Monday 28 October 2013

Day 114

Day 114;

From days gone by dreams to a potential reality, The dream that I am typing about today is a dream that I had on the night before day 113,

So the night of day 112?

I think so, but I'm unsure.

Why don't you just google it?

I would, if I could be bothered, and then here's the thing I can't.


Which was funny as it was about football, what did I do later that day I went to watch a football match which could have been my subconscious  reminding me that I had a football match to watch the next day one which I thought that the team I was supporting would most probably loose due to the earlier encounter between the two teams in the capital one cup which resulted in a 5-1 hammering into the ground by the opposition to the team that I was supporting, but then I was suppressed by the game as the team that I was supporting won.

Now that’s enough of your diatribe, can you please get on with the dream?

Ok, this is the only part of it that I can remember well I had to throw the ball onto the pitch from a the side of the pitch that was in our oppositions half but I was standing on their goalies (the opposition’s keeper’s) right hand side. Look below at the diagram I was standing at about the black dot when I took the throw in.
|________|    My teams end
|________|.    The oppositions end

Now what happened was I threw the ball to one of my friends called Oliver it was a different Oliver than the last Oliver I was typing about, so you could, say that that was Oliver A and this is Oliver B, well as soon as I had thrown the ball to Oliver B, then I ran towards the goal expecting a return pass so I could then (repetitively easily) slot the ball into the back of the net, but then the ball never came as Oliver B passed the ball backwards but it was intercepted by one of the opposition players and they proceeded  to score a goal.

Within alternative news the FA cup first round draw has been announced you could view it by clicking here. But all that I’d like to say about the fixtures is that my team by birth, aka. the team that plays for the location where I was born (Oxford) is the team that is at the top of league 2, for this moment in time at least, is playing a team called Gateshead. So I have googled them both andi have got them both on this map. Gateshead is exactly north of Oxford. Gateshead FC is a non league club and they’re playing Oxford United which is a team in league 2/ the league lower than the team that I support which is again a league lower than the championship which is in turn a league down from the premiership.

But now I shall type of my plan which was inspired a little bit by my dream to sort this countries apparent lack in quality on the pitch/field for the international level, and at the same time should stop people (players) being bought and sold as commodities it’s the modern version of slavery.

So please allow me to explain;

Big billionaires like Chelsea’s boss Roman Abramovich (see below) who has an estimated worth of $14.5 billion, he is the incredibly wealthy owner of one of the best football clubs in Great Britain,. a team are currently 3rd in the premier league. But all of the players/management team are his slaves. So I state this because he bought the players/managers off of other clubs, well the majority of them anyway.

 But anyway what is actually a slave do you know?

Yes it’s a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.

That looks like it has just come off of google.

Now why is that such a surprise I have searched google for a definition but I have found 4 more definitions for the word slave that I think at least one counts to footballers.

1. One bound in servitude as the property of a person or household.
All of the players/managerial staff of the clubs are bound in servitude by their contracts to the club that they serve under. It still counts as slavery even if they are getting paid a lot of money to go and does it? Please note this term slavery has none of the negative connotations attached to it like the slavery that had humans discriminating again each other based solely on the colour of the skin.

2. One who is abjectly subservient to a specified person or influence: 
One who is supposed to be adjectivally subservient to a specified person using the Chelsea analogy I would say that all of the players of the squad are supposed to be submissive to José and then he in turn is supposed to be submissive to Roman.

3. One who works extremely hard.
Well isn’t everyone supposed to do this except on your days off? So if you do that you’re a slave, like me.

You... work... hard... ha please don’t make me laugh

4. A machine or component controlled by another machine or component.
So basically if you have ever been controlled by another human then you've been a slave for someone I know that the definition states clearly machines not humans but just look at your body with your brain as the Central Processing Unit (CPU) every word that I’m typing for example my brain, the CPU, is choosing the words that I’m about to use within this blogpost, it’s also choosing the letters that I am about to type and using my now improved eyes to check that each word is spelt correctly as I'm going along typing or after, as  I keep accidentally miss hitting keys.

And wow if you’d look at that I just managed to twist all four of the definitions to mean something about football, without very much at all, if any, distortion of the meaning.

Bur my plans for the reformation of the British Football Association go like this:

I enjoyed playing football when I could, so should the players they should just quit if the only thing that’s keeping them in their jobs was the “sweet” pay packages that they are getting paid, as football is a game some you win some you loose, get over yourselves and carry on playing; that is all there’s to it.

Obliviously I know how sore you feel at defeat and transversely how elated you feel in victory; you get that mix of emotions in every sport. Even in roller hockey/in-line skater hockey like within my time when I was able bodied I played for 2 or 3 sides in actual competitions while I able, now I am saying 2 or 3 as the first club that I played for I only actually played for the peewee side, peewee was my age group but I’d stay on at training for all 3 hours, the first was the peewee session the second was the youth session/the age group above the one that I was in, and the third was a long game hour, I think. Now that was for my first team, it was fun until they started taking about switching the leagues to a non-contact league but seriously I couldn't think of anything worse.

So I switched teams to another peewee team that was in the same league as the team that I was in previously They even trained at the same building/sports hall so I joined my second team the team and I managed t win the league and we came 8th I think in the national competition which was at the end of the season which only the best few teams from every BISHA league managed to get into. Then the fourth side I got into was the youth side of the second team that I played for, so in actuality it was 3 sides in 2 teams but that was years ago, and on my second team I had 3 female team mates but on the first it was only 1 female in the team that I was in but their was plenty of males within all of the teams that I have played in. So it was more violent and it had more gender equality within the sport.

But I am thinking about my reforms to the FA which were just get rid of the “sweet” pay packages and make the players multi task/have two jobs to pay all of those bills I'm sure that they could get by with a more modest yearly income not something ridiculous. So what my plan is to do what schools do run clubs to attract players from the local community but then I want to see these some of these new non-league clubs without any big names and without the pay filled pockets of Roman without any real previously recognised star talents in the squad just a group of friends that are committed to doing as well a they can do in the great history of the FA, so they manage to get into the league 2 and they blitz that league and then it’s league 1 they start off walking and they end the season running home with the trophy, Championship they start off this season crawling they get up to a jog half way through the season then they win they’re last 3 league games to qualify for the premier league from last possible space to achieve promotion premier league the team is building it’self up with new players from joining their football practise club. so it’s still without buying any players (like slaves) and at the end of each season the winnings/profits from all of the clubs exploits over the prior season  should be shared up between the players, managerial, coaching staff and the stadium.

So that is what I would like happening in British football.  I am willing to manage a team that would like to share these goals with me.

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