Monday 3 July 2017

Day 1457

Day 1457;

My BMI of today was 20.18 which is 0.1 bellow yesterday's result and what did I do today? I didn't do an 80mi cycle today that's for sure. I only did an approximately 15km ride in the gym, in 54 minutes.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: cheese and ketchup sandwich (white bread) and Bakewell slices.
Dinner: tomato pasta, bread and Belgium bun.
Drinks:  2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

07:38 I had awoken by this point. 
I'm thinking that Tini was leaving at this point and she'd told Mich that she's going to be back around 14:00 so make sure that I, as in myself, am ready to go to the gym so then Mich came upstairs to wake me up, but I was already awake. 
08:02 Mich left for work. 
08:38 I sat down to start eating my breakfast. 
08:38 I had finished my cereal.
09:59 I finished my milk
10:44 I finished my fruit.
By 11:20 Allergy had left, for something of what I don't know. 
11:33 I decided to go eat my lunch. 
11:37 I sat down to eat my lunch. 
12:01 I finished eating my lunch. 
Well I can remember going to the loo and washing my hands earlier, after breakfast, but I cannot remember if I brushed my teeth earlier on today. I'm going to have to investigate when I have finished my fruit juice. 
12:33 I finished drinking my fruit juice. 
12:35 I went to check on my toothbrush.
12:47 I had finished in the shower room having just brushed my teeth. 
Everyone makes mistakes, it's just human nature, like me I'm a prime example of the fact. On the one hand I was born to start with which indicates the two at fault there and second there's the car driver that hit me who's at fault for not driving quick enough, but then there's the doctors and nurses that can share the blame in that part. But they are the causes of this utter disgusting mess of a thing that I call Savage
13:22 I started getting changed into my gym stuff. 
But I have been told that I look like a cross between a zebra and a wolf, which was due to the facts that I had been out in the sun and I hadn't actually shaved today.
13:39 I have gone to shave. 
13:47 I finished shaving and I put my t-shirt on.
13:54 I got my socks on. 
14:02 the telephone has just rang 5 times I seem to remember the first three of them Allergy answered it to no response but the last 2 times Allergy left it to go onto answer phone, on the second time that it went to answer phone we got a person speaking to us it was Tini calling to remind me that I had the gym of which I went to. 
16:04 I returned home from the gym. 
16:24 20 minutes approximately since Tini and Allergy discovered ants in the house, so they have been attempting to eradicate them from the property.
17:06 Mich returned home.
19:20 I started my dinner.  
20:36 I finished my dinner.
20:41 I started playing on Breath of the Wild again today.
21:36 I ended my play of Breath of the Wild again today, and I did my body test.
22:06 I sat down for my second mug of milk for today.
23:19 I went to brush my teeth.
23:31 I returned from brushing my teeth.
Then after I went to bed.

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