Thursday, 28 February 2019

Day 2023

Day 2023;

So it’s been day 2023 and my BMI was 19.92, my steps were 16,815 which was 10.89 km (according to Wii Fit) and I burned 1466 kcal,

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: chicken fajitas and Doritos with mild salsa.
Dinner: gammon, cauliflower, green beans, broccoli, carrots, cream egg trifle and cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, cider, water and hot Ribena.

What I am planning on doing tomorrow is basically what I have done today plus a bit more on the exercise bike, even a bit at the gym, but I am not too confident about that happening.

Ok, now today I haven’t been on the exercise bike but I have done everything else plus a little bit of Yoga/Wii Fit balance games as I have had Allergy to entertain for a while in the afternoon, and she was saying that she was feeling more energetic than other days (as she had already been to the gym this morning) seems to be backwards slightly, but then again fitness breads fitness, as in the more that you do the more that you’ll feel able to do so the more that you’ll do. I’ll attempt to explain it in a different format: E is the amount of energy that you have so you’re E could equal 1 and then you’re feeling pretty tired all the time so you’re feeling too tired to do any exercise. Then on another day you’re E is up to 2 so you go to the gym with your friend(s) and they make you feel like you’re E level has maxed out at 3 I don’t know how but it could be something to do with the encouragement that you are subject to, anyway you have eE, encouraged Energy, which equals 1+2 which is different from having a straight 3 in energy as if you had a straight 3 in energy you’d probably be tired by the point of your workout finishing at the gym, but then you’d be relying on your rehabilitating qualities to get you through the other exercises that you’re doing. Oh the benefits of being an empathetic person, and being able to use that extra 1 of energy.

Now today I have started off by having a bounce before another row, which in turn was before lunch which I had 1 and a half mild chicken fajitas, as allergy decided that her chicken fajita was too hot for her but if anyone could please inform me of what a hot/spicy food actually tastes of as I meant I could feel a small like tingling at the back of my throat, of which you could (as probably do) say that that’s is the foods heat, then I don’t feel any heat radiating from the food. So what is the whole point of Hot Mexican food? The salsa dip for the Doritos actually had a cooling effect on my mouth, so what is this all about?

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Day 2022

Day 2022;

Today my BMI was 19.59, my steps were only 16,569 (which were 10.73 km, apparently) and I had burned 1444 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese and cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

Now tomorrow I am thinking about mixing up my routine from the past two or three days, as I have been cycling first then I have been doing some other exercises in the afternoon like today it was only a treadmill walk, for this afternoon, plus the little cycle to GAK’s habitation. Which was all good, don’t get me wrong, it just doesn’t effect my watches steps. So then again ny usual morning cycle doesn’t either, admittedly, I still did it this morning though.

In the morning I have been on my little London cycle then I have been eating lunch, what it was I have forgot by now. Next up I have been for a treadmill walk, which I had done until about when Mich said that he was going to be home for him to take me to see GAK.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Day 2021

Day 2021;

This day I have had a BMI of 19.79 I have walked 24,008 steps (which were 15.55 km) and I had burned off 1793 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops with mini sausages on bread (wholemeal), fruit cake, sponge cake and Batternburg.
Dinner: pie (steak and ale), carrots, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli and cheese cake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

So tomorrow I want to have another little cycle ride, another wander, another small bounce and even another row. Even though I probably should still be getting in that bit more of calories to burn off, just to make my way upto the number that was set as my target a while back. My minutes of intensity were looking good though, as I had already exceeded 500 out of 1000 for the week, by tonight.

Today I started off by having a Zwift cycle in the morning, it was only an hourlong cycle, before I ate lunch. Then after lunchtime I went for a stroll on the treadmill when I had walked for an hour I did another bounce before another row. That was about it for my exercise today minus the walk that I did to the town and back of which I guess I could classify as exercise.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Day 2020

Day 2020;

My BMI today is 19.82, I have taken 11,869 (or 7.68 km) and I have burned 1418 kcal apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, pear and yogurt.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops with mini sausages, fruit cake and Batternburg.
Dinner: salmon, green beans, broccoli, carrots, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: wine gums.

I have got to live in the present, not the past which is what the present means. So therefore I should probably start by doing what I am going to be doing in the future then I could conclude my days posts with what actually happened to me on the day.

So here goes:

Now tomorrow I am planning on getting in a nice big cycle on Zwift. Then I am planning on being ready for the gym, as I don’t know if Tini will be willing to take me to the gym today as she indicated today  that she wouldn’t, ever again and if that’s the case I believe that it would be best for my gym membership to be revoked, as it would just be a waste. If the events that I have written above happen in or even if they don’t I think I’m going to be in desperate need of steps, so depending on the time I am going to go for an either walk or run on the treadmill.

Now today I have pissed Tini off quite considerably, I say (or at least I would if I could) you shouldn’t make threats that you are unwilling to carry out, and that goes for everyone not just Tini. I know she probably looked a bit like a fool standing there telling me that my time was up and she’d be walking out meanwhile I was just sitting there peddling, inferring go on then, while she decides on the punishment that she’ll inflict on me, but the thing that she came up with was never taking me to the gym again, so I ignored her, thinking that she will be needing to cancel my gym membership then I should really get onto that tomorrow. I 

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Day 2019

Day 2019;

As a BMI today I got 20.11, I did 11,551, the majority of which were just before my weigh in which gave me a distance walked of 7.48 km and also it gave me 1197 kcal burned.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in wholemeal bread) and a chocolate coated rice cake bar thingamajig.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and Ribena.
Snacks: wine gums.

Now I have managed to get my steps up to a decent number today, even though I have been sitting down for the majority, as I had that boccia tournament today. Now I have actually surprised myself by winning some matches today, but my greatest triumph in all, including score, was my forth match as it was against an experienced player, well a player that was more experienced than myself, as I think the score was 1-6 but that’s not important it’d have been my greatest achievement even if I had won the game 4-5, which was the result of my first game, but that was against a boccia tournament first timer, as was my third game/second victory, as my second game was a defeat to the Paddy (Irish man) the amazingly good at boccia Paddy, now you usually can’t tell that I have got some of the Paddy’s blood in my veins as I don’t have any of that Paddy’s blood, but I have got some blood from an alternative Paddy; I don’t even know that that had any effect on the results but I might as well say it did just for laughs.

So in my boccia tournament history, as a solo player, I have now won 4 matches, as in my first I won one match, out of three, then my second I lost all three and then for my third I've won three matches out of the four that I played but I still haven’t left the group stages. But I still have an enmity for boccia, I was just fortunate that it didn’t clash with skiing this past Sunday, especially as it  went on so long with my games being later today, the speed I played with was the same, especially within my second end of my second game as I threw my leading ball then my opponent threw all six of his, as mine was still holding shot, then I tried moving my seat around the box to see if I could get a better angle but it was to no avail, if I had attempted a shot it’d have more than likely given him the point so I took the point on that game.

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Day 2018

Day 2018;

According to Wii Fit I had a BMI of 20.05, as I had only walked 7419 steps (4.80 km) and I had only managed to burn 780 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, pear and banana.
Lunch: egg and bacon sandwich.
Dinner: vegetarian lasagna, salad and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

So recently I’ve been getting very confused, as there’s been that Jussie Smollett controversy, which I say highlights our need to slow down in the rushing to judgment on everything, not just taking one hysterical kids perspective and running a marathon on it. As I had never heard of the kid Jussie Smollett before a couple of days ago when there was reports of him apparently being attacked, and having racist and homophobic insults hurled at him, in a verbal way. Well first I’d like to say what is a homophobic insult? I mean I have been called gay in the past, which got pretty confusing as on one hand I was called gay/homosexual, and then by the same people I was told that I was performing a variety of sexual acts with a girl, who I hadn’t even wished to do anything with, which was before there was another girl that came to my school who was a very good friend before another girl got the “wrong” idea, I assumed at the time (In the heat of the moment) but I’m not so sure now [oh well best not regret things that never happened as I have done enough to regret in my lifetime], now the two girls got mixed up in my head as I was apparently a homosexual but I had a lot going on in my sex life with two girls which were themselves pretty attractive.

Hang on a second I got sidetracked with another personal story, what I was meaning to put down, up above, the reports of Jussie being attacked physically, I can say from personal experience that it isn’t nice, but you just have to keep going on with your life, the best way you know how to, don’t let them stop you from doing anything, and you can even fight back if that makes it feel better, I know that did for me. Then if went onto the racial and homophobic abuse, I’m unsure about that as a cricketer got another cricketer in trouble the other day by saying something about it not being much of an insult, the insinuation of his sexuality, but that’s in cricket and I’m unsure of how a homophobic comment is supposed to work, is it supposed to be I hate you as you’re gay or is it I hate you as you’re scared of gays? It’s so confusing. Either way or any way I think that the youth of today should just grow some thicker skin and stop all of this petulant, entitled behaviour.

Then today I have been to the gymnasium to practice playing some boccia, I lost the game 10-7, but my opponent still says that I’m good at boccia, which is after she says that she’s terrible at the game. But I’m guessing that I have got to play some more of the game tomorrow as it is the day of the competition.

Friday, 22 February 2019

Day 2017

Day 2017;

My BMI was 19.76, as I had walked 12,777 steps (which were 8.27 km apparently) and I had burned 1024 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, pear, apple and yogurt.
Lunch:  omelette (cheese), coleslaw and rice cakes (chocolate and orange coated).
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and a fruit tart.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.

The knobbly bits on your back, your spinal column, are you supposed to be able to see them? As I was having a slight chest and back examination by the nurse that I live with the other day as she asked me to lift my t-shirt as she wanted to find something wrong with me as if it negates her weight in some way, anyway that’s millennial logic, I’ve pretty much never understood it, even though I am one.

I really hope that Allergy will start exercising again, as I know that she’s good at her job, for the NHS, but I know that it should be good for the NHS to look after her in the future. We don’t want her to have to take early retirement because she hasn’t looked after her physical health good enough up until then.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Day 2016

Day 2016:

BMI was 19.69, steps were 15,287 (9.9 km) and I had burned 1208 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, banana, pear, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: omelette (cheese and mushroom), bakewell slices and Batternburg.
Dinner: pasta and vegetarian meatballs and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: wine gums.

So today I have been to the gym, then I have had another lazy day, as. I haven’t done anything apart from walk around the town that I live in until after I had my dinner when I had myself another little cycle around London it was up Keith Hill. Now I wonder if I could do Box and Leith Hill’s on the same Zwift cycle, and how long woupld it take me? As I know that if I turn right at the first turning the next time it asks you wether you want to go to Keith Hill or Fox Hill. I’m thinking that Fox hill was where I went up the other day, the hill which lead to both Box Hill  and Leith Hill, I have found that if I go Keith Hill way at the end of the it shows that I could do Box Hill, so if I did Box Hill then it might give me the chance to do Leith Hill directly afterwards. Then maybe I should attempt that, Keith Hill, Box Hill and then Leith Hill, I should probably get to it as soon as I have approximately three hours free, and my iPad has 3 hours worth of charge on it.

Now why 3 hours it is only because I did Leith Hill in about one hour probably slightly longer if I include all of the getting to the hill and stuff which was when my iPad’s battery started to fail, and just I had reached the bottom of Box Hill from the start today by coming the Keith Hill way today in about an hour so that is about two hours without having Box Hill in the middle, I’m imagining that I wouldn’t be as fresh to takle Leith hill if I have been doing Box Hill first, as Box Hill is supposedly tough and I should know about it, as I was tandeming across the two of them some time in the past two years, I’m forgetful.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Day 2015

Day 2015:

Today my BMI had improved a little to 19.82, my steps had also improved (to 12,478 or 8.08 km) and I had burned 1126 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages, on bread, bakewell slice and Batternburg.
Dinner: I’ve forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: wine gums.

After last weeks skiing excursion I have been settling back down into my usual routine of sorts,as I was have been going on the bike, cycling around London. I was cycling until my iPad had ran down to 5% battery left over. I had only managed to get just about up Leif hill.

Why is there such nuance within the world, I’ve got to tell you that I wish that I had been born before this age in a time when life was simpler. I’m sure life wouldn’t have been as easy back then, but if you got through the winter, you’d have real reason to celebrate, but in a more somber fashion as a lot of the people that you knew wouldn’t have been so lucky. Back when the consequences for a transgression was death, be it that you slept outside and got a fatal variant of the common cold, or be it that you strayed too far from the pack and you got devoured by a pack of wolves, so interesting.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Day 2014

Day 2014;

My BMI was 19.62, I have done 10,699 steps (6.93 km) and I have burned 1095 kcal today.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, banana and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese), bakewell slices and batternburg.
Dinner: pie (meat), peas, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, chocolate cheesecake and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: some wine gums.

Today I have been on the exercise bike, the treadmill, the trampoline and the rowing machine. I started my day by going for a cycle around NYC I do believe. Then I finished it off after I had eaten my lunch. I can’t be sure though as if happened a long time ago by that I’m meaning probably a greater number of hours than 10.

Monday, 18 February 2019

Day 2013

Day 2013;

BMI has been 20.05 again today, I had done 10,346 steps (6.70 km) and I had burned 1067 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, cheese, cheesecake, cake and yogurt.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks : wine gums.

Today I have been getting back to normality, which was a bit of a disappointment, to be honest now. Now Tini is wanting to spend money to buy some time in a hall with some boccia markings on the floor so I can practice for the upcoming tournament which I have been entered into. Of which Tini wants me to “try” to win the tournament. I have told her (using the wise words of Yoda) “Do or do not, there is no try” which means that I’m going there as always to win, but if I perform as good as last time I’ll be one of the first out of the competition.

Seven Labour Party members left the party, so what will happen to the Labour Party in the future?

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Day 2012

Day 2012;

Now today I have returned home so I had got a BMI of 20.05, I had only walked 5239 steps which was 3.39 km and I had burned off 593 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal in milk.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: corned beef sandwich in white bread and a packet of salted vinegar flavoured snack a jacks.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice, shloer and some hot lemon squash.
Snacks: jelly babies.

Today was a lazy day for me as I was only getting myself home, which included me getting up, getting on a bus, going to an airport, taking a flight before finally taking a drive to my home. Which was a positively dull way to spend my morning. But then when I had got home I don’t know what I did, I cannot remember, which is what is telling me that I didn’t do anything for a whole day basically, apart from traveling.

I have been thinking about something that happened to me while I was skiing the other day, as Emu was getting really excited about my ability in skiing, I know this as she was congratulating me about how good I looked while I was skiing on this video that Mich had taken, and then Mart was just like meh I knew he could do that down the black run, but he was impressed by what followed me, as it was C that followed me down on two skis nice and controlled, this was the bit of black which took me 15 seconds and I thought that I had gone slowly enough.

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Day 2011

Day 2011;

Today was another day of not having Wii Fit, my watch had me do only 5000 steps, pathetic I think.

Breakfast: croissant, jam, orange and cheese.
Lunch: chips, sausage and bread.
Dinner: buffet (starter), cheese fondue, turkey, carrots and something.
Drinks: fruit juice and coke.
Snacks: jelly babies, chocolate biscuits and something’s else.

Now today I have been down the black runs, well I’ve been down 2 more 3 times today, the majority successfully staying standing and other then the stop on the slope, which was caused by an errant ski pole, as I went over the ski pole and I fell into the slope, but fortunately I had managed to miss the ski as I had decided to take the ski down to its owner who had come rolling past me earlier on in the ski down but I managed to get back to my feet and both the ski and the pole to him, so he was only waiting for Emu to retrieve his other ski from further up the slope before he got on his way, after I had finished off the ride down to the end of the piest,

That was the second black run that we did today, I think, the other one had more to it and we all had managed to get down that one beforehand on both of our skis. Then later on today my family group managed to get back to the slope and Mich chickened out of doing the black again and he elected to do the red. Which goes around the black, so then Mich waited at the bottom of the run with a camera to film the rest of us coming down, I did it in 15 seconds, which I felt as if I had gone very slowly on it then after I went down C set off, he went so even slower than I, Emu was doing the back marking jog on him this time and nothing went wrong, so congratulations to C. 

Friday, 15 February 2019

Day 2010

Day 2010;

Today I still haven’t managed to do a body test, I have also had some discouraging remarks made of my body size (mainly that there’s nothing of my body, even though I eat everything, basically, so that maybe why the chief likes me).

Breakfast: croissant, jam and orange.
Lunch: chicken sandwich with lettuce.
Dinner: starter, green lasagna, chicken, potatoes and panna cotta.
Drinks: fruit juice, iced tea and water.

Snacks: cocktail jellies, dark chocolate,chocolate coated rice cakes and other snack
Now I have stacked it again today, but it wasn’t until another little off piest section of the run as I had just been down a black run without stacking it, for the first time since the accident that left me like a bigger moron than I ever thought that I was.

I will lead a group skiing, just you mustn’t be needing to go to the place, at least not directly, unless it’s to a point on the same piest. As I will get lost, like I did last year, where I was leading the group and the piest split in two, apparently I only saw one of the options, the incorrect option which caused Ste to get lost.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Day 2009

Day 2009;;

Now today was day 2009, and according to my watch I had managed to get to 10,000 steps before the day was up.

Breakfast: croissant, French toast, jam and orange.
Lunch: toasted sandwich (cheese and ham in white bread).
Dinner: starter,  venison pasta and omelette,
Drinks: fruit juice and iced tea.
Snacks: fruit pastels, cocktail jellies and some other snacks.

So it has been another skiing day today but I don’t think that I have actually stacked it today. Unless you want to include the part that I fell over my foot when I was standing still, I had been standing up before I lifted my foot/ski up to put it down the other way and I don’t know what happened, I found myself on the ground. But that was my only stack of the day.

So I have been to the quiz night, the team that I was part of came second, for the second year running, unfortunately it was only out of three teams, which was a bit of a disappointment this year. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Day 2008

 Day 2008;

Now according to my watch I have done 4027 steps which also gave me a distance of over 21 miles that I had traveled today on skis even if some parts were on the chair lifts.

Breakfast: croissant, chocolate spread, honey, orange and French toast bread.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and ham in white bread) and toasted sandwich (ham and cheese in white bread).
Dinner: starter, something which had corn flower in (I think), veal, green beans and some chocolate cake.
Drinks: fruit juice and water.
Snacks: white and dark chocolate bar and cocktail jellies.

But then today I stacked it while I was skiing, not once but twice. The first time I breaked too hard on my skis while I was on a bit off pieste and I flung myself over. Then the second time I was going down off an off pieste section onto the pieste when I hit the pieste with my skis I kind of bounced off the snow, and did a little forwards roll and I splatted myself on the pieste, but I remembered something that John told us after at the dinner time later today, that if you keep your skis on while you’ve stacked it it doesn’t count, of which my skis stayed firmly attached to my feet throughout both of my stacks today. So I have been wondering if I should count them?

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Day 2007

Day 2007;

Now today my watch has ran out of battery but before it ran out of battery it recorded just over 5 hours of ski time where I had traveled over 20 miles, but then over half of the distance that I covered must have been on skis, as the lift only go in straight lines so therefore the shortest line between two points and we didn’ ski directly from point to point, as that would be reckless as well as very difficult, as we sometimes have to go over forests and other difficult to avoid obstacles.

Breakfast: croissant, honey, jam, orange, French toast and biscuits.
Lunch: toasted sandwich with chips.
Dinner: starter, solid soup, rabbit, potatoes and Panna cotta.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.
Snacks: cocktail jellies and two other snacks but I have forgotten now.

So it was another day on the slopes of Italy but today I have done an at least 20 mile ski around the Italian alps, well I had done about 20 miles by the time that my watches battery died.

Now I have met someone today that has actually caught a fish and ate it. He was telling me how he cooked it which was very interesting. He was also saying how he had lived in a teepee for a good portion of his life prior to coming out to Italy skiing, he was saying how he’d get by only having to work for seven days a month with his only exspense being the cost of his campsite fees, but it’s all over now as he’s got a girlfriend which he’s moved in with, but the teepee sometimes gets a run out even now, the teepee was quite a sturdy structure, from what I have seen of it which wasn’t much as I was looking primarily at his dog which was a brown labradoodle which was in the foreground of the picture.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Day 2006

Day 2006;

Now I haven’t done a body test but in steps I only had 4487 but I had traveled 9.65 miles and 3582 cal today according to my watch.

Breakfast: croissant (with jam),
Lunch: pizza (margarita and salsiccia).
Dinner: starter, omelette, something and something else but I have forgotten.
Drinks: milk, fruit juic and coke
Snacks: fruity pastels, rice cake and some little like wotsits ball.

Today I had a lazy day according to my step count but I have actually been skiing, which can explain the almost 10 miles of distance that I have covered.

So I have been skiing today and I have been skiing in the Italian alps, but then probably the majority of the mileage that I have done was on the chair lifts.

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Day 2005

Day 2005;

As I have been in Italy for the past day I cannot give you any Wii Fit data, but my watch tells me that I have had 0 sleep, I have done 10,044 steps which burned off 2338 calories.

Breakfast: bacon with brown sauce sandwich and something.
Lunch: tomato pasta.
Dinner: starter, gnocchi, something with peas and lemon cake.
Drinks: water, fruit juice and coke.
Snacks: I’be forgotten.

Well today I have had another lazy day a day in transit, a day in transit from the relative comfort of home to the relative comfort of a hotel in Italy.

I have gone to the ski hire place, to hire some skis for tomorrow, the only other thing that I have done today other than travel the majority of it sat down, was my jogging on the spot.

Other than that I have had a lazy day, getting on an aeroplane.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Day 2004

Day 2004;

BMI was up to 19.89, as I had a lazy day with only 8835 steps (or 5.72 km walked) and I had burned 824 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef in wholemeal bread) and something.
Dinner: chicken, sausages in bacon, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, peas, carrots, roasted potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water, hot Ribena and shloer.
Snacks: orange, banana, apple and yogurt.

Now today my time was up as I had boccia in the morning, then after that I cannot remember that I did pretty much anything, until I went to watch the football, which was a very good game. The team that I was there to support won 3-0, and it wasn’t Manchester United, as I am not a big spender but the team that I support won by the same margin as the resurgent Manchester United, wow.

So today in the premier league not only did Manchester United win by 3 goals to 0 but so did Liverpool to take themselves back to the top of the premier league. Burnley won 3 - 1 in the premier league Then I think that a couple of the teams got a win of 2 - 1. 

Friday, 8 February 2019

Day 2003

Day 2003;

According to Wii Fit my BMI was down to 19.62, my steps were 10,023 (was only 6.49 km) and the amount of calories I burned were 1005.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (corned beef in wholemeal bread) and something.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: some jelly babies.

Today I have had another little jog in the afternoon on the treadmill, it was only about for half an hour and I had got about 3 miles jogged in that time. I really disappointed myself with how unfit I had become over the past few days of inactivity as after only 8 minutes, that I know of I got myself a stitch by that I am referring to those little irritations which affect you if you’ve been exserting yourself just below your rib cage, it generally only affects me on either side before now though I do believe that it has affected me on both sides simultaneously. That wasn’t today as it was only affecting me on my right hand side for the jog.

That was my only exercise that I did today, apart from the jogs on the spots that I have done from time to time to make up for my lack in steps today.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Day 2002

Day 2002;

BMI of the day was 19.95, but my steps had increased to 10,076 (6.52 km) and I had burned 781 kcal, which I could probably put down to the lack of doing anything yesterday except the attempt to sweat out the cold virus and think about what Donny Tusk was saying about me going to a special place in hell.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and orange.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, baked potato and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: some jelly babies.

Now today I have been more energetic, than the previous two days as I have started off by going for a walk on the treadmill which later on changed into a walk around the local area, which was nice to get some air in my lungs after two days of being pretty much bed bound, as I want to get myself into peak physical condition for the following week of skiing, and now I know that Mich thought that skiing was the greatest experience of his life, last year, I’ve got to hopefully make it better for him this year, I don’t know how I can, it’ll be interesting to find out though prehaps if he can ski for a bit more with our group this year?

What is the special place in hell? Is it heaven, as I don’t know but heaven seems to be a special place that you go and your dead just like hell but it’s reserved for the people that are most devout to there individual religion, or the unborn (those that are without sin), if you want to go that far, from the beaten track of sanity. As if you just imagine, there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try, no hell bellow us, above us only sky, I’m sorry for my musical interlude I’ve been doing that a lot as of recent times. As I was meaning to state, before I got distracted, if you just imagine hell and heaven are like 2 sides of the same coin, you wouldn’t get one without the other, the carrot and the stick, up and down, so in that it makes sense to place heaven above and Hell below. Which is why I think of heaven and hell as the same space just that Heaven is a special place in Hell, what is hell? Hell is other people according to Jean Paul Sartre, but that’s for another time, the Hell which is most commonly referenced is the religious one which is supposed to be the world of the dead, in what ways is it any deferent to heaven? Just the accompanying crowd as there’re a lot of quality criteria for you to get into Heaven which don’t exist for Hell as for Hell you just need to have lived in some cases not even that, but Heaven you are set some other requirements to gain entry into depending on whichever you choose, it could be that you do a lifetime of selfless work for charity but you don’t say that you believe in a magical sky demon then you’re going to Hell but you could spend all of your days torturing people for laughs but you say a prayer every night or you have a death bed conversion and your sent to heaven when your time comes.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Day 2001

Day 2001;

For my BMI today was 19.85, then I had done 1832 steps which was a pitiful 1.19 km and I had burned off 479 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, plum, apple, pear and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (chicken, bacon in wholemeal bread, raspberries apple batternburg.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, Ribena, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 2 jelly babies.

According to Donny Tusk there’s a special place in hell for Brexiteers without a plan, does he mean me? If he does then someone should tell him that empty threats mean naught as your promise of an afterlife does to me, an afterlife in hell is meaningless to a nonbeliever, at least I am not a nonsense believer like yourself is inevitably unless you think, quite correctly probably, that what you said was, in which case I believe that you’re full of sh... language Savage, sorry Yellow anyway as I was meaning I believe that Mr Tusk is full of watsits. Now that is the blokes concept of hell if he even believes in it, which I state is doubtful, sufficiently deconstructed, I do believe. As for the Brexit without a plan, I have been prepared for a “no deal” scenario, in fact that is what I voted for, and whatever the government can get back off of the EU would just be a bonus, because we’ve elected a Remainer leader for the proceedings she’s just let you get away with fleecing us and thinking that’s a good deal now you’ve seen what you can get away with from the PM your just attempting to call her bluff and then when we leave on the 29th of March with a no deal, are you really going to stop using us to push your goods on? Or are you just going to stockpile it in Calis, annoying your pissed off Frenchies as your at it, which may have a knock on effect on the Frogs joining into your marriage, divorce? But then what’s more didn’t the Irish vote to get out of the EU a while back? How would they like to come with us? Or alternatively they could join up with the north of Ireland and they could leave the rest of the EU and UK behind, have a reunified Ireland.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Day 2000

Day 2000:

BMI was up to 20.18, my steps were down to 1746 (which was 1.12 km) and then I had only managed to burn off 426 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, orange, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese with white bread) and something.
Dinner: vegetarian burger and chips.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.
Snacks: 2 jelly babies.

As I have been attempting to recover from the cold that I have found that I have got as I’ll be flying to Italy for skiing sometime in the next few days so I can’t be going off to skiing with a cold, well I could it just isn’t ideal.

So I have been being lazy for today laying down in bed for the day, and all of the night, (girl I want to be with you, for all of the day and all of the night- the Kinks) in order to aid my recovery, at least according to Tini. I have been taking her advice for the day. So no exercise for today was how it went, and probably will continue tomorrow.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Day 1999

Day 1999;

20.15 again today, but only 11,443 steps (which gave me a disappointing distance of 7.41) and only 784 kcal burned.

Breakfast: cereal, orange, apple, pear, banana and yogurt.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten.
Dinner: sausages + vegetable stew with dumplings, crochet potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: 6 quality street chocolates and 4 jelly babies.

Today has been a bit of a lazy day even though I have been jogging on the spot on and off for a good portion of the afternoon, but then again I had only done a walk to a local shop and hairdressers.

So what was the point of today? Other than Manchester Citty managing to get up to within one win of the premier league title, for a second year on the trot, which was as Liverpool somehow managed to score a goal against West Ham who by the second half they had got back into the game and that is how it finished, 1-1 Weat Ham - Liverpool. If Liverpool can’t shake the monkey off their backs and if Manchester City keep winning they’ll get overtaken in the race for the Premier League title.

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Day 1998

Day 1998;

BMI has been 20.15 today, steps were up to 13,487 (which was equivalent to 8.73 km) and I had burned 1656 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, pear, apple, orange, apple and sultanas.
Lunch: chicken + vegetable stew, dumplings and chocolate trifle.
Dinner: sandwich (cheese and ham in wholemeal bread), fruit cake and tunocks wafer.
Drinks: milk, hot Ribena, water and fruit squash.
Snacks: blueberry muffin and tunocks wafer.

 have been on a cycle ride and I have gone to skiing today, then in football there’s been one of the greatest non story ever, it’s come from Ole Gunnar Solskear, saying that he can see Manchester United winning every game that is left to them this season. Well so could I see the team that I support winning every game of the season but it’s just not very likely.

So the BBC has run the following story, and I’ve heard it a lot over the course of the last however long it has been that the folk on the radio have finally decided to virtue signal about this, but I know that it is BS even if it is something to do with your hunger and everything similar to that, as if I’m hungry almost all of the time, and anyway I still do a lot of exercise to balance it out, like today I have gone on a slow 28 mile cycle, on a tandem, it took us over 2 hours to ride, and I have gone skiing in the afternoon and I know what you could say to me that I’m privileged enough to own a tandem which isn’t cheap and I’m privileged enough to go skiing, of which I would say yes I am privileged with all of the stuff that I have got and done. 

Well the first thing of privilege/a tandem I have got as I cannot ride a bike on my own for obvious reasons, to me at least (meaning that I have had a slight altercation with a moving vehicle, which knocked some sense into me some sense out) I need Mich to steer and balance me, to name just two. But skiing you fat folk can enjoy also as on the radio they were on about making obesity a disability, so that should make it easier for all of the fat folk getting into SnowSport, the same way as me, from DSUK, but if fat people wanted to get into SnowSport maybe they wouldn’t be so fat?

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Day 1997

Day 1997;

BMI today is 20.24, my steps were only 10,666 (the number of the beast which in turn was a most disappointing 6.91 km) and I had burned 1010 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: omelette (cheese and mushroom), muffin and pastry.
Dinner: steak and ale pie, vegetables and tart (peach and nectarine).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: banana, grapes, apple, orange and yogurt.

Today I’ve been having an exceptionally lazy day, as it started with me getting up, as usual, but this day I was “awoken” by Tini as she was in a hurry as usual to get me out to Boccia. Which is one of the laziest sporting activity to actually be called a sport. Then in the afternoon I watched the six nations rugby, which was great, two games two very similar scores,

With Scotland vs Italy the score was 33-20, to Scotland in Edinburgh at Murrayfeild, which was accompanied by the score 20-32, to England against Ireland in Dublin’s Aviva Stadium. The first of which, Scotland vs Italy, was pretty much game over by the time that I started watching the match as the score 33-3 pretty much as soon as I had started watching, then the Italians started playing by scoring 3 tries, one of which was converted which gave the appearance of a closer game than it actually was, then the second game of the day or the third of the tournament, was Ireland vs England, with the game where Ireland was the favourites to win not just the game, but the grand slam, which is now an impossibility now thanks to those English mongrels now the English mongrels can win the grand slam, if they win the remaining 4 matches. Then that predicament goes for Scotland and Wales also/the British home nations.

Friday, 1 February 2019

Day 1996

Day 1996;

My BMI was 19.98, I was down to 12,403 steps which was only 8.03 km and I had burned off 1421 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, grapes, pear, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: KFC wrap (with tomato and lettuce), chips and fruit cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, tartar sauce and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and hot Ribena.
Snacks: cheesy bites.

I have seen some stuff, I have done some stuff and I have been confused, the usual. As I thought that I had already wrote something for this spot here earlier, and it has appeared to have disappeared.

So today I have seen a load of stuff on the internet and the Welsh win in France at Rugby, which was as I’d predicted, the game was unexpected in by the end of the first half the score was 16-0 to France, but then after the first part of the second half the Welsh had got themselves back in the game with 2 converted tries so the score was 16-14 before a penalty kick to send the Welshies a point to the good, at 16-17, for the French team to get back ahead by a penalty kick of their own, but if they had been scoring the penalties and conversions in the first half they’d have probably been at 23, but they weren’t the French hadn’t managed to punish the Welshies, and now those Welshmen were leading, for a couple of minutes before the French got a penalty to get a score of 19-17. Then it was the final section of the game and the Welsh managed to score another try and then convert it making the score 19-24, and then the game was carrying on with the French until the clock turned red and the Welsh managed to get turnover ball so that all was left was for the dragons to kick the ball out of play to end the game.

Then also today I have been on the treadmill, turbo trainer, trampoline and the rowing machine, to get my daily steps. I’m thinking that I have done some yoga as well today.