Saturday 23 May 2015

Day 686

Day 686;

As today has past me by, meanwhile I was getting a good short 20 minutes on the rowing machine out of the way within 2 turns at it, the first was after I had watered the plants and I had gone for a little wander around the place that I live in and my GAK wasn't complaining about the place that she is in as she didn't say that she wanted to go home once today.

But she was still complaining about the chef, or rather the lack of one.

Yes I know, but as soon as they get installed a decent chef up at that place the better the experience would be for all of the inmates, in that residential home.

So today I got the 5th bottle in a Link Between Worlds, as I have upgraded the Master Sword to it's highest level now all that's left is for me to upgrade Link to his best form, with all 20 heart containers and I am 3/4 of the way getting to Yuga in Lorule Castle so Yuga is heart container number 20 but before that I still need to uncover the 3rd and 4th pieces of heart container, as i'm thinking that one is in treacherous tower under the advanced difficulty but then I'm thinking the final piece of heart can be got at by completing the cucco mini game in Rooster mode, which is too challenging for the likes of me, but I'll persevere. 

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