Saturday 9 May 2015

Day 672

Day 672;

So today I went to bed at about 6:02am as I was enjoying the electoral viewing so much I forgot to go to bed until 6:02/

But I had finished off watching the TV at 4:00 am so I went off to my room and I spent the first hour writing yesterdays blog post to put up yesterday. And then in the second hour I was listening to Tini climbing up and down the stairs and I was getting myself changed into my pyjamas, and I added my final touches to my blogpost. But then I thought that voting for a party that you didn't want to get into office and you were just doing it to stop another political party from getting into office would be classed as fraud, I know it wouldn't be provable. But tack tackle voting is a menace and I mat have been.

But anyway the conservatives won a twelve seat majority in the houses of commons, it may be small but it's a majority, of which we haven't had since Labour was booted out 5 years ago.  But that's enough about politics, Now It's time to type about this new little demo that I am getting tomorrow, well at least I should be getting it tomorrow, so if anyone else has got a Wii U and they've downloaded Splatoon: test fire I may be seeing you about 8pm/20:00 on it tomorrow/tonight. 

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