Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Day 26

Day 26;

Welcome to another boredom packed day in my life, for you I mean not me, as I don’t get bored very often when I am sitting over here in front of a laptop just playing games, problem solving and finally and watching some DVD’s, about anything that I’m feeling like on that day.

Wow 26 which is over quarter of my way to get to a possibly momentous 100 days and Alice in the context of this paragraph it means that the action of putting 100 posts onto this blog, which I’m not going to put my tick in the box next to importance as anyone probably everyone, should know that these aren’t of any importance to anyone they are just the things/the withering from my mind that I put online about my daily life and the only significance is personal to me and possibly anyone that I have mentioned inside of these posts.

But then typing about the potential significance of my blog diary if I make sure it reaches 100 days I’m referring to this imbecile that is sat behind this post and this blog. Who’s that? It’s us/me to anyone that doesn’t understand what why I sometimes seem to two conflicting opinions, as they both are my opinions and I often question myself even thought I should know the answer, but now I think I’m at l am one card short of a full deck, would you please play the bellow video:

Yes and think I’m slightly mad. But then people that actually know me will probably say to me  “slightly, what are you going for understatement of the year” Well I think I know that I’m more of a bounce off the walls crazy kind of human rather than slightly mad-man.

But I found somebody else that reads my blog today/Day 26, and she was also 50% of my page followers/members.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Day 25

Day 25'

First things to was get up, get downstairs, add milk to my cereal eat my breakfast, go back upstairs when we went into my room to turn my laptop on to check if my diary entry from yesterday (day 24) but to our surprise the post I had crested already for the 24th day had vanished.

So I started off by thinking about what I could post as there was so much to type so I have selected 2 of my illusions to discuss with myself, ok? Yes... good.

For the first we should mention that I was sitting down at my desk while we ware hearing some strange noises so I looked out of my window and I could see nothing so I started looking around and then tight then next right next to the seat I seated in I could see one girl from the school that we had to go too until we have gotten out of school.

As for the other news Alice liked/thought that they were ok (well that is what she told us) which is amazing as she only decided to watch it so she could tag, it. And her favourite avenger is Iron Man, no longer was it Thor,

Monday, 29 July 2013

Day 24

Day 24'

Day 24;

So it has been day 24, know that I am late in posting this entry. 12 hours by the time that I have scheduled this post to be posted, so it’ll still be at 7 pm by the time that this is online, unlike the usual which should have been  the morning but instead in the afternoon. so I can then get back to explaining my “exciting”, as if, daily life.

As today we started off me awaking then we ate our breakfast, ten moving along the hallway to 5h3 next door along, as it was shower too, brush my teeth but we can only remember I fid it js a bit gull  duff because we do it every day,

What did I do yesterday/day 2? Well we went to Mike’s aunts (my great aunts) home, it’s in Shepdted, which last an approximate drive time of about 2:30 hours.

So what else did we do that day? We went for lunch a tiny little restaurant, if you’d call it. that 

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Day 23

Day 23;

DAY 23, what you have managed to keep up this level of nonsense for 23 days.

Yes, it's nothing really just think about it I have been alive for 21 years now, and just think about it 21 times 365.25  equals 7670.25 so that meant I had lived 7670 days before this year started and it's the 27th of the 7th month  so I should only have to add the total number of days there was in April, May, June and the 27 of July  which will be 118 then I just need to total that up and it equals 7788 days I have been alive but then I have to take off 1 day as in the first year of my life even though it was a leap year it was after the leap day (29th of February) which should make it 7787, so a simpler way of working my age out in days would be to times 21 by 365 which gets me to 7665 then I shall have to add the number of leap days I have been alive over which is 4 now finally i have to add the 118 days so far this year to the equation which equals 7787 my maths isn't too rusty, two independent ways of and I got the same answer for both so I had been alive for 7787 days from approximately 3:20 give or take a few minuets and seconds on the 23rd day of my journey of life which is online. 

Now what I would like to do in the future would be like if one of my friends get children, or myself as improbable as it seems, however much I hate all of the noise and looking after that is required when raising a child so what I basically want is a child that I could observe from day to night and then I could write all of my observations on this website like from day 1 of they're life and when they have gotten old enough to write they can start writing they’re own dairy entrees then they'll have a complete life story unlike mine which only started on day on day 7764. So my two blog followers if you two are still together then could you please get to “it”? You must know what “it” is already as the “it” that I am referring to is the little baby making shuffle “it” both of you must know as I am thinking that one of you was in class for s*)( education at school all of those years ago, but I could have just put you in a picture that I have constructed within my head. By the way you two do you ever visit this website, ok, such a great idea you have a question for two people about them not visiting this site and where do you put it, so what’s your idea, ohh I don’t know maybe you could ask them? Ok, I will later.

Please allow me to state that this latter was yesterday your time if you’re reading this on the day that this post is scheduled to go online.

Ok I haven’t done this in a while, what used your brain? No, I’m sure that he knows that he’s part of my brain so therefore by doing that he has just contradicted himself, no what I was meaning was loading up Windows Live Messenger which has been called Skype since a bit after Microsoft bought Skype I think but I don’t really ever use the skype chat thing but when I turned it on it updated itself, with my permission obliviously.

But Windows Live Messenger had been seeming dead for me for ages which was probably as all of my friends that I used to type to on it all had other things to do and much more important things to do like now probably, as I have had it turned on for quite some time now and none of my friends have been online during the time frame that I have had it on.  

But finally in some of the stuff that I have been thinking about today (the 23rd day of my diary/the 7787th day of my life) now we have 2 stupid Faceybook advertisements to thank for these one said photography then it said the name of a place which is in main land Europe but then underneath that title it said Yorkshire... Yorkshire is a county in Britain it’s the county of the Bronte country is a part of that county as well, please don’t tell me that you don’t know what Bronte country actually is. Well I do I know everything that you know and you know it, as we visited it when we were 11 or some sage abouts, I think. Ok then please explain it. Well it’s the in the Great British country side, of west Yorkshire and East Lancashire Pennines. It is a beautifully dull looking piece of countryside as the following photograph hopefully demonstrates;

Basically the beauty of the land in this region with its harsh winters to the light spring mist hanging over the dales it makes quite the astonishing contrast, is it any wonder that three sisters, the Bronte sisters, found the inspiration for their classic works within those hills?  Whoops I got slightly sidetracked back on the topic of the two stupid adverts that I saw well the second one said Something along the lines of “Tees you can sit on” now forgive me if I get this wrong as I haven’t ever used this terminology, at least not to my knowledge, but I think it means T-shirts, well I can sit on mine as well I just have to take them off first but some how I don’t think that is what was meant by the advert, I think what they actually meant  by the advert was if you get a T-shirt that is too long for your body you can sit on it, which is wasteful.

We had another storm this evening it was awesome to be stood outside in the rain while the rain hammered down upon me but by approximately 2:37 am, the morning of the 7788 day of my life the rain had stopped. 

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Day 22

Day 22;

Today, day 22, I watched some more Torchwood episodes, and I thought a lot about generally nothing special, and I looked on MSN news and BBC websites at the news to find stuff to write about today and I have a question.

Which is “what' are Microsoft tests” for anyone to answer.

I am attempting to find out and elsewhere in news

A plague-infected squirrel gets a park in Los Angeles closed, Due to an outbreak of the bubonic plague, what is the bubonic plague? It is the most common form of plague in human, which is characterized by fever, delirium and the formation of buboes; which are swollen or inflamed lymph nodes within the armpit or groin. the bubonic plague is cause by the bacterium Yersinia.

Cures or treatments: There are several classes of antibiotics that are effective in treating bubonic plague.

The pope seems to have lost all of his assistants, an actual news article say that “Frantic Francis 'wearing out' aides”, aides means an assistant to an important persons; so he’s running out of assistants but I wouldn’t say that he an important person, I know that the roman catholic church is probably the most popular Christian denomination around the world with an estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world. This is approximately a sixth of the humans within this world. But I’m just guessing that if they all 1/6 think that he is important that doesn’t make him so. Not your, mine or anybodies importance should be trivialised so. Everybody’s own importance should be judged upon how they made the world a better place to live in not just for your little (or big) crew but for the whole of human society. But what has he done to help human society since he became the Pope... Nothing?

Within alternative religious news but this time closer to home as I found a news article on the BBC about the Wonga row and how the Archbishop of Canterbury is 'embarrassed' over Church fund, when I first read the title of that news article I was confused. Why was a church getting involved with money lenders isn’t a church supposed to be only accepting money not giving it back to anyone? But then I read on in it and it wasn’t exactly the church that was making payments to the lender (Wonga) but it was somebody the church was paying them with the churches money, I think anyway you should check for yourself by clicking on the previous link. Anyway by the churches money I literally mean the money that they have conned off the people in the congregations, by offering them a happy place that has been invented by some older people that probably had never heard of the word honesty.

So religion should disappear by 2041, is what that study says. I hope that is mistaken and religion has disappeared by before the end of the year that ends by the time that this blog post year has finished so I could document the demise of religion. But I don’t think that it will even though I will probably be dead by the age of 49 which is how old I should be in 2041 if the first 16 years of my life foretold anything of the future, so my guess is that I will live 32 years, before getting struck down again I think but that time if I’m alive then it should probably finish me off. But anyway I doubt that 2041 will be the end of religion, no matter how much we hope for its end there is almost always be more people going to be on the side of superstition logically as they have been programmed as children to take no sense in favour of there own preferred nonsense.

Now finally on a lighten note I have got news about the New Blue Peter Presenter

So I think the new Blue Peter presenter is in the middle and she's surrounded by Barney Harwood who I think was in the flint-stones before he started up the job at the Blue Peter team no he didn't that was Barney Rubble not Barney Harwood besides didn't he do that TV program which was called Bamzooki before, you know the TV program that you could make these little creatures at home on your computer called Zooks, I think and then you could go on to the show and it was a bit like robot wars series’ 1 & 2. Then it’s Miss/Mrs Helen Skelton who I slightly remember from the last time that I watched Blue Peter and didn’t she have a cameo appearance in a Doctor Who episode? So the new entrant into the fray, no she’s not going into the fray the fray is a band, ok I meant into the mix or the situation of Blue Peter. Ok. is one Lindsey Russell

Friday, 26 July 2013

Day 21

Day 21;

So it’s the 21st day what has been interesting about day 21?

Nothing basically that I can remember but I can’t really remember pretty much anything about day 21. So what can I remember about the day just gone, I watched some Torchwood episodes, so...

Did you know that the 21st century is/was when it all changes and we have/had to be ready.

 But in the episodes of the second series called Meat and Reset, They each have two separate issues of improper uses of aliens; within the first of the two (which is called Meat) it is about these men that propose to feed the world with an inexhaustible meat source as you could just keep chopping sections of meat off, from the creature and it’ll just grow back. Yes I know that it’d be cruel as the creature was alive and it was screaming the whole time that it was being cut from, so it’ll be an inhumane way of feeding the world. Reset was the name of the drug that reverted the human immune system back to it’s original settings. The drug was made up of parasites eggs that needed human hosts to incubate them. But then as soon as the parasites had hatched they’d fight and eat each other until there was only one left and that one would then leave the body of the host in order to find another creature to impregnate, but the side effects of this process were to “reset” the creatures immune system there fore weakening it enough to support the growth of these “May fly’s”. But within this episode of Torchwood they had recruited Martha Jones to help them track down the source. And the source was found and all of the alien life was exterminated from the research centres similarly to the Meat in the episode mentioned prior.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Day 20

Day 20;

So it’s day 20, twentieth century history time.

I discovered when I was about 5 that the two big wars of the 20th century were called world wars; which were an over exaggeration in both cases.

The First World War AKA the Great War or the war to end all wars, ha what a load of baloney as you have been in an almost perpetual War ever since ah humanity what a cruel mistress you are. We haven't even got fast enough space ships to wage inter stellar war against other species yet which is a good job really.

But it all started with a man and his wife being killed, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie, of Austria,

If you'd like to be informed on the subject more then please click on the following link;

But I thought that there must be more to
Serbia than the major causing factor of one of the "World Wars" started there, in that country; there must be some famous things unlike the first more infamous part.

The flag is pretty neat see below

Well anyway it’s better than a load of crosses on a piece of paper.

Now where is it?

Now it’s just to the west side of Russia so it’s in Eastern Europe it’s actually quite far away from Russia. It has a size of 88,361 kilometres squared making it seem ever so small in that you could fit it inside of the UK two and a half times and you’d still have some land left over, it’s located north or Greece, West of Bulgaria, South of Hungary and East of Bosnia in the Balkans.

Plus it is the number one exporter of raspberries in the world, so if you like raspberries which I was the last time that I tired them, then you have most probably eaten some from Serbia. It was in the centre of the former country which went by the name of Yugoslavia; I know that I should probably do another post for Yugoslavia it’s on my to do list.

Now I have given you an education or not as its only basics of 20th century world war 1 history/trivia that I have outlined. it’s nothing too challenging else wise I wouldn’t be able to do it, But by the way if I have got anything wrong in that little “lesson” please tell/warn me as I hate mistakes  especially in my work which is probably why I hate the majority of my work.

But I shall move onto the gym as I went to that as well on the 20th day, the worst thing about going to the gym is that if you have gymed, trained; I’m not sure which adjective to use is gymed even a word no of course it isn’t a word. viewer participation is optional but it would be greatly accepted if anyone could tell the correct word, But anyway I was smelling worse than a fish fresh out of water, at least until I got home and I had changed but of my drenched with my sweat t-shirt and I had gotten into the cool waters of the shower.  

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Day 19

Day 19

So this post is going to be about what happened to me yesterday from the time that this post is scheduled to be released to my readers like all of my other diary posts as I do it that way so I can write little bits of it when I’m going along during my day but then I set it to upload itself at 7:00 the next day morning so you people that enjoy reading about my Fascinating, I think not, daily life can just come online at a time that’s after 7 am BST (GMT+1) or 7 GMT when the clocks change to winter time.

But last night my overactive imagination had a very good time if you’d like you could call it a field morning with the storms outside of my window from approximately 3 am until a little after I awoke myself at 8:30 am. As I got my sleep from about 3:30 to approximately 8:00. This is from my subject’s point of view.

Initiate my overactive imagination
As the rain water pounded on my window, I arose from my seated position to check that the rain wasn’t entering my bedroom via my open window. I half drew open my curtains to check that the rain wasn’t coming in through my window.

When to my surprise my window was opened wide, but there was no water on my window ledge, so I shut my window just in case the rain water was going to do any stranger things. Then approximately 5 minutes after I had closed the window, I thought as I was thinking about my window and the unusual occurrence I felt a spider crawling up my left arm and I could hear the sound of the rain hammering the side of the house and window I could hear the thunder as loud and ferocious as angry dogs and I saw the flashes of a great white light reaching through my curtains to blind me. Which must have been the lightning mustn’t it?

But then I started thinking about the window situation and I must have dozed off as I felt the palms of my hands were saturated with a red liquid which must have been blood I could tell from the rich fruity smell and the taste as I licked some of it off of my hands it tasted strange as it wasn’t my blood but it was similar so it could have been either of my parents or as sibling or a totally different person that has eaten a similar dinner to my family did earlier and has a similar blood type, in taste anyway.

After I had lapped the last of the blood off of my hands I walked towards my door I opened it and I gazed in horror and wonder at what I could see.

The wonder was at the level of the destruction that I could see and the horror was at my parents and siblings bodies all mangled together on the floor of my now one storey home, with waste all around of it as I stepped  out onto ground outside of my room which was supposed to be a carpeted floor not a ground of mud, blood and body parts I looked further around me and I saw some objects which resembled concrete, cement and bricks.

What had happened to my family, what had I done?
End my overactive imagination for that tiny tale at least.

San Diego Comic convention

The San Diego Comic convention was yet another comic convention that I missed I think that means that I have missed all of the comic conventions since time began whither you would  like it to be as the bible says, by adding up the ages of the people and more shenanigans which gives an estimate of just 6-10 thousand years ago, depending on the version of the bible and how much rope they want to hang themselves on alternatively you could use the scientific method which has been saying that human people have evolved over the course of millions of years from a similar if not the same stinking pit on this rock and by the stinking pits mean the seas which probably were stinking at the time if only we had noses back then and we weren’t more  like simple bacteria molecules.

The pictures and following content about the San Diego Comic Con can be found on the following website, possibly as I wasn’t there;

Now the first thing that I would like to show you is this picture of Loki (Tom Hiddleston) it may have been the third picture in the third picture within the SDCC picture album but he was the first character that I recognised I’m sorry Nina and Candice but I couldn’t remember you from any film/TV programme that I have ever watched

Now the next picture I had a little trouble with as Black Widow (Scarlet Johansson) looks nothing like Black Widow , but then beside her is Captain America (Chris Evans) and Loki on the other side who is standing next to Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) but black widow looks the most out of character.

But then as soon as I skip a few pictures out I see the following image of Captain Jean-Luc Pickard which is still said John-Luc instead of how it looks. He’s with Xavier’s old friend, according to the new x-men films at least, Mystique (Jennifer Laurence).

Then after that picture there’s one of Cat Woman (Halle Berry) and ROUGE apparently (Anna Paquin). then next is Superman (Henry Cavil) but now I’m going to take a break from putting my personal annotations to the SDCC photographs as I was originally only going to do the picture below, but I got myself a little carried away.

I would just like to say that not only has The Doctor (Matt Smith) gone a bit bald but so has Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) please view the following picture if you didn’t know about this development similarly to myself.

And Steven Moffat has been lying at the comic convention as well, such a shame on you Mr Moff why couldn’t you just say  no comment to all of the questions, and if I could just state now that I haven’t in fact seen any of his lies about Doctor Who.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Day 18

Day 18;

Welcome to my lessons which teach you nothing basically, except my opinions and some random unintelligible drivel, about some of the nonsense that I get up to, even if it’s only in my head.

Well my day started up as it usually does in the usual routine, see Day 17 for a more in-depth description, but I switched the order in which I did some of the things around e.g. I took a shower before I brushed my teeth on day 18. and I have also remembered that I shaved my face fuzz on the day after Day 17, I know I defiantly haven’t mentioned it on Day 17 nor on any of the days before it but I have been shaving when I remember to shave in the mornings, which I have almost always forgotten about when I have been writing my blog entries. Which is unsurprising as my Mike; my male parent, is always telling me to shave even when I have done it for that day, I may not have done it vet well but still it gets pretty annoying.

Now another thing that annoyed me about this day was almost as soon as I got out of bed and I had travelled down the stairs to eat my breakfast the radio was put on and it was the Chris Evans breakfast show darn that BBC radio 2, and they’re pro monarchy ways, while I might not be totally against the monarchy but it’s just I don’t care about every little thing that happens to them like the royal wedding, I’m happy that they’re happy with the ways that they are screwing up their own lives, as long as they don’t dictate it to everyone else as the only way to get it done and now they’ve gone and extended they’re family another generation.

The royal child is apparently a son, I would like him to have ginger hair and for him to be called Henry then he could get back to the days of beheading people and using the tower of London for it’s intended purposes, obliviously it’d contravene practically all of the health and safety rules and regulations which have been laid down by the governments since king Henry VIII, but what’s the point in being a king if you cannot decide which of the rules to follow on any day, but more seriously now what is the point in having you people up there on the stage for the world to see if you cannot decide the rules that best fit the circumstances?

Monday, 22 July 2013

Day 17

Day 17;

Welcome back to my exciting journal of my life, I’m sorry I was attempting to make it more interesting than basically I woke up, I got out of bed, went downstairs to eat my breakfast, went back upstairs to brush my teeth, use the shower, get dressed, you know the usual stuff, that my basic system that I do basically every morning.

Well I was doing that in that order but then after the shower I turned my laptop on while I was getting dressed.

I’m sorry if you have got an awesome imagination and you have got a mental image of me wrapped up in a blue/orange towel stepping to my laptop and turning it on. I apologise for any and all mental scaring that was caused by my typing of that decidedly excessive scene.

So it’s day number 17 on the 21st, but it’s going to be made available for anyone that wants to read it, on the 22nd, but I have got a title for it if I ever wanted to put it into book format “diary entries of an ultra boring ultra stupid geek, which I know is a contradiction in terms if you were using a Venn diagram like the one below

As according to that Venn diagram I was more of a Dork than a Geek and some of my friends that called themselves Nerds were in actual fact Geeks, because just about none of them had a problem with holding a conversation with anyone and I couldn’t speak. I think that is a big enough factor to make anyone a socially inept person.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Savage Sporting Fix part 4

Savage Sporting Fix part 4

I know where I should start again the ashes;

No not that Ashes. This Ashes;

Now it’s good news if you’re an English cricket supporter but then also not such good news if you’re a cricket supporter from Australia/the other side of the world as you know how close the last test was with if Australia just scored 20 more runs they’d had the match, this one was not as close it was a crushing victory to bring England 2-0 up in this seemingly historic ashes test series.

Chris Froome won the Tour De France which took him a time of 83 hours 56minutes 20seconds making this year and last two great years of British dominance of the Tour De France.

If you’ve ever heard of Lee Westwood and you were hoping that he could do enough to secure his first Open win, golf, after starting the day with a 2 shot lead on his closest competitors, one of whom was a Mr Tiger Woods, but it was a Mr Phil Mickelson that won at Muirfield, from 5 shots back at the start of the day.

Day 16

Day 16;

Welcome my fellow reader of my blog, I use the term fellow because I am going to keep reading back pages because my memory is terrible,

Who was I before the head injury that I managed to obtain?

As I look back on my time on the surface of this rock which is orbiting a flame, my memories of the time before the "accident" are few and far between like the memories that I have managed to reclaim from before I left infants school which are only they look more like snapshots (photographs) of times and places that I have been somewhere even the people that are in them I'm wondering if they were actually there on the days that I'm remembering as my memories photographs are from a third persons perspective.

When I attempt to remember my Junior and by the end primary school education I only have a handful of memories but they are still those third person and are void of any emotion except two of the memories but I am unsure if it's that i can remember them or I can guess the emotions from the third person pictures of within my mind.

Now it's time for my secondary schools memories now I'm aware that these memories should be easier to remember than the other two ages, but i don't feel it that way but it's as if I know that I went skiing in something like first three/four years during my time at the secondary school that I went to. But I cannot remember any of the emotions that I felt whilst skiing, I just have to guess what I was feeling.

Then during the forth year I got struck by a car and then here I am today.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Day 15

Day 15;

Ok so I’ve got to 15 consecutive days, 16 if you include my It's that time again. post into the mix but that post wasn’t about the stuff that I was doing/thinking except about what I was going to do in the future which has slightly come by and doesn’t seem to be wanting to go anywhere quickly.

My thoughts on time travel while it is theoretically possible to time travel by travelling quicker than the speed of light, but nothing can travel faster than the speed of light can it? Which is a fictions statement at the best of times as if we, you and I were in space if were on top of a spaceship that had a kind of mirror technology underneath, and by mirror tech I mean some kind of propulsion that reflects light in a way so that it’d make it travel away at the speed of light from the light source, so that’s how we get to light speed, to exceed it now all we have to do is jump up at any speed as you’d have speed of light as your standing speed plus your jumping speed. But now wait what about the countering force like air resistance, I know that their can’t be any air resistance as no air in space but wasn’t there recently that discovery of that new particle within space. What dark matter? I think so, but I’m unsure. Ok then me, I’ve got a task for you find out all you can about it and meat me back here tomorrow to see what you and I have found out about it. But how am I supposed to find out about it? Ok well there’s multiple options one is use the internet to search for websites like this one, of which I think may be slightly out of date. Like us? No it’s still slightly more in date than us. Or alternatively we could attempt to start a conversation with that highly intelligent friend of ours the one that is going back to university for another year, who I think by the end of it I’ll have to address him with funny letters after his name, or Doctor before, I’m unsure which if not sure.

So will be Doctor Easto PHD?

I don't know but what I do know about him is that he is super clever I know that basically everyone is clever in relation to me, but anyway I know what I mean; and I hope that you do as well. 

Friday, 19 July 2013

Day 14

Day 14;

2 weeks down 50 more to go.  

So I have made it to day 14, commiserations to my viewers that have stuck with me this far please allow me to ask you why?

It’s my life and it’s my imagination but its nothing special/amazing, unless you’re going want to quote the doctor to me#, as the tenth Doctor said in The Planet of the Dead when he states to Lou “oh that’s so special, erm chops and gravy” just after he asks them all where they were all going to when they got on the bus through the worm hole. Which your not now are you, as if you ever were.

Which I think is the Doctor giving the people a moral boost to get them all working together for the same goal which Lady Christina had done a few moments before, but at that moment he hadn’t got a plan to get back through the worm hole, he was just thinking on his feet.

Potentially my favourite eleventh Doctor line if not my favourite of all of the Doctors lines that I have ever heard, it’s when he says to Rory “Letting it get to you. You know what that's called? Being alive. Best thing there is. Being alive right now is all that counts.” as I agree with that statement living right now is all there is all there ever has been for humans, by the way I literally mean that you have to live without regrets as when your life is gone it’s gone there is no coming back discounting Rory, Jack. the risen mitten/life knife (Torchwood tech thank Ianto Jones for the name) and maybe even Clara but I am unsure if she still counts.

Which is a reckless way to live, as if we lived each day as if it was our last we would run put of pretty much everything except waste bio-matter; even all of the fish would be waste.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Day 13

Day 13;

Day 13 equals a no more unlucky day than usual, Myth busted?

Within actual fact it was a good day as I went to the gym. Now you maybe there, at home sitting down next to your computer and you may have a perplexed look on your face just now as haven’t my good days so far consisted of me not going anywhere and just thinking up stuff?  

Well it has almost all been on my imagined reality.

I had an out of the frying pan into the fire moment today, as when I was leaving the gym, frying pan, today/yesterday I was scolded by the sun, the fire, as I was getting all hot and sweaty in the gym, and by the way my sweat tastes disgusting,

I’m sorry for the previous outburst,

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Day 12

Day 12;

Ok so today/yesterday was another good day as I didn’t have to go anywhere else, other than within my home.

This/yesterday morning I got struck by the most peculiar technological phenomena that I have ever encountered. It left me aghast it was a popup window but instead of popping up in front of the pages that I’m viewing it popped behind them, but that isn’t what the weird phenomena is it’s the next part that’s worrying that when I clicked on the bar at the bottom of the screen to view the adverts it was advertising rubbish as in nonsense. As it had on it ‘how to make your man propose’ why oh why, would I want my man to propose to me, which is if I had a man? But what is the point in trying to get someone to propose to you when you could just do it yourself? So how about it why don’t you just get up and do it.

But don’t even dare to try it to me as I is kind of already in a kind of partnership with my many personalities.

The previsions statement was for my PC, which in light of recent events I have decided that it’s a woman, as it is about as dependable as one within, my whole life experience of both.

But now I have got a very small rant which I may put up again but fuller another time, so here goes?
This short Rant is about a phrase that I have see a lot in recent days and it is Hello Guyz but I thought it meant hello guys but I have just got informed to the contrary and this definition is from the urban dictionary

something that can be sed in place of 'man' or 'dude' or 'lad' or sumfin else used to address ur mates. You can only say guyz if there is onli ONE person wif u, thats what makes the word good. if u say it when theres like 2 or more ppl, ur eitha a gay cunt or u havent read my definition yet
Tommo: ben r you goin 2 berkleys place 2 get pissed 
Ben: yeh guyz 
(jack spills a drink) 
Jack: Help me guyz 
Ben: hahahaha
So what I’m understanding from that definition is that guyz is singular, not plural like guys, and that the perpetrator that wrote that either can’t or more likely won’t spell some of the simplest words in that correctly, e.g. said instead of sed, your not ur, you instead of u, either not eitha.

the very fact that you can do that doesn’t mean that you should.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Day 11

Day 11;

Hello, why are you typing hello to yourself? I’m not I’m stating hello as a welcoming gesture to all of the potential readers of this post.

What has actually gone on in my physical life today not much it was another good day for me at least,, I woke my younger sister up this morning as I thought that I had to be somewhere else today but I was a little mistaken.

I did a science and technology quiz I was in actual fact surprised as how easy some of the early questions were some of the easiest questions in all history kind of like the question what colour is the sky, on a sunny day about noon time? And then it gives you 2 potential answers to answer the question e.g. A; Blue B; green. Now that being said that a massive 2% OF the completers of the quiz only got 1 or less answers correct. But I will tell you this positively disturbing fact that I scored higher than 93% of the people that had taken that USA public and even my youngest sister managed to get 10 correct which is higher than 63% of the USA public,/and she has admitted to failing science at secondary school. Which I don’t understand as she received a grade at the end of the two years that wasn’t a F, which means failed.

Our Father who art in heaven, or something like that is how the Lord’s Prayer, or Our Fathers Prayer to the catholic people, goes I knew, but I thought that Jesus was his one and only son, so he can’t be my father nor can he be the father of any male on this planet (god forsaken rock) that ever existed in reality, as the only one of his sons was a fiction cooked up by the people of old. If for no there reason than to propagate fear and obedience to a single power.

So now I am going to take apart the Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,
I don’t have a father in heaven the only father that is here with us on this earth, and his name is Mike.
hallowed be your name.
Hallowed is not his name it’s Mike as I had already told you.
Your Kingdom come, 
Whose kingdom come, what Mike’s? I’m sorry but he isn’t a king
your will be done, 
Mike’s will be done? I’m sorry but all public transport is going to be replaced by steam trains world wide, It is Mike’s will..
on earth as in heaven
Where is this Heaven, I have herd of Haven holiday resorts and I have seen them on the TV but I haven’t ever been to either so what am I supposed to take from that comparison, as you know this Heaven could be not up to your expectations.
Give us today our daily bread.
What Mike isn’t the parent that make’s the bread but he does sometimes buy it and tina is the one that either buys the bread or makes it usually.
Forgive us our sins,
Why and how could he forgive me of my abuses of another human? Why shouldn’t I have to apologise to the person that I wronged personally, not just asking the sky dady for for forgiveness?
as we forgive those who sin against us. 
no I don’t see why you should have to forgive me if I have done something against you without either an explanation of my actions or an apology or quite often both.
Lead us not into temptation, 
What is this asking a greedy god to not make you greedy? What can you expect with you being made in his own image and all of that greed pouring out drowning all of creation, it’s surprising that with so much greed pouring out onto us that we have had so many successful charity appeals, oh yeah that’s correct there is no greedy sky daddy.
but deliver us from evil. 
Your asking my Mike to deliver us from evil? I know he can be a replacement postman when the postmen are on strike but that’s mail not people.
For the kingdom, 
I know that we live in the United Kingdom.
the power and the glory are yours.
But mike doesn’t have the power over the kingdom.
Now and for ever.
Not now or ever.
Ah it’s so cute look at that tiny little man over there...

Porridge the Emperor of the Universe is like a god dominion over all that he sees with the only exception being Clara.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Day 10

Day 10:

So it’s day number ten, and thankfully I haven’t had any unexpected and unwelcome journeys by car or any other non pedestrian method of travel; so today/yesterday was a good day

Plus I compared one of my friends that is a female, to a comic book character, and she didn’t seem at all peeved with me and she typed that I was “such a charmer“ which confused me  as aren’t charmers bad? As wasn’t the pied piper of Hamlin a charmer, and look what that got him, a lot of whinging & whining children to feed, to clothe, to teach and to basically look after. So don’t steal children it’s overall costs outweigh all possible benefits and I’m not typing about just the monetary costs which would be staggeringly high, I also mean the costs to your sanity as that would be critically high as for because no matter how long you managed to play the tune on your pipe, your going to have to stop eventually but then almost as soon as your tune has finished; your going to get whine after whine after whine just like a chorus of people saying “I’m hungry” or  “I need the toilet” or alternately something else that people say (as I don’t know as I don’t speak).

So that brings me onto a question and that is would the generic girl like being compared to super hero by generic girl I mean the standard girl but I realise that there is no standard girl, anywhere in this world but the girl that called me a charmer I was already typing to her about random stuff like comic books as well as other stuff, so I’m unsure if that’s unusual?

Now I’m totally ok with girls liking comic books but I have got 2 sisters and I is betting that I wouldn’t catch them dead or alive reading a comic book they were each into their own magazines ;ilke girl talk, they would read the  titles on my comics and that would be it. 

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Savage Sporting Fix part 3

It’s a good day for English cricket as England managed to beat the Australians just in the first ashes test at Trent Bridge which is in Nottingham. This surprised me as when the last I heard on the radio of the game was that Australia only needed 20 more runs off of they’re last batsman to win the first test. In the first innings Australia’s final batsman managed a score of 94 runs so I was under the reasonable expectations of something similar to happen in the second inning as in the first. But the English managed to win by 14 runs which means that it is 1-0 to England.

As well in Moto GP Britain’s Cal Crutchlow finished second in the German Grand Prix, it is motorbike racing that is why there is no Sebastian Vettel.

The British man Chris Froome wins stage 15 to extend his lead in the Tour De France, you know the bicycle race; which reminds me of the following Queen song.

And finally I am typing about a Female British Athlete that won in her discipline, the 400m hurdles, at her home athletics championships and she won her firth British championship, who was it may ask if not you have already guessed that it was Peirresha Alexandra Shakes-Drayton, aka PerRi Shakes-Drayton.

Day 9

Day 9

So today it is the Ninth day of my online Journal.

And today like most I have been thinking about a lot like why does New York need so many super hero’s and why does it have them at the same time with next to none of them ever meeting? I am typing about inside of they’re own stories I mean before the Avengers and they’re stories came out as in why in Iron Man isn’t there a J. Jonah Jameson  attempting to make Spiderman look terrible and where are all of the “along came a spider” bits of Spiderman memorabilia from the shops. and where is Tony Starks overwhelming technological expertise from within the Sideman films and why would you need both of them? If either of them made the streets of New York as safe as they say in either of their films (at least within the one that I have watched)?

But more on the Spiderman in Spiderman 3 the film Peter Parker hits Mary Jane on the face now it might have just been a glancing blow and it was as he was fighting some men that were attempting to remove Peter from Mary Jane’s place of work for annoying Mary Jane. But I thought that the tap on Mary Jane’s cheek must have properly hurt Mary Jane as Peter was Spiderman and Spiderman has got the strength of 10 men? or something like that but that should also mean that the men that were told to get rid of Peter should have been in a heap on the floor by then anyway, so Mary Jane should have got a dislocated jaw at least from that mini assault by Peter, but then now that has happened she wouldn’t be singing at least not as beautifully as she did in her work place, the song I’m through with love, look beneath this text to see it in full, and then she takes Peter back, contradiction, I think as she has just been singing I say good bye to love, don’t ever call again, and then she flips over and does a full 180. degree turn on the subject, by taking him back, despite what he had already done to her.

But now elsewhere in my head today/yesterday;

So I have refused to go outside to the coast stopping off at a railway on the way, but Tina wanted to get me out of the house so the got her way by grabbing some of my stuff and forcing my socks on me but I’m  unsure what happened next.  But I went off toward the coast and the railway place; which was closed.

Anyway what did I learn from that trip out in the car, that I get a queasy feeling in a car travelling, I also get an incredibly bad head ache and I was subjected to those side effects for absolutely no reason,

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Day 8

Day 8

So hello welcome to day 8 of my life since I have started this ridiculous diary, aren’t diaries supposed to be secret or something similar?

Well I care not about that technicality, if I have something that I don’t want to share with you I’ll store it in my brain to be forgotten about.

Now I realise I’m getting ahead of myself by almost half a year but I believe that this song as good as it is a framers song and it may have been relevant when it was originally released on the 1st of December 1971 within the US as it was released on the 24th of November 1972 within the UK which was called John Lennon - Happy Xmas (War Is Over).

The song was about the Vietnamese conflict which was one war that wasn’t over by the years of 1971 or even 72 t was a war that’s duration was 19 years, 5 months, 4 weeks and 1 day, from the first of November 1955 to the 30th of April 1975, which was before all of the following wars started:
Soviet war in Afghanistan
Iran–Iraq War
Falklands War
Gulf War
Croatian War of Independence
Bosnian War
Kosovo War
War in Afghanistan
Iraq War
War in Somalia
Gaza War

Now I thought that The Great War (or the First World War) the title of that war seems like an oxymoron to me there is nothing great about wars within my opinion. bur the reason why it was given that title was because it was supposedly the war to end all wars over hyped as it failed to deliver,

As you can see by clicking on this link that the majority of wars within recorded human history actually happened CE(AD) which could mean that the time BCE(BC/before the supposed birth year of the fiction of Jesus Christ,) there was actually more peace alternately we could say that the actual level of violence hasn’t change much but in those days they just weren’t good at recording it or maybe they weren’t as willing to allow others to die for the mistakes of they’re leaders? I just don’t know but within my personal capacity I cannot ignore the possibility that there was more wars outside of recorded history after all we have been living as we do now statically in homes since we gave up our more traditional ways of life’s, as hunter gatherers, approximately 110,000 BCE now we could have been living peacefully or there could have been a lot of small skirmishes within this time frame just nothing as big as a war. Now I would like to say that within our human capacity to innovate we haven’t changed much at all but within our technologies to do more damage has increased the will/drive to do such damage hasn’t evolved much.

So now what I was meaning by that last diatribe was that since the first supposed Xmas, which there was 110,000 years of us living in a static style more if you include the generations of hunter gatherers that were they’re forefathers, there has been the majority of wars within the past 2013 years, why would a god knowing this give his son to this world fully know that if he does he gives a quick escape route to all of those that are going to die with the blood of a thousand people on they’re hands and thry may get into the paradise without even a slap on the wrist. Meanwhile his victims could have been decent people with they’re only “sin” being that they failed to notice God or his son is getting tortured for ever and ever.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Day 7

Day 7

Whoa it’s day 7, which means that I have been doing this for a week so far.

For how long I will continue, I do not know, but hopefully for at least a year; so I’m guessing that I shall have t keep doing stuff in my mind at least.

I hope you have had a good day before I posted this post and following this post as within this post I have got a shockingly bad song to cover, well it’s a rap song if that isn’t a too big of a contradiction of terms.

As calling a Rap, a song is a bit of a contradiction it’s like calling person stick person a work of art. I am comparing someone that speaks quickly to someone that quickly draws a stick person but in some circles doing the latter would be considered modern art as the former would be considered a type of singing but not in any of my opinions.

I know that you may have heard it before after all it has been up on Youtube for almost 4 years, it’s by a band called The Fathers House which I think is nowhere it’s called Christian Side Hug,

first off I wanted to know what was a “Christian” side hug and I found out thanks to Wikipedia that it was one of the bellow

Which I would say were just two people each putting an arm across the others back nothing as poncy as a side hug and it doesn’t need those there Christians making it three times it’s poncy by claming it as they’re own (unless you say that by claiming that it’s Christian makes it stylish in someway then I’ll give you all four which means that it’s totally poncy).

Now I say that as by calling it a side hug they have over styled it which makes it over styled, possibly as it’s not even a hug, but then by adding the word Christian in front it immediately weakens it’s capacity to considered anything styled as Christianity and style don’t even belong in the same century, in my opinion, but now I am to say it’s overpriced as the whole Christian church is based on a lie upon another lie and I’m saying it’s over priced because it’s free and that is too much to preach a load of nonsense to a whole congregation, but they make more money in a year than I probably have made in my life time, tax the churches.  It is over rated as how much tolerance within society is there towards the people of faith even if they are going off on a tangent that the general condenses of modern day people don’t agree with but they get to say they’re time in the media and it’s still attempting to get more money out of people by saying that millions of Christians world wide are getting persecuted without offering any evidence of that . Finally Christianity thinks that’s worth more than it actually is as I personally believe that it’s worth less and some Christians believe that’s worth more than all of their children’s and their own lives, just do a google search for faith healers death and read a couple of the stories that come up, like the first 4 that came up for me were the following

1.                             Pa. woman charged in faith-healing death gets bail - USA Today
Jun 22, 2013 - Pa. woman charged in faith-healing death of son gets bail.

2.                             Couple faces murder trial in 2nd faith-healing death - USA Today
Jun 12, 2013 - A Philadelphia couple who believes in faith healing over medicine was ordered Wednesday to stand trial on murder charges in the second ...

3.                             No bail for Pa. parents in faith-healing death - Yahoo! News
May 24, 2013 - From Yahoo! News: PHILADELPHIA (AP) — After their 2-year-old sondied of untreated pneumonia in 2009, faith-healing advocates Herbert ...

4.                             Faith-Healing Churches Linked to 2 Dozen Child Deaths | NBC 10 ... › news  local
May 23, 2013 - Two Philadelphia faith-healing churches have a long history of the youngest members of their congregation dying because parents refused ..

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Day 6

Day 6

This is my entry of my sixth day, as today was an unusual day.

I was like Druuna Clone for the first part of today, as I rediscovered that I could dream, which was probably as i had been asleep for a long enough time so that I was ready for today, which was as I had a sleep of something 7 hours last night which is a lot of sleep. Another reason why this day was unusual was because I went to the gym. So what’s unusual about that don’t you go to the gym often? Well yes I do go to the gym often but today was the first time since I started writing my online  diary. As has it been the first time, I think since starting this online diary that I have left my home unless when we went to Clapton was during this exercise but I can’t remember when we went to Clapton. Well wasn’t  that one of the reasons why you started this online diary project so you/I could have easy access to what you should remember easily like going to places? Yes, it was but, No excuses. As you of all people should know I hate your pathetic excuses (after all I am Savage.1, in part at least),

As I have found out that going to Clapton was before I started this project, the diary thingy. which I did offer to any(and every)one else as an idea/a concept to get you all started at a blog, vlog [which means video blog for all the 0% of you the internet public that doesn’t already know, which a great number of them can be found on Youtube, my look isn’t really up to Youtube standards even if I could speak, but you could advertise your vlog’s, your blogs or even your Podcasts bellow on any of my Blog posts and then I will review it and post a link to it on a post like this]. If you disagree with me on any of the things that I type please don’t be shy respond and then if you respond to one of my posts I will attempt to answer you and I shall then attempt to contact you again with the response attached. It’s not like I bite, well actually I do but not other people usually and not anyone that I don’t actually know like I have met them face to face,So this day wasn't a usual day for multiple reasons.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Day 5:

Good morning, evening, afternoon or night to my readers whenever you read this blog post and to wherever you read this post from as if it is morning when I post this on the British clocks well the French, Spanish, Germen and basically the rest of mainland Europe are an hour ahead of us and in the US of A aren't you people some hours behind the UK?

Now what has gone on in my life today, not much but the usual, except I watched the second Spider-man film with Maguire as Peter Parker who is, as you all should know, Spider-man. But when I was a little, literally I was vertically challenged, boy I wanted to be Spider-man it was more of about all of the “cool” stuff he got to do like shooting webs out from his wrists, but originally I thought that he had to use a web shooter and web cartilages like within the cartoon which I used to watch on the Television as it was on when I got home from school.  

Sometimes the only hero you need is yourself. You have to stop waiting for hero’s that may never come and you have to become one, yourself to find some. But then as soon as one of your friends has transformed it invalidates the statement, but please take this statement away with you not any of my poorly written explanations what you have to do with this life, as this is the only life that you’re guaranteed to get, so you can’t just sit back on the “back burner” figuratively speaking not literally speaking and it is in my opinion not as a general rule, you have to be your hero/your Batman, Catwoman, Spider-man or Black cat.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Day 4

Day 4:

Its day four, on the Savage.1 blog,

What we’ve been writing on/for this blog for much longer than that.

Ok, its day four of my personalities diary attempt.

Now today nothing much happened to me apart from one of my sisters having a go at me for clicking on s youtube video which was called My Political Views & Asian P0rn, it was a youtube video by RayWilliamJohnson, now I would like to state that I hadn’t actually seen the title before clicking on the link else wise I would have waited until I had gotten out of my sisters way before watching it. Anyway there was I thinking that it couldn’t have been any actual p0rn as what was it doing on youtube’s home page if it was? I later watched the complete video, look bellow, and my suspicions were verified. So I asked my sister what is wrong with p0rn and she just made an ewww noise and she said “no just no ewww” but I would like an actual answer from her. As in my opinion what two consenting adults do is there own business and if they want to put it online as long as it has done no harm to anybody I so not personally see the harm in it.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Yesterday + Savage sporting fix P2

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away- sorry it's the inner insect in me coming out; are beetles even insects?

Working backwards through the above "list" Beetles are insects,

As for the song yesterday, it's a Beatles song you can listen to it by clicking on the triangle below. I personally think that it's a very sobering song.

sobering  present participle of so·ber (Verb)

  1. Make or become sober after drinking alcohol: "that coffee sobered him up.".
  2. Make or become more serious, sensible, and solemn.

I think that the song puts me in a more sombre mood, as it reminds me that none of this could be real and the whole of this reality may be a lie and I may even just be a brain in a vat somewhere in the universe whom is plugged into a computer somewhere down loading more data from the computers mainframe and uploading bits of mine as amendments towards the programming of the computer.

Now I'm thinking that that was a good distraction from what this was supposed to be as it was supposed to be the Savage sporting fix Part 2 yesterday as well as my third attempt at writing another diary entry, which was published this morning,

Ok so as I was originally about to say before I accidentally got myself a bit side tracked with the Beatles and the beetles, yesterday was a good day in British sport as Lewis Hamilton is fifth in the F1 drivers championships But then after hgim is Paul Di Resta in ninth position and Jenson Button in tenth position, so that means that means that there is three British drivers within the top ten, the only one of the four British drivers in Formula 1 that isn't in the points is Max Chilton, so lets see what he can do before the end of the Formula 1 season.
But now I have to type about the Tour De France, well in actual fact I could probably skip this but I'm not about to, so i should have typed something more to the lines of  but their is also some excitement for the British in the sporting context of the Tour De France, as Chris Froome managed to retain the yellow jersey, and to this day remains in first place to retrieve the first place award for team Sky, and Britain.
Finally I want to tell you that the Scot, Andy Murray, did well in Wimbledon yesterday, he won, in 3 sets but I only watched it from the second set and I could say that I have never seen a more thrilling 2 sets of tennis. As it was anything but easy for Murray to beat Novac as in third set in the last game Novac managed to cancel out Murray's 3 Championship Points  to bring the game back to deuce but then Novac had Murray serving to stay in the game twice since he had got back into the final set, Murray has made a lot of British tennis fans extremely happy, even if it did give a few of them heart failure in the midst,

The score sheet looked something like this by the end 
15 - 0
30 - 0
40 - 0
40 - 15
40 - 30
40 - 40 Deuce
40 - A
40 - 40 Deuce
40 - A
40 - 40 Deuce
A - 40
Championship to Murray

Congratulations Murray