Sunday 28 July 2013

Day 23

Day 23;

DAY 23, what you have managed to keep up this level of nonsense for 23 days.

Yes, it's nothing really just think about it I have been alive for 21 years now, and just think about it 21 times 365.25  equals 7670.25 so that meant I had lived 7670 days before this year started and it's the 27th of the 7th month  so I should only have to add the total number of days there was in April, May, June and the 27 of July  which will be 118 then I just need to total that up and it equals 7788 days I have been alive but then I have to take off 1 day as in the first year of my life even though it was a leap year it was after the leap day (29th of February) which should make it 7787, so a simpler way of working my age out in days would be to times 21 by 365 which gets me to 7665 then I shall have to add the number of leap days I have been alive over which is 4 now finally i have to add the 118 days so far this year to the equation which equals 7787 my maths isn't too rusty, two independent ways of and I got the same answer for both so I had been alive for 7787 days from approximately 3:20 give or take a few minuets and seconds on the 23rd day of my journey of life which is online. 

Now what I would like to do in the future would be like if one of my friends get children, or myself as improbable as it seems, however much I hate all of the noise and looking after that is required when raising a child so what I basically want is a child that I could observe from day to night and then I could write all of my observations on this website like from day 1 of they're life and when they have gotten old enough to write they can start writing they’re own dairy entrees then they'll have a complete life story unlike mine which only started on day on day 7764. So my two blog followers if you two are still together then could you please get to “it”? You must know what “it” is already as the “it” that I am referring to is the little baby making shuffle “it” both of you must know as I am thinking that one of you was in class for s*)( education at school all of those years ago, but I could have just put you in a picture that I have constructed within my head. By the way you two do you ever visit this website, ok, such a great idea you have a question for two people about them not visiting this site and where do you put it, so what’s your idea, ohh I don’t know maybe you could ask them? Ok, I will later.

Please allow me to state that this latter was yesterday your time if you’re reading this on the day that this post is scheduled to go online.

Ok I haven’t done this in a while, what used your brain? No, I’m sure that he knows that he’s part of my brain so therefore by doing that he has just contradicted himself, no what I was meaning was loading up Windows Live Messenger which has been called Skype since a bit after Microsoft bought Skype I think but I don’t really ever use the skype chat thing but when I turned it on it updated itself, with my permission obliviously.

But Windows Live Messenger had been seeming dead for me for ages which was probably as all of my friends that I used to type to on it all had other things to do and much more important things to do like now probably, as I have had it turned on for quite some time now and none of my friends have been online during the time frame that I have had it on.  

But finally in some of the stuff that I have been thinking about today (the 23rd day of my diary/the 7787th day of my life) now we have 2 stupid Faceybook advertisements to thank for these one said photography then it said the name of a place which is in main land Europe but then underneath that title it said Yorkshire... Yorkshire is a county in Britain it’s the county of the Bronte country is a part of that county as well, please don’t tell me that you don’t know what Bronte country actually is. Well I do I know everything that you know and you know it, as we visited it when we were 11 or some sage abouts, I think. Ok then please explain it. Well it’s the in the Great British country side, of west Yorkshire and East Lancashire Pennines. It is a beautifully dull looking piece of countryside as the following photograph hopefully demonstrates;

Basically the beauty of the land in this region with its harsh winters to the light spring mist hanging over the dales it makes quite the astonishing contrast, is it any wonder that three sisters, the Bronte sisters, found the inspiration for their classic works within those hills?  Whoops I got slightly sidetracked back on the topic of the two stupid adverts that I saw well the second one said Something along the lines of “Tees you can sit on” now forgive me if I get this wrong as I haven’t ever used this terminology, at least not to my knowledge, but I think it means T-shirts, well I can sit on mine as well I just have to take them off first but some how I don’t think that is what was meant by the advert, I think what they actually meant  by the advert was if you get a T-shirt that is too long for your body you can sit on it, which is wasteful.

We had another storm this evening it was awesome to be stood outside in the rain while the rain hammered down upon me but by approximately 2:37 am, the morning of the 7788 day of my life the rain had stopped. 

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