Wednesday 19 July 2017

Day 1473

Day 1473;

20.24 I think I got for my body tests result for this day.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: bacon muffin, monster munch and 1 chocolate mousse.
Dinner: fish, chips, vinegar, curry sauce and 1 pot of chocolate stuff.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

05:58 I awoke.
06:37 I went downstairs and I to eat my breakfast.
07:33 I'd finished my breakfast.
08:46 I think I should go to the loo now.
09:02 I have finished in the shower room, as I have been to the loo, washed my hands, used deodorant and brushed my teeth.
09/09 I have got changed into boxers.
09:11 I decided to do some press ups.
09:15 I have just done my first 20.
09:18 I have put some tracksuit trousers on.
09:22 I have done my second 20.
09:28 I have put a t-shirt on.
09:30 I have done my third 20
09:32 Allergy has appeared at the door to remind me to get ready for the gym... 
09:43 I have got my socks on.
09:47 I have done my first 40, as 2 socks = 2 times 20 = 40
09:56 I had got a pair of wristbands on and I had done my second 40... So that means that I have done 140 today.
10:01 I have put my specs on.
10:04 I have done my forth 20. 160 for today and I'm dressed.
But I know that I still have to get my gloves and headband on but they are both downstairs at the moment and I've got to use more deodorant before I go downstairs so what is the point of using deodorant now if I'm going to have to use it again in a minute, so why did I use it before I just did the exercise previously? It's simple I didn't know that I was about to exercise, I just did it, as they say in the Nike ads just do it" I'm not sure if I did the "it" that the ads refer to.
09:23 I'd forgotten what I went into the shower room for.  
09:25 I've used deodorant.
10:58 I have just watched a YouTube video about TYT defending AntiFA, which is literally a terrorist organisation.
11:34 I think was the time that we left to get me to the gym.
Anyway I was at the gym for about 45 minutes, before I got released, but the gym was good today as I started off on the lateral trainer, as usual, then I did some arm weights, then the exercise bike, before finishing my work out on some more arm weights. But on the exercise bike now I've still got to go along with the rpm's at least at 100 for the whole time but now he's told me to put it up to level up to 20 for 5 minute intervals every so often, hill training he says.
12:44 I returned home.
About at 13:00 we sat down to eat our lunches.
But as usual Allergy decided to talk nonsense to me, it was one stupid question and her second question was stupid but I had actually thought about it before she asked it to me. As the first qustion I got asked was one about if I could Date any celebrity which would it be, so I gave an honest answer it being none, they're all too high maintenance, for me. Then she broadened the net so I could now choose from any video game character also, I thought about it, and then I stated Samus Aran.
Then She asked me what super power would I want? So I said the ability to Stop Time, I will go into that in more depth some other time.
She's from the Metroid games, and the fact that she's low maintenance is what attracts me to her. I mean she could just go out and kill a whole load of Metroid/Space Pirates when she got bored with me so I wouldn't have to entertain her for the majority of the relationship, which I am lacking the ability to speak so then small and big talk is kind of out of the question, even pillow talk. What else is there to relationships?
14:59 I had finished eating my lunch and I had cleaned up the pots that I used.
About by 15:30 I had a shower then I got changed into some pyjamas.
Then a bit later while I was watching a load of What Culture's YouTube videos on Star Wars, and remember it's not "Luke, I am your father" it's "no... I am your father". Which has sustained me until 19:29 when I have decided to do some sit-ups, to pass the time.
17:13 apparently there has been calls for an investigation into students vting twice for Labour which mmay have screwed up our election so we may have to have a revote to see if Mrs May can get her majority, but I think not, what will happen? I don't know but I'm betting nothing, will happen as the DUP has got the conservatives back thanks to the money that will be flying there way and I don't see how that can be stopped now that it's all been put in place.
19:32 I did 20 sit-ups.
19:37 I started a row on the rower.
But I didn't get very far I only got about 3 minutes 50 seconds of the way through a row. As Tini and Mich arrived shortly after I had started and they had brought dinner. So I had to eat my dinner next.
I finished my dinner anyway it was half time in the England v Scotland football match England were up by 3-0 end of the First half, go on you girls. Then I put the game on the TV for the final 2 goals 
21:06 I went back downstairs to do my body test and to watch the final 2 goals go in in the second half of of the game. Which was a 6-0 epic result to England,  now all we need is the Men to replicate a performance like that at the next Tournament they're in.
22:42 I went downstairs for my second mug of milk.
22:48 I went back upstairs to go to the loo, wash my hands and brush my teeth.
22:59 I finished doing the above and I came back to my room.

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