Wednesday 5 July 2017

Day 1459

Day 1459;

BMI was 20.24 so it was an improvement on yesterday's result, but it was negative on my current goal.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with mini sausages on toast, fruit cake and chocolate cake.
Dinner: chicken, baked potato, potato salad, cheese balls and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 400ml bottle of Lucozade sport (mango and passion fruit).

6:06 I awoke and got up.
6:32 I went to the loo.
When I was on the loo I was thinking about how everyone appeared home last night, that was supposed to, as I was thinking that I remembered Allergy getting home late and deciding to skip the weigh in, just after I had "bullied" Mich into taking his.
06:48 I finished on the loo and I washed my hands.
06:51 I went downstairs to eat my breakfast and I waved goodbye to Allergy as she left for work.
06:57 I started to eat my breakfast.
07:35 Tini left for work.
08:21 I finished my breakfast.
But for yesterday's cycling spiel that I made, the one about getting Froome when he retires, to come cycling with us. It was a joke by the way as we were looking at the cycling stats from the tour yesterday they averaged at a speed that was something like 40km/h and our maximum speed was 47.something km/h but our average was only 15mph which is only about 24km/h and that was with me pushing us as quick as I can go in between all of the stops, I wonder how quick Mich could have gone if it was a single bike, But I'm betting quicker but I'm also betting for not as long as he was pretty puffed out by the end of the cycle at least he was the last time we had a go, but you know practice makes perfect, and if we practice at it he could get up to his peak fitness and then really show me up; so let's get to it.
08:57 I have got changed into my gym getup.
09:16 I had put my boxers, tracksuit trousers, socks and wristbands on before going to brush my teeth.
09:28 I had finished brushing my teeth.
09:33 I have put on a t-shirt.
09:37 I have put my headband on.
09:59 I got my gloves on, I'm now ready for the gym.
 This morning I have been attempting to get rid of the tiny little discomfort which is in my back, on my left hand side, it's like a... I don't know what it's like, it's just their, in my back, being irritating so when I stand up tall, but I put more pressure through my left leg I can feel it, it's really quite fun to do, I think. Also this morning I have had a thought about the cycle ride that I am to be doing later this month, as Mich hasn't got himself registered for the ride yet I was thinking that I could borrow Mark Caverndish for his rehabilitation from his accident in the Tour yesterday.
11:30 We were supposed to walk to the gym but we were late at getting off.
The time was later than half eleven but I'm unsure of how much by when we got off, we returned home almost as soon as we'd been talked to by my personal trainer, which is a good thing that we walked, as we had to return home as he had to rush off, to take care of his mother a short way into my session so it was unless Mich was going to take over the session which he couldn't do as he was on his phone to his work, he was working at that moment as he has been from home today.
12:29 I sat down to eat my lunch.
13:21 I finished my lunch.
13:24 I went to the loo.
13:34 I finished on the loo and I washed my hands.
14:18 I played on Breath of the Wild.
14:30 I started drinking a mug of fruit squash.
I was still playing on BotW at the same time.
15:46 I finished my mug of fruit squash.
16:14 I finished playing on Breath of the Wild for today.
Chris Froome is now the holder of the yellow jersey in the cycling tour having stolen it from his friend Mr Thomas, the Welsh person, by the 12 seconds that he was trailing him by at the start of the day. But Froome still hasn't won a stage of the tour yet.
17:16 I'm changed into my cycling attire.
Then after that we went on the tandem for an hour twenty one minutes and three seconds moving time, but the actual time elapsed was an hour twenty four minutes and thirty four seconds, our average speed was twenty three point eight kilometres per hour and our fastest speed was forty seven point five kilometres per hour, which in Tour de France terms we wouldn't make the cut.
The time was something past 19:00 when we returned from our cycle I was ordered upstairs to have a shower a dinner was going to be at half past, so I actually did what I was told to do, first time for everything you might say. You wouldn't be correct but you still might say.
19:25 out shower and start getting into my pyjamas.
19:27 finished gettina into my pyjamas.
19:29 sat down to eat dinner. 
20:11 finished dinner.
20:34 Allergy returned home.
About 21:00 I did my body test 
21:34 I drank my second mug of milk for today.
Then what did I have to do? I remember filling this thing out in the details that I remember but other than that my mind is blank. I know what I'm about to do though, it's go to bed around now.

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