Saturday 30 September 2017

Day 1546

Day 1546;

Now my BMI of today was 20.11, even though my BMI is better and my step count was 17000+, I think, I haven't made my target for the month.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs, bread, grapes (green and purple), apple, banana and pastries (1 raspberry and 1 apple).
Dinner:  tomato pasta, bread and something.
Drink: milk and fruit juice.

This morning I went to boccia there was 6 of us there, which generated £21 for the club, which only covers one of the instructors salaries it doesn't cover the other instructors salary or the court hire, we need another 9 people to come to a session to make it a feasible venture while it is being run at such a high rate of expenditure. But having nine more of us  wouldn't be feasible either, as on one court there is only enough space for 6 players, I'm thinking it could at a stretch accommodate one or two more players, but that still only counts up to £28. And that isn't enough to hire a court and an instructor, as both together cost £30 but with 2 instructors the costs rise up to £50, so our current boccia layout isn't fit for purpose.

Then today the football team that we support won an away league match, the score was 0-1 and what's more is that none of the four football teams teams that I follow lost today. Three won and the fourth drew, But Manchester City manage to take the premier league top spot from Manchester United by one goal. But so after a pathetic day for him driving yesterday Hamilton managed to pull it out of the bag again and qualify in pole, which may have been as something happened to Vettel and he starts from the rear end of the grid tomorrow. But I wouldn't bet against Vettel managing to orchestrate another "miracle" for tomorrow.

But I have also completed the tenth chapter? on Resident Evil: Revelations, at least I think it was the tenth, It was the one where Parker dies and Jessica is shown to be Morgan's little pawn. Raymond thatJess killed off earlier turns out to still be alive.

Friday 29 September 2017

Day 1545

Day 1545;

So today I have had a disappointing day in steps but my BMI has increased to something like 19.82, now before dinner I checked my steps it was only just above 5000, now I ate my dinner and I walked around a bit and I went to do my body test steps were up a bit at 6000.

Breakfast: cereal, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes (purple and black) and banana.
Lunch: Grapes (green and purple), cheese omelette and chocolate orange pot of mousse.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips and tiramisu.
Drinks: tap water, milk, fruit juice and ginger beer.

Now today I have been to the gym, within the gym today I have done the Wednesday routine, how pathetic is my arm strength, it's just so pathetic a word has not been created that describes how pathetically useless the strength of my arms are. But doing my gym session got my kcal count up to about where it was yesterday but yesterday I had got a fair bit more steps done. So then I decided to jog around the downstairs of my home for a while, when the white was up I checked my step count again and it was actually over the 10,000 mark for today so I had completed it but I'm still way far down on getting 300,000 steps for this month, and there's only one day left for me to get them. But tomorrow is a boccia day, so that means a lot of sitting down.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Day 1544

Day 1544;

Now today my BMI was another decrease on yesterday's BMI, which was 19.66, but today it had dropped to 19.59, which is diabolical, I must restart my muscle workouts (press-ups, sit-ups etc.).

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (purple and green), apple and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and red velvet cupcakes.
Dinner: margarita pizza, chips and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and Lucozade sport (orange).

Now dispite me being 110 down on my step count for the day I was still down on my BMI today, which may have been as I went on the exercise bike at the gym earlier on today. But the exercise bike makes me sweat, a lot, which could be some of that weight loss. Now I'm thinking that I weigh something like 9 stone 6 pounds or something like that I was told by the machine but I ain't so sure of its accuracy.

As this month has 30 days in it I should be aiming for 300,000 steps for this month but I'm not so sure that I will make it to that number as earlier this week, at least I think it was then I'm thinking that I only managed to get up to either 500 or 5000 steps, either way it's a diabolical result, but yesterday I had only managed to get up to about 8000 which may not be as bad as the other days result but it's not as good as today's either.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Day 1543

Day 1543;

Now today's BMI was terrible, it had dropped even lower, but fortunately it was still in the 19.something bracket, but I have forgot what it was now.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and strawberries.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and something.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.

Wow another positive day in the European football leagues, for Britain today, not just for the English clubs as the Scottish team, Macbeth, no Celtic managed to win a match in the Champions league. And they won in style in the end, with a score of 0-3, Chelsea beat Athletico Madrid 1-2 and then finally Manchester United trounced their opposition 1-4, it was 0-4 up until the dying seconds of the atch when Manchester let one in. but then in the Chelsea Athletico match Chelsea nicked all three of the points right up at the death of the gameAs Athletico was leading at half time, then Chelsea managed to level the s goal back to tie the game at 1-1, then the magic happened, at the dead moments of the match, when the match clock had gone to 90+.

Also today I managed togo to the gym, for a "full workout,

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Day 1542

Day 1542;

As today was another slight improvement on my BMI at 19.89,

Breakfast: cereal, apple, green grapes and banana.
Lunch: cheese omelette and Belgium bun.
Dinner: cottage pie (carrots and peas) and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and Lucozade sport (orange).

Today I actually managed to reach the recommended number of steps in for the day and then some, as by the time of my check I had got over 13000 steps, by the time of the day. Now today I have walked into town to go to the dentist, and the hygienist got a bit excited by the fact that I had done a half decent job at brushing my teeth,  I was just sitting there thinking "why are you so surprised? I'm sure that I have done the whole brushing my teeth before," but that made her happy, I'm unsure of why me brushing my teeth has made her so happy, I always knew that I'd crack the whole teeth brushing lark sooner or later,  I've only been doing it for more years than I can remember, which isn't much I'll admit, but I know that I've been brushing my teeth from before.

Now also today we have gone on another little cycle, today's little cycle was a short 20 mile, leg stretch. We spent little over 1:30 on our saddles today which gave us a bit more than a 20 km per hour average speed.

Monday 25 September 2017

Day 1541

Day 1541;

Today I got a BMI of 19.82 which was an improvement on yesterday's, by 1lb but it wasn't very much of an improvement.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and green grapes.
Lunch: chese omelette.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes and a GU chocolate mousse.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.
Snacks: Jelly beans.

Now today we have been on a little walk into town to get my cut, then we have gone further into town to pick up some of GM's prescriptions, next it was time to go a bit further out of the town to deliver the prescript drugs then finally we had to go back to home, in order to get myself ready to go to athletics. which I went to.

Now today at athletics it was interesting as the people that are normally there weren't, I'm meaning the carers for the main group of participants but then again there was D, M, P, S, T and O out of the usual biggest group, that were actually there, out of the rest of us there was only 2 who were R and I (me) If I am yo dare to call myself a regular. But in the other group there was some new faces as well as the nre staff, who each had there own faces which could be described as new, to me at least.

But the little running races that we did as a part of the session, I'm thinking that I managed to finish all of them, in first position, but I know that can't be correct, as R started going on about how she won a couple of the races also, not that I was keeping score, it was just the fact just there was no J there to give me a run for my money, I know that D was there today but he wasn't on his truly top form for today (or at least the small parts that he did of it).

I have set the grandfather (I think that's it's name) clock on it's merry ways now.

Sunday 24 September 2017

Day 1540

Day 1540;

19.71 was my BMI for this day of which may have been as I had gone skiing today which does nothing for my step count but it quite drastically reduces my BMI.

Breakfast: cereal, green grapes, apple and banana.
Lunch: chicken, carrots, peas, potato, stuffing and apple crumble.
Dinner: chocolate brownie with marshmallows.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and Lucozade sport (orange).

Now today I have been out on the tandem for a properly short cycle, I mean less than 3 mile ride, I mean a ride that was so short it was hardly worth putting Garmin on the bike for, but I'm thinking that our average speed was 11.6 mph, for the short distance which was 1.9 miles at my last look at it but I think it created over 2 miles by the end of the ride.

Then later on we went skiing I have to improvise my strength in my legs, so I can then jump and do an at least 180 on the ski's as I have nailed down a jump and at least 180, sometimes 360, but I wasn't trying that I was trying to jump and 360 in the air, I know what I have to do to get it correct, which is push off one foot harder than the other when I'm jumping, but I just can't seem to do it, which could be, as most likely is the case, that I'm not strong enough. So I should be working my legs like never before until my next fun time on ski's.

Saturday 23 September 2017

Day 1539

Day 1539;

So today I was at a BMI of 20.17, or there about, anyway my muscles must have been withering away today as I haven't done anything which could use any muscles today, as I have been sat down in a car for the majority of the day.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and raspberries.
Lunch: smoked ham and mustard Mayo sandwich and Pringles.
Dinner: turkey, peas, carrots, potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange) and fizzy apple.

So as I have stated previously in this post i have Pushed my laziness to new limits. I have only done minimal exercise today, as today was the long journey home. By means of car and in the car on the way home I heard a bit of Manchester Cities 5-0 triumph and Manchester United's underwhelming 1-0 victory to manage to keep up with City on points but sink to second position on goal difference, by 4 goals. Liverpool beat Leister city, by3 goals to 2, Chelsea put 4 past Stoke City, Tottenham manage to beat West Ham 2-3 to keep there 100% away wins record for this season alive.

But the football team that I support lost, 1-2, but the Rugby Union team that I support won. Yesterday I think I forgot to type about the James Bond film that I watched last night, it stared Sean Connery and it even had a part being played by an extremely young Roan Atkinson. Who played the comic relief character, as you'd expect. I completed episode 8 on Resident evil revelations also I think, yesterday.

Friday 22 September 2017

Day 1538

Day 1538;

So today has been an unexpectedly lazy day for me which for my final day on holiday wasn't very pleasant, and my BMI was 20.21 today as well.

Breakfast: cereal, peach, apple and banana,
Lunch: cheese sandwich (whole meal bread) and porkpie.
Dinner: chicken, chips with stuff on, peas, cheesecake and half of a blueberry tart.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and fizzy apple.

Today on the news I heard about Mrs Merkles reelection, before it's even a thing, I know it's more likely than Hillary Clinton winning the US presidential election, which was a shoe in, only a total moron would bet against it. But looking at where we are in 2017,  without Mrs Clinton as president of the US. But we have a communist well she was from East Germany back when Germany was split in two, by the Berlin Wall and I think that the East half was the communist half and I know that all the youth of today may think that communism is the best idea that humanity have come up with to make this world like a dream world, with everything fair, how delusional are you to think that, just as I was in the past. I had all the ideas about how great it works be for everyone to have access to everything but the old school communist dictators were just implementing it wrong, as it seemed to be like a Utopia which it may be but not on this planet because it means that every one must think the same to every problem, and difference ideas would be stomped out as we all have to be equal, in communist society. Which maybe why she is the head of the EU, the EU attempts to act as a dictatorship over Europe, but with some small democratic obligations like the election of representatives who have no power over the will of the "union" they are more there to nod and agree with what the EU presented, in the sham of democracy which is the EU.

Now I have been sitting on a train for the majority of the day, which wasn't the most enjoyable way for me to spend my day. As when we got off of the train it was still raining, even though the forecast said it wasn't raining.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Day 1537

Day 1537;

Today my BMI was 20.21, today we have gone for a little walk, around the shops, then next up we went on a little cycle, to photograph trains.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, peach and a pear.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (whole meal bread), porkpie and something.
Dinner: beef, peas, carrots, chips in paprika and a blueberry pastry thing.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange), fruit juice and green bottle stuff.
Snack: Eccles cake.

Why have the FA sacked MS, could it be that they've ditched him so they can have a Mac revolution?

But today as it was raining Mich decided to go to the shops, but then as we had gone to the shop and it had cleared up enough so I asked Mich if we could go out for a cycle and he agreed, but while Mich was photographing a train he told me to hurry up with the peddling as we were going to miss the train, from its new station, so I did and he starts saying slow down, very confusing, anyway we did see it at it's new station, but we didn't have enough time.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Day 1536

Day 1536;

Today I got a BMI of 20.08, which may have been an improvement on yesterday's result, but I got it from being lazy, not from being active.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, strawberries, apple and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich (whole meal bread), porkpie and something.
Dinner: cottage pie, tiramisu, twirl and Kit Kat.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange), fruit juice.
Snack: Welsh cake.

But today just one day after England women's success in their qualification group, Mark Sampson, the manager has been sacked by the FA.

But today the weather here has changed, but as it hadn't yet changed or it'd changed back I can't remember that much but it was sunny this morning so I had requested it that we went out on a small cycle for the first part of the day before we went out train spotting or whatever he wanted to do today. Then reluctantly he agreed but instead of cycling from the cottage he drove the car down to beside the railway track for us to ride beside the track as it was on a surface which was almost flat with a few minor inclines, and on our return trip declines, we managed to get our average speed for the little excursion up to 20.1km/h which should equal something like 12.2mph but it'd have probably rounded it up to 12.3 as it 12.26 would probably be more of an accurate transformation from km to miles. But we got that done and then it started raining and Mich suggested that we went out on a little walk in the rain, so I agreed and when my trousers were getting weighed down with the rain water I suggested that we returned to the car, by the way when I typed my trousers were getting weighed down by the rain water, I'm not meaning that I couldn't pick my legs up, I mean the trousers were starting To sag more and if the rain hadn't stuck already them to my thighs I'm thinking that they may have slipped right off of me.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Day 1535

Day 1535;

So today I yesterday I must have reached my lowest BMI so it must be my time to gain a few, especially if we go out on the tandem again today. But no, I didn't gain any I lost 2lb's so I'm down to 19.78.

Breakfast:cereal, banana, apple and raspberries.
Lunch: ham sandwich (whole meal bread) and something.
Dinner: chicken tikka masala, pillow rice, nan bread, peach, strawberries and a kit cat (chocolate bar).
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (raspberry), orange juice, apple juice and presse.
Snacks: Welsh cake and 2 slices of that apple and toffee cake.

If you take a look at the preceding list you may know that I wasn't trying to loose that 2lb that I had lost, of which if I was a blazer I'd blame it on the weather, it's just too sunny up here in Wales. Not that I'm complaining about that as if it stays like this then we can still cycle, which is fun and it helps me get fitter.

But also today the Lionesses managed to score 6 goals in their 6-0 victory against Russia in their first World Cup qualifying match, their next 2 matches are in November, but the thing about going to watch a women's football match is that I'd get in to watch the match at just £1 as it says tickets for children and concessions are priced at £1, an early bird ticket offer is available, priced £7.50, until Monday 25th of September (full priced tickets are £10). So as I'm a concession, basically a long term cripple without a white Christmas in hell's chance of recovery, I get to go to watch the match for £1.

His name was Geraint Thomas, whose the Welsh man that's the best British road cyclist in the tour of Britain, but I have been thinking recently and wouldn't it be good for if I had children, they don't even have to be my children. But that's beside the point, as if I had at least one child then I could train them up so they could replace Mich some time in the future, perhaps when he gets bored of dragging me around behind him. And how cool would a daughter be, a daughter that could get into the national football team possibly thanks to my encouragement, but most likely not.

Monday 18 September 2017

Day 1534

Day 1534;

Now today I had a BMI of 20.05, I must have been eating into my muscles today as well without putting any back. 70.5km Caernarfon, Bangor and Bethesda are the places that we have visited today.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese ham sandwich (white bread) and apple toffee cake.
Dinner: peach, chicken, peas, potatoes and cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (raspberry), fruit juice and fizzy apple juice.

So today on our cycle we had an elevation gain of 829m and our average speed was something like 10mph, as on Strava it says that our average speed was 16.4 km/h and 16km is about 10 miles and 4 is a quarter of 16 which should mean that we were traveling at an average speed of 10.25mph.

Now with the experience that I have gained from cycling in Wales over the past 2 days or so long I can tell how Mr Thomas got so good at cycling, with him being in the yellow jersey (jumper) until he crashed out, and he is probably still attempting to get back to his peak fitness, even though he managed to win the best British rider in the tour of Britain, but that could just go down to how lacking in British road cycling talent especially seeing as the best British road cyclist of the moment, Chris Froome, is only British as his parents were, but he was born in Kenya. Not that I'm complaining, much. Much is reffering to complaints about the best British rider in the tour of Britain is one that crashed out of the Tour de France only a relatively short period of time before, and both of them have won a bronze medal for team Sky within the road world championships team time trial

Sunday 17 September 2017

Day 1533

Day 1533;

20.31 was my BMI today, I just don't seem to be able to build up muscle, as my gym instructor told me on last Monday, I think, that I don't have an ounce of fat on me which must mean that I'm literally burning off muscle during exercise.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, banana and apple.
Lunch: ham cheese sandwich (white bread), 2 mini batten-burgs and 1 sponge slice with chocolate chips.
Dinner: cottage pie, cheesecake and Aero chocolate moose.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange), fruit juice and ginger beer.

So today we have spent the day chasing trains, or trens in the local dialect, tren is train and araf is slow. That's the extent of my language knowledge. But tomorrow Mich has told me that it's going to be a day of cycling.

So today started off well as soon as we returned from our cycle as I found out that Lewis Hamilton won the Grand Prix after both of the Ferrari's crashed out of the Singapore Grand Prix which gives Hamilton a 28 point lead in the drivers championship, with only 6 more races to go this season it's at the moment all Hamilton's to lose, the crash happened when Sebastian Vettel was attempting to cut off Max Verstaphen from the start, so Max slightly turned his steering wheel to the opposite direction that Sebastian was coming from, but unknown to him Kimi Raikonen (the other Ferrari) was attempting to overtake him on his other side and Kimi was caught out by the movement of Max and he steered into the side of Max which caused a chain reaction which took out Max, Kimi, Sebastian and eventually Alonso. So it was Sebastian's fault for driving on Max and it was Max's fault for taking evasive action over Sebastian and it was Kimi's fault for attempting to overtake Max and it was Fernando's fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, so look it was none of the drivers faults it was just a racing incident.

Within the Premier League, Manchester City still leads the Premier League due to the alphabet, as Manchester United has arrived at the same points total and they have got the same goal difference. Also in football today Chelsea was forced to have a goalless draw with Arsenal, so that shows?

My favourite Rugby Union team also won their match last night.  

Saturday 16 September 2017

Day 1532

Day 1532;

Now my BMI was 20.44 today, my steps today was at a similar level to the majority of my days earlier this week, at just above 7000, which may have been as I had just gone out on a small (only 11.75 miles) cycle.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: I cannot remember.
Dinner: strawberries, pasta, meatballs, cheesecake and flake.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange), fruit juice and ginger beer.
Snack: half a scone.

Thanking God humility or arrogance?

Now yesterday I played some more on resident evil revelations, I think it was 3 more episodes I managed to clear. Before the battery got too low.

But today I have gone on holiday, which is the most boring thing to do, why'd I have to travel to the other side of the country and then I had to keep on going into another country just for a week. A week that should be spent cycling, but I'm unsure about how much of it we will actually spend cycling, as Mich has booked us a place which is very close to a rail network and I know how much Mich likes trains (a lot would be an understatement).

So we arrived at the place and then the football team that I support lost again, and they got a player sent off; with a red card. England Cricketers lost the 20 - 20 match against the Windies. Lewis Hamilton is starting in 5th position for the next Grand Prix. But then the Rugby Union team that I support is winning at half time.

Friday 15 September 2017

Day 1531

Day 1531;

My BMI for today was 20.11, I didn't even make it up to 10000 steps or Kcal's today either but I went to the gym, fifth day in a row.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese ham on toast, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and grapes.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, vinegar, seafood sauce and chocolate truffle.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 bottle of nonalcoholic cider.

Today I awoke then I investigated the news (as Tini was saying something about an "explosion" on a tube train in London) I was searching and it had no information about any deaths, which likely means that it wasn't ISIS. As if it was ISIS wouldn't they have a man in the explosive device to die? But it was an IED (Improvised Explosive Device)which had been placed in the train, but it failed to explode so it has injured 22 people the majority with burns√and it has been labeled as a terrorism incident. It was probably the pro-EU retainers crowd, why?... I don't know maybe it's because they want to prove that there is more going on in the UK that is to worry about rather than the EU? I know it's a terrible idea.

Then I went to the gym, I did a Wednesday workout today, and I noticed again just how pathetic my arm muscles are today,

Thursday 14 September 2017

Day 1530

Day 1530;

I had a BMI of 20.08, but I had only burnt between 900 and 1000 kcal's which was less than yesterday, but I actually beat myself on the number of steps that I did today as I managed to get it up to over 10000, where yesterday it was 7000 odd.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops, mini sausages on toast and I think I had something else.
Dinner: chicken, chips, carrots and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of dandelion and burdock.

Today I have actually had a 60 minute cycle, with 12 minutes worth of cool down on the end, as a cool-down, so I know that I have spent 72 minutes today on an exercise bike, but today in the hour I only managed to ride it for just over 10 miles, so a big disappointment today with my fitness, I as doing the thing where I shift the levels today, the one that ?I got 5.51 miles on yesterday which should have given me 11.02 miles today, as I was on it for double the amount of time.

So apart from that today I have been thinking, about what? So Red you have finally graced us with your presence? Quit the small type and answer me. that wasn't small type this is. *GROWN* But what I have been thinking about so far I can't remember, but I know that one of the things that I have been thinking about has been about a tale from the Isle of Crystal, which is literally an island that I have made up. I have also watched some more of Red Dwarf today.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Day 1529

Day 1529;

Today I got a BMI of 20.05, which is another backwards step.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and grapes.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread), strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and grapes.
Dinner: I can't remember.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 bottle of nonalcoholic cider.

So this morning I was awoken and reminded about the day, and I still forgot to sort my washing up, after lunch (until Tini returned home and remind me). Today I got up I went to eat my breakfast then I traveled upstairs to get changed into my gym get up, then I went down to get my lunch eaten then after I have been to the gym (in the gym today I have gone on another exercise bike ride), it was only another 30 minute cycle but today I did a bit more of my usual program, on the bike not the flat level 10. Of which today i only managed to get 5.61 miles cycled. Then after I had got home I started getting undressed for the shower, next up the door knocked, it was the postie, he had a parcel to deliver. So he did, but then I went upstairs to the shower room which was in order to have a shower, of which I did.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Day 1528

Day 1528;

20.28 was my BMI today, which could be as I went to the gym today and I am thinking that I got something like 6.81 miles done in half an hour, I think, which gives me an average speed of 13.62mph.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: buffet lunch and lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: chicken, chips, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and grapes.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today I was surprised,  by the fact that I classify as a millennial, as a millennial is someone that was born in between the year 1977 and 1994, at least according to the Newsweek magazine, but I always thought that the millennial was a person that was born after the turn of the century.

Now today on the exercise bike I was just attempting to keep my RPM (peddle speed) to over 100RPM's at all times, today at least as, I went to the gym yesterday and I did a bit more on the hill climbing, On an exercise bike, then today I got myself 6.81 miles, which is ok, we guess.

Monday 11 September 2017

Day 1527

Day 1527:

My BMI was 20.47 today and my body weight sank to bellow 10 stone today, so no wonder I couldn't move that chair with little Icar on it, who was proudly proclaiming that he weighed 10 stone, well at least I couldn't shift it with one hand, but I could use one hand to help Tini shift it who could shift it on her own but by using 2 hands on the chair.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: buffet lunch and some lemon drizzle cake.
Dinner: I have forgot.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I went to the gym instead of going to athletics, of which Tini wasn't very impressed about. But I only did half of the amount of time that I have worked my way up to, as I forgot that Mich has told me to get changed into my gym get up after I had finished my lunch, I only remembered when I heard Tini coming through the backdoor.

But I hope that the weather will be a little less wet next week, as I don't think that I'll be able to take it as Mich has booked a holiday for us to take the tandem with us to go on a cycling holiday, but then he has also booked it so it's near a railway so on the days that it rains we are going to "have" to get on the train. But I hate traveling by cars and trains. Why don't we just tandem to Wales and then about by the time that we got there it'd be the time to get home.

Sunday 10 September 2017

Day 1526

Day 1526;

As a BMI of the day today 20.67 I think was because I did even less than yesterday.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: sausage, mash, 2 portions of peas, carrots, sticky toffee pudding and half of a strawberry.
Dinner: buffet dinner and lemon drizzle cake.
Drinks:: 1 300ml mug of fruit juice, 1 bottle of apple juice, 1 300ml mug of ginger beer and some Shloer.

So today I have had another lazy day but it was also a good day as GM has told us that she'll be going to Allergy's graduation, as it isn't too far from where we live. So I was sat there celebrating as Allergy had already been telling us that there wasn't a snowflakes chance in hell of that coming to pass (not in those exact words but the sentiment was there). But now I don't have to go to it, initially they'd bought 3 tickets to go watch her graduation, they were for Tini, Mich and Emu, then Mich made her purchase 3 more, for C/Emu's husband, B/Allergy's boy friend and GM, but if any of them didn't want to go I'd be getting forced to go in their places. But then all of them said yes they'd go, now I am happy, as I won't be having to travel for ages in the car to be sat down bored in a cathedral for hours.

Now what have I been doing for the rest of the day? I cannot remember, now it must be that small portion of the good news of the day that clouds out the rest of the day. 

Saturday 9 September 2017

Day 1525

Day 1525;

20.51 was my BMI again today, now today I have been to boccia and I have watched a football match, so it was a lazy day.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese + ham omelette, apple, raspberries, banana and 2 pastries (1 apple and 1 raspberry).
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, bread, chocolate trifle and shortbread.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of ginger beer and 2 300ml mugs of dandelion burdock.

So today started, I got up I went downstairs for my breakfast as soon as I had finished my breakfast I went back upstairs, to the shower room, I had myself a shower then I got myself dried off and dressed.

Next thing I was at boccia, why does the pro at the "sport" keep choosing me as a captain? Probably as I'm oldest one there. But that's beside the point I can't speak so I cannot tell anyone about my plans for the games.

Then when the boccia had finished I returned home and I ate lunch, but then I left for the football match that I watched today, the team that I was there to support won. And it was actually a pretty decent game.

Then we arrived home and we started eating our dinner. And we were also 

Friday 8 September 2017

Day 1524

Day 1524;

My BMI for today was 20.21, I think it's the row I did this morning's fault.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: fried egg, toast, tinned spaghetti, mini sausages and something.
Dinner: chips, chicken, peas, vinegar and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and the remaining drink from a bottle of nonalcoholic cider.

So today I ate my breakfast before going for a row, on the rowing machine, which in turn was before I took a shower. Did an hour row this morning on the rower. Then I ate my lunch, after that I watched the tour of Britain, then I have forgotten what I have done for the bit of time after that until dinner and I watched another bit of La Vuelta, Chris Froome is still winning, he seems to have recovered from the day after the time trial but that could help just been as today's stage was a flatter stage, tomorrow is apparently a more difficult stage. After I watched the Vuelta I watched a bit more of the tour of Britain than it wasn't long until I did my body test, yet another disappointing day. Then I watched some of the George Lazenbee's bond film, I was thinking that his voice didn't match with his face for the film, then Mich told me that it had been dubbed over. So that was my day.

But I have been attempting to get into the mindset of the religious, what is the point of going to heaven if you're just going to be swamped with your fellow suck ups to God? How riveting the conversation would be, you could have like which heavan will God decide to kill next, or which natural disaster will he enact upon the unsuspecting public next?

Thursday 7 September 2017

Day 1523

Day 1523;

Now I had another especially lazy day today as I haven't done anything energetic today, but I have done a bit of housework today, my BMI was 20.51, which was an increase of 0.62 on my result from yesterday.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: sausage roll, ketchup, monster munch and a Cadbury caramel muffin.
Dinner:  Yorkshire pudding, sausages, carrots, peas, potatoes and a pastry tart.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 bottle of nonalcoholic cider.

So my BMI improved on yesterday's, which shows me without a doubt that acting like a slob helps me to reach my goal, but I don't want to reach my goal if achieved through being a slob. I would much rather achieve it in the same way as some athletes, I'm not an athlete but I can dream... I can dream of getting called up to be part of either the British or Irish teams of Paralympic athletes for the 2018 Tokyo winter games, how cool it would be, by both meanings of the word "cool". Now I don't have much of a chance to be selected for the team at all as the only time I'm going to go skiing on some actual snow, as in snow that has fallen on a proper mountain is going to be on the February of 2018 then by the time that the actual Paralympics come around, which must be sometime later on but not as far forward as April, so in either February or March, so all of the talent scouts will be off to the Paralympics so then even if I was deemed to be talented at skiing I wouldn't get selected for the 2018 Paralympics.

The only other Paralympic thing that I can think of would be cycling, but I know that I'm too pathetic at that sport.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Day 1522

Day 1522;

Today I have been to the gym and have been out on the tandem so I wasn't expecting something good for my body test results but today it was terrible, it was at 19.89 which is lowest that it has ever been on this copy of Wii fit.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese + ketchup toastie and marble sponge cake.
Dinner: fish finger curry, croquet potatoes and Belgium chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: sponge cake.

So today at the gym I managed to do a good probably, 20 minutes, on the lateral trainer at a running pace, which is up in the red on my fit meter thing, but that was before my latest tandem ride, which I didn't do as quickly, obviously, as there's 2 people on a tandem so I had to keep to the other persons pace and yes that does mean stopping when the other stops and breaking for traffic.

Also Froome in La Vuelta his lead was cut to 76 seconds today after struggling on the mountainous stage today. It was the first of 3 mountainous stages before they have the flats into Madrid, or something like that is what's I heard on the radio today, but I ain't say so sure as it was day 17 today, so then days 18 and 19 are the final 2 mountainous stages, then you've got 2 more stages, 20 and 21, and it's 21 that is the cycle into Madrid. But Froome has been leading this tour since day 3 will he be able to keep holding onto the Red/Rojo jersey/jumper until day 21, it doesn't look very likely seeing how much he appeared to struggle on today's stage.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Day 1521

Day 1521;

20.41 was my BMI today, a slight improvement but it wasn't much more today we had a small cycle,  to the local high street and back.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and strawberries.
Lunch: I've forgotten.
Dinner: pie, potatoes, peas, carrots and Belgium chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 1 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

We were going to have a long cycle but we didn't, however we did watch today's stage of La Vuelta, on ITV 4 of which Chris Froome used today to stamp his authority on the tour, claiming his second stage win, of this years La Vuelta, which is surprising as he didn't win any on his earlier triumph in France, but he still has to become one of the only people to win both the Tour de France and La Vuelta in a single year, I'm wondering if anyone has ever won all 3 of the cycling grand tours in a single year, which go the Giro, Tour and Vuelta, I know there's now 3 more but they're only a bit longer than a week in length unlike the previous 3 versions which are over 3 weeks in length.

But in World Cup qualifying today Wales took a step towards getting the call up, meanwhile Ireland had there hopes for qualifying dealt a setback.

Monday 4 September 2017

Day 1520

Day 1520;

20.34 was my BMI for today, it was a lazy day that I had today, as I had an epic day yesterday with my "free styling" on the slope.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich, Aero mint mousse and a chocolate chip shortbread.
Dinner: tomato pasta, tomato bread and tiramisu.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So I have put "free styling" in quotation marks as it was what the two that I was with yesterday on the slope was calling what I was doing. If you wanted to find out what I thought I was doing yesterday it was mucking about on the slope just because I could to have as much fun as possible. As I already know how to ski, it's easier than walking, well I have more control than when I'm walking, at least that is how I feel. When I was skiing yesterday the woman that I was with started off by attempting to teach me stuff but she realised that I was there to have fun and she had fun on the slope also, or so I think, as she said to Tini at the end that she'd been having a good time. Even Mr PP whose the organiser of the session, through DSUK, said told the woman that I could ski before I had the incident with the two cars which may have happened something like 10 years ago now, if I stack it I just get back up and try to keep skiing, as I have got to make the most of my time on the snow.

Oh, you're wondering why have I gone on about skiing which I did yesterday, it was because Allergy brought me back a new T-shirt, from Disneyland Paris, it was a T-shirt with Mr Donny Duck on it, saying Mad Genius on it, so it wasn't to say "absolutely quackers" which is probably what it should have said, as it'd be more correct on my personality, instead of only being half correct, the first word, "mad".

Sunday 3 September 2017

Day 1519

Day 1519;

Today I got my BMI up to 20.44, but I may have been cheating slightly as I had my ski sallopettes on while I was measuring my BMI.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana and apple.
Lunch: beef, roast potatoes, peas, carrots and something else.
Dinner: cheese omelette and an Aero chocolate mousse.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, the rest of the bottle of nonalcoholic cider and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Now yesterday I had personal triumph against 2 of the female members of the boccia team, as yesterday in boccia practice we only had 3 participants, which only brings in £10.50, which is only enough to pay for court hire for the week. As court hire costs £9.70 per week and we have to pay the coach, which is another £20 per session so that is £29.70, which is a short fall of £19.20 we need another 6 players per week to actually start running the club in the green, but then here's the thing a boccia court only has enough space for 6 players, so the cost for participating should be at a minimum of £5 per session as that'd mean that if you got the maximum players per session then you'd make 30p profit, per session.

So that was yesterday now moving on to today, I have done something much more exciting, as I have been skiing today for the sixth time this year, I think. As it was supposed to happen last Sunday but it was something silly last week, like a bank holiday. Anyway it was moved to this weekend so it should have been the 8th time for me to ski this year but I had missed 2 of the previous months as the first was a poorly timed wedding and the second was a cycle ride that I did for the charity DSUK (Disability Snowsport UK) which runs the little ski days, that I take advantage of. Today I only managed to stack it 4 times. The first time I stacked it I didn't know what had gone on as I was skiing down the slope and my right ski just came off, later I think I understand why it came off as I was being told I shouldn't try to turn on ice, but I wasn't turning on the ice I didn't even realise that I was skiing on ice.

Saturday 2 September 2017

Day 1518

Day 1518;

On this day my BMI was 20.28 of which I am amazed, at as I have been having an exceptionally lazy day today.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs and I have forgotten.
Dinner: sausages, Yorkshire pudding, carrots, peas mashed potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of ginger beer, 1 300ml mug of nonalcoholic pear cider and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

.What have I done today?

I have been to boccia (basically seated bowls),
been to the shop,
watched something on the TV,
watched a load of youtube videos,

Today the most energetic I have been was certainly walking around the shop in order to aid Tini in her purchases of some things which were going to do stuff at home, like for food and drink. Just the thing about bowls (other than it's boring) is that it isn't the most athletic of sports but my more athletic fitness training routine seems to have done me pretty well, for Boccia, as I managed to win the game by 9-0, and they asked me if I'd been practicing at boccia, in their 2 girl team up on me/1 male.

But bow my eyes have kind if given up the ghost on mr,

Friday 1 September 2017

Day 1517

Day 1517;

Now today my BMI was 20:21, and today I have been on an exercise bike for a nice little 66 minute cycle session, or a 55 minute cycle with eleven minutes cool down time,

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: I have forgotten.
Dinner: somethings, peas and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of milk and a bottle of Nonalcoholic cider.

This morning, I mean early this morning when it's more like last night I drank a mug of fruit juice before I went to brush my teeth, then I had awoken some hours later and I ate my breakfast, then it was after that when I next brushed my teeth. But then now I know that I won't be getting any more drinks today, as the culprit has gone to bed already tonight.

Today I have watched The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug and the football match between Malta and England, which was a good match for the vast majority of the match, even after Malta went behind in the 53rd minute I was thinking that they had a goal in their play, as I was thinking that they had the goal to beat England throughout the first half and into the start of the second, then England got a second in the 85th minute, then the 90 minutes of regulation game time elapsed and it was into the 3 minutes of stoppage time that had been allocated by the referee, and there was a 3rd and a 4th goals scored by England in the final 2 minutes of stoppage time.

Which made it look way easier than it was looking just 5 minutes ago.