Saturday 31 January 2015

Day 575

Day 575;

So it's been day 575, and today I have completed the Sky Keep, in Skyward Sword Now I'm onto the final decent into the battle against Ghirahim and Demise, to complete Skyward Sword.

Today I have watched some science and some science fiction. The science that I have watched is  the below, it's what happens when you have some sodium (Na) and you add water (H2O) but he has used a very good camera one that goes to the 0 point 1's ms frame rate, so that camera is able to take a new photo/frame 10 times every 1 thousandth of a second which must be so many times better a standard humans vision, by probably something like a thousand times, but mine by approximately 1 million times. So here's the cool science YouTube video;

iSo what about the Sci-Fi you have watched today?

Red, I am going to get onto that but I had a memory of this morning.

Oh Red, I think he means the Snow.

Yes I'm on about the snow, that we had left over from the last nights snow.

So the Sci-Fi that I watched today was the first instalment the Star Wars franchise, episode IV (4). It was good but it wasn't without it's flaws like R2 D2 literally walking away at various points, within the film.You may wonder what I am typing about but when the joints at the top of R2 start moving in directions that aren't prohibited by any of R2's workings then you should realise that something is not correct about that R2 unit.

Friday 30 January 2015

Day 574

Day 574;

So this morning I almost did nothing but I decided to make some progress on Skyward Sword, I decided to attEmpt the Sky Keep, I have explored every room and I have got the Triforce of power.

Next up is the Triforce of Courage, now I have got the room key thanks to Allergy, I don't know how she does it she can just go in to that boss all guns blazing without Link tiering, not even once, the stamina meter never even showed up when she was playing the game but as soon as I'm doing any actual damage on that mechanical skeleton thing it balloons up in my face, it does the same thing in all of the battles that I have had against Demon Lord Girahim.  I just need to get the final two pieces of Triforce, both Courage and Wisdom.

What else have I done I done on this day?

I know you've eaten.

Well thank you Green, I mean what I haven't done every other day of my life, so far.

Oh, I know something,


Well I was about to say think but I don't think you have done that today.

Oww, cutting high five Green.

Red, quit encouraging Green!


Your not helping anyone.

Who said I was attempting to help anyone?

No one.

Then why would I care?

Red was helping someone anyway Savage.

Who? You Green?


Ha... Don't even go there Green, you come from MOI (My Overactive Imagination) just as Red, Yellow and Blue do, and all of the the other things that I have made up, and put on this webste.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Day 573

Day 573;

So today was another day that I had forgot what I had done in the morning until I remembered what day it was.

As I remembered I did nothing this morning as I do most mornings especially this morning. then I remembered some of the stuff that I did this after-noon, as I went to the gym, I played on Skyward Sword twice, and I ate some Chicken that is put in balls and then coated in batter, which is a culinary delight and some chips, just for all of my American readers, if I have any I never know when I have offended the anyone let alone the highly strung population of America, with all of those censored topics of conversation, land off the free? Only if it's politically correct, like if I wanted to say that Obama has done a fine job as president in the last two terms he has been president I would have to say exactly that, I couldn't say the black man that you, over the pond, have elected as president has done a mighty fine job, it just wouldn't be acceptable and you would be quite correct in saying what relevance does the colour (tone) of his skin have to do with the job he has performed, and then I would say nothing I was just adding more detail to the description of the president.

So how did I get from Skyward Sword to a tiny rant on PC while missing out on the chips that I meant.
As I meant Chips
not Crisps
nor did I mean
poker chips
Those types of Chips.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Day 572

Day 572;

So today I thought about some old school stuff, not as in i actually had any lessons on the below video, free running, at school as I didn't but I would just pretend I was doing some of the stuff while I was running around at school,

Dreaming about running on top the B-block roof, not the B-block roof that is way up in the air, 3 stories up in the air as a fact, but I was on the B-block roof that was just over the boys PE changing area/the library, the hall and the science rooms, my dreams were about Parkour or free running. If I had created this blog before I got knocked over by a moving vehicle I ma have mentioned Parkour quite frequently.

Now I like the following YouTube video as it takes balls to do what these people are doing, I think at least, besides the person that you see in red that you only his back looks a little bit like me as in my hair was that colour, it was that length, I have a jumper that is that colour and I'm English (as the man says that he's the English Spider-man), but I can't do back flips, or foreward, left, right flips either as I never have in all likelihood I never will either, which is a blow, I also have never been to the Ukraine and his name's James, oh bugger, It can't be me.

Now let me show you some of Parlours best bits as of 2013, at least, it's awesome.

So I would just like to have a go at all of the stuff shown above before I pop my clogs, but it doesn't look like I am going to have the skill to do any of theses anymore, not even running across a  roof top,  How did I get back onto this topic today, you may be wondering, I know I typed may be wondering as I also know you may not be wondering as you probably aren't doing that thing but I'll go into it anyway. As today I decided to search for Run Escape as I had an idea for a game called that name which could have places like London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, Dublin, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Amsterdam and Brussels, I have just taken 10 city names to get started on, as I thought that if someone could make 3D computer generated models of them then somebody could make some 3D models of people to get doing all of the cool stuff from those videos over the streets and then you could potentially generate more income by realising more locations and characters like you could do a deal with nintendo to allow you to use Hyrule City, Zoras Domain, or even Clock Town, with characters like Jump Man (Mario), Link and Star Fox, and then you could even have Master Chief in Tokyo city busting out some moves, due to the count of DLC, you could even play as Rayman on the Savage Moon. But to get all of those little Extras someone is going to have to talk to whoever is in charge of the said entities, like the GTA man free running about all of the cities that you have previously trashed by driving around like a man person.

And in Hyrule today I got the two final keys needed to complete the water temple then I took the remaining golden spiders and their tokens, as i found them, then and only then I defeated Morpha, the boss of the Water Temple, which was easier than I remembered. 

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Day 571


So it be the day that I have labeled 571, ad the thing about this day was the fact that I defeated shadow link first time I went up against him.

Now how I defeated shadow Link was actually been thanks to the goddess Din and her fire as I used that god power  during the fight, which was very helpful, and a way to stop him from jumping on your sword is by pressing A to attack (use jump attack). Now all I need to do is to find the last small key so I can get into the room which houses the boss key to allow me to enter the bosses room so I can hopefully defeat the boss of the water temple to then save the Zora's and to get my fiancee to leave me alone and become the water sage, just as my sworn brother became the fire sage and before I leave this temple I still found that golden skull spider thing which I needed the Longshot to get but at the time I didn't have the Longshot but now I do so I have to find it again.

But before this day started properly I had an actual dream and I wrote it down.

So this morning I had a dream I had a dream that I was playing hockey again, I cannot remember the actual reason why I was playing but I was actually playing in my old 24 team shirt, for my old team but I was in an older team I was in senior age ranking but I haven't played since I was at youth age ranking which skipped out the junior age ranking entirely even though I used to train in all three of the age ranking sessions ever since I was peewee age; and I played as number 81 but that was for a separate team to the one that I played for as number 24 which I started off as number 25 in peewee. Then as I came to youth I continue to do the youth and junior age ranking training which was on a Friday night but I never got to train with the seniors, apart from when they came down to play on Fridays which wasn't often as the majority of them had actual serious work.

Monday 26 January 2015

Day 570

Day 570;

But today was the day that I have decided to number 570, and today was a little bit interesting.

It was interesting in spite of only loading up Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time a couple of times today but the first times the battery of my 3DS was low so I didn't manage to progress on it, but by the time my 3DS was fully charged. as I wasn't putting it in it's charging docking station properly, but then by the time that It was fully charged I didn't get much more than the amount of time that I had got on it this morning, I don't know why.

But it could be as I did decide to watch VGHS today but the first time that I heard it I thought that it said VGH chess, as the weird accents, why do all of you speakers have such weird accents? Even my talking gadget has a couple, or four, weird accents.Of which I think it would be super cool to have avatars that actually look like the person that's playing the game. I know that would be very difficult to engineer in reality/ in game which is why you have some preset avatars for you to customise, and I grrl sorry in advance to anyone that would have to face up (pretty literally) against me, as I'm not really a pretty thing; not by any stretch of the imagination.

But my imagination has lead me to a place that's inside my head called IUO, but I will have to put in on the end of my list of stuff to create, hopefully.

Sunday 25 January 2015

Day 569

Day 569;

So today has been an eventful day, as I witnessed the football team that I support won a match at they're home ground, which has rarely happened this season.

Now I just wanted to put that youtube project up on this page as it highlights YouTube feminism for some of it's flaws.

I especially like the close as it is Captain Jean Luc Picard talking to Commander/Lieutenant Warf within one of my favourite Star Trek series (Star Trek: The Next Generation).

So I move onto the match that the team that I support won 2-0 and that was a home match, but the score should have been 2-1 as the opposition scored a goal but it was disallowed as they had now of the goal scorer offside according to the lines man but I didn't think that the player of the opposition team was really offside. But the team that the team that I support played today played worse the team that I support as the team that I support has played better football in games that they have lost than they did in the match that they won today, so what I am trying to put into words is that it wasn't that the team that I support actually played good football, it was more as the opposition played even worse.

In Hyrule today I was playing on the Ocarina of Time, as I got into the Water Temple today, and Nintendo when did you become so prudish?

I mean look at the two bellow images of Princess Ruto.

Then (when Ocarina of time was originally released)

Now (when the remade version for 3DS has been released)

I'm sorry but she's a fish she doesn't need all of the additional cladding, if anything maybe a cape like her father but not a whole gown, which other Zora's wear any clothing, this excludes her father/king Zora?
As he has a cape, and a crown? I am unsure as to how I should classify his crown as I am unsure if it's natural (like the silver backed Gorilla) or not?

Saturday 24 January 2015

Day 568

Day 568;

Today I went to the pub with my friend, my friend who is also known as PK; if only to me if no-one else.

But today I said to him that he smelt of Austria as that is how his fragrance resembled to me. He smelt of my old ski trips in Austria but I had never got what that smell actually was, but I thought that it was those little Austrian pieces of ham that we got in those sandwiches that we got from the hotel/ski lodge type place, and I didn't actually get it correct until after we had gone to the pub and we sat down by the town pond  as he got out one of his cigarettes and he lit it on fire and started smoking it, now the smell of those cheep cigarettes unlit actually bring back memories of better times for me, as iy gets me in a kind; nostalgic, but then he started lighting the cigarettes on fire. I had to get out of smelling distance of the fumes.

Then PK made some comment about 3 ways of indecisively committing suicide smoking was 1, but I've forgotten the other 2:
But I'll improvise,
2. could be getting struck by a car,  as from my personal experience getting hit by a car isn't fatal,
3. Je Suis Charlie, if you've been freeing up to date with the news from France you should understand this message.

Je Suis Charlie and all of those shenanigans, even if I'm not called Charlie but I am on the same page as them in the criticism/mockery of religion [pun intended].

But I haven't managed to get on with playing on with any Legend of Zelda games today.

Friday 23 January 2015

Day 567

Day 567;

today was another day with three characters that are numbered in order, like 123, 234, 345 and so on.

On today I managed to play on the Skyward Sword again and I got the final piece of the song with some very much  needed assistance from the usual suspect, who really hates Skyward Sword. But the part that I had to do was the swimming for Tadtones part of the getting the part from the Faron woods which were underwater ok so I eventually managed to collect all of them except two which were the longest one and the onr that's in a big circle which is basically underneath Olo, well it's in the vicinity of Olo at least;

I started writing a bit on a comic idea of mine the comic is going to  be called Spectrum and the main character is an alien called Roy G. Biv. at least I hope it will be; which is still all up in thee air just along side of every other idea that I am having now a-days.

But I also saw the below image on the net today, It's about Social media that's ruining our health/minds.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Day 566

Day 566;

Now today has been the 566 day go my journey, to where you may ask.

Ok then, I will ask; your journey to where?

It was meant to be a rhetorical question,

So what, does that mean that your not going to answer?

No, I can answer but it is going to be a bit morbid of an answer, I was meaning it more of a way as you all should know what I have already stated what the purpose of this blog is for a long time ago in all honesty so I have little hope in remembering what I typed all of those days ago which probably means that it was for my memory so I can just read what it says that I did on that day,.of which I will do one day.

If I don't die first that is.

I went to the gym today my rowing time had gone back down/up to over 6 minutes.I used the piece of equipment which is like a cross trainer but for up hills before I went on the rowing machine.

Hydra had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.  and *spoiler allert* the Coulson was promoted to take Nick Fury's place a t the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. funny as it may be that the Avengers still think that their new boss is dead, as he has been since Loki stabbed him through the heart within the last Avengers film.

I have also watched the two Amazing Spiderman Films however I didn't think that they were amazing they were good but just not amazing.

And now to the biggest disappointment of the day I didn't manage to find the time to play any Zelda Games, It could be as Spiderman dishonoured Mr Stacy's dying wish. But then if he hadn't had disobeyed Mr Stacy's dying wish would he have come up with a way to defeat Electro? As is a possibility but a not very likely one and certainly not in the time frame that she had it sorted out.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Day 565

Day 565;

So today was the next day of my existence and it has been a marvellous day. But it has had somethings unfortunate happen today also.

So the unfortunate things come down to the fact that I didn't manage to fit in any of the Zelda games into my life today, the second unfortunate thing was that thanks to the busses my friend who was coming round to go to any old pub in the town that I live, the pub isn't called "any old pub" I was just meaning the phrase as in any of the pubs in my homes town but I could use it as a name for a pub within I don't know ant one of my games ideas or for within another one of my unfinished tales, as wasn't I writing that one years back about the man with the red halo which was a halo which was drenched in all of the blood from his angelic foes that he had killed, I think he called it a halo of Sin. In actual fact I am unsure if I told it to you. ah that's it My new/old Story Tale I Chapter 1. I'm sorry about the language that I have used I just no good at putting my ideas into words so they read nicely at least not back then, I hope I have improved enough to give it another go, some time.but he rest of the story that I had completed isn't up here at least not yet, good.

Now I'll move on the Marvellous well I have been watching more Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and it's getting more interesting by the minute of viewing. I also watched The Wolverine today and it comes in between the X-Men the Last Stand film and X-Men days of future past. As both Xavier and Magneto come back to life fully powered, as I mean that Xavier was dead and Magneto was powerless.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Day 564

Day 564;

So today I worried Mich with the little piece of  text that I shall put up at the end of todays transmission; but first I have been getting slightly creative as well as disappointed today.

Now the thing that I have been getting disappointed about today was my lack in progress on any of my Zelda games as I only have until the day of my anniversary of the day of my birth. To get the first three finished, I know that the there are four games before Majora's Mask but I am not including Four Swords as I do not have three friends to play it with me. But my creative part of today which could be if Nintendo was to make a 3D version of Hyrule which could be based on Hyrule from within the game that the four sword is created in/Minish Cap, and it could be online so then you could have a player from the USA, another from Japan, one from Belgium and the final one from South Africa. All combining they're talents to complete the Four Swords games, international Four Swords how unifying, but only in my dream world would it work, probably now prove me wrong I dare anyone to prove me wrong.

But the moderates of any religion be it Islam or Christianity cherry pick the best bits out of their religious texts, you could say that the extremists cherry pick the worst parts out of their chosen religious text which may be true but the big part of Islam, that I though, was the part where they say that they read the whole book and adhere to it on whole. But then there is some of my friends that said that there is some parts of the Quran that are only for the Shia, especially the parts which tell them to kill unbelievers in Allah. I have heard some say that it's only the apostates of Islam that some of those count toward I don't care who it is against, it could be against a Jack Russell or a Pit-bull for all I car, it doesn't excuse any type of abuse on any animal, be they Human or be they dogs.

Please watch this video the whole way through.

Monday 19 January 2015

Day 563

Day 563;

So today I have managed to defeat Volvagia.

But I  cannot remember what I have done for the majority my day as all that I can remember of what happened to me today was that I played some more on the Ocarina of Time, I made my way into the Zora's Domain and up out back to the ice cavern place where I got the blue fire stuff for inside bottles.

But I can also remember today going on my Wii on Mario Kart today but I got in 3 races until my eyes packed up, which was almost a complete Grand Prix.

I watched some episodes of Marvels Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D as well but I can only remember that as I have only just been doing that.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Day 562

Day 562;

Today has been a disappointing day, as for a start the football team that I support lost, again at home.

But else where in disappointing I didn't manage to progress past the fire temple today, on Ocarina of Time. But that may have been down to my not being able to fit in a decent enough shift in throughout the day due to being driven to and from the stadium....

Excuse me!

Yes Red?

Was that an excuse, I mean from you as to why you haven't met your target?

Uhhh... Well yes.

Well don't, make excuses.


It's stupid and it's irrelevant.

Kind of like my whole life then?

Basically yes.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Day 561

Day 561;

So today has been another weird day,

It has been weird today as I defeated Phantom Ganon on my first run through of the Forest Temple Boss stage, I found that weird as as I can remember having real problems with him in the past, which could mean either that the game has got easier or that I have got better. I know which one of the two I'd like it to be , but alas I think it must be the former of the options as I know, well I'm pretty sure, that it can't be the latter as I'm now disabled and on every other attempt earlier I was able bodied. So since then I have taken a trip around the edges of the Hyrule field as older Link and younger Link before going up to the Fire Temple after discovering that Darunian has named his son after me, which has really touched me (touched in a metaphysical way). But the whole notion of their being Goron children has got me wondering how, as all of the Goron's that we know about are Male and in the Fire Temple you have to save all of the Goron's bar two, the two are Darunian's son and the shop keeper.

Another weird thing about today was the fact that my GAK (Great Aunt K) who has lived on 1 road in three different homes her whole life, which should be 88 years of it is now thinking of packing up her stuff and moving all the miles away down to near by where the rest of her Savage family lives, as she was a member of the Savage family also but a long time ago.

But great news the game Majora's Mask has been confirmed for release on Friday the thirteenth of February I guess unlucky for me as it's not my anniversary day until a day in the next month so I'll be anxiously waiting for that day to come.

Friday 16 January 2015

Day 560

Day 560;

Ok; so I have been to the dental Hygienist today  it was a waste of time, aa I sat there I was getting patronised by the person that was the Hygienist, as she was speaking in a very condescending manor to me saying that my teeth were better than she expected in a greatly superior tone.

But elsewhere today, in Hyrule to be exact, I got lost in the forest temple. But thankfully I have got Farore's wind, now believe me it doesn't smell, but now on a more serious note I have only felt the dungeon a little bit frustrating, this time through it as I only noticed that I could get into the room at the back of the temple quite a bit later so now but now I have noticed my mistake.

But also in Hyrule today, well in the world of Hyrule I've been thinking about writing down some of my ideas for Legend of Zelda Games my ideas have been inspired by the old school CD-I games, loosely for the moment, by that I mean that I'm pencilling the games in at a spot in the timeline of after Zelda I and II.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Day 559

Day 559;

Now today I went to the gym, as I was interested if the less stuff that I'm on now, by stuff I'm meaning drugs or hormones, would have a negative effect on my gym activities.

So today my gym instructor couldn't even tell that I was down on my medication, as he thought that I had another great session in the gym, but today I managed to get 1000m (1km) rowed in some time like 5 minutes 49 point something, I'm thinking plus I was to slow by a time that was almost 20 seconds to reach my next goal.

But today in Hyrule I travelled forwards in time to get  the light medallion and then go to Kakariko village for mr to acquire the Hookshot from Dampes grave so I can intrude on the forest sage, as that is Saria, of in the forest temple. and just I might as well state my thanks to Sheik who is literally Zelda in drag, for giving to me a little tune which will warp me to the entrance of the temple. But I have got another paradox of the game and it is when your in Kakariko village in the windmill as an older character the insane chap that teaches you the song of storms basically tell you that it was you that taught him it those seven years ago , but you didn't well at least not yet because I will go back in time to empty the well but if that was as it is then all of the other things that you have to go back in time 7 years to gt done should be completed before you have to go back. It's a theme of inconstancy that is often present in games that tackle the fundamental cause of everything, time.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Day 558

Day 558

So today I collected up the final two spiritual stones from within Hyrule, as now I'm Darunia's sworn brother and the princess Ruto of the Zora's  intended/fiancee- not too bad for a days work.

Now in other news of today, I have noticed that at one point yesterday (or two days ago for all who view this webpage on the day that it's set to go online) I got fifty two visitors, and just as i'd like to say wow, how could I be so popular? But then I realised that I'm not, it's probably just someone has got this website loaded up on their computer screen and then somebody has come along and pushed refresh a fifty one times.

The Legend of Zelda games from many years ago/Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time seems very easy now, it probably only does as I have completed it, within what seems to be now, a previous life. back when the games were more challenging as I must have been something like twelve when I first played the formerly mentioned game .

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Day 557

Day 557;

So this morning was probably slightly more disconcerting than it usually is, it was disconcerting as in the morning I.  Didn't know what day it was and I hadn't had a dream, at least none to my memory, but both of those things aren’t very unusual, for me at least the reason that I found my experience of the morning disturbing was that my feet were cold, I use the term cold in lack of a better descriptive word for the numbness felt by my feet this morning. As I was attempting to gather my bearings within this world I noticed my door was already open, but I was too busy attempting to get some feeling into my feet to pay more attention, to that fact, then some time passed and Allergy decided to start to order me about, by saying that I have to do x, y & z in order to get to a location... Hang on a second, I meant... By saying that I need to do x by y in order to get to z later on today. 

Now I have been thinking, about my pathetic excuse for a life,  as what else is up to me and only me to make sense of. Lets for a second just assume that none of my imaginary friends are going to contribute to this topic else wise that’ll get overly confusing. As I have been thinking about physics also today, now you may be thinking something like 
“he first typed something about himself and then he typed something about physics, what the hell isn’t it obvious that physics is way more interesting than you."   
Thank you Red, but didn’t I only just say that you shouldn’t be making an appearance today?
Ok Sorry.

The physics that I was thinking about was Tachyons, which are theoretical particles that travel as speeds that are faster than the speed of light, but so far none have been proven to exist. But they have had a starring role in Star Trek. which is Sci-fi as but I’m unsure if it should be Fi-sci as it tells a story first and just and then every bit of science is added in on top of the story. But now back to the topic of those as I wanted to type if you had a solar sail which if you got into space you could travel as fast as the Luxon’s, which are the particles  of light traveling at the speed of light, now you may be wondering where I’m attempting to go with this and it comes do as a way of traveling through space at speeds that could perhaps equal that of the speed of light if not break it, it was as I was thinking about this as I was unsure of how long ago I first thought of solar sails as I have had a thought of how I could have come up with it which could have been from copying the Bajoran’s on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as in an episode Deep Space Nine the ancient Bajorian’s quite literally had a small space craft with a big sail coming out of the craft and the sail caught the Luxon’s to get the energy of it's propulsion, but how did the the sails work? they looked like sack material. sack material doesn’t work with the sun light; does it? Which is why I’ve got a suggestion for what it should be made of.

My suggestion is make it out of retinas you could use human or you could use a synthetic substitute, my reason is you know  what happens to your head if someone shines a light in your eyes. your head is repelled and you close your eyes.  The retina could be sending electrical impulses to your brain to move your head that actually moves your head, but is it just that?

Today I have played a bit on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time,, and I have just made Darunia very happy (by playing Saria's Song to him on my current Ocarina). But I also learnt Eponas song, the Sun Song and Zelda's Lullaby; so that makes it a grand total of 4 tunes

Monday 12 January 2015

Day 556

Day 556;

It has been the day 556; and today I have been to Kent.

 Also today I traveled back into Hyrule in the time of the Ocarina of Time, aka the third single player game  in the current Legend of Zelda time-line, but it shouldn't be the third at least not in the completed continuation of Hylian time-line as you know that the games aren't created in chronological order and there is still a big mystery between what happens to the first pig like evil guy that struck in between the fist two Zelda games Skyward Sword and Minish cap, as in Minish cap it's got a sketch of stained glass it shows a giant pig which looks like Ganon from some of the other games but it can't be Ganon as Ganon wasn't created until Ocarina of Time so the only two it could be, that we currently know about are Vaati and Demise, and neither of them resembled a pig.

As within Ocarina of time I was amazed by how big the over-world (Hylian country side) was again. As I have played it before but my memory shrinks it down in size So it can fit in my head and Queen Gohma was exceptionally easy to defeat this time.

Now I remember me starting this entry by stating that I went to Kent today, was I did to see Emu and C... M... no that's it I have a new name for that man whose name begins with a C, why don't I just call him C?

I don't know why don't you?

Ok so that's it every time that I am about to type CM or alternative spelling I shall just type C, from now on.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Day 555

Day 555;

So today is the day of three fives,

So on this day I have been wondering what to watch when my current set of Star Trek finishes, now I know I should be thinking about what I should do something useful with my miserable little excuse for a life, but I've got no clue.

So I decided to find out what was the difference between the United Kingdoms Sci-Fi and the United State of Americans Sci-Fi industries, the difference is the level of humour apparently, as British sci-fi is apparently a bigger joke and American is a lot more sincere.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Day 554

Day 554;

So this day has been the day numbered 554, on this day I watched some stuff.

Tini also hosted a party, it was a party for a whole load of her friends. Only her friends not all of the people that live in the house, as I was one of that smaller set of people that actually live here, I wasn't invited to the party; not that I would have gone to it if I was invited anyway. But I had to go downstairs when it was on, to have my daily Wii body test but Allergy and Mich didn't partake in the daily fit tests.

The stuff that watched today was some more of Deep Space Nine. After the first contact with the founders of the dominion, of which they used a ship which was the best that the UFoP could put together then dragging it through the worm hole, taking one of the dominions ships down with them before they were boarded by the enemies forces the Bridge staff was captured and then they were tested to what lengths they'd go to in order to protect the Alpha quadrant from the devastation which shall come from the Gamma quadrant. It's good to see that quark made a useful spouse to the Klingon whose husband he "killed".

In the Legend of Zelda games I played some Ocarina of Time, today as I didn't get downstairs to play on the Wii/Skyward Sword, and I didn't play Minish Cap as I'm on and I am perilously close to completing that game and I mustn't completed until I have completed Skyward Sword. 

Friday 9 January 2015

Day 553

Day 553;

So today it rained and that was about it, for the morning at least.

In the afternoon I first played on super smash bros, as Link and as Mii, so you can see my limits of playing with a Legend of Zelda character today.

But then in the evening of the day I did my daily body test but I didn't burn off very many Calories today, so today was my first day of the week to not burn off enough calories, probably as I was watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine some of season 2 the new Bajoran Kai, to the entrance of the dominion properly as I had so far only heard about them it was nice seeing the dominion destroying a United Federation of Planets star ship.

Adding to the tensions that the UFoP with the uneasy peace with the Cardassians, the Maquis, Bajoran, and then they've got the Humans from Earth. The Maquis maybe majority human but they have settled down on other planets that are now in the hands of the Cardassians.

Cardassians not Kardashians.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Day 552

Day 552;

So is is/has been the 552nd day of my blogged life so far and I have had another one of my interesting dreams, but I can't actually remember what it was about, the only parts of it that I can remember is one of the faces and the colour scheme the colour scheme was like a cartoons colour scheme, which tells me I need a dream recorder so I could sit down at the end of the night/the morning to view all of the horrific things that have happened inside my head, the device a dream recorder isn't real as I know at least not yet, but it would work by something like getting put in sync with your brain waves so that it can form a graphical representation of what your dreams consist of but then it would also work during the day giving it the power to read minds... Which could be helpful but it could also be destructive, especially to marriages and it would be Jeremy Kyle's new favourite toy,

The other day I learnt of a new trick to find out if someone is making something up or remembering it from the past. it is by watching they're eyes if they look up they are making it up and if they look down they're remembering it. This was proven to me on me by them saying something that I couldn't possibly know and they asked me to complete the story, my eyes went up to the ceiling faster than anything, except the speed of light and the probably millions of things that move quicker. And the fact that I can't really remember things actually makes more sense as I can't really look down without closing my eyes that is unless I'm having a staring competition with someone wether or not they know, that we're having a staring competition, but that is generally at eye level.

But I'll go a bit about my day as I went to the gym today and I did a bit of a cardio work out, well that is what my trainer said. I started off on the cross trainer, then I went to the bikes then the rowing machine. but on the Bike I was riding 5 KM, very slowly as I got it completed in something like over 12 minutes 30+seconds. which is 1 KM in approximately 2 minutes 30 seconds. and just my rowing time was down also at 6 minutes 10 seconds point 1. The point 1 part is crucial as my name is Savage point 1/Savage.1, do you get it? there is 0.1 and I am nothing/0 point 1 the point 1 is my minuscule online presence. I know that i should have put anther couple of million 0 in-between the point and the 1 to make it more accurate but that would be a to more difficult to spell.

But I couldn't found the tune  to play any Skyward Sword nor did I find the time to get on with my  flash project, But it's the third day in a row for me to exceed my daily calorie target.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Day 551

Day 551;

Whoops... I have just realised I have been spelling the name Vegeta wrong, as I added an i instead of an e for the second e in the word.

Today I have been walking the streets of London, to get to the hospital that I was required to go to, for a little talk on the medication that I am currently taking. Not as in right this second, I meant as in three times a day I'm having one tablet,

no that sounds stupid it sounds as if you're dividing up a tablet into three pieces, 

no I don't mean that I meant that at three separate intervals in the day I ate another tablet.

Ok I remember stating yesterday that I was going to inform you all about what happened at the athletics thing yesterday and about now is late enough so I shall. Well we first went outside and ran around a bit, which is my favourite part of athletics, running around. Second is Jumping then my least  favourite part is throwing not only as I'm terrible at it, but also as my hands don't work properly and I get patronised almost every time that I throw. So I like running as I'm nor allowed to run indoors, not that I let that stop me... on the most part at least, and running is just fun despite my knees keep attempting to crash together while I'm trying to run. Jumping I put that on the list in second as the only type of jumping that I'm any good at now is long jump which is basically running up to a line and then as soon as you reach the line you have to jump upwards and hopefully your speed will be enough to carry you far enough.

But so also today I watched the rest of the DBZ episodes as I watched Buu get destroyed by the spirit bomb, and I saw Goku run away to train Buu's incarnate, to become the new defender of the earth. Pan, Bulla/Bra had ben born by the end DBZ also, as Pan was fighting in the Martial arts competition at the end along side of good Buu, Trunks, Goten, Vegeta. But Gohan didn't compete as he has retired from that scene I think.

But there was double the disappointment today asI didn't manage to fit any Skyward Sword or any of my flash project in today.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Day 550

Day 550;

So it's been a day of  intresting as I have actually done something athletic, today but more on that later.

As first I can tell you about DBZ as I have been watching more of that today, and it had got more exciting as in an episode that I have watched Kid Buu has now spat out the Old Buu. So now it's Old Buu vs Kid Buu and Kid Buu looks to be winning earth has been restored with all of the people on it for Vegeta's cunning plan, thanks to a different planets Dragon Balls, the planet of Namek, for Vegeta's plan of using a Spirit Bomb on Majin Boo to have the potential of working.

But in The DBZ universe who is the strongest fighter? Buu? Vegitio? Goku? Vegita? Gohan? Gotenks? Now I would like to state now, before I present my case, that I haven't seen all of the episodes of DBZ yet but I have an idea of how it ends seeing as there is another series of Dragon Ball which is set after it, called Dragon Ball GT. But I'm still interested in seeing how they do it. But the strongest fighter in the DBZ universe is Buu as he can absorb others powers and strengths if he wishes, but I know that he didn't manage to absorb Vegito as Vegito put up a barrier which stopped him from absorbing Vegito's power so then Vegito's the strongest, no I'm being hypothetical now, and with the ability to absorb the powers of enemies if it worked every time then Buu would be the strongest fighter. But then only very little of the power is actually his so I'm guessing that disqualifies him. Vegito is a strong fighter As he was toying with Buu as he was beating Buu so he is one of the most powerful people in the DBZ universe or rather the only two full Saiyan's fused together to make one entity, but I'm guessing that that doesn't count as it's two separate people and Gotenks I'm guessing also. So next I'm going to cover the two parts of Vegito, Goku and Vegita, who when they were fused they were unbeatable but separately they are hardly that, Vegita had the far superior intellect and Goku had the strength/power, but would Goku have stood a chance against Buu alone, yes he would have if his Super Saiyan 3 would have stayed online more. Finally I get to Gohan or Gohan ultimate as the elder Kai managed to boost his powers quite considerably and he got himself absorbed by Buu now with Gohan we don't know how powerful he could have become as he only is in the usual form throughout his transformation, As if he could get up to Super Saiyan his power would be able to match Vegito surely?

Now the disappointment of today was as I didn't get any of Skyward Sword completed today and I actually lost my model of Reds new body, so that sucks ei have got another delay on the project now.

Monday 5 January 2015

Day 549

Day 549;

So today I have watched some more DBZ and it's getting better, as Vegito has just separated by super Buu's innards and I have progressed a bit of the way though my flash project.

Goku made friends with some intentional worms, which was  funny.

My progression though completing my flash project was pretty good today as I have Got Red almost complete, well probably slightly over half, as I have completed the head and three quarters of the body body and three quarters of the legs completed. So I just need to do six more parts and I have completed seven, just one more day on Red's completion I hope.

But I have let myself down again on my no completion on the excellent game that Allergy hates, Skyward Sword.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Day 548

Day 548;

So today I did nothing but watch DBZ, read some more of the Quran, I have researched what a slut was and I have attempted some more on my flash project which is late anyway now.

With my viewing of DBZ it is starting o get to another one of it's more interesting plot developments. As an attempt has been made on Mr Satan's life while he was being helpful and actually saving the world by one of the people he was attempting to save. which kind of didn't help as Mr Satan was healed by the evil god/devil, Majin Buu while the Buu was still good; then the Buu went ape and split into two, an evil and a good half, both of them fought the evil half won.

Read more of the Quran, need I add more to that?

I researched what a slut was and it was _a woman who has had many sexual partners", so then I researched what you would call a man that has has many sexual partners, and it didn't give me a name it just stated that in a survey that was done on sexual partners it stated they found that on average men have 9 sexual partners and women have on average 4 sexual partners, it looks like I'm 9 behind the average,

My flash project which id late but I'm attempting it anyway. As I noticed today that I had already deleted my Red's body template which was a set back.

I didn't manage to get any of the legend of Zelda Skyward Sword completed today either so that was disappointing.

Saturday 3 January 2015

Day 547

Day 547;

So today was day 547, and I am trying a new tactic for getting my day down/up on this blog.

What you mean by filming it?

No, that is a good idea, but still no.

Besides it would be horrific.

Yes I know, just think of it having me, and my face on camera as it was on the 25th of December of last year, as I am aware I looked pretty spastic, which could as probably is as I am pretty spastic, something like all of the time as when I showed it to everyone else that it included, that includes Emu and C-man, but allergy wants me to stop calling him C-man so from now on I could call him C-manly or CM (which one? decisions decisions)  only as they were the ones that got us the gifts that we were opening at the time of the filming, none of them mentioned anything about my contorted arms and hands which I am guessing means that I'm normally like that even though in my head I seem to be as I was before the accident/normal as I have ever been.

The visit London YouTube advert  I heard a voice in it that sounds incredibly similar to a female friend of mine.

But finally I disappointed myself on two levels today, as I let myself down first on the Legend of Zelda game completion stance and second on my flash project. As i got nought done on either of the projects today.

Friday 2 January 2015

Day 546

Day 546;

So today was another day, within this epically boring thing that I call my life.

Another day full of my forgetfulness to forget about, but I can remember that I played some more on Zelda Skyward Sword, I didn't progress much, as I only managed to find all but two of the tadtones and I have found another one of the tadtones but I have found the final tadtone but I am lacking the skill to collect all of the quavers necessary to complete the tone, at least for today...

I meant quavers as in the musical term not the crisp, I  meant quaver as in half a crochet, musical notation terms which goes semiquaver (quarter of a beat), quaver (half a beat), crochet (one beat), minim (two beats), semibreve (four beats). 

Thursday 1 January 2015

Day 545

Day 545;

Today it was new years eve and I got my other speaking content for my fez-tive project in scripted.

By the time that I got around to writing this up it was new years day already so I just have to step back in time a bit to inform you about it.

So this morning I can remember a story that Allergy told me about a dream, that she was having, it was about her staying in a dormitory like a hospital ward without all of the blinds in between the beds, but then there was an evil man and his green assistant but they would kidnap all of the sleepers and they'd dress the sleepers in prisoners uniforms and it was your first objective to escape from where you were being hidden. But you were 't allowed to be seen by any of the guards while you were in your prisoners uniform else you'd be getting hidden once more, so the first quest was to escape from the hiding place, your second quest was to find your suit case which had been hidden in a separate place the third part to this quest was to get out of the place that they were holding you prisoner, I can think of some ideas to gameinise that dream, to turn it into a game, but I realise that isn't helping me complete any of my tasks that I have set myself. which include my fez-tive season project the next 5 of my Sunday Savage project then I still need to create my 3D models for my games characters, then all of my 3D games. and that isn't including the the rest of the one player Legend of Zelda Games that I have still to complete.

Which brings me on to another thing that happened to me today, as I received another Amiibo of which was Link/no.05, So in the evening session of playing Mario Kart I was enabled to play it with a Link outfit on my Mii character, I was still terrible at playing i after my first Grand Prix, as my eyes managed to stay open for the first grand prix, but after that I was lucky if I could keep them open for five minutes. Emu was saying that she she was having problems with he eyes in the aspect of them not closing which was opposite to my problem.