Tuesday 22 March 2016

Day 999

Day 999;

So it's the day of the police and today I have done something truly criminal, as I have forgotten almost everything that I ate today, and I have been thinking about exscuses to my late arrival of this blogpost, but it doesn't look as if I'm going to have to use it.

Now what I can remember of food that I have eaten today first up came a bowl of cereal but I'm thinking thinking that I also had a portion of banana and a portion of apple, but I'm not sure if I really ate the two portions of fruit, but I think that I did, then for lunch I'm thinking that I ate a cheese sandwich but it could have been a ham sandwich and for pudding I ate some carrot cake. For dinner I ate some more pizza.

I have been thinking about exscuses for the following reason.

Does it count as an exscuse if it's true?

Yes, it does. It may be a truthful exscuse but it's an exscuse none the less.

But by the  way it's not exactly your honesty why I always complain at you for making exscuses. It's the dull nature of your exscuses, as it is always the same (in recent times) which is the internet goes down. On a the scale from 1 to lame it is most certainly lamer than lame, even though I know that isn't allowed on the scale.

But today I also went to athletics and I managed to avoid hitting anyone that was running around on the track with the club that I was throwing, even if the club flew out of my hands at a 90 degree angle and hit the running track.

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