Thursday 24 March 2016

Day 1001

Day 1001;

Just 999 more days until I get to 2000, if I get to 2000 at least but today I was doing my first 60 this morning before 11:00 and  I have just been done my second 60 of the day just after 22:00.

But today for breakfast I had a bowl of cereal and a box of banana and apple. For lunch I ate 2 sausage rolls and a cream slice, I also reluctantly ate a cupcake,But then for diner I ate some meat pie and potatoes and carrots, at least I think that they were carrots that I ate along side of those new potatoes, it was at least a second type of vegetable (if you are willing to call potatoes vegetables).

So today I didn't go to the Gym but instead I did 1km on my rowing machine and 120 sit-ups as a kind of penance.

3rd day down I'm still behind schedule by only being on 8 holo-globes, I know I'm such a disappointment Now so I need to make it to 12 holo globes by this time tomorrow night  to even stand a chance of completing it by Monday, and rescuing rescue.

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