Sunday 20 October 2013

Day 106

Day 106;

Today was an odd day,

106... it seems even enough to me,

no not the number the day!

I added the exclamation mark onto the end of my sentence red to make sure you know how much you drive me irate.

Ok I’ve got it boss,

Good, thank you,

Now let’s get on to what happened to me today

Well all that I can really remember is that I got out of bed later than usual for no reason that I could find within my memory.  This isn’t practically odd it’s more of unusual if I wanted to use the correct wording.

But then today one of ,my friends said that they liked it by the TV on faceybook this morning which got me wondering what "it" could be? "It" could be her time in front of the TV screen, or it could be any number of things quite a few in fact that my younger sister probably shouldn't be reading on this disreputable blog.

But today I decided to do another bit on arrogance in addition to my video blog but I decided to put it in the religious shenanigans today as it does kind of have me explaining a bit on the text book arrogance of Christianity.

Religious shenanigans

Another reason why I find being called arrogant both amusing and frustrating, usually at the same time, is because they usually don’t see that the claims of the religious as arrogant, at all, but let me clarify what being arrogant actually means, now what the actual definition from the website is:

1. Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.
2. Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others: an arrogant contempt for the weak.

Of which I can state that I have covered in my YouTube project but I would just like to state that the prior definition almost exactly matches up the Christian mentality that I hate the most but they, next to, never get called up on it as if they believe they’re rubbishy books, which they’ll undoubtedly tell you that they do, they’re only attempting to help; as they believe that they have a calling from the lord to go out and spread the teachings of Christ Jesus to as many infidels (unbelievers) as possible to prove to their God that they’re worthy of going to their heaven, now if that isn’t text book arrogance  what else is? 

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