Sunday 12 July 2015

Day 735

Day 735;

Now today was day numbered 735 for the reason that I started this blog project 735 days ago.

As I started this blog project up over 2 years ago now I have been thinking what could I do to celebrate that fact? But then my mind drifts off to should I be celebrating that? So on so forth...

But today I went into town to get my hair cut it was Mich and myself that went to get our two separate heads of hair trimmed like how what you would most likely do to a tree. I had a man doing the cutting of my hair meanwhile Mich had a woman snipping his off, it was at my local star wars hair dressers, as it is called something like The Empire, Dun Dun Du De Duh De De m I know I;m terrible at scathing,

But today I almost spent £17.02 which should be the cost of a new, but used GameBoy Advance for my hopeful attempt at playing LoZ:FSA, with another person, on my old GC as I played FSA a bit today but I wasn't able to save any progress due to the fact that I have misplaced the memory cards for my GC, but I was thinking that I did have them not too long ago.

Ir's another thing that I found on YouTube that I thought was funny.

But from the lack in any exercise that I have done over  the past couple of days you should be guessing that I'm disappointed with myself. 

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