Thursday 7 May 2015

Day 670

Day 670;

Today was the day of my final Gym session before I get to compete, in some competition for the disabled, and my instructor person keeps going on about how I have got to believe in myself; within the completion. All I can do is keep my head down and run as fast as possible to the line at least.

I'll have to put as much of my effort as humanly possible into each event that I'm competing in, within order to have a chance to potentially win gold. My gym instructor attempted to hug me today, it gives me chills every time that I think about that. But my Gym instructor said something like "you've got to fix him" to Tini in reference to my not liking hugs and Tini stated that she doesn't like hugs either.

Then I got to 3.2KM in my 10 minute row today, but I must do better and I still have to get that 30 minute row in somewhere, so I'm wondering if I could fit it in tomorrow? But I doubt that as tommorroew is election day.

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