism for if someone is having a baby they hold one for the pregnant ones benefit to get them showered with gifts for the new arrival that should soon be coming to a family unit.

But within more interesting news of what happened to you today?

I can remember that I awoke myself late, later than yesterday. I got up, I ate my breakfast by the time I had finished that I had finished my breakfast, or should I say breakslow, it was about time for lunch, so I ate it then just taking a break in between to feed molly, the dog.

What was that word I typed before I typed news? Oh yes that’s it interesting now Please don’t tell me that that’s the interesting highlight of your day.

No... Don’t be silly, the other interesting stuff happened in my head but I have forgotten the details of it now.

Now because of my late start this morning I once again didn’t get my flash together, so that was disappointing. 

But I have just remembered what it was that I was about to type about, it was Spider-man, but I am guessing another time; now at least..

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