Tuesday 11 July 2017

Day 1465

Day 1465;

My BMI was 20.7 I seem to be getting not a loop here, I think.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: nibbley bits and chocolate cake.
Dinner: pie, carrots,, peas and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash with lemonade.

05:46 was the time that I woke up today.
05:57 I want to the loo.
06:02 I finished on the loo and I'd washed my hands.
06:07 I heard a strange noise coming from Tini's direction.
06:31 I went downstairs for breakfast.
08:45 I finished my breakfast.
09:21 It was before I had got changed into my boxers after eating breakfast.
09:27 I got myself into my jeans.
I just had a thought about what I had typed the other day about how I could tell why some men didn't think that a 6 pack on a woman didn't think it was very attractive and I didn't say why it was but it could honestly go either way with my reasoning as it is that a 6 pack could be interpreted as a show of strength and it could intimidate the other person, be they male or female (I thought about adding trans as a third gender, but then I figured that a trans dude be they biologically male or female would probably much prefer to be called they're chosen gender and not have all the flaf of having the prefix of trans added in front), but where did I get to before that slight detour on trans people and the unnecessary trans put in front of their gender, intimidation that was where I was, ok so some males would probably be intimidated by a woman with a 6 pack, if they didn't have one as think about what standing that could give you with your male friends with them asking you if you wanted them to call your girlfriend on a night after the pub to walk you home as it's dark out side, the other way around could be similar but I'm not a girl so I would not know.
09:55 I have decided to go to brush my teeth.
10:24 I returned having gone to the loo, washed my hands, brushed my teeth and shaved.
10:29 I got my t-shirt on.
10:33 I have returned to the shower room to put some deodorant on, I should have done it previously.
11:00 I have got a cloth out of the airing cupboard.
11:06 I went downstairs to go out on the tandem.
11:41 We returned from the town on the tandem having gone to the bank, which Mich went in and I waited outside with the tandem.
12:28 I have been called down for lunch.
14:00 I had finished my lunch.
14:22 I started playing Breath of the Wild.
18:09 I ended my playing of Breath of the Wild, today on the game I got the teleport thing.
18:10 We went on a small walk into town.
18:34 we returned from out little walk into town.
About at 19:00 I started my dinner.
20:18 I finished my dinner.
20:56 I did my weigh in.
Next up I went into the shower room, to brush my teeth and you know the rest of the drill before I came back into my room to get changed into my pyjamas and get into bed.

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