Saturday 2 May 2015

Day 665

Day 665;

Now it's the ultimate day before D's-Day, I still haven't done anything special for it so that should just leave tomorrow/day 666 to get it done on, but I don't even have that, in reality as tomorrow is already fill up with a whole load of shenanigans that I have to do.

I have also been watching a video on the internet which reminded me of a woman that I thought I saw on Wednesday, as I thought I saw my one and only ex-person/ex-girlfriend this was while I was at the end of my stint just before I got on a rowing machine I noticed the woman that was already sitting on the rowing machine to my right hand side as I sat down on trowing at a steady pace, as my gym instructor gave mr a pep talk for when I'm competing in another athletics thing, because there is no prizes for second place (not counting silver awards) But I understand what he is attempting to get me to do as he is attempting  to get me to care about what place I come in within events at this future athletics for cripples like myself. As for the athletics thing I have to forget my disabilities and just run/jump. Plus I have got to have some dreams (actual sleeping dreams) about me winning the events before I actually go.

So from that as if story back to one that takes place in Hyrule as in. As in that place I have continues from where I left off yesterday, I think, at least from within the Swamp Temple. 

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