Tuesday 15 October 2013

Day 101

Day 101;

So I believe that it's my apologies for a second day in a row, for not being industrious enough to have managed to get my flash project up here online yet.I realise what I have been a failure.

I should have normal service restored by tomorrow.

Hello, numbers of the internet public it’s day 101 of my diary project I have attempted to get my vlog up today only one day late but I think that I will fail at that It’s something to do with I have over 7000 frames within this flash project and I am attempting to lip sync the actions of my character to the sound of my voice, which isn’t my voice it’s Graham’s voice,

Who’s Graham?  

Well I don’t actually know apart from one of the voices on my i-Device’s speaking application.

What interesting stuff has happened to you today?

Well I have been revising my final draft of my script and I have been putting it onto my vlog project;

I thin the key word in that sentence was interesting, what is interesting about that?

Well it doesn’t have to be interesting to anyone else than me, which is why I put “It is my blog which has anything that I believe is interesting and my life”. But I also watched the below youtube video, which I found interesting;

It’s an explanation by Hitchin’s account of who George Orwell actually was,

Animal farm was rejected by an American publisher for a classic reason.

What would be within your room 101? I am typing about is the room 101 in within 1984 the book, Which is supposed to be the thing that you are most terrified of in the word.; like for Winston, his biggest fear was rats so within his room 101  they had a facial mask which had a living rat within a cage that was past of the mask so it looked like the following picture.

I found the picture on the following webpage-

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