Sunday 27 March 2016

Day 1004

 Day 1004;

So today marked the beginning of the end to my Avengers Academy challenge but my calendar has just reminded me that thew clocks go forward an hour tomorrow so the 07:00 that I woke up today at will be 08:00 tomorrow. But for my daily 60 I have defiantly done 2 today as in I did my first after midnight but the second one I defiantly did was just after 18:00, but I am thinking that I did another 60 in today, but I can't remember so I am thinking not.

Breakfast- Cereal and a pot of banana and apple.
Lunch- I ate a boiled egg on toast.
Dinner- I ate some more of the cottage pie from yesterday, as it was cottage pie not shepherds pie.

As I stated earlier on in my post that today marked the begging of the end of my quest to rescue, sorry I meant recruit, Rescue, as by the time that I have started to write this today I have got 20 of the Holo-Globes, which may be as I was doing my first 60 of today/second of yesterday, at just gone 01:00 this morning/last night I completed my 19th Holo-Globe and I started in the creation of number 20, so that by the time that I awoken it had been completed. Now on to 21. I may even get up to 23 before midnight tonight, which would be 1 ahead of my projected score.

My head has just exploded, quite a considerable number of times, meaning I have forgotten how many times I have just sneezed. But it was defiantly at least 3 sneezes, but then I lost interest.

Back to my task of unlocking rescue, now I have got the 21st Holo-Globe from Iron Man, next up is Wasp, then it should be Black Widow, Loki and finally Iron man. To unlock the final part to unlocking rescue, which should probably be something along the lines of Iron Man doing a 30 minute chore.

So far so good on the Rescue mission. I have so far got 22, the 23rd is on it's way it should be ready for approximately 16:20 then it should only be Loki and Iron Man left to craft. If it is ready by 16:20 then the Holo-Globes take 3 hours to make individually. Therefore to craft 2 it should be 6 hours which makes the time for them to be completed 22:20, now that would fine if I had enough dossiers to make itI am pretty sure I have enough Yellow dossiers to craft 2 more but of other 2 colours I'm sure that I'm lacking.

Then why don't you get more?

I have tried to get some more but I still need 1 more Purple to craft the final Holo-Globe so I should be 2 ahead of schedule by midnight while I am waiting for the final Purple Dossier and then I should still have to wait 3 hours until I get the final Holo-Globe, as I should have 24 by 19:25 the next dossier by about 20:48, which should mean that I could collect the final Holo-Globe by 23:48 which could mean that Pepper Potts may be recruited by 00:18. If the final thing that you should be doing to unlock her lasts 30 minutes.

Now I get that you have been attempting to unlock the Pepper Potts character on your game for almost a week now but don't you think you've got a bit obsessed, over a game?

Yes, I am quite aware that I have got myself obsessed, over a game, but I know that games are the best things to get obsessed over, as nobody is harmed ether by your obsession plus if everyone was as content inside their own little gaming virtual world there would be no more war. At least none IRL (In Real Life).

As if you wanted to fight you could go and burn off some steam by slamming some Orks, Goblins or even some ghouls.

Inaccuracies in my projections 19:25 turned out to be 19:28 But because I'm such a twit I forsake my chance for completing it today in favour of getting Iron Man to talk to J.A.R.V.I.S. which put me back by 15, Fools error it was, but I may still be able to get it done today, as in before I go to bed?

football friendly Germany vs England in Germany first half the Gerry's scored an opening goal but it was disallowed because the goal scorer was offside when the ball was passed to him even though the video replay shows that he wasn't. Then later in the first half England's goalkeeper inures himself and doesn't kick the ballout of play for the Gerry's to get a nice and cheep goal against the goal keeper that probably shouldn't have been playing at that time. 1-0 to Gerrymany second half starts they play foe a couple of minutes and 2-0 Gerrymany and just as I was thinking that the game had been won by the Gerry's the commentator said that England needed to score right about now to give them a chance to salvage something from the game, and it was Harry Kane who opened the score tally for the English with a spectacular shot and a special turn which was made famous by a football legend that has recently died. then Vardy got subbed on and he scored a goal with one of his first hits of the ball to level the game at 2-2 Then Varfy set up s shot for Ali a shot that even I would struggle to miss and Ali missed the the target so the score remained at 2-2 but then in the first minute of additional time at the end of the game Dier manages to head the ball into the back of the net. To make the score 2-3.




Character recruited Pepper Potts now that was easier than I was expecting. 

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