Day 113
So much to type today; and most forgotten, so where should I
I know with what I started off by mentioning in the dying
seconds of last post yes with Spider-man, and I should tell you now that
Spider-man was a favourite superhero of mine in the years gone by, as I grew up
with watching him in cartoons on the box/TV. Now I think I should also note that in the
cartoon version it was like the comic book series not the film series (with Tobey
Maguire as I haven’t seen one of the Amazing Spider-man series yet) as he actually
created the web liquid for his web blasters unlike in the film series he got it
coming out of his wrist (now that is one discrepancy), but Kirsten Dunst was a
good actress to play MJ, and another thing about Tobey acting a Spider-man is
that he was too short of an actor to play Peter Parker. And his hair colour was
too dark;

I know It may just be nit picking at a series that I think
is pretty good but the newer actor that has been roped into play Peter for the
amazing film series/the 4th picture down. Now here's to hoping that the new Spider-man incarnate has a part to play in another avengers film, perhaps when Sony have given the rights to his character back to Marvel, which they must do; mustn't they?
Now I would like to state that the other days botulinum
toxin/bo-tox which was injected into my eyelids to weaken/to relax the muscles
which should in turn help me keep my eyes open as for the time before this
moment I had them shut too much.
But a few days had past and people started to notice the
difference in my eyes being more open now. Obliviously I noticed but I never
really noticed how much until today,
As today what happened?
Well today I went to watch a football match.
One of these:
Not one of these:
The team I was there to support won their first game in 13
matches I think. They actually won 1-0 as opposed to loosing 5-1 like the last
time that I saw these two teams play each other, and I watched the full match
thanks to the bo-tox within my eyelids instead of having my eyes closed, for
the most part of the match. So who knew that 90 minuets was such a long period
of time because by the time that the team I was supporting scored the only goal
in the game I thought that 40 minutes had gone meaning that they’d only have to
hold on for the remaining 5 minutes of the half but by the time that I checked
the games clock it said that only 22 minutes and 30 odd seconds had past so I still
had another 22 minutes and 20 odd seconds until the end.
So I was sitting there for the remaining 22 minutes and 20
odd seconds enjoying the game as both teams had a crack at the others goals. But
the best shot of the match had to be the last shot before the half time break
where one of the players on the team that I was supporting blasted the ball and
the ball was saved from going into the back of the net by an act of pure
brilliance from the opposing keeper as he managed to reach the ball just before
it went in to the top right hand corner (I am typing from the perspective of
the keeper here).
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