Wednesday 3 July 2013

Good men don't need rules?

100 points for anyone who guessed that this post would be Doctor Who related, and minus 100 points if you either thought that I would just state how absurd the statement is or that I would go on how good I am, which within itself would be absurd and it’d be a lie; as I’m not if I was any of the doctors I’d most likely be the ninth but I wouldn’t have saved Rose Tyler from what she did to the TARDIS, I’d have known that it would have been done to save my life but did I even ask her to? No I told her to do the opposite and then the good Captain, Jack, would have been allowed to die the first time of his death instead of staying alive just to feel the pain of living again if you could call that living.

But back o n the topic do good men need rules? No a truly good man should know what’s acceptable behaviour for all situations, naturally without rules. But what I am meaning is a truly good man but that doesn’t dismiss them actually having rules so you could have any number of rules and still be a good person. Living without rules is actually be very difficult as there has always been those people that want to control societies and how do they do that they impose rules which can be called laws on you may not follow the rules but you still face the consequences when/if you break them.
so for example if I go to an Islamic country and I burn a copy of the Qur’an to keep to keep my friends and I warm for a night if a person that was from that country saw me and they reported it to the authority’s I would probably be called a heretic and I may then even be exsiccated, which is a little excessive if you ask me.

So in summery no ones on the face of this planet is a truly good person/man/human the only truly good people have to be fictions, but I cannot think of any they’re all made with at least one character flaw that is with the exception of Superman if my memory recalls correctly, even that Jesus character was not a truly good person despite being fictional character as in the bible they tried to make his character more believable if you would like to read the passages that has got Jesus that shows how inept Jesus is so much for the son and part of the all knowing god if he curses a fig tree for not being in season when if he was the hand of god on earth he should have brought it into fruition nor cursed it, unless it was it was originally one of those tales that actually explained stuff like as an answer to why figs are all shrivelled up but then they realised how similar to other mythologies that was and ridiculous it is.

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