Thursday 6 July 2017

Day 1460

Day 1460;

Now I maybe a bit slow on things, that are to do with my memory, but I never realised that Mich was as big a fan of the Tour de France as he is, I mean it wasn't until Bradley Wiggins won the Tour that I even noticed that he watched it, then on the radio they had a question about the Tour, I can't remember it exactly I think it was "in which year did ... win the Tour" but the answer was 1991 and Mich said that the answer was 1991 as soon as he'd heard the question. I was gobsmacked. But my body weight was 10 stone today my BMI was 20,7.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: I cannot remember.
Dinner: ham, potato salad, baked potato, cheese and tiramisu.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and lemonade.

06:21 I got up after waking 
06:25 I had got into the shower room to go to the loo.
06:28 I finished on the loo, it was time to wash my hands. 
06:20 I finished washing my hands.
06:43 I went for my breakfast.
On the radio while I was eating breakfast their was a big story about how young children were being forced to complete an act of worship every morning at school, in Wales, now I can't remember ever saying the Lords Prayer while I was at primary school which might be as I don't live in Wales but it should be similar over here in England. But I do remember having to sing all of those nonsense songs, and apparently I was pretty decent at it, but what I did to the songs was to change the lyrics in the songs, it's much better that way. 
07:33 I've finished my breakfast, and by this time both Tini and Allergy had left the premises.
07:45 I have gone to wash myself for the day.
08:09 I had finished washing myself for this morning, by this I mean I had gone to the loo, washed my hands, shaved and brushed my teeth.
Then next up I got changed into jeans, boxers and a t-shirt.
I remembered what it was that I wanted to state earlier, it's as this family is wanting to go to America in order to hopefully save the life of their child. But the British courts have declined, and that should be that but as quite often is the case it isn't. I don't know if it's the case that the parents are Christian which is why the case is getting so much publicity or not; but I think it's the case as the news presenters mentioned it on the show. But what I would like to state about the story is shouldn't the family want what is best for the child, and I think that by sending the child across the pond to be used as a test rat, is in the best interests of the child.
09:15 I read a bit about us going downhill and up the other side, it's on a bit of the course that we ride on regularly I call it the RLR, and our average speed for it on our last ride of it was 40.4 km/h which was up there with some of the average speeds of the Tour de France of the last 10+ years such a pity that we only managed to get to that average speed for 32 seconds, which is honestly how poor we are at going at any speed, and Mich was apparently scared while we doing that short sprint, on the tandem. Our quickest ever time to do that sprint was 29 seconds and I know that it's the 20th quickest that it has been done, at least on the record.
10:34 I was deciding what to do today as I won't have a chance to go out on the tandem later on as Mich is going out today, for sure this time.
So I have decided to make an attempt on the rower later on, but I'm unsure if I'm going to the gym today or not, it'll be up to Tini if I'm to go today, but we've got the plumber/tyler around now. 
10:55 Mich cut up a porkpie for my lunch.
11:04 Mich left for work.
11:11 I started my hour walk around.
12:11 I finished my hour walk around.
12:15 I got my pots out of the fridge.
12:20 I started my lunch.
12:54 I finished my sandwich.
13:38 I finished my porkpie.
13:40 about Tini arrived home.
13:58 I finished my chocolate chip muffin, so that means that my lunch is now finished.
14:26 I finished my second mug of fruit juice and I went to wash up my pots.
14:32 I was informed by Tini that I wouldn't be going to the gym today.
The 15:00's just flew by which may have had something to do with the disappearance of the plumber for approximately 20 minuets. When he went off to the local TP's.
16:51 I'm gong to go to the loo, but also around this time the plumber left, saying his job was done until the tyler gets here at least.
16:59 I finished on the loo and washed my hands.
17:00 I went downstairs for my second mug of milk, of this day, as it is a warm day, too warm to be sat doing nothing.
17:06 I finished my milk.
17:17 I went for a row.
17:29 Tini returned again and I finished my row, it ended at 12 minutes but I couldn't see the little screen on the rower, as I had brought the wrong specs down with me so I left them on the side.
19:09 I have finished my read through of "Books of Magic" by DC Vertigo, I found it interesting but it was a bit confusing.
About 20:00 maybe earlier that I started my dinner.
20:54 I finished my dinner.
20:56 I did my weigh in.
But Mr Donny Trump has been getting some positive press over the last few days, it maybe because he has threatened North Korea with all out war of which I thought that the media wild have a field day on how he isn't fit to run America if he's just going to say to North Korea if you dare to target us with your probably PR stunt, we will air drop our obese American soldiers, and a good few of the not obese soldiers onto your heads to squish them into oblivion. 
23:05 I've started to get into my pyjamas.
23:14 I'd finished getting ready for bed probably minus brushing my teeth, so I'm guessing that is what I should check now.
23:22 I went to check on my toothbrush, I hadn't so I corrected my mistake.
Then some time l went to bed in order to get to sleep.

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