Sunday 26 July 2015

Day 749

Day 749;

But I had another dream this night, well it was really this morning as I woke up and I decided to go back to sleep, after I had gone to the loo.

Of the dream that I can remember that it was like it was in the Pokemon world but it was in 3D and it had a serious lack of Pokemon, it was just as if I had invited a friend over to play in my 3D Pokemon but it was completed and I actually had 2 player avatars, 1 male, which was me, and then 1 female, who was obviously a female friend of mine,

Then I was listening to the radio on the death of test cricket. But I was thinking that if they wanted to save it you'd just need to sell it to the Americans; but sell it as a cure for obesity or something like that, but I know what you could say that you already have a sport similar called baseball, but baseball is a lot quicker and with cricket you can just stand around all day doing nothing in a test match, due to the fielding positions may not actually get the ball hit to them and the opponents could be avoiding getting out so they could bat until they declare and then it's time for a switch.

There was also a thing with the draw in the kitchen that really bugs me, yes it really Vemonat's me. It just won't go in place properly. It's a fault with it's construction.

But today I caught Yvelta from Pokemon Y version which I caught in 1 move as I just did as I was instructed, below.

But today I made a friend in Pokemon, well what happened was this guy challenged me to a battle, so I accepted, then he proceeded to basically dismantle my Pokemon by knocking them all out without me even being to knock one of his out. But if I wanted an excuse for my poor performance I would say that he had some Pokemon that's lowest rank was higher than my highest Pokemon's level but that isn't really much of an excuse as to say that I lost to him as he was a better than me.

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