Wednesday 24 July 2013

Day 19

Day 19

So this post is going to be about what happened to me yesterday from the time that this post is scheduled to be released to my readers like all of my other diary posts as I do it that way so I can write little bits of it when I’m going along during my day but then I set it to upload itself at 7:00 the next day morning so you people that enjoy reading about my Fascinating, I think not, daily life can just come online at a time that’s after 7 am BST (GMT+1) or 7 GMT when the clocks change to winter time.

But last night my overactive imagination had a very good time if you’d like you could call it a field morning with the storms outside of my window from approximately 3 am until a little after I awoke myself at 8:30 am. As I got my sleep from about 3:30 to approximately 8:00. This is from my subject’s point of view.

Initiate my overactive imagination
As the rain water pounded on my window, I arose from my seated position to check that the rain wasn’t entering my bedroom via my open window. I half drew open my curtains to check that the rain wasn’t coming in through my window.

When to my surprise my window was opened wide, but there was no water on my window ledge, so I shut my window just in case the rain water was going to do any stranger things. Then approximately 5 minutes after I had closed the window, I thought as I was thinking about my window and the unusual occurrence I felt a spider crawling up my left arm and I could hear the sound of the rain hammering the side of the house and window I could hear the thunder as loud and ferocious as angry dogs and I saw the flashes of a great white light reaching through my curtains to blind me. Which must have been the lightning mustn’t it?

But then I started thinking about the window situation and I must have dozed off as I felt the palms of my hands were saturated with a red liquid which must have been blood I could tell from the rich fruity smell and the taste as I licked some of it off of my hands it tasted strange as it wasn’t my blood but it was similar so it could have been either of my parents or as sibling or a totally different person that has eaten a similar dinner to my family did earlier and has a similar blood type, in taste anyway.

After I had lapped the last of the blood off of my hands I walked towards my door I opened it and I gazed in horror and wonder at what I could see.

The wonder was at the level of the destruction that I could see and the horror was at my parents and siblings bodies all mangled together on the floor of my now one storey home, with waste all around of it as I stepped  out onto ground outside of my room which was supposed to be a carpeted floor not a ground of mud, blood and body parts I looked further around me and I saw some objects which resembled concrete, cement and bricks.

What had happened to my family, what had I done?
End my overactive imagination for that tiny tale at least.

San Diego Comic convention

The San Diego Comic convention was yet another comic convention that I missed I think that means that I have missed all of the comic conventions since time began whither you would  like it to be as the bible says, by adding up the ages of the people and more shenanigans which gives an estimate of just 6-10 thousand years ago, depending on the version of the bible and how much rope they want to hang themselves on alternatively you could use the scientific method which has been saying that human people have evolved over the course of millions of years from a similar if not the same stinking pit on this rock and by the stinking pits mean the seas which probably were stinking at the time if only we had noses back then and we weren’t more  like simple bacteria molecules.

The pictures and following content about the San Diego Comic Con can be found on the following website, possibly as I wasn’t there;

Now the first thing that I would like to show you is this picture of Loki (Tom Hiddleston) it may have been the third picture in the third picture within the SDCC picture album but he was the first character that I recognised I’m sorry Nina and Candice but I couldn’t remember you from any film/TV programme that I have ever watched

Now the next picture I had a little trouble with as Black Widow (Scarlet Johansson) looks nothing like Black Widow , but then beside her is Captain America (Chris Evans) and Loki on the other side who is standing next to Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) but black widow looks the most out of character.

But then as soon as I skip a few pictures out I see the following image of Captain Jean-Luc Pickard which is still said John-Luc instead of how it looks. He’s with Xavier’s old friend, according to the new x-men films at least, Mystique (Jennifer Laurence).

Then after that picture there’s one of Cat Woman (Halle Berry) and ROUGE apparently (Anna Paquin). then next is Superman (Henry Cavil) but now I’m going to take a break from putting my personal annotations to the SDCC photographs as I was originally only going to do the picture below, but I got myself a little carried away.

I would just like to say that not only has The Doctor (Matt Smith) gone a bit bald but so has Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) please view the following picture if you didn’t know about this development similarly to myself.

And Steven Moffat has been lying at the comic convention as well, such a shame on you Mr Moff why couldn’t you just say  no comment to all of the questions, and if I could just state now that I haven’t in fact seen any of his lies about Doctor Who.

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