Thursday, 31 March 2016

Day 1008

Day 1008;

Now today I have first done 2 small sets of 30 then another 1 of 60, to set me up for the remainder of the day. Or did it?...

Breakfast: a bowl of cereal.
Lunch: potato salad, mini sausages, scotch eggs and mini sausage rolls.
Dinner: baked potato, carrots and sausage. But for pudding I had veinetta, Victoria sponge and I ate some of my chocolate box.

But to finish myself off today in fitness and stuff I did one of those 5 or 1 things, it's where I row as fast as I can for 5 minutes or until I get to 1KM whichever' furthest, now today I did 1.5KM in 5 minutes, but last time I went on it I managed 1KM in 5:33 (I think).

Now what else have I done today?


Come on guys help me out here, please?

Oh it's not another one of your rhetorical questions.

No it's not.

Well have you typed about reading that Squirrel Girl comic?



Ok, light blue, well I read a comic book issue #01 of a Squirrel Girl comic book, it's basically a cleaned up version of Deadpool.

Ok that was it I found my halloween tale from 2 years ago which was titled "Lucy and the Bear" as I was reading through it I've noticed it's ssss hhhh it basically, so I have d decided to revamp it slightly and I am planning to have it up by next Halloween to scare, or at the very least horrify, some of my reader,

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Day 1007

Day 1007;

Now today I had completed 120 of my 60 before 12:00 as I had done my first/last set at 03:00 then I did my second set by 11:58 this morning, but then also today I did 2 sets of 30 in the afternoon.

Breakfast- Bowl of cereal, banana grapes and strawberries.
Lunch- Left overs mini sausages, mini sausage rolls, potato salad, scotch eggs, sausage.
 Dinner- Pasta and Quoirn balls, which was followed by a trifle of trifle

Oh no you didn't just go there, did you?

Well I actually have just gone there, why?

Your sense of humour has certainly gone the same way as your sense,

Which way left, right, up or down?

I don't know it's direction but I know that it's gone, or petty much gone at the very least, now shouldn't you get back to your foods?

Oh yes now I had just got up to the trifle, I also had some cheesecake, and I had a bowl of strawberries.

Ok well today in sport, the football team which is for the country that I was born in, England Lost against the Netherlands 1-2. But that isn't the good news as the good news is that the football team that I support actually won a second game in a row making it 2 wins on the trot now they just need 4 more wins to stand a chance of staying up in the league, or so says the manager.  The score in that match was 0-1, but the team that I support didn't get turned over unlike England.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Day 1006

Day 1007;

So today I have already outdone myself on portions of fruit and vegetables. And I gave done my sixty  twice today first after midnight The second was in two parts.

Breakfast: a bowl of cereal and apple, banana, strawberry and grapes. 4 fruits.
Lunch: some of the food that was left over from yesterday's buffet which included potato salad, Grapes, Mini Sausages, Sausage rolls Etc. 1 veg and 1 fruit definitely.
Dinner: Sausages Yorkshire pudding with mash potato, peas and carrots. But then it was time for the pudding/dessert which was more sherry trifle, more cheesecake and a bowl of strawberries, 3 veg 1 fruit, trifle has got banana and raspberries in but I probably wouldn't say I got enough to make a whole portion,

Today I misheard the lytics to the the beatles song 'Mrs Robinson', "God bless you, please Mrs Robinson" Hmm I thought it was "So if you please Mr Cameron" I don't know why they were saying God bless you, Mrs Robinson maybe you sneezed and they were wishing the plague away from you?

The next song is one that Mich decided to inform me some of the lyrics true meanings, of bye bye miss or mr Amerian Pie.  Drive a car to the sea wall but the tide was out and all that jiggerypokery.

Monday, 28 March 2016

Day 1005

Day 1005;

Now today was the 1005th day and it was also apparently the day that was chosen to celebrate the death of a guy that I do not even believe ever existed in the first place,

Breakfast- Cereal and a box of banana and grapes.
Lunch- Turkey potato, carrots and peas,  and I had two puddings/desserts, as I ate one cheese cake and geneeious helping of trifle.
Dinner- Buffet, which included cheese, mini sausages, mini sausage rolls, mini scotch eggs, I also had some grapes and pork pie.

Today I watched the boat race, Cambridge won but Oxfords women managed to beat the women of Cambridge. But why is Oxfords boat for the reserve men called Isis while the boat for the women reserves is called Osiris? I get that they are both of the pantheon of the Egyptian Gods, but this is the part that I don't get, Osiris father of Horus and husband (as well as sibling) of Isis is a male god, so why is his name the name of the female boat? The same goes for Isis but the gener identifiers should be reversed. 

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Day 1004

 Day 1004;

So today marked the beginning of the end to my Avengers Academy challenge but my calendar has just reminded me that thew clocks go forward an hour tomorrow so the 07:00 that I woke up today at will be 08:00 tomorrow. But for my daily 60 I have defiantly done 2 today as in I did my first after midnight but the second one I defiantly did was just after 18:00, but I am thinking that I did another 60 in today, but I can't remember so I am thinking not.

Breakfast- Cereal and a pot of banana and apple.
Lunch- I ate a boiled egg on toast.
Dinner- I ate some more of the cottage pie from yesterday, as it was cottage pie not shepherds pie.

As I stated earlier on in my post that today marked the begging of the end of my quest to rescue, sorry I meant recruit, Rescue, as by the time that I have started to write this today I have got 20 of the Holo-Globes, which may be as I was doing my first 60 of today/second of yesterday, at just gone 01:00 this morning/last night I completed my 19th Holo-Globe and I started in the creation of number 20, so that by the time that I awoken it had been completed. Now on to 21. I may even get up to 23 before midnight tonight, which would be 1 ahead of my projected score.

My head has just exploded, quite a considerable number of times, meaning I have forgotten how many times I have just sneezed. But it was defiantly at least 3 sneezes, but then I lost interest.

Back to my task of unlocking rescue, now I have got the 21st Holo-Globe from Iron Man, next up is Wasp, then it should be Black Widow, Loki and finally Iron man. To unlock the final part to unlocking rescue, which should probably be something along the lines of Iron Man doing a 30 minute chore.

So far so good on the Rescue mission. I have so far got 22, the 23rd is on it's way it should be ready for approximately 16:20 then it should only be Loki and Iron Man left to craft. If it is ready by 16:20 then the Holo-Globes take 3 hours to make individually. Therefore to craft 2 it should be 6 hours which makes the time for them to be completed 22:20, now that would fine if I had enough dossiers to make itI am pretty sure I have enough Yellow dossiers to craft 2 more but of other 2 colours I'm sure that I'm lacking.

Then why don't you get more?

I have tried to get some more but I still need 1 more Purple to craft the final Holo-Globe so I should be 2 ahead of schedule by midnight while I am waiting for the final Purple Dossier and then I should still have to wait 3 hours until I get the final Holo-Globe, as I should have 24 by 19:25 the next dossier by about 20:48, which should mean that I could collect the final Holo-Globe by 23:48 which could mean that Pepper Potts may be recruited by 00:18. If the final thing that you should be doing to unlock her lasts 30 minutes.

Now I get that you have been attempting to unlock the Pepper Potts character on your game for almost a week now but don't you think you've got a bit obsessed, over a game?

Yes, I am quite aware that I have got myself obsessed, over a game, but I know that games are the best things to get obsessed over, as nobody is harmed ether by your obsession plus if everyone was as content inside their own little gaming virtual world there would be no more war. At least none IRL (In Real Life).

As if you wanted to fight you could go and burn off some steam by slamming some Orks, Goblins or even some ghouls.

Inaccuracies in my projections 19:25 turned out to be 19:28 But because I'm such a twit I forsake my chance for completing it today in favour of getting Iron Man to talk to J.A.R.V.I.S. which put me back by 15, Fools error it was, but I may still be able to get it done today, as in before I go to bed?

football friendly Germany vs England in Germany first half the Gerry's scored an opening goal but it was disallowed because the goal scorer was offside when the ball was passed to him even though the video replay shows that he wasn't. Then later in the first half England's goalkeeper inures himself and doesn't kick the ballout of play for the Gerry's to get a nice and cheep goal against the goal keeper that probably shouldn't have been playing at that time. 1-0 to Gerrymany second half starts they play foe a couple of minutes and 2-0 Gerrymany and just as I was thinking that the game had been won by the Gerry's the commentator said that England needed to score right about now to give them a chance to salvage something from the game, and it was Harry Kane who opened the score tally for the English with a spectacular shot and a special turn which was made famous by a football legend that has recently died. then Vardy got subbed on and he scored a goal with one of his first hits of the ball to level the game at 2-2 Then Varfy set up s shot for Ali a shot that even I would struggle to miss and Ali missed the the target so the score remained at 2-2 but then in the first minute of additional time at the end of the game Dier manages to head the ball into the back of the net. To make the score 2-3.




Character recruited Pepper Potts now that was easier than I was expecting. 

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Day 1003

Day 1003;

So today I have just done my second 60 of today but it was my first of today as my first set of 60 technically classifies as yesterday, as I did it to help myself get to sleep approximately at 01:00 this morning.

Breakfast- cereal and a box of banana and apple
Lunch- poached egg on toast
Dinner- i'm thinking it was Shepard's pie, but I know that it included carrots peas and mashed potato.

But today I whitnessed a sight that I hadn't seen for a very long time as the football team that I support actually won a league match at their home ground. As I know that they have won once in the league away from home since the new manager has been instated, I have been watching the players and thinking these people are actually really decent players if they were in a better team for them they'd probably win the league. Anyway the team that I support will probably loose quite a few of the players next season as they're going down, dispite the game today haveing 5 goals in it and there was only 1 to the opposition team, which means the game was won by a score line of 4-1. Now they just needed to get their proverbial skates on sooner on in the leagues season to save themselves from the drop come the end of the season.

About today on the Avengers Academy game I managed to get my total number of Holo-Globes up by another 4 so I'm now on 18, looking like I could actually get this character unlocked, if my internet holds, that would be.

... No exscuses...

Oh dam, I'm sorry Red.

Friday, 25 March 2016

Day 1002

Day 1002;

So I have just completed my first 60 of the days by 11:45.

For breakfast I had a bowl of cereal and a banana, then for lunch I ate spaghetti hoops on toast and I didn't have any pudding,

So today I have watched some more youtube videos about stuff that interest me then I clicked on the below video, it's about one of Anita Sarcasm's  extremely tacky tropes vs women in video games, and I don't understand why it's so tacky she had loads of money to spend on it, I'd have thought that she'd have at least researched it properly at least, I'm typing about Anita not Kite Tails Response, as I believe that this response video does exactly what she outlines that the video isn't intended to do at the beginning and towards the end of the video.

But before my midnight dead line in the Avengers Academy game that I'm currently playing I managed to get to 14 holo globes, so that should mean I only need 4 more tomorrow then 4 more the next day to get me a more manageable 3 for the final day so I should have enough time to unlock Rescue on the final day also.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Day 1001

Day 1001;

Just 999 more days until I get to 2000, if I get to 2000 at least but today I was doing my first 60 this morning before 11:00 and  I have just been done my second 60 of the day just after 22:00.

But today for breakfast I had a bowl of cereal and a box of banana and apple. For lunch I ate 2 sausage rolls and a cream slice, I also reluctantly ate a cupcake,But then for diner I ate some meat pie and potatoes and carrots, at least I think that they were carrots that I ate along side of those new potatoes, it was at least a second type of vegetable (if you are willing to call potatoes vegetables).

So today I didn't go to the Gym but instead I did 1km on my rowing machine and 120 sit-ups as a kind of penance.

3rd day down I'm still behind schedule by only being on 8 holo-globes, I know I'm such a disappointment Now so I need to make it to 12 holo globes by this time tomorrow night  to even stand a chance of completing it by Monday, and rescuing rescue.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Day 1000

Day 1000;

Wow that long, 1000 days, but this morning I have been thinking about Pepper Pots aka. Rescue, and I was wondering if she's going to be getting her own film in the future?

But today I have had the usual bowl of a cereal and a banana in a box, for lunch I ate a cheese and ketchup toastie with a slice of chocolate cake for pudding, then for dinner I ate some pasta Bolognese and afterward I ate some panacotta and some ice-cream wrapped in sponge I think it's called an arctic roll?

But today I don't really think that I did much at all today. I mean I know I completed some of the Splatoon levels using a splat roller, as I am attempting to complete the game with the Splat roller seeing how hopeless I was with the splat blaster. Seeing how I'm stuck on the final level with the splat blaster.

Now the first comment in todays post came from my play through of Avengers Academy which I am currently on the part which has got me attempting to recruit rescue, as I state I'm attempting to recruit her, but it's not going very well at all as I have only got 5 of the things that you need 25 of and it's already been the second day. now I ned 4 more a day for the next 5 days, such a bother.

But then I remembered and did my 60 of today, and I even added on an extra 10.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Day 999

Day 999;

So it's the day of the police and today I have done something truly criminal, as I have forgotten almost everything that I ate today, and I have been thinking about exscuses to my late arrival of this blogpost, but it doesn't look as if I'm going to have to use it.

Now what I can remember of food that I have eaten today first up came a bowl of cereal but I'm thinking thinking that I also had a portion of banana and a portion of apple, but I'm not sure if I really ate the two portions of fruit, but I think that I did, then for lunch I'm thinking that I ate a cheese sandwich but it could have been a ham sandwich and for pudding I ate some carrot cake. For dinner I ate some more pizza.

I have been thinking about exscuses for the following reason.

Does it count as an exscuse if it's true?

Yes, it does. It may be a truthful exscuse but it's an exscuse none the less.

But by the  way it's not exactly your honesty why I always complain at you for making exscuses. It's the dull nature of your exscuses, as it is always the same (in recent times) which is the internet goes down. On a the scale from 1 to lame it is most certainly lamer than lame, even though I know that isn't allowed on the scale.

But today I also went to athletics and I managed to avoid hitting anyone that was running around on the track with the club that I was throwing, even if the club flew out of my hands at a 90 degree angle and hit the running track.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Day 998

Day 998;

But today I have finished off my busiest week by doing my 60 just before this in the evening.

So what I had for breakfast this morning was a bowl of cereal with some banana and some apple, but then for lunch I ate an almost as bad for a vegan but not quite so bad, as I ate a scrambled egg, with ham on toast which was followed up by a chocolate mousse which still isn't a chocolate Elk (chocolate moose), but then for my dinner I ate some chicken in bacon, sorry Mo but you didn't know what you were missing, with peas, potatoes and carrots, that's my 5 a day eaten.

Then what I did today was just play some games as I went to a place in the laughing down city, town big place thing, and I first tried some of this New Age Kurling thing which is basically curling done on a floor/not ice, of which we played for a short while then we went over to the boccia thing and we played 2 rounds Of which my team won the first, 1-0, and we lost the second, 0-1, which tied the game 1-1. Then I had this go on this vertigo thing I was climbing up these steps to reach the top then the man told me to jump down so I did and I gently floated down ass i was on a string, that was the easy part the next part I had to climb a climbing wall of which I failed at but I still reached the top... ish by having a man hoist me up by the safety ropes, but on the steps my leg stated shaking at random intervals like it is doing now which is just super irritating.

Im sorry about the lateness of this days post but the internet was down.

No excuses! You pathetic excuse for a human.

Oh bugs sorry. 

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Day 997 p2

Day 997 p2;

So what I did yesterday was some boccia all on my own, and Mr B but he was the coach, so I basically had to roll a ball as close to another ball as possible I was instructed to move my chair back as far as it would go when I'm playing a short game like how a ramp would be used.

Then later on in the day I watched the final game of the rugby union six nations, to see if Englanf could get they're first grand slam in 13 years, they did but it seemed on the day as if they didn't diserve it. As they were second best on the pitch at most points within the game, and it was only thanks to them managing to deny the Frogs any try's that did it as England were the second best team with the ball at their feet yesterday I was even typing that the England team was looking very weak to me yesterday and that the frogs were looking quite a bit stronger yesterday, just before England got their first Try and I stated that the Frogs were looking stronger to me and they had squandered all of that earl domination by letting England get that first go 3-10 behind.

Then for the rest of yesterday I watched some more X-Files, and I got myself confused because who is Molder's father? As I was thinking that the cigarette smoking man was but then he wasn't due to there being a Mr Molder that worked for the FBI before him but he was working in a different department then there was also his boss from season 1 that that he called his dad in a later episode which was the same episode that the revelations that the cigarette smoking man was in fact his father that saved him from succumbing to the Alien virus as Molder was the human alien hybrid apparently.

Day 997

Day 997;

Today I am thinking that I got my 60 done some time in the afternoon, but today the food that I have eaten I was thinking was a mystery, until I just sat down and had a long hard think about it.

aSo today in food I ate a bowl of cereal, which was enough food for todays breakfast I'm thinking, then for lunch I ate a white bread cheese sandwich mini sausages and it was followed by a packet of grapes and the rest of what I ate for today, that I can remember, was 5 little fruity sweets.

As you could probably guess I cannot really remember what happened to me today but I will attempt to give you al an update in good time, if I remember that is.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Day 996

Day 996;

So I was wondering if I had done my daily 60 earlier on today when I was waiting to see if my friend P was going to show up today, but then I did 60 just after 23:00, just to be safe.

I remembered what I ate today, so first up was a bowl of cereal, next up was a bread roll with cheese I also ate a couple of sausage rolls alongside for my main lunch course then I ate a selection of cakes. That leaves me with my dinner and for that meal I ate the remaining half of my pizza from yesterday along with potato salad and coleslaw, of the two accompaniments to my pizza the coleslaw was foul, but the potatoe salad was delicious.

Now when I was with my friend, P, we were discussing a singer, one Mr Tom Waits or something like that, so I was asking P if he was Welsh, witch may have been due to him sounding vaguely similar to Tom Jones, and P said that he thought he sounded sick.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Day 995

Day 995;

Today I got my 60 done before the end of today just before I watched the final X-File episode of the day.

Breakfast today I ate some breakfast cereal, banana and some grapes. I ate some of a vegans nightmare , as in a ham omelette, which was made with ham from pigs, eggs from chickens, milk butter and cheese from cows so eat that vegans and prove to yourselves that your not a total waste of this planets resource, that was lunch, now for dinner, I ate my half of a take away pizza and chips.

I also went to the hair dressers in town and while we were there we also went on a tiny trek around town, to visit GAK and go into many shops to get a whole range of things which some of were for Flow , which was where we went later on in the day to place out a load of gifts for Flow for when she got home she could have a pleasant surprise, well that was what I was thinking that he was thinking at least. 

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Day 994

Day 994;

I have got 30 of my 60 done today, in day time but I had got my final 10 of yesterday's 60 done after midnight. But today I also accumulated 80 by doing some during the opening credits of a cartoon that I have been watchingI first got 10, then I got 20, then I got 25 and finally I got a second 25, which makes 80.

Today for breakfast I ate a bowl of cereal, some of my box of banana and I also had some grapes, but then I didn't finish the grapes and bananas before I had to go to the dentist, when I got back I finished off my fruit in a bowl of spaghetti hoops on toast, but then for dinner I had peas, potatoes and carrots as well as some pie.

I went to the gym today, and I was pathetic. I missed out on getting 1KM rowed in 5 minutes by 11 seconds, and my projected time was going backwards on the rowing machine as it said that it was expecting a time of 5.06 at best through my 1KM row when I was aiming for a time that is beneath 5 minutes.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Day 993

Day 993;

So today I did my 60 before today, as it happened at just passed 01:20, but I was wondering if it should count as my 60 for today, I was thinking about it and I got in a 50 in before dinner.

Breakfast today was a bowl of cereal and I have also eaten a banana in a box, then lunch was a ham sandwich a mini sausage and a couple of slices of fruitcake, but finally for dinner tonight I have eaten vegetarian meatballs and pasta followed by a portion of Tiramasu. But I also ate a little pot of grapes and I had 4 more of Jaffa Cakes.

But today I went skiing which was fun I was attempting to work out if it had been 10 or 11 years since I last skied, and the result was neither it was 9 years since I had last skied. I only stacked it once today, but that was because I was getting bored by the instructors instructions to always go down in the snow-plow position, anyway I think that I may have dozed off for a few seconds during that little episode. Now since I started my little skiing adventure today I wasn't given any poles to carry this time, which unbalanced me at one point today when I was going down the small slope. Before I went skiing today my instructor asked me about the ski runs I had gone down when I went skiing all of those years ago, He started with blue, I nodded, 

Are there any slopes easier?

Yes there's those green runs.

Ok... then he said red slopes, I nodded also, finally he said black, I nodded, then I signed to the man that I had been of-piste as well in my positively immense journeys on snow.  down in Austria, but I'm unsure if I have ever been on a double black run, I'm unsure if they were even invented back when I skied properly, on real snow unlike the fake snow that I went on at the ski place that I was at today.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Day 992

Day 992;

I got my initial 60 done today, quite a bit earlier on in the day than yesterday's 60.

Today at meal times I have eaten a bowl of cereal, macaroni and cheese and then finally for dinner I ate some spaghetti hoops on some toast. But during breaks between meal times I gave eaten my box of banana and I have eaten 4 of my first, out of 4 boxes, box of 12 Jaffa Cakes.

What I have done  today other than eating and my 60 thing?

You should know as you went shopping for some more skiing gear and a load of other stuff for others.

I know, it was more of a rhetorical question. As I have also been watching some more of the X-Files, tonight. I'm up to an episode with some ghosts on Christmas Eve. 

Monday, 14 March 2016

Day 991

Day 991;

But today I started my 60 a day challenge, by doing my 60 before misperceptions midnight, it was interesting as my stomach muscles have disappeared from my touch now.

Now for breakfast today I was back to eating my usual, which is a bowl of cereal and a box of banana.For lunch I am pretty sure that I ate some chicken, sausages, peas ,carrots and potatoes, Meanwhile for my latest meal I had some soup and bread which was followed by some of the contents of my chocolate box.

Mich has just got a bit... Stern? With me, I think. Which was as I asked for his help  with my computer, to replace the batteries of my keyboard and mouse when he had done the things that I had requested I took them back to my computer and I was trying them out with it, they wouldn't respond on the screen, so I went to ask Mich if he's put the batteries in the correct way around, and he explained that he had. So he told me to switch off the computer at the plug, I thought that's a waste so I couldn't comply, instead I switched it off behind it's monitor, then by this time Mich was getting irritated with me, I noted this as he started to have a go at me for putting a cloth in my mouth. Of which it had been there since before he got into position in front of the screen.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Day 990

Day 990;

So today is the 990th day, of this life that I will forget soon enough.

But for breakfast I ate a bowl of cereal, that's it, Mich is still feeling unwell for the moment, so he had to and it's him that usually prepares my fruit which I have alongside of my cereal, next up was lunch and I started it today by feasting on a cheese and mayonnaise sandwich with mini sausages and grapes, and to finish it I ate some Jaffa Cakes. But then for dinner I'm pretty sure that I ate some peas, carrots and potatoes and I have also eaten some toad in the hole/sausages in Yorkshire pudding.

Today Allergy had a revelation, it was about our eating habits,  the revelation was that she thinks that people that eat meat are going the way of the smokers, thanks to the vegans and their uprising, which I have taken a quick look at in the past, and I understand the points about saving the animals, as I would understand that McDonalds could be blamed for there steak (pun) in increasing the global footprint for green house gasses but as they reach maturity they are killed and they are recycled into burgers, then what would happen if we were to leave all of them free to roam wherever they choose, the green house gasses would increase exponentially wouldn't they,

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Day 989

Day 989;

Today was the next day of my existence and I have failed at just about everything that could possibly give some meaning to life the universe or just about everything.

What I have eaten today, I don't know except for breakfast which I only half know, unless that was it? a bowl of cereal. But I have a total failure of my brain to remember anything else that I have consumed today.

But then the next thing that I can remember me doing today was watching a couple of teams play football it was an FA cup match, the team that was from the premier league beat the other team, that was from the Championship 2-0. But my viewing of the game wasn't very pleasant, as my nose was running like a marathon throughout.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Day 988

Day 988;

Now today was another day that had me forsake doing my 60 a day, today also went to the gym, so I'm guessing that could class as... well... 1.

For Breakfast I ate the usual. Then I asked someone to inform me about what I ate for the rest of the meals for today, and it was a cheese sandwich and chocolate Easter cakes for lunch. Spaghetti and meatballs followed by a Areo mousse for dinner.

But my source spelt mousse, moose and I responded; 
Shouldn't it be an before Areo? But isn't a moose a kind of big horses but they aren't horses?

And I was incorrect on just about all of what I questioned I'm thinking. A goes before Areo instead of an because it is a name e.g. a Arthur Pendragon instead of an Arthur Pendragon. The second part I would have been correct on if I could remember the correct animal to compare it with as it resembles a deer closer than a horse, and just to set the record strait it's called an Elk, in proper English.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Day 987

Day 987;

So today I have done naught Naught by the meaning of my 60.

for breakfast it was the usual, a bowl of cereal followed by a box of banana, then I had a cheese sandwich for lunch finally I had chicken balls and chips.

Now just as my sleeping habits for yesterday/this morning as you may know that I was apparently inflicted by a little bit of a cold, so I got myself to bed extra early last night. But by that way I got myself to bed by approximately 22:00 then I woke myself up 2 hours later at 00:00 then I must have fallen asleep as the next time it was 02:00and I was extremely thirsty fortunately I could remember where I had left my last drink, so I went down stairs and I finished it off. But I had noticed a burning sensation emanating from my abs, so I decided to give my 60 a miss, for today. Within X-Files today I have noticed some vampires, and they have to pack up and leave as one of there number decided to feast on the pizza eaters that were traveling through.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Day 986

Day 986;

So today I only managed 60 but my stomach was difficult today.

But today I ate the usual for breakfast and I ate the leftover pizza for lunch, but I cannot remember what I ate for dinner,

Today I ate i was continuing to watch the X-Files, as I was watching it I was viewing it I was being I was carful about my head as my head was bering very achey, but I failed as my Kcal's for today and I went for a walk outside which I preferred the way back as it was darker and my eyes stayed open and Mich only grabbed on to me while we were crossing the road. 

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Day 985

Day 985;

I did my daily 30 twice in two shots in 2 shots of 60 so I failed in my 30 a day, anyway it was seeming so easy to do now, so I have decided to do a daily 60 minimum. So that makes this day 1,

Today for break fast I ate a bowl of cereal and a banana, next for lunch I ate some more of that pasta and meatball that I ate yesterday, for dinner, then for dinner I ate some pizza and chips.

So today I watched some more of the X-Files, Samantha- Mulder's sister, her father was the cigarette smoking man apparently which was different to Mulder, wasn't it? As from the start of the show he's had his father that has died, but then I was thinking that the cigarette smoking man was  really his father as for a start in the earlier episodes when the cigarette smoking man was talking to Mulder's
mother weren't they talking about some intimate stuff, which should make her's and Fox's relationship was as half siblings, unless the cigarette smoking man was lying to her and he took that secret with him to his grave, I'm thinking. But then He could have also been Mulder's father but then the two of the adults (Mr Smoker & Mrs Mulder could have been doing it behind Mr Mulder's back? I just don't know, all of this interpersonal relationships really confuses me.

But finally I'm going to be allowed back onto skies sometime next week. Now I'll probably be told that I shouldn't even attempt to ski again after this, as I'll probably end up in A&E with 5 broken ribs and a cracked collar bone as well as a sprained wrist and a cracked femur, just my estimate.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Day 984

Day 984;

So I had done my first 30 of today by something like 15:15, and my second 30 before 24:00, now then that should make it 1 day.

For my break quick this morning I had a bowl of cereal and a box of banana, then for lunch I had a bowl of soup, heinz tomato soup, at least I think that'd what I remember eating, but then for dinner I ate ate some pasta and meatballs.

Now today I have watched the final DVD of the 6 for in X-Files season 4. Agent Scully has been informing FBI command how Moulder died at the end of season 4 I wonder how long he'll stay dead for?

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Day 983

Day 983;

So today I didn't get any of my 30 done today but I have done 60 before I went to bed tomorrow, e.g. in the first 1 hour 15 minutes of tomorrow/just before I went here to document today.

My food in take for today was a bowl of cereal and a box of banana for my quick break this morning. When It comes down to lunch and dinner is where it gets a bit more taxing on my brain, as I know what I ate for lunch in part and I know what I ate for dinner in part and then somewhere within this day I'm thinking that I ate some of my chocolate box.

So today I had a small bit of Boccia practise as well as a good old time in goal and having a kick around with myself, then I attempted a bit of field hockey only in a hall and with those really quite rubbish plastic hockey sticks, the ones that are vertically challenged.

Then Later on today I played on Mario Kart 8 along with Allergy, Emu, C and Mich. I have continued my watch through of the X-Files, Leicester City continue to rack up the points in the attempt to deny all oppositions the honour of the coveted trophy, but all of the pundits are now tipping Leicester  City to win the Premier League this season, My GP would be so proud that his team has done this and they sit 5 points adrift at the top of the Premier League. Ir's only 5 points adrift as Arsenal failed to beat Tottenham today because first half score line had them 0-1 up on Tottenham then in the second half one of Arsenal's players got himself sent off and then Tottenham somehow managed to turn the tables on Arsenal, 2-1,then Tottenham player should have been sent off but he wasn't, then Arsenal managed to get the 4th goal of the game to tie things up at 2-2 which meant that they limited Tottenham to only 1 point.  congratulations Arsenal.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Day 982

Day 982;

I attempted and succeeded my 30 for today before 12 O'clock noon, and I had done my second set of 30 just before 22:30, tonight.

But for breakfast today I had the usual, for lunch I ate some spaghetti hoops on toast, meanwhile for dinner I ate some food from the local indian take away, basically chicken tikka masala and chicken korma, then for afters I ate some more of my chocolate box.

But today I found out who the new presenters go the new Robot Wars are. It's Dara O'Briain and Angela Scanlon. I know who Dara is but I didn't have a clue who Angel was and as it turns out she's an Ginger Irish woman, so it'd going to be two Irish people cracking jokes all over the roboteers, should be fun. The only concern I have with the casting is that as these two people are both Irish the BBC could be making preparation to black mail all of the roboteers and fans of the show to get us all ro vote to stay in the EU otherwise expulsion from Britain, back to Ireland, within which case good bye Nora/my Irish GM.

But today I have been watching some more X-Files, and I've continued on in my Pokemon Y journey as i have gone in a train to the southern place thingy. So in other words I've missed out Zygarde, but I will search for it another day.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Day 981

Day 981;

This morning I did my daily 30 and then some I lost count. But then I did an only for today as well later on.

For breakfast I ate a bowl of cereal, then for lunch I ate a cheese sandwich and a chocolate mini roll, then I also had a snack of a toasted tea cake, then at dinner today I had some chicken goujons, new potatoes, carrots and peas, which was followed by a chocolate Sunday even though it was a Thursday.

But today I also had the gym to go to, I started off with my usual 15 minutes on the lateral trainer, then I moved on to the exercise bike I almost tripped over the bike when I had got off of it.

Then I did some weight machines and I finished off on the hand bike machine.

I have noticed a lot more women are coming into the gym now. I'm not saying that it is a bad thing, It's just an observation.

That the number of women in the gym has increased quite a bit and the number of men in the gym has increased slightly; I wonder how long it'll take for the gym participation levels will be back at the low level.

But today I played Splatoon and I failed some more to defeat the the great Octobot King, But then I beat elite 4 and the champion in Pokemon Y today. Then I beat the 3000 minimum year old man to get the credits to roll.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Day 980

Day 980;

So today was interesting as I had been awoken and I had got dressed before I ate my breakfast, so this noon time I was thinking it was dinner time as I had already eaten my lunch, hadn't I? I had already got Celebi and I had already worn the batteries of my Wii U controller down.

For breakfast today I ate the usual + grapes. After noon I are my lunch which was a ham sandwich, McDonald's should start making pork burgers instead of beef to silence everyone that says Mcdonalds is causing global warming because of cow farts. Then for dinner I ate

But I managed to get my daily 30 done before 11pm today, as I only got around to doing them after I had finished watching Liverpool beat Manchester City 3-0, so I'd like to say congratulations to the Reds, a few things happened which were unexpected among the top title contenders, but I will tell you the most shocking incident, Manchester United won to go level on points with Manchester City, woah how backwards does that still look to me. Arsenal are still 3 points behind Tottenham who are 3 points behind the league leaders, who are still Leister and Tottenham could have been the league leaders in it wasn't for another London team, West Ham, who managed to beat them today.

So the league looks as follows with Leister City being first then the following 2 positions are occupied by north London Clubs then they are followed by 2 Manchester Clubs, then in 6th position in the  table is an East London Club. The top 6 are separated by 11 points and they each have 10 more games this season except Manchester City who has 11, as they have played 1 less match.

Today I got around to playing a bit on Splatoon and Pokemon Y version, as today I noticed that I hadn't actually completed Pokemon Y version, by that I mean with the elite 4 and champion defeated, was I knew that I had already caught Yveltal somehow, but I thought you had to defeat elite 4 to capture to capture the legendary of the game, but I was mistaken. Once you have defeated Elite 4 you can capture Zygarde, which should be the Legendary Pokemon from a game titled Pokemon Z but it's been put into the Pokemon X & Y. Which could be as they were to lazy to build a third instalment like they had done coming up to 20 years ago now Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Day 979

Day 979;

This afternoon I attempted to do my daily 30, you could say that I failed it at my first attempt as I completed 60 instead of 30.

Breakfast today was cereal and a banana as usual but today I had some grapes included as well.  For my lunch today I ate my second half of the pizza I had yesterday for dinner and for pudding I ate a plate of cakes, fruit cake and a chocolate mini roll (which looks and tastes pretty cakey to me).

Now today some neighbours looked as if they were locked out of their home, apparently. Mich has been his neighbourly self and has offered them a ladder to help them climb in a window, if they needed it, they declined his offer. But I have bought myself 2 friendly points on Triforce Heroes, which is great as I don't have any friends that have the game, at least not that I know of. Which is helping me to complete  the outfits catalogue but surprisingly the man that is outside of the game centre with his 15 friendly tokens, he must have bought them the same as me as he is not allowed in the game centre which has something to do with his ears not being pointy, but then why can he buy friendly points because I could only buy them when I had completed the main game, so that confuses me.

Today I remembered something which I kept forgetting about, but I will tell you now about a recurring dream of which I have had in the past, it has got me in my bed as I have just woken up but then I'm tall in my dream, taller than I actually am, as I notice that my head is connecting to the beds headboard and  my feet are connecting to the other end of my bed which must be 6 foot, but then I can't remember if the next part is from the same dream but it's similar as from before overtime that I had myself a dream where 1 of my teeth have fallen out it's always seems to be my top left canine tooth that falls out for me to attempt to plug it back in which I am successful at but then there was a different tooth that fell out of my mouth in the last dream that I had it was on my right hand side and it was my tooth which is 2 teeth behind my top right canine so I jarred it back in place and it fell back down again, then I fell back to sleep and the next time I woke up i found that I still had all of my teeth in my mouth.

But finally the football team that I support actually won a game they started the game 0-0 like how all of the professional matches start then they went 1-0 down,  then before half time they managed to get a goal back making the score line 1-1 , but then after the first half was over the second half started and the team that I support managed to get a second goal, making the score 1-2, and they somehow managed to put on a half decent show in defence to keep the score that, they were playing away from home for today.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Day 978

Day 978;

So I did my daily 30 after 11pm, as I was thinking about when I could do my 30, apart from all of the times that I wasn't thinking about doing it, and the

For breakfast I ate a cereal and some banana and grapes. Lunch I'm thinking that I ate a ham sandwich and a chocolate cookie. Dinner I ate another half of a pizza for me to eat the other half tomorrow, as long as Mich doesn't throw it away before then and I followed it up with a bowl of the remaining profiteroles and a chocolate cookie which was crushed up and placed in the same bowl.

But today I was waiting until a delivery person arrived but they didn't arrive. So it was a pointless day of existence, until I went to athletics, but I was shocked by my alarm that told me I had athletics today so I got myself changed into a pair of tracksuit bottoms (trousers), and I prepared myself for athletics, then I was ready for athletics so I checked my checklist to see what it had me to do about it, then to my surprise it wasn't telling me to get changed into my athletics gear, but instead it was telling to eat a snack before I went to athletics . I had made an epic blunder.

Now as I was at athletics today I should probably tell all of my readers what happened. So here goes; I ran for a little while with the rest of us with disabilities and probably Icar who I'm thinking only goes to athletics because his brother is in a wheelchair and he has his own track racking thing which is on around the same time. But Icar is a very young man probably about 8 years of age. Now that was probably the reason why I beat him in every race that we competed in. As I beat the other person that was in our three people race, but he was also in most likelihood younger than me but by not much. I am pretty slow within races and I have to focus on the lanes lines as I'm running because if I step out of them I will be disqualified, so I just run until I am told to stop or my legs give out or probably I get bored or probably another reason that I haven't written down yet.