Tuesday 18 July 2017

Day 1472

Day 1472;

20.31 was my BMI for today, and I'm feeling actually great at the moment, I know it's quite a way below perfection, but I can't help but have the feeling that I ran quicker yesterday maybe as a consequence of losing that access weight?

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: bread, cheese and I can't remember what it was that I ate for pudding.
Dinner: beer battered fish, potatoes, carrots, peas and something else which I have forgot also.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of lemonade.

01:28 I finished off my bottle of Lucozade sport (raspberry) that I started something like 2 days ago.
01:37 I heard an aeroplane or something similar flying about over our heads.
01:42 I decided to go to bed.
06:59 Was the time when I was awakened this morning, by Mich leaving.
07:31 I heard Tini leave.
07:34 I started breakfast.
07:59 I finished my cereal and I drank the majority of my mug of milk.
08:33 I went back to my breakfast.
09:06 I finished my fruit and milk/breakfast.
During breakfast time my mind was thinking about random stuff and I can only remember a small amount of it, so that sucks.
10:06 I have been attempting to remember while playing games on my iPad, I haven't had any success, I'm off to take a shower.
11:32 I have had a shower and I've got myself dressed and I remember part of what I wanted to type earlier, it had something to do with the secret services and hacking.
11:53 I have decided go downstairs to eat my lunch.
12:03 I sat down to eat my lunch.
12:06 I was back upstairs to brush my teeth.
12:16 I'd brushed my teeth, take 2 for me eating my lunch.
13:00 I'd finished my bread and cheese.
I went onto my 2 pots of chocolate mousse next.after I had finished them I started to clean my lunch pots then 
14:28 I'd cleaned up my pots and bowl and I had gone back upstairs in to my room to get changed for the gym.
14:41 I had been to the loo and washed away my hands.
15:02 Tini's just left work, 15 minute warning.
15:17 Tini arrives home.
15:37 We left to go to the gym.
16:14 I left the gym.
Then we went to the shop, for me to stay in the car and Tini to go to buy dinner as I stank. Then we returned and I took another shower before eating my dinner.
21:39 I had done my body test.
21:59 I had drunk my second mug of milk.
Then after that I went to the loo, washed my hands and I brushed my teeth. Before going to bed which I haven't done right now but I will shortly.

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