Sunday 31 May 2015

Day 693

Day 693;

Now today was the day,

What day? Other than 693rd day which is just another number with 3 digits another really unspectacular day.

But Red did you forget what is set to happen on this day?

No... wha... oh yeah that thing.

Care to elaborate?

Ok, well you see that there savage freak had some of his friends come around.

Did he? He's got friends?

Yes I do have friends Yellow and they are very nice to me and good to me also, ad they are way too modest by stating that I wiped the floor with them. Which I did not do at all. In none of the games I wiped the floor with them but the closest game that I did that literally could probably be Splatoon but I only splatted them approximately as much as they splatted me and the winner was on all but 1 of the occasions was the person with the Wii U gamepad the only occasion was in the very first match when I was being generous and allowing Het to go first on the game pad meanwhile Easto was on a different controller this was the each of their first turns on this fame But Easto managed to adapt to his controls quicker, and then therefore won that round.

We also played Mario Kart 8 but that was last up about the 3 hour mark of play and we only got approximately 20 minutes of game play before the controls battery died on us, of which Het was excellent at especially in the 200cc races that we tried out. but se doesn't like Rainbow Road from the MK SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System). But when I first played a 200cc race I returned to 50cc and the Karts seemed like they were sitting still behind me still on there blocks.

Finally I have arrived at the midway point in my afternoon, we'll I have done what I did first, first. Then what I did last second so now it's time for what I did in the middle which was to play on some Super Smash Bros. as I did Easto and Het were flattering my ego by saying that I had lasted the longest in sudden death new challenger shenanigans I did but I couldn't land a critical hit on it to allow me to knock t out But then Easro went and beat the new challenger. And this was my daily bit of Zelda for the day as I played as Toon Link  at least once during this gaming session.

Saturday 30 May 2015

Day 693

Day 693;

So it has been the day that I have numbered 693, which was interesting as I received Splatoon today.

Splatoon is a good game, but I am terrible at it especially the online game part. Of which in the morning when I was on the rank of 1 my team lost all 3 of our turf wars, which could have been due to the fact that some of the players had a level of up to 10+ but then that's negated by the fact that on my team there was also some level 10+ players on it, as in all 3 of the battles I came in 8th out of 8 [layers and I was the lowest ranked player on any of the teams. Then I had my first 10 minute work out, of the day, on the rowing machine.

Next up on Splatoon I can't really remember what I did I start my journey as Cap'n Cuttlefish's third agent to help in his fight against those Octopuses (or is it Octopi?) who've stolen the little electric fish that power squid city, I had started doing that by the end of the first stint so lets say that that's 2/3 fish found by the end of this stint, of which I followed up by rowing for another 10 minutes.

Now it's that time for my third stint at the game but thistle I did my 10 minutes of working out before it, due to wiimote's batteries had been flattened by the end of the previous session so I had waited and worked out a bit, before getting back onto Splatoon but when I did I probably saved the 3/3 little electric fish, and I was called for dinner after though.

So now it's time for my 4th 10 minute work out of the day, and when I had done hat I got in a few minutes on Splatoon it was agains the level boss, defeating him was simple it's about how good you are at dodging it's purple slams, but all in all good easy boss to start off the game.

But on Zelda today I was trying my hands at the OctoBall derby I managed to get a high score of 61 I've got to do much, well 39 better to get myself the piece of heart;

Friday 29 May 2015

Day 692

Day 692;

So today has been that day, and In my first 5 minute row of the day I only manages 1.7km and I was about 8 seconds off getting 1.8 in it as well.

Then when I was doing the 10 minutes on the rowing machine later on this day,  and I went again on the rowing machine for 15 minutes, that makes it 30 minutes for today, I like that number, it equals half an hour which is almost as good as an hour.  60 minutes on the rowing machine... I've got to do that one of these days which is almost as good as 100 minutes; which would be a dream to do that much in one stint.

 If i did that long on the rowing machine all in one strict at a speed of 0.3km per minute 30km, for one stint of my work out I should probably die be the end of it which would be a bonus.

I can cross my fingers all I want it wont change a thing as if I can beat Yuga the likelihood that the game id going to give me another heart container has just dropped away sharply as I have just  got my next piece of heart for scoring 150 points in the rupee rush mini game Lorule, as well as that I gathered the Red Tunic from within Lorule Castle plus the second stage for defeating Yuga is a lot like how you supposed to defeat Phantom Gannon in both Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker. Which should mean that I was wrong about there being a Ganon fight in this game, and it's more of a Yuga in a Ganon costume. Buy I should really be off getting the complete number of heart containers before I challenge Yuga for another fight.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Day 691

Day 691;

Today on day numbered 691I got another go at breaking my target of 1km in under 5 minuets, on the gym's rowing machine, but I was slightly off, actually I wasn't slightly off, I was more of 15.9 seconds off it, which is more than slightly off.

But that pitiful display on the gym's rowing machines today is still my best that I have done on those rowing machines,


I  think, at the gym at least, but that is not good enough. As I have just done 1.7km in 5 minutes on the rowing machine that's at my home, I was only doing 5 minutes as a start today on that rowing machine as I didn't want to get very hot and sweaty as I was set to go to GAK' residents today.

Then later on in the day I did another 5 minutes on the rowing machine that is at my home, it was another little 5 minutes, 1.7km jaunt.

But today I got confused as I was looking at a tortoise and at first glance it appeared to have 2 beady little red eyes, but then after I had watered some of the plants that were in the green house I came back to the tortoise to check on it, and as I did I realised that they weren't it's eyes but they were beneath the critters eyes so I told Tini about this development, using a talking machine,  she told me that it was strawberry that the tortoise had been eating.

And latter on today I did another 5 minutes on the rowing machine/1.7km. So in total that makes 10 minutes and 3.4 km during the course of today. But in the Link Between Worlds I stopped after I had blown all of my Rupees on the Cucco game but I'm still terrible at it I only lasted 24.14 seconds against those obese Cuccos, but I found myself another piece of heart, so if I am correct I should now have to defeat Yuga to get the 20th heart container. but I don't know, fingers crossed. I have found the Hylian Shield but it was in Lorule not in Hyrule... Hylian = Hyrule not Lolian = Lorule, So it should have ben the Lolian shield how did an item of foreign nature to the world that the game is set in turn up in a dungeon.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Dau 890

Day 890;

So today I lost the second pound that I put on 2 days ago, so now I'm back to a more usual weigh,t well my weight before it asked me for an excuse for my weight gain.

What is IT?

It was Wii Fit.

So you're still at it are you?

Yes I am. But tonight it was another disappointing night for Mich on the Wii Fit, so I pointed out the Rowing Machine as in a way to say "you could always use that" and he said something which shocked me. As what he said was something like that he knows he could use it but he's not a driven person unlike me...?

What you're a driven person?

Apparently so.

But he could have been meaning that I was actually driven into, within the event that left this blog as one of my only outlets to inform other members of the public about my existence, not that it's anything important; but this is my way of screaming from the rooftops about random things, but I never did that even when I could talk, at least I don't think that I did.

I hate excuses, they just sound oh so pathetic.

I tailed at dodging the Cuccos for 100 seconds also today.

But today in my Rows I managed 3.4 in the first 10 minutes which isn't really too bad, I don't think is is at last. But then in my second 10 minute row of the day I could only manage 3.3 km, which was a bit disapointinh.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Day 689


Now today has been the day that I have numbered 689, and today was another persons day of celebration for the AoE. As it was Emu's yesterday and it was GAK today.

But fortunately I didn't have to go out to funny place for dinner today as Tini prepared a delicious buffet (which if spelt phonetically looks something more like Buf-fey instead of Buff-et), but I should really get onto a different observation that no body cares about, and it is ;like this I have 2 female siblings A and E/ the first 2 vowels and they are each going out/dating with some males of the first two consonants (a B and a C), So aA is dating B and E is dating C; which is unusual.

But I didn't make any progress on a Link Between Worlds today which wasn't surprising as I now shall be attempting to dodge  flying Cuccos for 100 seconds before going back to the treacheries tower to defeat advanced mode again so I can see what the other reward for completing the tower is as I got the super touch last time, that I completed it.

But then if I manage to got both of those parts complete and I'm still lacking in a 4th piece of heart then where should I look? I just don't know.

Monday 25 May 2015

Day 688

Day 688;

So today was the next day of 2 fat ladies and I'm thinking that I will be fat by the time that this day has been and gone.

But about yesterday's Eurovision I was shocked that the UK managed to score 5 points, as they did. Which was better than France, Germany and Austria. I was shocked by this, As I did also yesterday manage to get away a dew goes on Splatoon the global testfire demo which was epic, especially as I came 3rd on my team at least 3 times, I'm not very good you see.

There was disappointment today if your name is Allergy or if you support Lewis Hamilton in the F1 world championships, which is basically the same as Lewis's grasp on the title was cut in half today, as he was beaten into third position on the race that he was winning comfortably thanks to an error by the drivers garage. The official story id that the garage's GPS was at fault so they were thinking that the garage could get Lewis for an additional pit stop in the race, but why did they want him to take another pit stop? in doing that it's cost Mercedes the Monaco GP 1 2 so they got the 1 3 instead, but the incorrect racer got first place in this time.

But today I put on 2 pounds in weight what can you expect from me only doing 20 minutes on the rowing machine as well as going out for a dinner rather late on in the day. Due to it being Emu's anniversary day today for which I had made a card which was decorated with some pictures that I found of some actual Emu's not of the Emu that I occasionally type about, the one whose party we were having today.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Day 687

Day 687;

Today was the day that I have numbered 687, but nothing special about today; happened to me that is but to you that could be different..

So I was watching the folioing video to learn how about Old English I have been doing that lately due to my curiosity about the old english Gods, as we were all pagans before a group of clever guys/gals came to the educated decision that it'd be a hell of a lot easier to control people and they're actions, to make them all perform a certain role in society if they only had one god/goddess to make all of the sheep of religion all flock to one space (be it a church, mosque or synagog) instead of having many different temples to all of the gods and goddesses for people to of to, as a means of centralising all of the staff to one designated position which cuts the costs as you have to remember a religion is a business, as they have staff who need paying and the expenses on the premises which should include tax, they each have there own agendas etc.

Now I know you may think that the singing is all out of tune, that's what Allergy said to me at least, as for me I couldn't tell as I have never heard that song sang in tune.

On the rowwing machine today I did 30 minutes in 3 separate 10 minutes stints, on the first I did 3.3 KM second I did 3.2 KM but then on my third time of trying i managed to get 3.3 KM. Finally in Lorule today I got to the 45th floor in the Treacherous Tower which isn't good enough, so that'd be it for four things that just weren't good enough.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Day 686

Day 686;

As today has past me by, meanwhile I was getting a good short 20 minutes on the rowing machine out of the way within 2 turns at it, the first was after I had watered the plants and I had gone for a little wander around the place that I live in and my GAK wasn't complaining about the place that she is in as she didn't say that she wanted to go home once today.

But she was still complaining about the chef, or rather the lack of one.

Yes I know, but as soon as they get installed a decent chef up at that place the better the experience would be for all of the inmates, in that residential home.

So today I got the 5th bottle in a Link Between Worlds, as I have upgraded the Master Sword to it's highest level now all that's left is for me to upgrade Link to his best form, with all 20 heart containers and I am 3/4 of the way getting to Yuga in Lorule Castle so Yuga is heart container number 20 but before that I still need to uncover the 3rd and 4th pieces of heart container, as i'm thinking that one is in treacherous tower under the advanced difficulty but then I'm thinking the final piece of heart can be got at by completing the cucco mini game in Rooster mode, which is too challenging for the likes of me, but I'll persevere. 

Friday 22 May 2015

Day 685

Day 685;

So today is day numbered 685, and I have been watching BBC Question Time from ages ago today as well as doing some research on some old English figures of myths,

Anglo Saxson beliefs directly parallel that of Norse mythology like Þunor or Tunor who was basically Thor he was even the son of Woden, the chief of the Anglo Saxon gods like one Mr Odin as if you wanted to find out a bit about the gods of old school Britain/England you could just click HERE.

I like Mythology, it reminds me that if I accomplish anything in this pathetic life of mine then that will be a fact and if not I have nothing to worry about at least it won't be made into a mythology, like the Bible. 

But Savage did you have to put that dig into that?

What did?

I'm typing about that part "like the Bible".

What do you have a problem with me calling the Bible a book of mythology?


Why it is a book of mythology?

But people actually believe it's true, and they believe that by believing that they somehow make themselves better people due to the fact that they believe in something that is incredibly improbable and they cherish there beliefs in stark ignorance t the evidence contrary to it.

Well every Mythology has had at least one adherent since they were created many years previously even the Anglo Saxon, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Norse of which the Christian Church has absorbed some of the traditions changes the names and altered the purposes but over time that happens like christmas used to be a day like every other but then when those romans got they're hands on it and then the modern-day capitalist consensus got it's grubby paws around it's shallow neck it's throttling it for every £ and pence that it can get at.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Day 684

Day 684;

So today I went to the gym, and in the gym I saw 3 people that I knew from school, I saw OB, HB and MF; the OB and HB are brothers in this case not HB the girl; whose bruva is OE.

Please note I stated bruva not brother for the HB due to the fact that the two of them aren't actually related.

But today I have done 20 minutes on the rowing machine which means that I just need  to do 20 more minutes overtime on future days to make it equal 10 minutes on the rowing machine per day discounting all, but 10, of the minutes that I did soon after it arrived at my home. I also went to the gym today but I had to have Mich as a stand in instructor today, and it was then I saw the 3 people that I knew from school and I mentioned first in this blogpost.

But with my cartoon watching fix I today finished my watch through of Naruto, the complete 220 episodes of it. So I'm looking for another series to watch, but the first of the top 25 cartoons is Naruto Shippuuden which isn't completed as of yet, but then in second on the list is Bleach which is an older production as it started in 2004 which was before I was knocked sillier by that car (or those cars) and I used to watch that show as well from time to time if you'd know this tiny fact; I was younger back then so you could probably understand me watching cartoons but now I'm an old man I know I should start acting my age but why? As I was about to state I watched a few episodes of Bleach  it was good with the hero being a death god and all of that but Death Note was greater and it was about about death gods. But then Bleach lasted 366 episodes meanwhile Death Note only lasted 37 episodes. Now on to 3rd spot on that list as it was One Piece which is a second ongoing title and it's even older than Bleach due to the first episode was aired on the 20 of October 1999 and it's still going. So on to 4th and this one I have seen all 51 of the episodes and it's a good one as it's called Full Metal Alchemist, and I may have watched it a long time ago but it's a good little series. 5th on the list is the one that I said was better than number 2 as it is Death note, So that should mean that it is Bleach that I will probably be watching after I get back from writing my comic book; as that is my next project.

But in my Quest though Hytule I stalled it in place for today as I couldn't dodge the Cucco's in the most challenging mode I think, as 1. Egg 2. Chick 3. Rooster, as i'm stuck on rooster difficulty, for the moment at least.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Day 683

Day 683;

Now today was a boring day, I'm thinking as I can't remember me thinking about anything, to put into this blogpost for today.

But that aside I did manage to find all of Mother Malamai's, not Mama's, children in a Link Between Worlds, which was a result, so now I've got an awesome Spin attack. As I'm guessing that I'll still be needing 3 more pieces of heart and then it's Yuga that I have to defeat to get the full 20 heart containers.

Hold on second lets make that 2/4 pieces of heart to find now, as you just got your second piece from the NPC called "Devilish Girl" who runs the Treacherous Tower in Lorule, as I completed it to the intermediate difficulty level I think.

Today I have also watched some more Naruto, I have watched it so far that I'm now within the final handful or so until I have watched the complete programme.

But I have been thinking that I need to get out more as I have started to grow outwards, which may be due to my obsession t this screen that is in front of me.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Day 682

Day 682;

So today first thing I planned to write something here but then I forgot it, in the following rest of the day minus all of the alternate  time during this day, I thought about what it could have been.

And there I though it could have been that I took a shaver to, my double chin, and that was the fact that I shaved off my double Chun  again.

What else did you do today?

Well I played a bit more on "a Link Between Worlds" I was attempting to collect up all of Mama's children. and then i have to take them back to Mama and she will upgrade some of my gear.

I'm guessing that as I went to athletics today also which could be my reason for being almost falling asleep while I am typing this. 

Monday 18 May 2015

Day 681

Day 681;

Today , oh today, what did I do?I can remember doing one thing, and I can remember composing something in my head which I was going to write for this blogpost; but I can no longer remember it, which sucks.

But I can remember my 10 minute row of which I broke it down into 2 3 minute rows and a 4 minute row.

I also saved the seventh sage from in the game "a Link Between Worlds" so now I've got to invade Lorule Castle and kick Yuga's backside, basically, then I should be facing off against Gannon?

Sunday 17 May 2015

Day 680

Day 680;

This day was the day that I have numbered 680, I should really get back to making my comic book, butI just don't have the attention span.

But I have got a question about Naruto; it is why did Hinata get naked while training, in episode 148? By the way what type of training actually reacquires that? She was nude in the wilderness standing on a pond, dancing?

But within a Link Between Worlds I defeated the boss of the Desert Palace which was surprisingly easy, so now it's just the the final sage for me to save until I shall probably be tasked with the final battle(s). But for now I still have the Skull Woods  to clear and to rescue Zelda from her fate as a painting.

But the seven sages don't include Princess Zelda as as the seventh, which wasn't how it was in Ocarina of Time. Zelda was one of the seven sages in a Link To The Past also, but then they're the three zelda games that have seven sages in them. 

Saturday 16 May 2015

Day 679

Day 679;

But today I did a little quiz, it was about that little bit of anime that I have been watching over the past few days.

Which Naruto character am I?

What Naruto Character Are You?

Cruel and cold looks correct enough to me, but the second part doesn't seem correct, as I don't worship, the only thing that matters to me is me? And immortality? I'm  unsure how to answer that final two points as I know that I'm not the only thing that matters but then you could say 679 and then I'd fall quieter after I have laughed for a bit.

But today I also got more done on the game a Link Between Worlds as I have finally got the titans mit's from the Desert Palace so now I can lift up the big stones, as well as the small ones, within the game. 

Friday 15 May 2015

Day 678

Day 678;

Now today has been another day which is numbered by three consecutive numbers. but today I haven't stepped outside of my abode.

But today on Legend of Zelda a Link Between Worlds, I rescued a 5th sage it was Impa that I saved this time The boss of the temple that is on turtle island is disappointing so very disappointing, now I know that the Bosses now a days seem just that little bit easter now due to the fact that I have grown up beating the bosses up but the boss of the temple that has got lady Impa hauled up in her painting that was a whole new kind of easy, and I wasn't expecting that.

So I also watched a bit more of Naruto.

What else have you done today? 

I have... rowed for 15 minutes in total today, well it was in 3 stints the first stint was of 2 minutes then I stopped as the rowing machine wasn't securely in place, so I unfasten myself from the equipment  and then I fiddled around with the wooden supports that were keeping it in place then the second stint came down to 4 minutes which was as the equipment was still playing up on me, I hadn't solved a thing, so I stopped a second time  and this time I moved around the actual rowing machine around and fortunately it worked we'll for the next 9 minutes at least,

Anything else?

Not that I can remember at least. 

Thursday 14 May 2015

Day 677

Day 677;

So today I have been to the gym, and my gym instructor has told me that I have done very well in my competition thing; but I know that I did pathetically.

Well today I have been outside of the walls of the abode that I call my home once, so that makes it three times in three days,  but today was my time at the gym' the gym from which I can get all of my frustrations for being pathetic at the weekend out as i find it so much easier to use my strength and speed in an environment which is more sterile than in the real world. Which is exactly why I use this blog, well it's one of the reasons at least, as it is that I am incapable of speaking so therefore I make this so I have an opportunity to actually have my ideas out there, on the great sea of the internet.

My ideas may be incoherent from time to time like my post for last night. Which was as far from coherence as I think possible.

No I think you could do something more incoherent.

Now that's an understatement.

What how?

It should have been I know he can make something more incoherent.

Ok now Red, Yellow, Blue and Green  could you please be silent, I know it is only me that you are  actually talking to but your getting really quite distracting.

the four primary colours. Red, Blue then either Yellow or Green, depending on which colorspace you are using. like computers use the RBG  colorspace (Red, Green, Blue).

But the word Hokage is a very unusual word, ok you've got me I've been watching Naruto again.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Day 676

Day 676;

Today was the day that I have numbered 676, it's been another day that I have existed through.

But I have got a query about the spinal column, and it is a big question of it's design, but I know what you could say to that statement.

As you could say that I have been outside once today- which was while I was walking to some place in town. But I cannot remember where we went, all I can remember was that I went to act as Mich's ears buy I had forgot my sunglasses which made it very difficult for me to see, which came into play once .only as I almost walked into another person, if it hadn't been for Mich I probably would have... I have forgot what I was  oh darn it I... Now my head just hurts, as in I've got myself a bit of a headache.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Day 675

Day 675;

So today I went to athletics practise but I didn't get to jump, so it was just running and tossing a club, and I learnt how to todd a hammer, but it was without a hammer.

My where about's for the duration of the day 675,  was else wise at home, at least I think that I was.

But there id noting that I can really state about today as I have forgotten the vast majority of it.

Monday 11 May 2015

Day 674

Day 674;

Now today I noticed my barely literate blogpost for yesterday, and what it was supposed to say was basically:

Yesterday I had competed in 3 events, and I got 2 medals from it, 1 silver and 1 gold, the silver I got for a disappointing jump, it was only something like 2.51m, But the gold I got for running 60m but the weird thing about that race is that I was the only one that had my classification for that event while I was running, so I would have come stone dead last and still got the gold award. But then I had the 100m race for a final event which I came in stone dead last and I wasn't awarded anything, which could be as I was with people with similar disabilities as me for that one.

But then to end my blogpost I'm thinking that I mentioned my hour slot on the global test fire of Splatooon it was a demo of the multipart mode of which was fun, I sucked it but it is very good.

Well that was a whole day ago. But what have U done today?




Sunday 10 May 2015

Day 673

Day 673;

So today was the day of an athletics thing, that I went to and I got 1 silver and 1 gold medal.

The silver was for my longest jump, it was one of 2.51m, but I'm still very disappointed with my jump, as I should really be getting up to speed in my run up so I should be getting somewhere close to 3mr at the rattan 2.5m But then I won the 60m race, well my 60m race had a total of 1 person actually taking part in it which was me, nut I realised that I came 4/5th in the actual race, as in the event they had many different disability classifications competing against one another so you could potentially have 8 people in one event then and then you could have 8 gold medal.

But today I also got my hour on Splaton: Global Testfire. which was great fun, it's funny how simple it's to be taken out by by another person wurg a paint roller the game.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Day 672

Day 672;

So today I went to bed at about 6:02am as I was enjoying the electoral viewing so much I forgot to go to bed until 6:02/

But I had finished off watching the TV at 4:00 am so I went off to my room and I spent the first hour writing yesterdays blog post to put up yesterday. And then in the second hour I was listening to Tini climbing up and down the stairs and I was getting myself changed into my pyjamas, and I added my final touches to my blogpost. But then I thought that voting for a party that you didn't want to get into office and you were just doing it to stop another political party from getting into office would be classed as fraud, I know it wouldn't be provable. But tack tackle voting is a menace and I mat have been.

But anyway the conservatives won a twelve seat majority in the houses of commons, it may be small but it's a majority, of which we haven't had since Labour was booted out 5 years ago.  But that's enough about politics, Now It's time to type about this new little demo that I am getting tomorrow, well at least I should be getting it tomorrow, so if anyone else has got a Wii U and they've downloaded Splatoon: test fire I may be seeing you about 8pm/20:00 on it tomorrow/tonight. 

Friday 8 May 2015

Day 671

Day 671;

So today it was polling day and I had got up and I voted in the general election today.

As  I am about to go to bed after watching some of the votes being counted, and the BBC show of it until about when I was supposed to get this thing online, when I noticed that Douglass had got himself elected so therefore 1 UKIP MP in the next parliament but the south Thanet seat wasn't set to be hasn't got it's estimated declaration time until 6:00 so basically when this post is set to be posted, now I am going to have to wait at least a while until I find out how Nigel actually does in this election... I wonder if he can make it so there's still 2 MP in the house of commons this 5 year session of parliament?

If they could make it up to 2 MP's again but this time through the actual way into parliament not from defections, but to one part of "Scotland" that the SNP hasn't taken isn't technically Scotland, it's the constituency of Orkney & Shetland, which is just up there north on the top of Britain/Scotland, as you look at it on a map. Which those Lub Dems stole from the SNP who were too busy steeling the rest of Scotland away from both the Lib Dems and then the Lab-rats. 

What else did I do today?

Hummm... Hummmm...

Oh I know it was that thing with your new Toon Link Amiibo on that game Hyrule Warriors.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Day 670

Day 670;

Today was the day of my final Gym session before I get to compete, in some competition for the disabled, and my instructor person keeps going on about how I have got to believe in myself; within the completion. All I can do is keep my head down and run as fast as possible to the line at least.

I'll have to put as much of my effort as humanly possible into each event that I'm competing in, within order to have a chance to potentially win gold. My gym instructor attempted to hug me today, it gives me chills every time that I think about that. But my Gym instructor said something like "you've got to fix him" to Tini in reference to my not liking hugs and Tini stated that she doesn't like hugs either.

Then I got to 3.2KM in my 10 minute row today, but I must do better and I still have to get that 30 minute row in somewhere, so I'm wondering if I could fit it in tomorrow? But I doubt that as tommorroew is election day.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Day 669

Day 669;

Now today has been a day, a day that was uninteresting for no reason apart from I have been obsessing over Cardfight! Vanguard. By that I mean from watching a lot of episodes.

Although I have been obsessing for the majority of the day I have got a 10 minute stint on the rowing machine in today.Well the clock said 10:42 by the time that I had opened my eyes to see the clock due to the sweat that was dripping down my face into my eyes. So I probably got 2.9 KM rowed in 10 minutes which is pitiful. I still have to 30 extra minutes on the rowing machine.

I have had a new/ild Zelda game but it id weird , It's like the two oracle games which are oracle of ages and seasons, Bit there's , Well it was a third game in the Oracle games. But I haven'y got around to playing in Majora's Mask today;

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Day 668

Day 668;

Today was something that I cannot remember the occasion of the day, but I can remember that we had two of the relatives that live close by come around for dinner.

As I can remember going our to help collect a relative with Mich, I was tasked with pushing her around in her wheel chair. But when we had got back to our house i didn't hear her complain once, which is unusual for her apparently.

I have been watching Cardfight!! Vanguard today, which is interesting, especially when you're attempting to work out how to play the card game. I watched the first 13 episodes.

But although I got sometime to play on a Link Between Worlds today I didn't make any progress.

Monday 4 May 2015

Day 667

Day 667;

So today was the day after D's-Day and it was the day that we went to the football to watch the football team that we support get relegated.

It was a dull game we've seen some much more spectacular attacking performances from the team that I support and they've lost a good proportion of those games, so guess the score? Was it 0-1, 0-2, 0-3 or was it worse?

Why are you asking me? I was there with you, so I know the score was 1-0 which elevated the team that we support to second from bottom team that was staying in the league, from third from bottom after that draw on Tuesday. 

Well yellow that was unnecessary you've just spoilt my question to the reading public.

Well you didn't make that clear, plus you didn't write the actual score down.

Yes, I know but they were up against the side that was contesting the second automatic promotion place and they would have won it if only they could win the match today,

What so your saying that the team that you support beat a team that was by far better than the team that you support ?

Basically, and the good part of this was that none of the teams that were fighting with the team that I support to avoid the drop from the league all gained 0 points, which worked out in favour of the team that I support.

The ground was full at the away supporters end as it was in the section that we usually sit, and I got myself a yellow ballon from the away supporters/fans at the end, as they had all left in disgust, probably, leaving behind a load of cool stuff for the grounds people to pick up after they had gone, so I pocketed myself a ballon. Now just so you know I didn't literally put it in my pocket I carried it out a long time after all go the fans and supporters of the opposition team had scarpered as at the end of the match there was a pitch invasion by the fans of the team that I support to chants of something like "we're staying up" there was no malice in it to the opposition team at all, but for the first about 80 minutes of the game the team that I support was going down to the league bellow as the score was 0-0 but then inside of the last 10 minutes of regular time play the team that I support scored. 10 minutes later 5 minutes time added on then approximately 6 minuted later full time sounds, the team that I support were waiting on the results for the other games that were being played in the league, before declaring themselves safe and starting to party up.

But today I have taken the Dark Temple boss down, in a link between worlds and yesterday I took down the boss of the Swamp Temple. So that has been my exploits in Hyrule/Lorule over the past two days.

Sunday 3 May 2015

Day 666

Day 666;

Ok so today I haven't been around to correct the typo that I put in yesterdays post, but now I have. The typo was the statement that yesterday was the penultimate day before today, as I have been out all day today but fortunately we, me and Red, managed to write up this thing earlier. But today I ate a McDonalds Bacon roll with brown sauce which was delicious.

So I have made it all of this way up to D apostrophe s-day, now the D basically means Devil and the apostrophe s means it's his/hers/its day, as in it is the devil's day, forward slash it is the 666th day since I started my daily blogpost experiment. It's still continuing you may never have even looked at a page on it before you may never look again just as you may not have even now but if you are either listening to or reading this now you have my personal thanks.

For doing what?

Which should be unless your name is Red.

That's good my name isn't Red.

What's your name, if it's not Red?

I d...  no d...  I am the devil.

Oh well off you claiming something that isn't yours, you may be a slight devil but your not The Devil as for starters your not old enough, but how humorous that the day that I have been set up to be the celebration of the D's-Day is a Sunday the first Sunday in May to be now that was a bit of bad planning as I probably should have timed it to be on the 6th of June now what I really needed was it to be in 06, which would be the 6th year after the turn of the millennium so then it would have  been on the 666 day properly, but I was around in those days back in those days of old, I mean by the name of Savage point 1, and it was on the other side of the year of my death.

Year of death! But your not dead, yet.

Congratulations Red, how observant of you.
Now why is the number 666 the devil's number, and who is this devil character you maybe asking... No no one asking those questions, only me, then I'm going to have to do this for me then, no change there then.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Day 665

Day 665;

Now it's the ultimate day before D's-Day, I still haven't done anything special for it so that should just leave tomorrow/day 666 to get it done on, but I don't even have that, in reality as tomorrow is already fill up with a whole load of shenanigans that I have to do.

I have also been watching a video on the internet which reminded me of a woman that I thought I saw on Wednesday, as I thought I saw my one and only ex-person/ex-girlfriend this was while I was at the end of my stint just before I got on a rowing machine I noticed the woman that was already sitting on the rowing machine to my right hand side as I sat down on trowing at a steady pace, as my gym instructor gave mr a pep talk for when I'm competing in another athletics thing, because there is no prizes for second place (not counting silver awards) But I understand what he is attempting to get me to do as he is attempting  to get me to care about what place I come in within events at this future athletics for cripples like myself. As for the athletics thing I have to forget my disabilities and just run/jump. Plus I have got to have some dreams (actual sleeping dreams) about me winning the events before I actually go.

So from that as if story back to one that takes place in Hyrule as in. As in that place I have continues from where I left off yesterday, I think, at least from within the Swamp Temple. 

Friday 1 May 2015

Day 664

Day 664;

2 days left and I still haven't stared properly, But this morning I had a question, it was "are there any fairy tales left untainted by Disney?" so I searched for it.

But the number 1 webpage that came up was a pro disney webpage saying "is there any more fairy tales left for Disney? and the answer was yes there are many more that Disney haven't touched thankfully. Like Hansel and Gretel; and the cannibal witch but I thought that they were in one of the Shrek films which were created by Dreamworks not Disney,  Another one is Jack and the Beanstalk, "Fee Fi Foe Fum I smell the blood of an Englishman" says the giant/ogre that lives on a cloud? Well that's an English folk tale which is the equivalent, Just like "The Three Sillies" which is a humorous tale of a man his girlfriend and her parents, when three out of the four start crying about a mallet that one of the three saw in the cellar of there home. Well that's how it starts at least and I couldn't tell you how it ended, as quite frankly that is none of our business.

But today I called Allergy up on her literally saying what Nigel Farage was saying below, about the Australian immigration policy and how we (collectively as in the EU and Britain) need something like it, But I have heard him say that spiel about just the Britain. As his party is the only party that believe in Britain, or so they say.

But today I got myself over the 3 KM mark in 10:54, which I know is slow m and I should really quit making excuses.

But these are true.

It doesn't matter how valid your excuse is, it's still an excuse.