Friday 22 May 2015

Day 685

Day 685;

So today is day numbered 685, and I have been watching BBC Question Time from ages ago today as well as doing some research on some old English figures of myths,

Anglo Saxson beliefs directly parallel that of Norse mythology like Þunor or Tunor who was basically Thor he was even the son of Woden, the chief of the Anglo Saxon gods like one Mr Odin as if you wanted to find out a bit about the gods of old school Britain/England you could just click HERE.

I like Mythology, it reminds me that if I accomplish anything in this pathetic life of mine then that will be a fact and if not I have nothing to worry about at least it won't be made into a mythology, like the Bible. 

But Savage did you have to put that dig into that?

What did?

I'm typing about that part "like the Bible".

What do you have a problem with me calling the Bible a book of mythology?


Why it is a book of mythology?

But people actually believe it's true, and they believe that by believing that they somehow make themselves better people due to the fact that they believe in something that is incredibly improbable and they cherish there beliefs in stark ignorance t the evidence contrary to it.

Well every Mythology has had at least one adherent since they were created many years previously even the Anglo Saxon, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Norse of which the Christian Church has absorbed some of the traditions changes the names and altered the purposes but over time that happens like christmas used to be a day like every other but then when those romans got they're hands on it and then the modern-day capitalist consensus got it's grubby paws around it's shallow neck it's throttling it for every £ and pence that it can get at.

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