Saturday 27 July 2013

Day 22

Day 22;

Today, day 22, I watched some more Torchwood episodes, and I thought a lot about generally nothing special, and I looked on MSN news and BBC websites at the news to find stuff to write about today and I have a question.

Which is “what' are Microsoft tests” for anyone to answer.

I am attempting to find out and elsewhere in news

A plague-infected squirrel gets a park in Los Angeles closed, Due to an outbreak of the bubonic plague, what is the bubonic plague? It is the most common form of plague in human, which is characterized by fever, delirium and the formation of buboes; which are swollen or inflamed lymph nodes within the armpit or groin. the bubonic plague is cause by the bacterium Yersinia.

Cures or treatments: There are several classes of antibiotics that are effective in treating bubonic plague.

The pope seems to have lost all of his assistants, an actual news article say that “Frantic Francis 'wearing out' aides”, aides means an assistant to an important persons; so he’s running out of assistants but I wouldn’t say that he an important person, I know that the roman catholic church is probably the most popular Christian denomination around the world with an estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world. This is approximately a sixth of the humans within this world. But I’m just guessing that if they all 1/6 think that he is important that doesn’t make him so. Not your, mine or anybodies importance should be trivialised so. Everybody’s own importance should be judged upon how they made the world a better place to live in not just for your little (or big) crew but for the whole of human society. But what has he done to help human society since he became the Pope... Nothing?

Within alternative religious news but this time closer to home as I found a news article on the BBC about the Wonga row and how the Archbishop of Canterbury is 'embarrassed' over Church fund, when I first read the title of that news article I was confused. Why was a church getting involved with money lenders isn’t a church supposed to be only accepting money not giving it back to anyone? But then I read on in it and it wasn’t exactly the church that was making payments to the lender (Wonga) but it was somebody the church was paying them with the churches money, I think anyway you should check for yourself by clicking on the previous link. Anyway by the churches money I literally mean the money that they have conned off the people in the congregations, by offering them a happy place that has been invented by some older people that probably had never heard of the word honesty.

So religion should disappear by 2041, is what that study says. I hope that is mistaken and religion has disappeared by before the end of the year that ends by the time that this blog post year has finished so I could document the demise of religion. But I don’t think that it will even though I will probably be dead by the age of 49 which is how old I should be in 2041 if the first 16 years of my life foretold anything of the future, so my guess is that I will live 32 years, before getting struck down again I think but that time if I’m alive then it should probably finish me off. But anyway I doubt that 2041 will be the end of religion, no matter how much we hope for its end there is almost always be more people going to be on the side of superstition logically as they have been programmed as children to take no sense in favour of there own preferred nonsense.

Now finally on a lighten note I have got news about the New Blue Peter Presenter

So I think the new Blue Peter presenter is in the middle and she's surrounded by Barney Harwood who I think was in the flint-stones before he started up the job at the Blue Peter team no he didn't that was Barney Rubble not Barney Harwood besides didn't he do that TV program which was called Bamzooki before, you know the TV program that you could make these little creatures at home on your computer called Zooks, I think and then you could go on to the show and it was a bit like robot wars series’ 1 & 2. Then it’s Miss/Mrs Helen Skelton who I slightly remember from the last time that I watched Blue Peter and didn’t she have a cameo appearance in a Doctor Who episode? So the new entrant into the fray, no she’s not going into the fray the fray is a band, ok I meant into the mix or the situation of Blue Peter. Ok. is one Lindsey Russell

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