Monday 15 July 2013

Day 10

Day 10:

So it’s day number ten, and thankfully I haven’t had any unexpected and unwelcome journeys by car or any other non pedestrian method of travel; so today/yesterday was a good day

Plus I compared one of my friends that is a female, to a comic book character, and she didn’t seem at all peeved with me and she typed that I was “such a charmer“ which confused me  as aren’t charmers bad? As wasn’t the pied piper of Hamlin a charmer, and look what that got him, a lot of whinging & whining children to feed, to clothe, to teach and to basically look after. So don’t steal children it’s overall costs outweigh all possible benefits and I’m not typing about just the monetary costs which would be staggeringly high, I also mean the costs to your sanity as that would be critically high as for because no matter how long you managed to play the tune on your pipe, your going to have to stop eventually but then almost as soon as your tune has finished; your going to get whine after whine after whine just like a chorus of people saying “I’m hungry” or  “I need the toilet” or alternately something else that people say (as I don’t know as I don’t speak).

So that brings me onto a question and that is would the generic girl like being compared to super hero by generic girl I mean the standard girl but I realise that there is no standard girl, anywhere in this world but the girl that called me a charmer I was already typing to her about random stuff like comic books as well as other stuff, so I’m unsure if that’s unusual?

Now I’m totally ok with girls liking comic books but I have got 2 sisters and I is betting that I wouldn’t catch them dead or alive reading a comic book they were each into their own magazines ;ilke girl talk, they would read the  titles on my comics and that would be it. 

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