Tuesday 22 October 2013

Day 108

Day 108

So far I've had one response from my sneak peeks of my YouTube project that I sent to some people and the response stated, that the back ground and eye colours that I have used are too bright, so I shall tone them down a bit, The voice is apparently too old for the face But I'm sorry they’re the best that I have got vocal wise. But for the third of your points of contention about the lack of a blinking motion for my character I was thinking about putting that in and my imaginary friends I was starting to make them float around a little earlier today. But the final question from the so far only friend that has given me feed back was why do my imaginary friends have to be clad in only underwear, well they don’t you could if you wanted to design them some clothes I am not going to stop you, the reasons that I haven’t is that when I envisage my imaginary friends they don’t actually have clothes on, I’m not that shallow to dress up all of my creatures within my mind with anything but my limited intelligence, so yes they are naked in my mind so I thought of a way to keep it child friendly, and have you seen Darkmatter2525’s depictions of Adam and Eve.

Now yesterday we got a knock on the front door it was another Jehovah’s Witness attempting to see Alice but at the time Alice was playing with the child at that moment so Tina said to the witness that Alice was preoccupied at the time of which she was, so the Witness gave Tina a card for Alice and said there’s a website on that piece of card give it to alike please so Tina dutifully did what was requested of her to do after witness had left.

As the witness are attempting to convert Alice just because she thought it would be polite to do so, but if you hadn’t already got the problem with Alice yet I’ll explain it to you, she has a massive problem with me telling her my point of view against these people and she has absolutely no problem with the religious spewing out they’re nonsense everywhere including to her, when she has told me that she doesn't appreciate it. Now I have told her what she should have done was produce one of me of my new kind of business cards and given it to them.

My business card: 
My Business styled cards
Please note the part that says Ask, me anything that you want my on, goes for all of you people in the outside world to me and the hideous face that you can see peering out of the card is my graphical representation of me from my  YouTube project, but I have dulled my eyes a bit I'm sorry if any of you have suffered any negative side effects from seeing  that picture. The Red character is the character responsible for the red text, and the yellow the yellow accordingly.

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