Friday 25 March 2016

Day 1002

Day 1002;

So I have just completed my first 60 of the days by 11:45.

For breakfast I had a bowl of cereal and a banana, then for lunch I ate spaghetti hoops on toast and I didn't have any pudding,

So today I have watched some more youtube videos about stuff that interest me then I clicked on the below video, it's about one of Anita Sarcasm's  extremely tacky tropes vs women in video games, and I don't understand why it's so tacky she had loads of money to spend on it, I'd have thought that she'd have at least researched it properly at least, I'm typing about Anita not Kite Tails Response, as I believe that this response video does exactly what she outlines that the video isn't intended to do at the beginning and towards the end of the video.

But before my midnight dead line in the Avengers Academy game that I'm currently playing I managed to get to 14 holo globes, so that should mean I only need 4 more tomorrow then 4 more the next day to get me a more manageable 3 for the final day so I should have enough time to unlock Rescue on the final day also.

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