Monday 31 July 2017

Day 1485

Day 1485;

Now my BMI for today was up at 20.31.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: I've forgotten.
Dinner: I've forgotten but I had some chocolate trifle for desert.
Drinks: 1 300ml mugs of milk and 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: banana.

Now I brushed my teeth and went to bed first thing today.
Next I woke went to the loo and washed my hands before scuttling back into bed.
Then I had reawakened to go downstairs and eat my breakfast.
I went back upstairs and I brushed my teeth, next I got myself dressed.
Which was before I went downstairs for my lunch, but before I played on my DS it was another attempt as Phantom Hourglass- the possessed Linbeck fight, I failed.
Then i had lunch and after lunch I have forgotten what I did until I went out for athletics when I was attempting to recreate the feeling that came with that surge of speed that happened 2 weeks ago, to little success.
Next up was the return to home when I ate my dinner, next up I did my weigh in.
Then I am thinking I drank my fourth 300ml mug of fruit juice, for today and I brushed my teeth.
So I'm now ready for bed, I've forgotten when I got myself changed back into Pyjamas, but I'm in them at the moment.

Sunday 30 July 2017

Day 1484

Day 1484;

20,05 was my BMI of the day, I know it's fallen once more, but it's not as bad as I feared It'd be, as I have had the Prudential Ride London, to do today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, green grapes and purple grapes.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, some chocolate chip shortbread, battenburg, green grapes and purple grapes.
Dinner: bread, macaroni cheese, apple crumble and cream.
Drinks: 2 400ml bottles of Lucozade sport (1 raspberry and 1 orange), 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

This morning I was awoken early as I had to get my breakfast eaten, quickly.
Then I had to brush my teeth, hair etc. and get ready for the ride of the day.
Durning the ride I had hod fed to me as if it was left to me I would have probably missed lunch for today.
After the ride I walked for a bit around London until I got to a tube train station I bonded the train, 1 stop until I got off boarded another underground train where I went to the end of the line on, then I wet on a London over ground train. To another place in London where the car was parked.
We next drove to the  Velodrome, to pickup Mich's tandem.
Then we travelled home.
I ate dinner/
Did my body test.
Now I should have brushed my teeth and gone to bed but I have ran out of time, today I will have to gget it done tomorrow, in the early hours of tomorrow.

Saturday 29 July 2017

Day 1483

Day 1483;

20.51 was my BMI for today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: ham sandwich, banana, strawberries and a protein bar.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, bread and apple crumble.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice. 

This morning I had boccia so there was a lot of misinforming me going on.
Then I returned and I went out for a small cycle, just round the blocks that I live near.
Then I played a bit on Resident Evil: Revelations.
I ate my lunch.
Then I played a bit more, on the DS before it's battery died on me this time, I had completed the 3rd level and I was onto level (chapter/episode/whatever it's called in the game).
Nov  can
But I started playing Phantom Hourglass on an other DS I managed to beat up Mr Phantom whose name is something like Bellum, stage 1, but I still need to beat it up when it's possessed the Ghost Ship.
Then I ate my dinner.
After dinner I did my body test.
I brushed my teeth.
Next up I beat up the Ghost Ship and that Bellum thing attached itself to Linbeck, stupid fool, all he did was attempt to save Link and Zelda; and look at you now, you've been transformed into a monster. All be it a powerful monster but a monster none the less, well by that I mean a monster that you defeat by brushing the stylus against the screen to be able to counter his attack, which I am finding difficult in this game and you have to draw an 8 on the screen of which I am also finding difficult to do on this game.
Then following this up I have to say that I'm really excited about tomorrow, as I will have my chance to break the world land speed record, I'm going to fail but I'll at least have my chance. As I'm going on the bike ride tomorrow, the ride around London. But first I'm going to have to go to bed so, good night.

Friday 28 July 2017

Day 1482

Day 1482:

20.77 was my BMI for today.

Now I have today forgotten everything that I ate except from a chocolate éclair at lunch and some tiramisu for dinner, the rest of the day I spent being forgetful and traveling to London to get myself registered for the London 100 cycle ride.

21:19 I have got to go for my body test .
21:38 I continued my play of Resident Evil: Revelations as I had started it earlier, as in before lunch but I had left it on, the game was in sleep mode, while I went to London in order to get myself actually registered for this 100mile cycle ride that I'm doing Sunday. 
22:50 I ended my play in Resident Evil as the red battery light had started flashing some time ago.
But in Resident Evil: Revelations I think I managed to complete the first 2 levels, well I know that I completed the first level either today or yesterday, as I'm thinking that I started it again on one of these days but then the second level I have just completed now as I have moved on to level 3.
Then later on I brushed my teeth.

Thursday 27 July 2017

Day 1481

Dy 1481;

The result of my body test today was 20.77.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: egg and bread (white).
Dinner: tomato pasta, cheese and bread.
Drinks: 1 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

08:00 I got up.
08:02 I went down o eat my breakfast.
08:46 I finished my breakfast.
08:58 I finished washing up my plastic pots that I used for breakfast.
09:43 I decided to go to the shower room.
09:55 I have left the shower room having been to the loo and brushed my teeth.
10:12 I have got myself changed into a pair of track suit trousers, t-shirt, boxers and wrist bands.
10:18 I think I am about to go to have a little row.
10:42 I had a completed a 10 minute row I stopped at 10 minutes as the rower had broken so I just had to fix it.
10:47 I have just been reminded to have a shower.
So in the meantime I have gone into the shower room i have got myself naked I have showered myself in water, using both shower gel and shampoo.
11:20 Had a shower.
11:42 Started getting myself dressed again.
11:52 Sprayed myself by now I have put my boxers, jeans and my specs on.
11:54 T-shirt on.
12:25 I started my lunch.
12:49 I finished my lunch.
13:29 I have decided to give myself another little work out.
13:33 So I have decided to go for my count to 100 while I am planking.
1336 I finished with my attempt at a plank I only managed to count up to 80 in 1 turn, such a failure am I.
14:42 I haven't done a thing for just over the past hour, apart from played a mini game, how much of a waste was that?
14:47 Press ups time.
14:49 30 done.
14:51 Sit ups time.
14:53 30 done.
14:56 Loo time.
15:08 I have finished on the loo and I have washed my hands.
15:13 time to play some more on Spirit Tracks.
15:58 I have discovered that I cannot play the flute thing that's in the game, it is because of my breathing, it won't work.
16:23 I have started playing on Resident Evil Revelations.
17:17 My DS's charge ran out, after I had played on it, for just about an hour 41 minutes now, but I haven't got a clue of how long the battery lasted.

19:04 I have got changed into a shirt and I'm just about to put some smarter trousers on.
I only did that as it was a quiz night for me to go to tonight and the team that I was part of lost, we came in last place out of everyone that was there.
23:46 I did my body test.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Day 1480

Day 1480;

20.64 was my BMI today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and purple grapes.
Lunch: sausages, ketchup, pizza pocket and 2 raspberry jam doughnuts.
Dinner: something, carrots, peas, potato and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and the second half of the Lucozade sport (Brazilian guava).

01:52 I finished off a mug of milk.
Then a bit past 02:00 I went to bed.
07:36 I went downstairs for breakfast.
07:53 I have gone back upstairs for the loo.
08:02 I have started my breakfast.
08:23 I have had another idea of a character with an extraordinary talent.
08:36 I have finished my cereal.
09:07 I have finished my breakfast.
While I was eating my breakfast I had a thought it was that my and everyone that didn't vote Marie in the Splatfest a while ago favourite squid sister, Callie, was a scapesquid. Splatoon was a game that was good especially the Splatfests I rarely won a battle in the Splatfests but it was still fun, I got up to one of the highest levels on one of the Splatfests also but when it was Callie vs Marie in the Splatfest I kept getting drawn up against other teams Callie, which was similar to the new Splatoon game and Splatfest that I choose ice cream in and we won this time, probably as ice cream is so much cooler than cake, it wasn't even a contest. But I'm back on to my point about Callie being a scapesquid, by this I mean that it was clearly a case of electoral fraud that voted Marie as the favourite squid sister as her attitude is that of the "good" little school girl and Callie had a more bad ass rock star personally.
10:29 I have brushed my teeth and I have got myself dressed into gym attire, minus head band.
11:02 I just managed to beat solitaire in 2:50 then in 2:49, then again I attempted it again today and I got 2.42.
Then I left to go to the gym about 11:25 but I'd got on to the gym equipment, by 12:43. I did more or less my usual routine, starting from the lateral trainer, then I did the 5 arm weight machines before finally going for a ride on the exercise bike.
12:49 I returned from the gum.
12:51 taken my headband and gloves off.
12:54 I started my lunch.
13:33 I've finished my mini sausages and pizza pocket.
15:34 I got out of the shower after I brushed my teeth (as I couldn't remember if I had already brushed them this morning), shaved my face, been to the loo and showered.
15:57 I have changed into a pair of jeans.
16:41 I have put on a t-shirt and I have returned downstairs to play on the Wii U.
19:05 the control has ran out of charge.
Then I can't remember what I was doing for the next so long, But I'm guessing that I ate my dinner somewhere in this duration.
21:44 I did my body test.
22:08 I drank my final mug of milk for the day.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Day 1479

Day 1479;

20.47 was my BMI for today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, green grapes and purple grapes.
Lunch: jam sandwich and 1 chocolate mousse.
Dinner: tomato pasta, bread and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2.300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

00:56 I have decided to brush my teeth now and I have gone bed as soon as I have completed the fore mentioned act.
06:46 I have got up, been to the loo and I have washed my hands.
06:59 I have sat down in preparation of starting my breakfast.
07:21 I have just been thinking about Splatoon 2 and its new hosts, you know the Octoling and the Inkling.
07:26 I have finished my cereal.
07:32 I know this is later than I said initially but I have just remembered that I said that I'd explain my choice of super power to you, but then I didn't, sorry.
Ok, well it was the power to stop time, and I chose that as a super power as it would help me keep up with everyone else, with all the finer points of living and in the tests like the ones from school I could read the question then I could pause time to write my answer, then I may actually finish a paper instead of me just rushing through the tests.
08:03  I have ate my breakfast.
08:14 I have finished on the loo and I have washed my hands.
09:17 I've decided to brush my teeth now.
09:29 I have finished brushing my teeth.
09:40 Started planking.
09:42 Finished planking.
My attempt at planking was pathetic, under 2 minutes how deplorable.
11:13 I have decided to go to eat lunch early.
11:20 I have gone to the loo and washed my hands.
11:24 I have started my jam sandwich.
11:35 I have finished my jam sandwich.
11:37 I got myself a spoon for my chocolate mousse.
11:39 I started my chocolate mousse.
11:46 I finished my chocolate mousse.
11:50 I finished my mug of fruit juice.
12:11 I have cleaned up my pots from this morning.
12:19 I have picked up a postcard I attempted to read it and put it on Mich's desk before coming upstairs to my room .
12:26 I have got changed into a pair for of tracksuit trousers.
12:30 Sprayed myself.
12:34 T-shirt on.
12:35 Specs on.
12:38 Socks on.
12:42 Wrist bands on.
12:54 Gloves on.
12:58 Head band and hand band are in my gym bag.
About 13:03 I decided to play some Splatoon as I wasn't sure whether I had completed it or not, it turns out that I had in normal mode, so I was attempting to complete it in the Amiibo modes.
15:03 Wii U control ran out of battery so no more Splatoon, for now at least.
16:20 Tini rang she told me to get ready for the gym, I thought she told me that this morning?
By about 16:48 we went to the gym.
17:54 We went to the shop, I stayed in the car.
18:16 We got home.
18:38 I went into the shower room.
19:14 I have got back, to my room, after shaving and showering.
19:23 I have changed into my pyjamas and changed the pair of specs that I was wearing before the shower.
21:03 I finished helping Mich with his tandem.
Around about 21:30 we did our body tests, mine had increased on yesterday's which was opposite to the other 2 of us that took part today.

Monday 24 July 2017

Day 1478

Day 1478;

My body tests result was 20.41 today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, pear, green grapes and purple grapes.
Lunch: bread roll, butter, banana and chocolate from my box.
Dinner: fish finger curry and a mini double chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

01:38 I had brushed my teeth and gone to bed.
06:28 I woke up.
06:38 I went to the loo.
06:56 I started eating breakfast.
07:39 I had finished my cereal and the radio was telłing me
At about 08:26 my iPads battery ran out
08:41 I continued eating my breakfast fruit.
09:09 I finished my breakfast fruit.
10:40 I have brushed my teeth.
11:12 I have got myself dressed.
12:30 I have decided to do 20 press ups and 20 sit ups.
At approximately 12:45 Allergy knocked on my door, so I knocked back until she stopped, that is, so I opened the door and then she announced what I was going to eat for lunch.
15:43 I've changed myself for the gym.
It's intriguing how things work in comics, as I have just been watching a YouTube video which was about homosexuals in comics. The funniest part was Batwoman was set up to prove that Batman and Robin weren't homosexual, but in the end it's Batwoman that is the homosexual.
Then later on I went to the gym.
But today at the gym I have only had a 30 minute cycle, I only got to 6.38 miles today, I attempted doing the 5minute bursts at level 20 as well today. I had rode for 10 minutes before the first 5 then I had rode for 10 more minutes at level 10 before I tried another 5 minute burst at level 20.
After we had been to the gym we went to the shop, but I didn't get out of the car as I stank.
18:00 Tini arrived back at the car after going into the shop to buy some things.
18:21 we arrived at home.
Then next up I had a shower which took me through to sometime like 19:09 by the time that I had got my pyjama trousers on and by 19:19 until I had got my pyjama top on.
19:44 It's time for dinner.
21:06 I finished my dinner and I had washed up my mug and my pot.
21:11 I did my body test.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Day 1477

Day 1477;

20.6 was my BMI of the day.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: I've forgotten.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, turkey drummers, fruit salad, ice cream, cream and Turkish delight.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and another couple of squirts from my 400ml bottle of Lucozade sport.

06:36 I have just gone to the loo.
As on the last cycle we did of any merit we managed to get the first 5 miles done in 20 minuets then the next 10 miles done in 42/21 minutes each, but it's not good enough, we should be making the first 5 miles in 12 minutes/a fifth of an hour instead of a third, which will make our average speed for the first 5 miles go from 15mph to 25mph, which is near enough Le Tour average speeds.
In our cycle today we really disappointed ourselves, with only managing 40 miles is something like 1 minute 28 seconds over 3 hours so we managed to get it completed at an average speed of just over 10mph, the speed was something more like 13mph apparently which is just over 10mph.
Anyway I was too slow, which wasn't helped by my need for a piss, which when we stopped the first time for me to go I couldn't actually go, but it took to the second time for me to go and it took ages for it to come out, and it was just looking like water when it came out of me for a while, then after I had finished doing that I realised that not only had I not brushed my teeth this morning (as I had decided to do it when I returned
14:21 I have finished my lunch and washed up after my mug.
Then after, I think, I watched the final precession of Le Tour, and I listened to a woman on the radio/tv who was saying a load of stuff about La Tour but she was saying how she'd hate it, as they made more money on the one stage with it being in Paris, than they had made over all the other stages.
But I just want to say this phrase like a footie mad moron, you get in there you beauties, 0-2 to England against Spain, and I have just remembered a prediction that I made for the English mans team against Spain, the prediction that I had made for that was 4-0 to Spain, so women you've beat Spain congratulations, by half of the score that I'd bet your male counterparts would lose by. Anyway the English women are looking like an indomitable force in the Women's Euro's with the 8 goals they have scored so far without conceding a solitary goal with both of the group matches that they have played. 8 goals for 0 against, goal difference +8, points 6, so they are guaranteed to get through the group stages quarter finals which is knock out football so if they can keep they're clean sheet record for the complete tournament they'll be the best national football side ever to play in England's team shirt, I think- at least from a defensive perspective.

Saturday 22 July 2017

Day 1476

Day 1476;

20.9 something was my BMI for today,

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: Swiss baked egg, bread (white) and fruit salad.
Dinner: mac cheese, beer battled fish, profiteer rolls and fruit.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 400ml in 2 mugs of fruit juice and 1 5@00ml bottle of nonalcoholic cider.

06:29 I was got up and ordered to go to eat my breakfast.
07:55 I had eaten my breakfast, brushed my teeth, been to the loo and I'd had a shower.
08:09 I had been shaved.
08:31 We had got into the car to go to boccia.
08:58 We arrived at boccia and a hockey friend of mine also went.
My hockey friend was very good at boccia,
10:11 Boccia finished and we went to the shop.
 At the shop I got out of the car, as you do when you're not sweaty, as I had only been playing a game of seated bowls. Then we got home just after 11:00 and Mich said that he needed to post a big letter so he had to go to the post office, I offered that we cycle down to the post office, so we did before the rain was set to come down, of which it did early but not early enough to disturb our cycle. As we had cycled down to the post office, with my trouser leg getting caught in the chain multiple times which caused me to słow down in my peddling, the problems persisted, but then when we had returned home he had something that I think he needed to try out, so we cycled around the housing block which is across the road to our home. But for this I couldn't be bothered to put my right leg down to the peddle, as my trouser leg keep getting caught so I used my left leg for peddling, and Mich thought it was an improvement on the cycling properly. One legged cycling is the way?
Then we returned home and we had our lunches and we watched Le Tour de France,
16:08 I started my mug of nonalcoholic pear cider.
 I finished my first mug of the cider a little while later then the tour ended with Froome finishing 3rd on today's stage. But Lander just needed to cycle the tiniest bit faster in order to have finished on the podium as well as Froome, then he'd have knock the second place at the start of today down into fourth instead of him being in third, in the general classification.
16:34 Le Tour has finished, Froome has won the Tour without a stage win.
But I have got a little quiz question for you.... It is how much time did Chris Froome loose the quickest rider. Within the time trial to the winner of the stage? 6 seconds.
23:31 I know that I have brushed my teeth this night, as I can still taste the toothpaste, but I cannot remember when.

Friday 21 July 2017

Day 1475

Day 1475:

My body test results for today has been .

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: Bakewell slice, chocolate mousse, bread (white), butter and cheese.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, vinegar and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and half of a 400ml bottle of Lucozade sport (Brazillian guava).

07:21 I was woken and I went downstairs to eat my breakfast.
10:24 A knock at the door.
10:25 I answered the door, it was a postman with a parcel... For me! (I'm trying to be more expressive with my typing).
10:35 I finished my breakfast.
11:22 I have decided to have a shower.
11:47 I have gone into the shower room I have brushed my teeth, shaved my face and had a shower. I have just got dressed into a pair of boxers.
11:54 Jeans on.
11:57 deodorant used.
I got my cycling 
12:57 I started lunch.
14:04 I finished lunch.
16:17 I got changed into my cycling gear.
16:45 We started our cycle which covered 32.2km in 1:25:20 and today we broke our record for the bit of road that is outside of our home, and I am in the belief that we could beat that time, one of 54s, if my foot hadn't slipped off at about the same point as Mich's did yesterday. I'll tell you about it. So we had arrived at the bottom of God defiance road Mich indicated to go up the road, so we turned to go up the hill, Mich and I put our all's into propelling the tandem up the hill, but today in about the same spot as where Mich lost his footing yesterday I lost my footing and I immediately thought that we'd blown it today, but as I didn't have those foot holders we didn't have to stop peddling in order for me to strap my foot to the peddle I could just kick on.
18:14 I had finished my cycle and it was the time for me to get changed into my Pyjamas.
Then shortly after that I ate my dinner and watched the highlights of Le Tour. But then after they had finished I watched Goldeneye, my favourite character in it was Oddjob, killed by his own hat, well actually it was by the electric current that was flowing through the metal that was part of his hat. I must have done my body test while the show was on as did Mich and Allergy.
23:47 I decided to go to brush my teeth.
23:59 I have now gone to the loo, washed my hands and brushed my teeth.

Thursday 20 July 2017

Day 1474

Day 1474;

20.48 or something like that.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: I have forgotten.
Dinner: I haven't remembered.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 400ml bottle of Lucozade sport (Brazilian guava).

06:35 I got up.
06:43 I went down for breakfast 
I don't know what the time Metroid games, and the fact that she's low maintenance is what attracts me to her. I mean she could just go out and kill a whole load of Metroid/Space Pirates when she got bored with me so I wouldn't have to entertain her for the majority of the relationship, which I am lacking the ability to speak so then small and big talk is kind of out of the question, even pillow talk. What else is there to relationships?
09:41 it's time for me to get myself ready for the day.
09:59 I have been to loo, washed my hands and brushed my teeth.
10:03 it's time for me to start my workout, I think.
10:08 I have done 20 press ups and 20 sit ups.
10:12 boxers on.
10:47 I have shut all of the upstairs windows due to the rain, minus Allergy's, but before this I had just finished 20 press ups as I had got distracted.
10:54 I contacted Mich about my clothing requirements for today and I had done 20 sit ups.
11:16 Socks on.
11:22 40 press ups and 40 sit ups.
11:28 Jeans on.
11:37 20 press ups and 20 sit.
11:41 T-shirt on.
11:49 30 press ups and 30 sit ups.
11:50 I have put my specs on.
So far today I have done 130 of each, but that's not including the 20 of each other that I still have to do for my specs before I go to spray myself, but let's have me doing 30 more to then bring it level with yesterday press ups score.
12:06 30 press ups and 30 sit ups.
12:32 I'm about to get called for lunch.
12:36 I got called, but I had enough time in the meantime to spray myself.
13:31 I finished my spaghetti with mini sausages and bread.
13:47 I finished my flapjack.
15:32 Mich mentioned a tandem ride.
15:48 I needed to get ready for the cycle.
16:00 I was ready apart from wrist bands.
16:30 We went out on a ride.
18:14 cycle finished. 
20:33 I finished my dinner.
23:22 I decided to brush my teeth.
So that is what I did.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Day 1473

Day 1473;

20.24 I think I got for my body tests result for this day.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: bacon muffin, monster munch and 1 chocolate mousse.
Dinner: fish, chips, vinegar, curry sauce and 1 pot of chocolate stuff.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

05:58 I awoke.
06:37 I went downstairs and I to eat my breakfast.
07:33 I'd finished my breakfast.
08:46 I think I should go to the loo now.
09:02 I have finished in the shower room, as I have been to the loo, washed my hands, used deodorant and brushed my teeth.
09/09 I have got changed into boxers.
09:11 I decided to do some press ups.
09:15 I have just done my first 20.
09:18 I have put some tracksuit trousers on.
09:22 I have done my second 20.
09:28 I have put a t-shirt on.
09:30 I have done my third 20
09:32 Allergy has appeared at the door to remind me to get ready for the gym... 
09:43 I have got my socks on.
09:47 I have done my first 40, as 2 socks = 2 times 20 = 40
09:56 I had got a pair of wristbands on and I had done my second 40... So that means that I have done 140 today.
10:01 I have put my specs on.
10:04 I have done my forth 20. 160 for today and I'm dressed.
But I know that I still have to get my gloves and headband on but they are both downstairs at the moment and I've got to use more deodorant before I go downstairs so what is the point of using deodorant now if I'm going to have to use it again in a minute, so why did I use it before I just did the exercise previously? It's simple I didn't know that I was about to exercise, I just did it, as they say in the Nike ads just do it" I'm not sure if I did the "it" that the ads refer to.
09:23 I'd forgotten what I went into the shower room for.  
09:25 I've used deodorant.
10:58 I have just watched a YouTube video about TYT defending AntiFA, which is literally a terrorist organisation.
11:34 I think was the time that we left to get me to the gym.
Anyway I was at the gym for about 45 minutes, before I got released, but the gym was good today as I started off on the lateral trainer, as usual, then I did some arm weights, then the exercise bike, before finishing my work out on some more arm weights. But on the exercise bike now I've still got to go along with the rpm's at least at 100 for the whole time but now he's told me to put it up to level up to 20 for 5 minute intervals every so often, hill training he says.
12:44 I returned home.
About at 13:00 we sat down to eat our lunches.
But as usual Allergy decided to talk nonsense to me, it was one stupid question and her second question was stupid but I had actually thought about it before she asked it to me. As the first qustion I got asked was one about if I could Date any celebrity which would it be, so I gave an honest answer it being none, they're all too high maintenance, for me. Then she broadened the net so I could now choose from any video game character also, I thought about it, and then I stated Samus Aran.
Then She asked me what super power would I want? So I said the ability to Stop Time, I will go into that in more depth some other time.
She's from the Metroid games, and the fact that she's low maintenance is what attracts me to her. I mean she could just go out and kill a whole load of Metroid/Space Pirates when she got bored with me so I wouldn't have to entertain her for the majority of the relationship, which I am lacking the ability to speak so then small and big talk is kind of out of the question, even pillow talk. What else is there to relationships?
14:59 I had finished eating my lunch and I had cleaned up the pots that I used.
About by 15:30 I had a shower then I got changed into some pyjamas.
Then a bit later while I was watching a load of What Culture's YouTube videos on Star Wars, and remember it's not "Luke, I am your father" it's "no... I am your father". Which has sustained me until 19:29 when I have decided to do some sit-ups, to pass the time.
17:13 apparently there has been calls for an investigation into students vting twice for Labour which mmay have screwed up our election so we may have to have a revote to see if Mrs May can get her majority, but I think not, what will happen? I don't know but I'm betting nothing, will happen as the DUP has got the conservatives back thanks to the money that will be flying there way and I don't see how that can be stopped now that it's all been put in place.
19:32 I did 20 sit-ups.
19:37 I started a row on the rower.
But I didn't get very far I only got about 3 minutes 50 seconds of the way through a row. As Tini and Mich arrived shortly after I had started and they had brought dinner. So I had to eat my dinner next.
I finished my dinner anyway it was half time in the England v Scotland football match England were up by 3-0 end of the First half, go on you girls. Then I put the game on the TV for the final 2 goals 
21:06 I went back downstairs to do my body test and to watch the final 2 goals go in in the second half of of the game. Which was a 6-0 epic result to England,  now all we need is the Men to replicate a performance like that at the next Tournament they're in.
22:42 I went downstairs for my second mug of milk.
22:48 I went back upstairs to go to the loo, wash my hands and brush my teeth.
22:59 I finished doing the above and I came back to my room.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Day 1472

Day 1472;

20.31 was my BMI for today, and I'm feeling actually great at the moment, I know it's quite a way below perfection, but I can't help but have the feeling that I ran quicker yesterday maybe as a consequence of losing that access weight?

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: bread, cheese and I can't remember what it was that I ate for pudding.
Dinner: beer battered fish, potatoes, carrots, peas and something else which I have forgot also.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of lemonade.

01:28 I finished off my bottle of Lucozade sport (raspberry) that I started something like 2 days ago.
01:37 I heard an aeroplane or something similar flying about over our heads.
01:42 I decided to go to bed.
06:59 Was the time when I was awakened this morning, by Mich leaving.
07:31 I heard Tini leave.
07:34 I started breakfast.
07:59 I finished my cereal and I drank the majority of my mug of milk.
08:33 I went back to my breakfast.
09:06 I finished my fruit and milk/breakfast.
During breakfast time my mind was thinking about random stuff and I can only remember a small amount of it, so that sucks.
10:06 I have been attempting to remember while playing games on my iPad, I haven't had any success, I'm off to take a shower.
11:32 I have had a shower and I've got myself dressed and I remember part of what I wanted to type earlier, it had something to do with the secret services and hacking.
11:53 I have decided go downstairs to eat my lunch.
12:03 I sat down to eat my lunch.
12:06 I was back upstairs to brush my teeth.
12:16 I'd brushed my teeth, take 2 for me eating my lunch.
13:00 I'd finished my bread and cheese.
I went onto my 2 pots of chocolate mousse next.after I had finished them I started to clean my lunch pots then 
14:28 I'd cleaned up my pots and bowl and I had gone back upstairs in to my room to get changed for the gym.
14:41 I had been to the loo and washed away my hands.
15:02 Tini's just left work, 15 minute warning.
15:17 Tini arrives home.
15:37 We left to go to the gym.
16:14 I left the gym.
Then we went to the shop, for me to stay in the car and Tini to go to buy dinner as I stank. Then we returned and I took another shower before eating my dinner.
21:39 I had done my body test.
21:59 I had drunk my second mug of milk.
Then after that I went to the loo, washed my hands and I brushed my teeth. Before going to bed which I haven't done right now but I will shortly.

Monday 17 July 2017

Day 1471

Day 1471:

Today my BMI was 20.38.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: sausage roll and monster munch..
Dinner: tomato pasta, bread and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: Bakewell slice.

01:36 I went to bed.
06:15 I woke up.
06:17 I went to loo.
07:56 I was reawakened.
08:08 I went to the loo.
08:19 I went downstairs eat my breakfast.
08:31 I'd finished my cereal and  the first about 250ml of my mug of milk.
09:05 I'd finished off my first 300ml mug of milk and I had made a start on my fruit before there was this really irritating noise.
it was like Picadilly Circus out the front of my home for about ten minutes this morning, but the traffic had been replaced by a lorry and a truck, so it wasn't anything like Picadilly Circus in its scale but it was in the volume it produced. 
09:24 I'm going to complete my eating of my breakfast fruit now.
09:52 I completed my eating of my breakfast fruit.
10:25 I put some music on when I was supposed to be either having a shower or getting myself washed.
10:30 I decided to do what I was supposed to do.
10:57 I got distracted and I started playing solitaire I managed to win at it once and it took me 4'59".
11:04 I went to the shower room.
11:36 I left the shower room, having brushed my teeth, shaved and had a shower.
12:01 I've got myself dressed, well into boxers, trousers and a t-shirt.
12:46 I've just played solitaire again and I've completed it in 3'15".
12:57 Allergy has just summoned me to lunch.
13:51 I finished my lunch.
14:22 I finished cleaning up my plastic pots.
14:30 I finished putting my dishes in the dishwasher.
Then next up I can remember having a drink and snack, before going out to athletics. Which I actually impressed myself with my speed in the last little tun of the session, as D shouted "come on", to himself I'm guessing (as he was out in front leading the way), and it was as if someone or something had just clicked in my head, like the gears on a bike and I was suddenly able to accelerate quicker than before i was actually gaining on D, well I know that he could have been slowing down due to end of the course was rapidly approaching, but still if the course was 10m longer I'd have had him passed it may have been a photo finish but I'd have pipped him on he line but if the course had been 20 more meters I'd have beaten him fair and square. But then little Mr S didn't even turn up today, I'm meaning for the races as he was there in lane 2 but he never actually ran as quick as I know he can.
20:17 I returned from athletics 
21:57 I finished my dinner and we'd done our body tests, by we I meant Mich and myself, and Allergy was being obstreperous.
22:03 I finished my third mug of milk for today.
23:31 I have decided to brush my teeth now.
23:52 I have brushed my teeth, gone to the loo and washed my hands, now all that's left is for me to go to bed.

Sunday 16 July 2017

Day 1470

Day 1470;

My BMI today was 20.21, that long ride on my bike that I did today has really taken it's toll.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich,battenburg cake bars and purple grapes.
Dinner: pie, carrots, peas, strawberries and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 3 400ml bottles of Lucozade sport (1 Brazilian guava and 2 raspberry) and 3 300ml of fruit juice.

00:02 I finished in the shower room, I went to the loo, washed my hands and brushed my teeth. 
But now it's really time for me to get some sleep, as I will be peddling with Mich on a course which should be 100miles.
07:02 I was awoken and beckoned downstairs for breakfast.
07:52 I returned having finished my breakfast.
08:16 I got changed into my cycling gear.
08:36 We went out on a tandem ride.
Today the actual duration of the ride was 8:37:08, but the time we spent moving on the tandem was 7:19:22, as if I was to say our bike ride was eventful, a slight understatement I fear I would have made, but we didn't even make it to 100miles, we only made it to 99.05miles, but after the ride Mich said that he felt confident enough that we could have done another 20miles, if we weren't so battered and bruised from the eventfulness of the earlier cycle. As we crashed on the tandem twice today the first wasn't our fault, apart from it was slightly, as while we were cycling along, Mich was having a chat with this really nice man, who had a Yogi shirt on so from this point on I'll call him Yogi, Yogi kept speeding off in front of us as we got behind him in order to allow traffic to pass by us, but then he'd slow down again in order to continue his chat. But then as I had my eyes closed, dam blepharospasm, I didn't see anything which happened but the next thing I knew was there was a lot of screaming and I had fallen under the tandem, as apparently a muntjac had taken exception to Yogi, it'd knocked him of his bike, and from Mich's attempts to miss the man, he managed to ride through the debris which had me with some little cuts, but the next issue happened also when I had my eyes shut, but this time I can distinctly remember thinking should I put the brake on? As I heard some ruckus from Mich as he went head first in the hedge row. Which cut his face and arms.
16:43 we returned home.
About 17:00 I had my first mug of fruit juice. And then some time before 18:00 I went upstairs for a shower.
18:04 I finished in the shower.
18:37 I have finished getting changed into my pyjamas and I have got myself very confused, as the results of the Great British Grand Prix, Vettle was in 6th place by the end... Whoops I meant 7th place, how odd, I guess It makes the championship more interesting now, knowing that Vettle is only 1 point ahead of Hammilton, now so it could go more or less down to the wire, with so much importance placed on the final race of the season, but that's a long way off from now.
Now the results of the British GP I watched after I had got out of the shower, and during my dinner, we also watched the highlights of the stage of Le Tour, the woman's version is quite considerably smaller, and it's called La Course. But Froome still leads Le Tour, but I was thinking about what the commentator were saying about how Froome was the only one that could do what he was doing, but I was thinking what about Lander? Didn't he do that spectacular thing just the other day and again today he quickly moved from leading the race to help Froome out but then he went back to the front?
21:28 I finished off my dinner.
21:30 I did my body test.
21:54 I had second 300ml mug of milk.
22:12 I had just been to the loo, washed my hands and brushed my teeth.

Saturday 15 July 2017

Day 1469

Day 1469;

My BMI was 20.68 or something similar, anyway i was up by 2lb, which will probably disappear tomorrow a we have got a 100mile cycle planned to do tomorrow.

Breakfast: cereal
Lunch: I've forgotten but I can remember that I ate some strawberries and banana with it.
Dinner: margarita pizza and something else,
Drink: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

01:25 I brushed my teeth, went to the loo, washed my hands and I went to bed.
05:22 I woke up.
06:35 I went to the shower room, to go to the loo.
07:02 I was summoned to have my breakfast.
07:35 I finished my breakfast.
07:55 I finished off in the shower room, I had been going to the loo, washed my hands and brushed my teeth.
08:12 I got myself changed into boxers and trousers.
08:17 I sprayed myself with deodorant and I got myself a t-shirt on.
08:20 I reported downstairs, to Mich, as he'd asked for me.
09:27 I got shaved, my socks got put on me (I managed to get my right sock on but I was taking too long to get the other on by myself) and my hair has been damped down.
9:29 I left for boccia.
10:40 I returned home from boccia.
11:01 I had put some more deodorant on as Tina questioned me about my use of deodorant earlier.
12:24 I have tried out these little foot peddle holders, and they work but they just don't work for me, as the way I like to cycle is with my toes on the peddle, as it is efficient way of putting my power through the peddles, plus about when we have been going up some placed my feet scrape along the floor which only happens when I have got my feet on the peddles when my feet have got stuck on a part of the peddle.
Then a bit later on I had my lunch.
But after lunch I was waiting for Splatoon 2 thing to come live which probably would have been even better if my internet connection didn't keep going down on me and then there was the thing about battery life of the console as I could plug it into the screen tom play but the internet is even more hit and miss there, besides I got kicked away from using the TV and then I for booted back into the room to play on the Switch, as it is apparently the same distance from the wireless router, which it's not, just FYI. I voted for Ice Cream over Cake, as it is greater than cake in pretty much every aspect. The thing was that only started at 19:00 and it was only until 21:00, so it was a shorter time than the splatfests of old, my maximum rank was something like 1456. 
Also today I played some more on a Fire Emblem game.
Then we ate our dinners.
21:38 we did our body tests..
But for the Tour Mr Froome has regained the yellow jersey, which surprised me, as throughout the afternoon I'd been hearing that Mr Froome had lost a lot of time especially on the hills. But when I actually checked it he'd gained at least 18 seconds on Mr Fabio Aru.

Friday 14 July 2017

Day 1468

Day 1468;

Now my BMI for this day was 20.34, dropped by another 0.1 today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: 2 sections of 2 sandwiches and a roll, they were ham, cheese and egg flavoured with some rocky road for pudding.
Dinner: chicken tikka masala, chicken korma, nan bread and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and about half of 1 400ml bottle of Lucozade sport (raspberry).

07:51 I got awoken.
By about 08:00 I had made my way to eat my breakfast.
09:23 I finished my breakfast.

About 12:00 I started playing on Breath of the Wild.
12:04 I finished as I had to eat lunch.
12:43 I finished lunch.
12:59 I started to play of BotW. 
14:54 I finished my play of BotW.
14;59 Landers, Froome's team mate has got a +1 minute lead on the yellow jersey group in Le Tour.
15:02 I'm going upstairs to get changed into my cycling gear.
15:45 I left on a cycle.
On the cycle today we were going at 25mph along a bit of flat ground near to the start of our cycle, isn't 25mph something like 40km/h. But that was only at the start by 1 hour we had done 15miles, but by the second we had done 29miles but by the end of our cycle today we had done 40miles at an average speed of 13mph apparently. But Strava tells me that our average speed was 23.1km/h which is about 14mph. Our max speed was 47.9km/h, which is only more or less 29mph.  So our elapsed time was 2:51:22, so our time of arrival at home was something like 18:36 but then we had to ride around posing for a photographer, which took ages.
Then next up I had my dinner, it was an Indian, styled cuisine not an actual Indian person, but I'm not going to l would probably eat an actual Indian also.
But after getting home from the cycle I took a shower and I got changed into my pyjamas before eating.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Day 1467

Day 1467;

My BMI of today was 20.44, I've been thinking about my BMI since before I had my Wii and subsequently Wii fit, I have been happy with my weight and body size, as in outwards not as in height, I've always been short.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, strawberries, 
Lunch: chicken and bacon sandwich and some thing else but I have forgotten what now.
Dinner: I've forgotten what I had for main but I had tiramisu for afters.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

05:44 I awoke and went to the loo in the shower room.
06:44 I got up to eat my breakfast 
06:56 I went to eat my breakfast.
07:47 I take a break from breakfast, to get dressed for the day, as the tiler is coming in a minute or so.
The tiler arrived 5 minutes early so I had only got into my boxers and I had also got my jeans half on, as in on but that weren't done up, by the button I don't use belts.
08:18 Plumber arrived.
09:33 I finished my breakfast.
10:06 The tiler has now left.
10:16 I have just gone to the loo and washed my hands.
10:29 I have brushed my teeth.
10:41 I've shared my face.
10:58 I've decided to have another walk around.
I think I have seen at least 1 of the deformed birds.
12:00 I've stopped my little wander and I have decided to eat my lunch.
12:48 I finished my children and bacon sandwich.
13:10 I've finished my chocolate mousses.
13:19 Tini arrived home and I finished my first mug of fruit juice for today.
Now it wasn't until Mich had returned home that I got to go to the gym today which was at 14:45 that he got here. But I'm thinking that it took me a little bit of time after that to get ready for the off to the gym so we actually got off some time about 15:20 which got me into the gym at about 15:25, 54 minute cycle takes me to 16:29 then the time she spent in the shop takes me up to my next destination...
17:15 I have been to the gym, today in the gym I have done another one of those little cycles, 45 minute cycle hard then a 9 minute cool down (20%).
17:21 The plumber has finished and I have got in the shower.
17:40 quiz night cancelled I have just been told as I have just got out of the shower.
17:42 the plumber has left the property.
17:53 I have got changed into my pyjamas.
18:00 dinner served.
During this I was informed that Chris Froome didn't have the legs for the yellow jersey today as Mr Fabio Aru takes it from him in the final sprint of today's stage. 
18:52 I finished my dinner.
Now some more on the Tour de France (Le Tour I don't know why they haven't made a La Tour yet to appease the prevailing feminists addenda). But I guess it's because females are too intelligent to bother with a version of Le Tour which should be exactly the same as the men's for the majority of women to turn up their noses at, saying "as you've already got men doing that and they're badly injuring themselves doing it, for what? A selection of jumpers (jerseys). Let's not risk it".
20:49 I had my body test.
21:30  Allergy and Mich had there's.
23:13 I have been to the loo washed my hands and brushed my teeth, so I'm ready for bed now.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Day 1466

Day 1466;

My BMI for today was 20.77 slight improvement on my long term goal.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: potato salad, mini sausages 
Dinner: chicken balls, chips and sweet and sour sauce.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

I think I got up somewhere around 07:00.
08:12 I finished my breakfast.
08:21 I have gone to Tini and Mich's en suit to brush my teeth.
08:58 I have gone to the loo twice and washed my hands twice in between washing my hands the first time and going to the loo a second, I brushed my teeth.
09:58 I decided to get changed.
10:09 I had got myself dressed in boxers, jeans and a t-shirt.
12:01 I've decided to go to eat my lunch.
13:04 I finished my potato salad, mini sausages and ham.
13:18 I hav ibis he'd my cupcake 
13:23 I finished my fist mug 
13:25  needed the loo so I ran upstairs 
13:39 I finished in the on the loo and I washed my hands.
15:03 I have finally remembered to and washed up my lunch pots.
15:41 ii started to play on Breadth of the Wild.
16:09 The tiler left, so I took about a minute break from BotW.
16:16 I stopped playing on Breath of the Wild as I thought I remembered some talk about the gym so I got myself changed into gym gear.
16:39 My hopes for an evening at the gym came crashing down.
17:24 I got myself changed back.

20:34 I got called for dinner.
21:48 finished my dinner.

22:19 We'd both (Allergy and I) done our body tests and I'd gone to drink my second mug of milk for the day.
22:24 I drew the blinds in the kitchen.
23:32 I have just finished brushing my teeth, showering myself and getting my pyjamas on, so I'm ready for bed now and I will probably go off shortly to it.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Day 1465

Day 1465;

My BMI was 20.7 I seem to be getting not a loop here, I think.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: nibbley bits and chocolate cake.
Dinner: pie, carrots,, peas and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash with lemonade.

05:46 was the time that I woke up today.
05:57 I want to the loo.
06:02 I finished on the loo and I'd washed my hands.
06:07 I heard a strange noise coming from Tini's direction.
06:31 I went downstairs for breakfast.
08:45 I finished my breakfast.
09:21 It was before I had got changed into my boxers after eating breakfast.
09:27 I got myself into my jeans.
I just had a thought about what I had typed the other day about how I could tell why some men didn't think that a 6 pack on a woman didn't think it was very attractive and I didn't say why it was but it could honestly go either way with my reasoning as it is that a 6 pack could be interpreted as a show of strength and it could intimidate the other person, be they male or female (I thought about adding trans as a third gender, but then I figured that a trans dude be they biologically male or female would probably much prefer to be called they're chosen gender and not have all the flaf of having the prefix of trans added in front), but where did I get to before that slight detour on trans people and the unnecessary trans put in front of their gender, intimidation that was where I was, ok so some males would probably be intimidated by a woman with a 6 pack, if they didn't have one as think about what standing that could give you with your male friends with them asking you if you wanted them to call your girlfriend on a night after the pub to walk you home as it's dark out side, the other way around could be similar but I'm not a girl so I would not know.
09:55 I have decided to go to brush my teeth.
10:24 I returned having gone to the loo, washed my hands, brushed my teeth and shaved.
10:29 I got my t-shirt on.
10:33 I have returned to the shower room to put some deodorant on, I should have done it previously.
11:00 I have got a cloth out of the airing cupboard.
11:06 I went downstairs to go out on the tandem.
11:41 We returned from the town on the tandem having gone to the bank, which Mich went in and I waited outside with the tandem.
12:28 I have been called down for lunch.
14:00 I had finished my lunch.
14:22 I started playing Breath of the Wild.
18:09 I ended my playing of Breath of the Wild, today on the game I got the teleport thing.
18:10 We went on a small walk into town.
18:34 we returned from out little walk into town.
About at 19:00 I started my dinner.
20:18 I finished my dinner.
20:56 I did my weigh in.
Next up I went into the shower room, to brush my teeth and you know the rest of the drill before I came back into my room to get changed into my pyjamas and get into bed.

Monday 10 July 2017

Day 1464

Day 1464;

My BMI of the day was 21.41 again.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: nibbley bits of food and I've forgotten what I had for pudding.
Dinner: chicken,I've forgotten what else I ate, until pudding that is when I had the leftovers cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 250ml mug of milk, 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of Pepsi and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

06:24 I've got up.
06:31 I went into the loo.
06:37 I've finished in the loo.
06:52 I've gone downstairs for breakfast. 
08:22 I have eaten my breakfast.
08:28 I've gone to the loo.
08:51 I've finished in the shower room, I went to the loo, washed my my hands, brushed my teeth and then I shaved.
09:17 Start getting dressed.
 09:48 I have got my boxers, a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on, now all that's left is a pair of socks and to spray myself.
00:56 I have put my socks on.
10:00 I have just sprayed myself.
Today we have got the tiler around. He likes to howl, hum and whistle, along with the singing on his radio.
Then after the above we went out on a cycle only to the opposite side of the town that we live in and back it was only 5.7km but it may have taken us 17.22 minutes which was really slow.
11:06 We've been on a small cycle.
 I had a drink and I sat down in the lounge for about the next hour, when by about 12:12 I started playing on the Switch, Breath of the Wild.
It was about 14:00 when the tiler burst a pipe in the cloak room.
14:11 I had to turn the upstairs radiators off.
14:18 I got back to my play on Breath of the Wild, I started off by finding tingles top, as I had already found the other 2 pieces either yesterday or the day before, and I had found the Majora's Mask yesterday or the day before.
15:51 I topped playing on Breath of the Wild,I had found Midna's cap and the phantoms body armour, before the plumber left having fixed the tillers misplaced nail.
Then I went to the gym, in the gym today I made up for 1 of the gym sessions I have missed as I did a full work-out, which started on the lateral trainer then I did the 5 arm weights machines before finally going for a 15 minute cycle, I disappointed myself on the cycling machine, I only managed to get myself up to just over 20km/h, I was attempting my my cycle with the usual resistance level on (10) when Mich told me that I was going too slowly as 20 odd km/h so he told me to change the gears up, so I tried increasing the level to 20m but by the end it said that my level was only 19 at the higher level I only managed to get to 20km/h but my rate was more constant but my max speed had decreased.
17:54 I have been to the gym and I have had a mug of Ribena squash.
18:00 I have gone into the shower room.
18:30 I finished in the shower room, I went to the loo and I took a shower, I was plenty sweaty from my gym session.
18:46 I had changed into my pyjamas and sprayed myself with deodorant,
Oh yeah and that was on the news today, the last stronghold of the IS was taken back. Which was just after the British media were celebrating, at least I think, that ex-PM Tony Blair could get some charges brought against him due to his role, in the starting, of the war in Iraq.
About 20:00 I had my dinner to eat.
21:05 I finished my dinner.
21:16 I did my weigh in.
But then Mich also did his best weigh in, but Allergy refused, I don't know why, she's looking thinner now a days.
22:29 It's time for me to brush my teeth. 
I had decided against going to brush my teeth straight away and instead after I had gone to the loo and washed my hands, I went to drink my third mug of milk, which I had finished by 22:44.
22:46 I went to brush my teeth.
23:00 I had finished brushing my teeth, and I went to bed.

Sunday 9 July 2017

Day 1463

Day 1463;

Now today I have woken up, I have got out of bed and I have looked at a webpage which I got emailed about yesterday, at 20:02 it was called "nuking the moon and 5 more insane space missions that never happened" on it there wasn't my favourite space mission that I have thought of, it's insane and then some, I've called it an attempt to force evolution. 20.41 was my BMI today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and something else.
Lunch: I can't remember.
Dinner: I can't remember, trifle and cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

00:55 I was the time for me to get changed for bed.
01:09 Was the time that I had finished getting changed and I went to the loo, washed my hands and I brushed my teeth.
01:23 about I finished in the shower room and I went to bed.
07:20 about I got up out of bed.
Now the space mission that I have proposed would work by setting a settlement up in space which would have a self contained ecosystem, with 
About 08:00 I went downstairs for breakfast. 
09:05 I finished breakfast and I went for a shower,
09:41 Tini thinks I am loosing my mind, what's changed I thought I very close to never had it.
10:09 I have got changed into my cycling attire, only to be ordered to get changed out of my cycling shorts into another pair of shorts.
I'd already changed by 10:35 when I had been playing solitaire for quite a few minutes,
Then we went out to the shops on the new tandem, to see if we could get a better grasp on it's controls, next up we returned from the small cycle, but as we were leaving we also saw Emu and C in a car arriving, so as soon as we returned I had to socialise, before lunch. But today on the hill it took us 1 minute to do which was 4 seconds off our personal best, up the hill.
Then after lunch I got myself changed back into my cycling shorts, time for another cycle

17:40 we'd completed another cycle and I had a shower.
17:48 I had just got into my pyjamas and sprayed myself with deodorant, when Mich reminded me that we had Emu and C round tonight so I wasn't supposed to get changed into my pyjamas.
18:02 I had got myself re-changed into my pair of shorts and another t-shirt as well as another pair of boxers, then next up I went to see Mich, to see if he could do anything about my leg as it was covered in oil? (the gunk which is put on the gears and chains of a tandem (what I need is a scouring pad, to clean it off of my legs).
Then I went downstairs for dinner and I had finished my pudding/desert before I I'd my weigh in tonight.
20:46 I did my weigh in, as did Mich, Emu and C, but Allergy was too much of a scrooge to participate tonight. Emu gained 11lb tonight now she only needs to gain 4 more to make it more similar to perfection, if I gained 11lb I'd be closer to perfection also, I think it may have told me that I needed to gain 11lb to reach my target. But C gained 10lb which should probably be all of that lazing about on the honey moon that they've just got back from. But Emu's BMI was better than mine today.
When Emu and C left
23:00 I'm just going to brush my teeth.
23:26 I have been to the loo, washed my hands and brushed my teeth.
23:36 I have got into my pyjamas, again.
But now I'm unsure if I played on Breath of the Wild today or yesterday but today has been filled up with our amateur bike repairing job, socialising with Emu and C and biking/going on the new tandem, today we actually managed to have our personal record for a ride which was over 40km and that was on the new tandem. At some points we both had our heads down and just peddled as fast as we could, but at others I sat up straight and I peddled as hard as I could, when I was experimenting to see which of the 2 methods of propulsion worked more effectively, I'm still none the wiser.