Monday, 30 November 2015

Dy 866

Day 866;  

Ain't it amazing how I can go from sneezing up buckets of that stuff that comes out of your nose when you've got a cold 2 days  ago to being someone that could still feel the cold like symptoms yesterday but no sneezes, I was thinking that I had got over it, but then today the sneezes came back with avengence. 

But then today I remembered something that I should have put into my report on yesterday, my diet, as I have decided to include everything that I have eaten on a day included as well, so that way I can keep a better track on my Svage life (the name of my Wii Fit U community) please join the code is 8939-7481-7070.

So what I ate at meal times yesterday was,  cereals at breakfast then I ate a bowl of soup and bread for lunch then at dinner yesterday I ate chicken balls and chips from the Chinese take away.

But today I have eaten a bowl of cereal for breakfast, for lunch I had a cheese sandwich which was followed by an Aero chocolate mousse (oh the problems I have had attempting to spell that), then for dinner I have had chicken wrapped in bacon (of which I am sure there's a taboo against mixing two separate cuts of meat in one religious set of properly old rules) which was delicious but then there were some carrots which tasted just sublime pea's and roast potatoes, then to top this meal I had some tiramisu, which acted as the proverbial icing on the cake.

Aero Mousse

Aero mousse: the  problems I had with spelling that were the word Aero- which I thought should be spelt Aroe, but the red squiggle underneath disagrees. And the second word "mousse" or as I initially spelt it "mouse" which is a little 4 legged creature which squeaks a lot, but then knowing that I thought that can't be correct so I attempted "moose" of which is a much bigger animal, than a mouse, as it's a species of deer but I thought that can't be correct, then I found the correct spelling.

I'd expect my bmi to go up by at least 1 pound from all of the stuff I've been eating especially as I haven't actually done as much exercise as yesterday, due to the fact that I have been inside for the complete amount of time of today. Which may have been due to the inclemency of the weather but I think not as I know that if I could have actually been bothered to go outside today I would have I was just too lazy to go outside, but my BMI only went up today by point 3 which is a change of literally negligible proportions, not even a pound.

Which may have been due to the fact that I was doing a little bit of Wii Fit and I was rowing a bit (Well actually for 5 minutes), I also remembered something that Mr P told me to do to strengthen my core, sit-ups, so I did 20 of them as well.

Aero Mousses I only ate one of them not 4 as the picture above suggests.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Day 865

Day 865;

So today I remembered what Mr P told me on Wednesday that on one of the following Sundays is when I am going to a classification clinic, so I can get myself classified, when I'm classified I can compete in some actual sports like the Paralympics, but I am going to have to get a hell of a lot better at sports to be even considered for anything similar to the Paralympics, and then I'd need to get even better still to be actually considered for the Paralympics,

But then don't you have some Irish blood, within those veins of yours?

As you know ONE of my GMs is from Ireland initially, Red, what of it?

Well couldn't you attempt to get on their Paralympic team?

Yes I could attempt to get on their squad but it'd bee just the same as attempting to get on the GB squad as it is the GB and Ireland squad, and I' wouldn't get onto the team, unless I was a hell of a lot better at the track and field events that I am getting classified for.

That I'm getting classified for... I sound like a dog going off to get it's rabies jab, or one of those tracker thing that you hook up to GPS yo track.

But that's beside the point he, Mr P, said that I'll have some goals, to get up to at least the standards of others that are in my category if not to beat them; he's a bit of a dreamer. So I have decided to take a bit of inspiration\ from the obese man from the other day and I'm going to try to build up my abs and other muscles by doing routines on my Wii U and I even decided to start a Savage little Wii Fit U community anyone can join.

If you want to join my group click on the communities tab just on the training page then you'll get two options the one on the left which says search for communities click on that one, then you'll get to a screen which says something along the lines of Enter the address of the community that you'd like to be part of, and then on the game pad you need to press the following digits,


I'll be training to make myself stronger, particularly, around my abdominal area. 

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Day 864

Day 864;

Last night/this morning I didn't have a dream, which may be due to the limited amount of time that I spent actually in bed about half-three, four o'clock time this morning. I woke up about 7-8 time.

How long can you hold your breath?

As says my Doctor Who calendar which is ay a small angle which is about at 20 degrees from my current sitting position. But if I was to answer that question I would have never....

What, is going on??

Friday, 27 November 2015

Day 863

Day 863;

Oh damn it I had written a nice enough longer diatribe of what happened yesterday while it was still yesterday/day 863, but now it is all gone.

So I can't remember any kind of dream I had yesterday morning, but I'm thinking that I had one.

Ok now I did go to the gym yesterday and Mr P commented on my lack of core strength, as he was saying that I have fantastic leg strength and my arms can lift some weight but I really need to work on my core and get some abs.Dashing off a short was down memory lane say 10-14 years I'm thinking that I may have actually had an ab back then, that was it my 1 pack, I can still see the remnants of it if I look down at my tummy area whenever I take my t-shirts off so he sen me away this week with orders to strengthen my core.

Before that I noticed I was getting a bit flabby as well by flabby I mean some of those little like wings had started to poke their way out of my sides. and I had started to watch the 30 day Wii U Fit  challenge.

Actually he inspired me to get my sorry backside downstairs and to train on my Wii Fit U a bit more, as the Seated V, it's a Yoga position, or at least I think that is its name is good for your abs, and I can remember doing that bit of yoga a lot back in my past.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Day 862

Day 862;

But the proper dream I had this morning was interesting as I played a black man in it,  and I was at an American school. Which I can say now was weird enough to put it in my top 10 weird dreams; probably slightly behind yesterday's dream in weirdness, but in my dream the school was having a sports vs sci-fi dress up competition so I said that I'd dress up as a sci-fi character and then I fell asleep in the dream and the next thing that I know I am at school the next day wearing a basket ball players getup, and I got shunned from school society.

Which was my first dream and then I had a second dream this morning as I woke up from that dream andit wasn't yet light outside of my window so I decided to go back to sleep, which is a bad idea; for me at least as I have discovered I can only remember 1 dream properly that I have during a night so the one that I got woken up by Mich whilst having I have currently forgot, apart from the part that I had a dream.

I am listening to that Al Jazeera page that I was looking at a few days ago, the sketchy one about "Creation and Evolution in the Holy Quran" the one which says that proof of God's authorship of the blood-soaked book is the fact that within the texts it tells us that all animals walk on either 4, 2 or 0, meaning that it walks on it's belly, legs, but before that it's stating "God created every animal out of water" and they have used it to show that all of the creatures were made out of H2O which makes sense from a modern-day perspective but I am to suggest that not every animal has at least 4 legs like Squids (6) and Octopi (8) and fish don't walk at all,

It's the Quran passage below;
وَاللَّهُ خَلَقَ كُلَّ دَابَّةٍ مِن مَّاء فَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِي عَلَى بَطْنِهِ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِي عَلَى رِجْلَيْنِ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِي عَلَى أَرْبَعٍ يَخْلُقُ اللَّهُ مَا يَشَاءُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ  (النور ، 24: 45).

24.45 . Allah has created every animal out of water . Of them (is a category which) walks upon its belly,  (another which) walks upon two legs, and ( a third which) walks upon four . Allah creates what He wills. Allah is Able to do everything (he wants)

To me it is saying that all of the animals, that don't naturally reside in water, either they walk on they're bellies (Snakes) walks on two legs (Humans) or finally walks on 4 legs (Goats). Then the author of this passage has added extra mumbo jumbo to make it seem more authentic.

Now that's my opinion it has about as much weight, evidence supporting it, as the Al Jazeera piece basically, none. So you could take that passage to mean either one of the two meanings both are as valid. As it is impossible to know what he was thinking at the time that he said those words, but you are living, assuming you have read these words, so why don't you use your brain to figure it out for yourself, and give me a third opinion?  

I found the Al Jazeera link, it was from 10 days back.

Al Jazera

By the way the mumbo jumbo to make it sound more authentic is basically code for some more brown nosing as he obviously knew that the god that he was coopting was an insecure little non existent thing, but we have to talk it up else-wise no one will believe in this fairy tale.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Day 861

Day 861;

Today started with an actual dream, during my first sleep, but then I can't remember what happened but what I can remember of it is that I got woke up just before the climax of the dream.

As I'm thinking that there was a red button that I had to press but I got woken up that bit too early. So I wanted to see what was about to happen in my dream, so I fell back into sleep and the first dream that I enter is a different one. Now by this time I'm confused as what dream included going on a voyage to that place that might have been built by other lifeforms way more advanced than ourselves. It ended up with a space craft like North Korea but it must have a population about the same size as North Korea within a sentient ship as the head of the community, so basically the Kim Jung-il(or is it un about now?) and within the capabilities of this sentient computer it is to basically work as a God but as a Benevolent God watching over them but then interjecting it's all seeing nature with all of the culprits to the crimes snd it will be turning on and off all of the lights before and after anyone enters/exits a room, and it will have the power to officiate all of the recreational activities on board.

Now that didn't actually come from a dream I'm thinking. As the last point, the one about the North Korea like space ship, came from my mind, my perverse mind and it seems as if Rose's mother has decided to come and live with Rose now instead of in Scotland, where she was living with Rose's brother.

Now how did you do that? 

Well that's simple I just type and sometimes random stuff come out of my hands.

Well I'm understand that much but why did you start off by saying stuff about a North Korea like space craft and end on typing about Rose's mother?

As I said my mind wanders around.

The Football team that I support threw away a 2 goal lead, literally it was 2-0 before the 5th minute of the second half, to lose the match that were playing today 2-3.  it was against the tam tat was at the bottom of their league as well.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Day 860

Day 860;

My day started as it so often does with me waking up, looking around a bit and then day dreaming for the next so many hours.

But my day day dream this morning was freaky to say the least. As it included a girl that I knew from Junior School which was the approximate last time that I spoke to her, which was way back when I could actually speak, she's not even a FaceyBook friend of mine, At least I don't think that she is. But I'm sure that her presence in this dream would make more sense if she was. As this dream was attempting to make me uncomfortable with the size of my penis, then the girl that I knew but it was more of a knowledge of who the girl is not actually knowing her as a person, was there to make me feel more comfortable about it's size.

So that lasted for he first hour or two of my day, then I ate my cereals but I left my fruit portion for later, then I took my shower and after that I got dressed. Up next I'm unsure what I did as I know that I ate lunch after the point that I just stated "up next" to dignify but I am unsure what it was that I did. Then here comes the next part that I'm unsure of what I did until I was struck by a reminder to go and get something to eat before athletics of which I did then I got changed for athletics, but with that statement I have remembered one of the things that I was doing at one as I was checking my emails and Mich had emailed me with the information about me going to a classification clinic for disability sports, so I've got that to look forward to coming up in the future. I have got another thing that I did today, which was some athletics but today I practised the hammer throw as well as Jog, which was me attempting to run, I think that I also had a couple or more throws with a ball which looked like a shot put but it wasn't. Then we went inside and we played around on these mats.

Also today I caught back up on watching Doctor Who *Spoiler Alert* how long do you think that Clara will stay dead? *End Spoiler*

So that was my day.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Day 859

Day 859;

Yesterday I had planed to get my "Should we get rid of sharia courts in the UK" post, but I realised that I had nothing to it- literally it was just a name of a post and beneath was blank.

But I what it should have been about should have been should we get rid of all of the sexist discriminatory courts in the UK, As what power do they have over people answer is literally none except if you agree to it which I think is stupid. Especially due to the fact about if somebody dies but they have 3 inheritors of their estate the fist is a boy that is a Muslim, the second is a girl that is also a Muslim meanwhile the third is another boy but this time he's an Atheist. So the dead mans estate is split into 3 separate portions. The Muslim boy gets 2/3 of the estate mean while the Muslim girl gets 1/3 . 2/3 + 1/3 = 3/3 so you've got it the Atheist boy gets naught.

Now as Mr Corbin says we have a choice of wether we attack Syria or not but do we, really, have a choice? As I know it may be preferential to never get into these conflicts but we, as a nation, have allies and if they are attacked then we must support them in their conquests. It's the correct thing to do, just like when the USA took on Iraq, we had to follow them in there was no option. We made our beds with the American 9/11 thing so now I believe it is time to lie in them.

I hear all of these tales about attacking Syria will alienate people, mainly Muslims, within our communities even some say that some Muslims have been attacked in our countries. I want to say "that is unacceptable, what have those individual Muslims actually done personally, to you and the people of Paris? I'm betting it is probably naught. bad at least. As I have seen some things on a website which Is called Fact Check you can visit the certain page that I am refferenceing by clicking on the following link.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Day 858

Day 858;

Today was interesting as today I did a bit more of that Boccia thingy, and I'm really starting to get to grips with it.

By that I mean the team that I was on won by a score of something like 10-1. I know that it was the team that I was on not just me that actually won. But it's like saying that Manchester United won today at football not Wayne Rooney, when the truth is that both of them won today but Wayne Rooney only won because he''s a part of the playing staff for Manchester United, But I know I have just compared myself to Wayne Rooney but only as he was the first Manchester United player to  spring to mind. But at Boccia today I also played a bit of football which was fun, despite having to go in goal but when ever I let one go in a tiny little fellow who was on my team said to me "it's all right, your doing well," but then every time that happened I felt like shouting at the child "I know it's only a game and I know that I suck at it so mould you please stop rubbing my nose in it you patronising little... child!" But then I didn't as I can't which would be a good excuse if only it wasn't so tragically true to make it an explanation.

Why the tomatoes did you use the word tragic, ain't you being hypocritical there?

Well I get where you are coming from there, as I was getting all imitated when people are patronising to me but then I used some langue which made it appear that I was attempting to patronise myself which was all part of my self deprecating humour.

Elocution lesson for speakers of American English, to get you speaking better English.
Pat-Ro-Nise NOT Pait-Ro-Nise

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Day 857

Day 857;

Today has been yet another boring day apart from... what was it again?


Yeah that was it, thanks Yellow... Yellow I haven't seen you in quite a while now, where've you been?

Oh you know me, here there everywhere but also nowhere.

Ok... I think I got that.

So I had a go on Splatoon until the control ran out of battery then I had to put it to charge its battery. That's the downside to Wii U like controllers, the battery life.

So that's it for today. I think at least.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Day 856

Day 856;

But today was interesting as I started off sucking at Splatoon's ranked battle mode, then I was on the winning team in a few goes, but I was still the weakest link on the teams that I was part of, generally.

then the teams that I was on started suffering another bit of poor fortune then the power light on my controller started to flash red,

You called?

No, not you, the colour red.

Oh darn it.

Which meant that the batteries of the gamepad were low, so I finished up on playing with the winning team n ranked battles, which came as a shock to me.

But today I actually had my gym session and Mr P made a remark about my crescent moon scar that I have on my right hand side of my forehead. Something about it being more pronounced with the rest of my face being red and i have that scar, still scar coloured.

But as it's the second time that I have been to that gym, and I have actually worked out so the trip to that gym 2 weeks ago doesn't count, and I've noticed some things about it which could be more to do with the time that I have been there as I initially noticed the smell which could be due to the smell as I am usually going to the gym earlier so it may not have got that smelly by the time that I go there. The air conditioning wasn't on as powerfully as in the other gym which does effect the smell but it also effects the humidity but it may just be that by the time that I was in the gym today it was already dark outside so they thought that they wouldn't nerf to put the air conditioning up to max. Then I went on the cross trainer which id the same model as in the other one but I found this one more of a challenge, as I said earlier it cit could be for numerous reasons like, I'm just no longer as fit as I once was. 

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Day 855

Day 855;

So today has been my 855 day and on this day I have been a failure, again, it's as I have just gone and got myself back onto the lowest rank possible for the ranked Battles in Splatoon; the lowest rank possible is the level that you start in the game on/C-.

But what else have I done today?

Erm I'm unsure...

I think it was not a thing important.

Well yes when was the last time that In did anything important, Red?

Good point.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Day 854

Day 854;

Today I have had a bit of a scare, as I thought that my internet connection had gone to pot, so I wouldn't be able to inform you people on the nothing that I have done today.

At least I have done nothing special, but today I started up another set of lists they are to-do lists as if I list down things that I want to do then I will find it trickier to forget to do them, well that is the theory at least. But I gave forgot things that I wanted to put on the lists earlier, so in that way the plan is flawed.

So I have made lists of some of the things that I would like to get done before I kick the bucket.

That's it for today.

Or is it? as I am recalling the English Football team triumphing over the Frogs team today, and I also remember the German Football team putting up a white flag and surrendering to terrorists due to threats of terrorism even though the I.S. ha s said that their next target will is the US, apparently... at least that's what I heard on the radio today. But I know how we can stop all of this terrorism; by this terrorism I mean with the citizens from the countries surrounding it actually perpetrating the crimes, like the majority of people that carried out this barbaric act, were from Belgium, which is another country within the EU so free movement of people to France, but they were radicalised. So the frogs are stepping up bomb attacks on the I.S. troops, will Britain join them? I don't know. 

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Day 853

Day 853;

Today I did some more athletics, but their wasn't many of us there this week, in actual fact there was only 3, of us to participate.

Rose, Ron and I, out of the 3 of us only 2 have the use of our legs, of whom were Rose and myself. Ron has no use for his legs so he uses an electric wheelchair, which makes it funny when our instructor tells us that we are going to do something with our legs; as he kept stating things that were really quite humorous, like I'd love to but...  Making our instructor clarify that she was only referring to the other two. So there was the two of us Rose and a Thorn, but then this time we were doing some athletics not Boccia but I stacked it today as well as at Boccia but today I had taken my specs off before I ran about, so my head is fine, well about as fine as ever now (which may or not qualify to your personal standards of fine).

But today I saw Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope - Pilot, you can watch it below but I'll give you a brief insight into what it is about before you click on it. it is about Trunks and Gohan from within the universe that Goku dies the universe that Trunks goes back in time to heal Goku of the heart disease that he acquires before the Androids Saga starts and he is actually given the cure within the Trunks saga by future Trunks, but the 2 Androids 17, 18 didn't take future Gohan's arm off in the fight between Future Trunks, Future Gohan snd 17, 18 which was a disappointment, as I can remember watching it when I was younger. In the cartoon version that is when future Gohan looses his arm from my memory, but he managed to keep his life after protecting Trunks.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Day 852

Dau 852;

Now today I took another look at Greek Mythological Creatures, and I thought that once I have completed my two 3D recreations of games. I could build a park type thing for the creatures of myth.

What would no park of myths be complete without?

Ummm I don... oh a pantheon.

Yes, that is correct,I could put all of the knowledge that I have cumulated on every religion that I have ever encountered. Which will include the Egyptian, Greek, Norse, Celtic religions as well as the Many varieties of modern monotheism, which includes the sheepish religion,

Sheepish Religion?!

I was meaning the religion of peace

What Islam? Like hell should it be called that, at least no longer.

Hold it there Red just for the acts of the few you can't go on slagging off the whole community,

I wasn't, I was only stating the fact that how many more acts of terrorism will it take until the global community of Muslims put there hands up and admit that there is something fundamentally wrong with following a set of instructions that were wrote down a hell of a long time ago and it has yet to be updated at all, even the bible has been updated, it may not have been updated enough for my liking but at least they have tried to develop it along with our understandings. like the following Quran passage which has been sighted as it supposedly confirms the origin of species.

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُواْ رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالاً كَثِيراً وَنِسَاء (النساء ، 4: 1). 

O humans! Be pious (careful of your duty) to your Lord, Who created you from a single self (soul), and from it He created its mate, and from them He has spread a multitude of men and women (Al-Nissa, 4: 1).

But does it, really? No on the website where I am borrowing the above quotes from they have got the following  information following it.

This verse tells us that the beginning of life was a single self (soul), then its mate came out of it. Biological science tells us that the earliest form of life was represented by single cell organisms found in water, then these multiplied by splitting themselves. With the course of time, reproduction evolved to become by mating pairs, instead of the archaic forms of splitting or dividing.

Telling us what the verse tells us... welt doesn't tell us all of that, to me it is just telling me that your god created a single self, which is seeming to be a indirect paraphrase to the biblical text, one man was created in Gods own image (the image of Gods self) and then from it God created a Mate, which is like by saying that god took a rib from the male and he made women from it, just like the bible. 

I took the passages from a website called Al jazeerah you can click on the bellow logo to visit the page that I have used to get the Islamic quotes. 
Al Jazera

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Day 851

Day 851;

So this day has been a day when the football team that I support has lost, and I lost at Boccia, it's the second week in a row that I have been on the loosing team in Boccia,

Ok so I'll start from the beginning of the match today. there was 5 seats on in the hall the one  that was at the opposite end of the 5 chairs was taken by a boy that went by the name of Al, so I took the seat that was on the opposite end (the chair that was at the number 1 position, I  took it as it was at the opposite end of the to the place where Ai was sitting) then it was strange as one of the girls that I know from athletics went there today as well (Rose) And she took the chair that was directly in-between the two of us that was already sat there (the 3rd position) I suspect for similar reasons to my own. 3/5 chairs filled there was only the 2nd and 4th chairs to fill the 4th was filled by Img and the 2nd was filled by a young boy, but the young boy had to leave at one point and he was replaced by Mr P/my gym instructor. we were set out into 2 tame chars 1 and 3 and the 2 and 4 the chair number 5 played for both of the teams.

The Thorn (me) and the Rose's team managed to get off to a good start winning the first game by 1 but then players 2 and 4 managed to get one back, so the score was 1 a piece, then the Thorn and the Rose struck once more to make the score 2-1, then just as before team 2 & 4 struck back, making the score 2-2. Then we suffered two heavy defeats in the next two rounds making the score 2-7, but then it was time for the next round and as if by magic we managed to get back into the game with a score of 4 balls closer to the jack making the score 6-7. Then the player at chair number 2 left so Mr P took over. Now with the score at 7-6 the Thorn and it's Rose managed to get 1 point back against the new opposition to bring the game back to level terms 7-7 and then Mr B said for us to play the final round (the decider) as it was time to go so we played a deciding round but as you probably know (by me typing that I lost at Boccia) the deciding round didn't turn out to have a positive result for the team of the Thorn and the Rose, we lost by 1 point in the end.

Thorn and the Rose?

Yes it'd been bugging me a bit also.

Shouldn't it be the Rose and the Thorn?

I know that would make more sense as the Rose is female and the Thorn is male.


You know ladies first.

Stop your quibbling about chivalry you sexist pig.

Ok... so... I'm sexist for typing that remark?

Yes, well basically... anyway I was typing about the old saying thingy about; "every rose has its thorn."

Finally I have a public service announcement;

F you people of the so called Islamic State, why don't you just go away and F yourselves to death.

Those harsh words were in response to blowing up and shooting dead all of those unarmed and unprepared French civilians. Have you got no honour? No, stupid question you people wouldn't know honour or a just case if it was parading around your living moms in a tuxedo with text on it telling exactly what it was.

Why do I have a feeling that I should apologue for that outburst? I'm not going to I'm not a liar, but I still think that I probably should have used some less explosive langue.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Day 850

Day 850;

Beneath this text is a map of Hyrule from the game Legend of Zelda II: Adventure of Link.

I can't find the graveyard or any of the places from the following map on it.

But the second map is the map from the Legend of Zelda, which is supposed to be in the same world, as the game is actually set to take place something like 5 or 6 years later as you're playing as a young boy in the first game/the second map,and the second game is after you have deafened Ganon and your enemies are attempting to kill you to resurrect Ganon which is one of the reasons that every time you get killed in the game, the screen says Game Over, Return of Ganon.

But now I should probably tell you what I have done today, shouldn't I?

Yeah you probably should.

Well today I walked to the garage like thing which is on the other side of town and I was shocked by the fact that I thought the garage was slightly closer to my home than it actually is. Which was as I had been thinking that the turn in to the car place was the incorrect turn in. I was also thinking the Industrial estate was on the incorrect side of the road, so how hopeless can I be?

Friday, 13 November 2015

Day 849

Day 849;

Today was another boring old lazy day for me and this morning I had a dream It was like I was in a 3D version of Hyrule, from Zelda II: the Adventure of Link. At least I think that I was in that world/

It had a massive overworked just like in game but instead of having those black things running into you to initialise the enemy NPC's would be free to roam around the vast Hyrulean countryside. I mean with every step that you'd have made in the old style overworked would equal a size similar to this:

But the playable character should be approximately to scale as the original character from the original game.

But I would like to keep it's difficulty true to the original game which should first mean me actually completing the game and I would just like to state that it's not easy to do,But I shall endeavour on in my quest to complete this game.

I like RPG's, I always have. there is just something about RPG.s that make them attractive to me. It could be the fact that your playing a defined roll . in the context of the game. Like in the Adventure of Link you are attempting to wake Zelda. Whereas in Pokemon it's to become the very best like no-one ever was. 

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Day 848

Day 848;

At 8pm GMT yesterday (today for me) I finally put the full version of my rip off a Winter Solstise (the time of year which is commonly known as Christmas) song to make it into a Halloween song online.

What I did today wasn't very good, as in the gym today I only managed to do pathetically, including on the rowing machine, as I got to 1KM but I was almost a minute late as it took me 5:54 to row 1000M how badly out of form have I got?


Thanks Green, for that conframation. Of the drop in form that I have suffered. But I must get myself quicker, do from now on I must really try harder on the rowing machine which is at my home, I must build up my stamina. But I am thinking that the little Rose from Athletics will be leaving soon going back north to Scotland to live with her mother and her brother. As her career has got a new job, doing something with children, I think.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Halloween Time (Just Let The Ghouls Cry)

Song- Halloween Time

Feigning fear and terror at the freaks
That humour us pumpkin juice in hand
On the 31st day of the 10th month
The creeps are out of time wailing too
How we pray each year on the superstitious we hope to hell
that it won't end

Just let the ghouls cry
Halloween time, don’t let anyone have peace

When the weather is cruel
and a seasons of toil drains your heart
Well it still hurts
You’ve got no hope
Spend the most of your cash on a
costume awesome
So that’s why I pray each and every Halloween day
On them the fools 

Just let the ghouls cry
Halloween time, don’t let anyone have peace

Halloween time, just let the ghouls cry
Halloween time, just let the ghouls cry

Dust underneath the coffin-top left when you’re not home
You went away in that box one day 
Now how in hell am I going to make it to all saints day

Halloween time, just let the ghouls cry
Halloween time, just let the ghouls cry

Halloween time, just let the ghouls cry
Halloween time, don’t let anyone have peace

Halloween time, just let the ghouls cry
Halloween time, just let the ghouls cry

Day 847

Day 847;

It's like Quark says, at the end of DS9 "the more things change, the more they stay the same." As Cinderella says;

But today I must get at least 18 minutes done on the rowing machine and I actually managed to get 20 minutes in total done today.

Why at least 18?

Why not?

No reason except from 18 minuets is a bit of a precise time, a bit too precise for my liking.

Ok then I'll explain,  I had been thinking of a way to "punish" myself as I woke up twice before I actually climbed out of bed thin morning, to make me get up on the first time of asking myself not the third 5 minutes for each infringement.

Why 18, why not just 10?

Now the additional 8 minutes came from 2 things, the first was my little adventure on the rowing machine the other day, as I only managed to do 2 minutes on it, but I was thinking that I needed to make it up to 5, so that is where the 3 minutes come from, and the additional 5 minutes was as another "punishment" as in my slumbers I missed the front door as it was knocked by a delivery man who had some parcels that I had to collect in. Fortunately he had left a note with instructions of how to find them, Unfortunately I couldn't read them so I searched for them and I found them, and I know it's them as it had the same delivery companies name on them, besides I could read it where it told my how many parcels and it matched


And now I have watched the complete DS9 boxset, the emissary (the Sisco) is off galavanting with the prophets. Comander Kira is now Captain Kira and also she is without Odo as he has gone back off to great link/lake of the founders, Miles has gone back to earth leaving Dr Bashir. But Badshir now has Ezri Dax, Warf is now off with his new Klingon brother, who was made the emperor (or other name for the top man in Klingon society) as Warf killed his predecessor and gifted the title to his new brother(?) as the predecessor was being a bit of a cow of little honour.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Day 846

Day 846;

That's it for day 846.

What's it?

Athletics, Splatoon, DS9 and I have forgot every other thing, except eating but you don't want me to go on typing about the food that I have eaten today. As it doesn't have any reflection on what I have actually done besides my memory isn't what it was in my youth.

Now on the space station today Sector 31's finest has now died, but the anti virus has been found by Doctor Bashir and Odo is now safe. But first I must tell you that the virus was found on Odo and the virus's origins was also found. and Commander Kira is helping the Cardassians in their fight within their new dominion. Ducat and the Kai have now teamed up and they're searching for a way to bring the pa wraths to Bajor.

Today at Athletics I ran for a couple of minutes as I threw a shot-put a couple of meters probably, But that all happened for me slightly later than usual due to my driver (Allergy)

Within Splatoon today it was confirmed to me that the Zombies lost not only the vote but also the battle stats but it was a lot closer than I thought due to Zombies getting 49% of the vote and 46% of the battles,  so we were beat by 51% and 54% respectively.

That sums up my day, I think.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Day 845

Day 845;

Basically today was the day of another Splatfest. well I completed the second 3/4 of it at least as I started it yesterday.

Well the Splatfest this time was between Ghosts and Zombies, I chose Zombies as a Zombie actually has some substance to it, unlike a Ghost when there is literally nothing there. the battles were tough I think that we lost the war, those ghosts won most likely As they didn't have mr to drag them down even though I did manage to get the status of Zombie King for my final match which ended up as a 4 on 1 match, as they had 4 players and I was there opposition,; at least by the end. as before we started it showed me, me and my 3 comrades names, then we got underway but there was only 3 of us but then when I looked at the game pad later on i noticed that I was only one still playing it from my team, I was wondering where al my backup was as I was splatted for the what must be 10th time, within that game.

Football news Chelsea is now 16th in the premier league after that lose to stoke. also in football yesterday the football team that I support managed to win their first round (proper) FA cup match, which shocked me by the way they did it,

But today was the remembrance Sunday. A person from the audience fell down, in a kind of fainting way apparently, so that is what half of the firefighters dealt with for the reminder of the service, the cornet player mucked up a bit in the last post also. Dogs barked and the vicar started talking about God by stating stuff similar to the all powerful god want's you to get on with your neighbours but he isn't going to help you. which  is the reason to the wars.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Day 844

Day 844;

Now today was a good day, except for that little amount of time which I didn't have my specs on for, but it was only because I am unsure if the people that I was with at the time know how blind I am without them.

The small plaster which had been put on my head was also an irritation. As today I had Boccia practice and I actually bowled a fluke that won our team 1 point, which was the only point that we actually had in the whole game, The other team had already won two of the other rounds, sets, I don't know what to call them, by 1, 4 and 5 then I managed to knock the other player on my teams ball closer to the jack and with that ball it also managed to edge the opposition colour ball slightly further away from the jack and just with that fluke shot I was out of Boccia bowls, then it was the turn of the opposition and none of them managed to get a ball closer to the jack. So that was fluke 1 the other fluke came with my first bowl in another game/set, not mach...

Typing of tennis Andy Murray has just managed to earn himself a place in the French tennis thing final, I send my congratulations to the scot, and I hope that he does well. But now that's enough about that old thistle of Scotland I must get back to the  topic I was on about previously.

As I managed to get my bowl closer to the jack than the other thrower on the first bowl and then three other team kept attempting to remove my bowl from play but they didn't manage until their final bowl and then neither of us, my team, could out bowl them so they got 3 on for that round.

Star Trek: Deep Space 9, I heard of a thing that they're doing about it at some comic con somewhere on the radio today,

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Day 843

Day 843;

So it's ben the above mentioned day, and today I was watching some more Star Trek DS9 and I have been thinking about a thing that one of the genetically modified freaks said

As I agree with it even though I am no way in any form of reality as brilliant as the characters on DS9. By the term brilliant I am referring to the characters Intelligence, as the characters in question are the 4 genetically engineered people that met with Dr Bashir and then 3 of them talked a lot, then there was one quiet one, but then in the first episode with them, in I thought that the silent one confired that she gad feelings for Jack, the super mouthy one. But then as soon as she comes out of her chrysalis, by that I mean she starts speaking (she comes out from behind her barrier of silence), she falls for Bashir.

But then it was something that the formerly mute one says to Bashir after he has cured her of her muteness, which was toward the end of the episode when she asks him what should I feel like, and I recognise that as if people actually told you how you were supposed o feel it would be a lot simpler. Everyone told you how you were supposed to feel after x happens before x happened I am sure that everybody would be a lot better off, e.g. you go to a scary film to get scared, and you go to a romantic film to get... ... ...sickened.

No that's just you, Savage, I think that they go to Romantic films to get romanced, you foolish little man.

Now look whose typing, oh sorry I couldn't see you down there.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Day 842

Day 842;

Today was a day of the number 8 then half then half it again, but it was a disappointment of a day also, as probably due to the incident that happened some time last week when I bumped my head.

Bumped your head? Didn't you cut our head?

Well you see Yellow. in actual fact I bumped my head on the floor which pushed my specs up into my forehead which caused a cut to appear but it has been healed now for a while.

So when I was going to the gym today my gym instructor didn't show up, so I didn't get my workout in the gym today. which seriously sucked majorly. It sucked more than a jar of pickled eggs without the pickles. But now I'm not going to be allowed to ask if I can still go to this week ends Boccia training, as I might have been banned for mucking up the hall floor with my blood.

I'm hopping I'm not banned from going, but I should get next weeks free as I had to pay to go into the Gym today even though I didn't do a thing in the gym today, In my past I used to be more of a Ferengi. but I admired the Klingon's, but even though I admires the Klingon's I thought the Jem Hadar were the greatest fighters. As thet have more brains than the Vorta, the leaders of each JH unit, but the United Federation of Plants now have the ...

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Day 841

Day 841;

So today marked the 4th day after my accident which left me with a couple of cuts to my head, which I went to A and E about, instead of playing Boccia, which really sucked.

Just as a clarification by my mention of something really sucking I meant the action of going to A and E, instead of playing Boccia which I have played once and I suck at playing it, I much prefer playing sports where you can get injured as a result of playing them. But when I last played a dangerous sport the injuries I sustained were bruises and a blood blister , and all of them came from getting whacked with a bal, a ball that was no bigger than a tennis ball, of which I could actually feel all of the injuries that I sustained back then, I mists those times. But now it's more difficult to feel, as when I had knocked my head on the floor the 4 days ago, I only realised something was wrong when I noticed that there was some red substance on the floor I hadn't put both go the parts together until I was told that I was bleeding. But yesterday and the day before I had showers in a shower cap, the day before I had a shower but I was keeping the water away from my head, just to keep the water away from the cuts so they would stay stuck dow. So I knocked off all of the clotted blood from around the cuts, while I was in the shower today, But my hair still isn't clean enough or so says Tini, I washed it with shampoo but she still ain't happy with my hair, it's at times like this that I want to shave my hair off, but none of the others will allow it.

Then I played Bayonetta which was fun but why does it have an 18 age certificate? the onuy explanation is that it has a nude Bayonetta when you are doing a certain move, even though you never actually see anything, it's only skin that is on show.

As in DS9 Sissco has reacquired DS9 Cardassions and the Dominion are having the majority of there ships disappear thanks to the prophets.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Day 840

Day 840;

This morning I had a dream, it is below:

Today's dream consisted of two parts the first part I was with two people 1 male the second was female, myself and the other male had no contact but he was holding a video camera. Well I am unsure of how it happened but somehow the female was nude and I was stroking her nipples which each had a gold earring like stud in, I am half thinking that they also had green glass like stones in both of them. It happened in the room that is on the front of my home but upstairs as I was attempting to make the female squirt into the toilet that is in the room, to do this I was feeling her nipples but I had got a slight hard on while lifting her up to aim her in the direction of the toilet, the fondling didn't help it either, so when I was putting her down she passed over my Kakuna, feeling it as she fell to her feet, and the next thing I can remember about that dream was me falling backwards and hitting the back of my head on the floor of the room. Then I had about a minute or so of reflection of what could have happened next. But then before I knew it I had fallen back into another dream but this time it was in my old school, in a math class room, as I had seen RF, who was a school friend of mine, so I'd expect to see him in this environment and he was ignoring me not that I could speak to him but then I saw my young cousin who was actually not horrified to see me, at first, but then my head started to bleed, in the dream, which terrified him.

Within DS9 today I watched as Tarok Nor  (The Cardassion name for DS9) was reclaimed by the Cardassions, Sisco has been replaced as captain of the Defiant, by Dax and the United Federation of Planets looks as if they are about to loose the Alpha quadrant of space, of which I''m guessing there's 4, 1 Alpha 2 Beta 3 Gamma 4 Delta at least in this here Milky way.

I know that DS9 is about a link from the Alpha Quadrant to the Gamma Quadrant and then voyager was about a voyage from the Delta Quadrant to Alpha Quadrant But then both of them have got at least 1 story line which include time travel within voyager it's all to do with the end game and it's about captain Jane-Way who travels back in time to visit herself in order to get herself to change course, so she can make it home sooner, which opens up a hood old fashion can of paradoxical worms, as if she hadn't had to go the long way around to find out about the new route and then you go back and change your direction where did you get your information from? personal experience? That  you never had. So yesterday I was watching Star Trek: DS9 and an episode from my yesterdays showing was doing a similar thing but it was the only the crew of the Defiant that got themselves stuck within a 200 year loop but then Odo changed it for them which broke them out of the loop which eliminated the only reason for them being on the planet to start with, making me question why?

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Day 839

Day 839;

Now the next day has past me by. Buy today I didn't get to go to athletics, ut was something to do with my head and when my specticles had dug into my head the other day.

But I have a problem within the star Trek universe it's a problem with paradoxes. It's as there was a Star Trek episode that I saw today that dealt with the defiant crashing on an alien planet and then they found their descendants on the planes surface then the desendants attempted to get them the repqar rgw accident that put them 200 years in their past...  GRRRR... I can't read what I have wrote down so far ,

Have a good day on whatever you are on, my eyes are now playing up on me, so I'd like to state that as soon as my eyes are behavimng I will try to/// remember ...

Monday, 2 November 2015

Day 838

Day 838;

So today has been the day that I numbered 838.

But what have you done?

I know that I failed to get the completed version of my new Halloween song lyrics online. I know that I had got the first part of it up the first 8 lines ip on this site. I'm sorry I will have more of the lyrics up for the next time that I'm posting it.

Today in Star Trek DS9 quark fot his Ferengi Licence back and the grand Negas is now doing well due to getting some help from Quarks Mother.

But I have watched toe F1 GP today it handled like a dream for Rossburger as Hami couldn't get close to him for the most part of the race.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Day 837

Day 837;

Today was a day on which I got taken to a new hospital, due to an injury I acquired,

I acquired the injury in something that happened before we were supposed do practise Boccia today. As we were having a kick around before it started and I planked it, fell over like a plank as I was running one minute and I wasn't the next; well do you know what happens to your arms when you are falling over (your arms are supposed to break your fall) well my arms just stayed still so I looked like a plank.

Which wouldn't have been a problem as I could just get up and walk, but then I noticed a small puddle of red on the floor and then I was a bitt like where is my spectacles later on I asked what had happened to them then Tini showed me them they were without one lens because it'd shattered on impact with the floor and the other lens had  a crack down it, But that was after I had taken an ambulance drive to hospital with the paramedics taping  over both of the gashes that  had been left on my right hand side of my forehead, I attempted to inform them that they were wasting time on me and they should have just left me back at the place where they found me, I mean it would mean that I could get on with the Boccia, but no they sent me to hospital. Just because of a little bit of blood.

But today I found out that it was a Mercedes car that hit me into the path of another car those many years ago, but the funny thing was that I didn't bleed as much in the first of the two apparently. Rosburger is in pole position, again, for the race tomorrow then Hammi and then Vet, Rosburger should be hopping for that to be how the race ends due to his hopes for having a second second place in the F1world champions, see if he can edge Vet into 3rd spot. To make it a 1 2 for the F1 drivers championships. to the Mercedes.