Sunday 9 July 2017

Day 1463

Day 1463;

Now today I have woken up, I have got out of bed and I have looked at a webpage which I got emailed about yesterday, at 20:02 it was called "nuking the moon and 5 more insane space missions that never happened" on it there wasn't my favourite space mission that I have thought of, it's insane and then some, I've called it an attempt to force evolution. 20.41 was my BMI today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and something else.
Lunch: I can't remember.
Dinner: I can't remember, trifle and cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

00:55 I was the time for me to get changed for bed.
01:09 Was the time that I had finished getting changed and I went to the loo, washed my hands and I brushed my teeth.
01:23 about I finished in the shower room and I went to bed.
07:20 about I got up out of bed.
Now the space mission that I have proposed would work by setting a settlement up in space which would have a self contained ecosystem, with 
About 08:00 I went downstairs for breakfast. 
09:05 I finished breakfast and I went for a shower,
09:41 Tini thinks I am loosing my mind, what's changed I thought I very close to never had it.
10:09 I have got changed into my cycling attire, only to be ordered to get changed out of my cycling shorts into another pair of shorts.
I'd already changed by 10:35 when I had been playing solitaire for quite a few minutes,
Then we went out to the shops on the new tandem, to see if we could get a better grasp on it's controls, next up we returned from the small cycle, but as we were leaving we also saw Emu and C in a car arriving, so as soon as we returned I had to socialise, before lunch. But today on the hill it took us 1 minute to do which was 4 seconds off our personal best, up the hill.
Then after lunch I got myself changed back into my cycling shorts, time for another cycle

17:40 we'd completed another cycle and I had a shower.
17:48 I had just got into my pyjamas and sprayed myself with deodorant, when Mich reminded me that we had Emu and C round tonight so I wasn't supposed to get changed into my pyjamas.
18:02 I had got myself re-changed into my pair of shorts and another t-shirt as well as another pair of boxers, then next up I went to see Mich, to see if he could do anything about my leg as it was covered in oil? (the gunk which is put on the gears and chains of a tandem (what I need is a scouring pad, to clean it off of my legs).
Then I went downstairs for dinner and I had finished my pudding/desert before I I'd my weigh in tonight.
20:46 I did my weigh in, as did Mich, Emu and C, but Allergy was too much of a scrooge to participate tonight. Emu gained 11lb tonight now she only needs to gain 4 more to make it more similar to perfection, if I gained 11lb I'd be closer to perfection also, I think it may have told me that I needed to gain 11lb to reach my target. But C gained 10lb which should probably be all of that lazing about on the honey moon that they've just got back from. But Emu's BMI was better than mine today.
When Emu and C left
23:00 I'm just going to brush my teeth.
23:26 I have been to the loo, washed my hands and brushed my teeth.
23:36 I have got into my pyjamas, again.
But now I'm unsure if I played on Breath of the Wild today or yesterday but today has been filled up with our amateur bike repairing job, socialising with Emu and C and biking/going on the new tandem, today we actually managed to have our personal record for a ride which was over 40km and that was on the new tandem. At some points we both had our heads down and just peddled as fast as we could, but at others I sat up straight and I peddled as hard as I could, when I was experimenting to see which of the 2 methods of propulsion worked more effectively, I'm still none the wiser.

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