Sunday 30 July 2017

Day 1484

Day 1484;

20,05 was my BMI of the day, I know it's fallen once more, but it's not as bad as I feared It'd be, as I have had the Prudential Ride London, to do today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, green grapes and purple grapes.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, some chocolate chip shortbread, battenburg, green grapes and purple grapes.
Dinner: bread, macaroni cheese, apple crumble and cream.
Drinks: 2 400ml bottles of Lucozade sport (1 raspberry and 1 orange), 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

This morning I was awoken early as I had to get my breakfast eaten, quickly.
Then I had to brush my teeth, hair etc. and get ready for the ride of the day.
Durning the ride I had hod fed to me as if it was left to me I would have probably missed lunch for today.
After the ride I walked for a bit around London until I got to a tube train station I bonded the train, 1 stop until I got off boarded another underground train where I went to the end of the line on, then I wet on a London over ground train. To another place in London where the car was parked.
We next drove to the  Velodrome, to pickup Mich's tandem.
Then we travelled home.
I ate dinner/
Did my body test.
Now I should have brushed my teeth and gone to bed but I have ran out of time, today I will have to gget it done tomorrow, in the early hours of tomorrow.

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