Monday 13 July 2015

Day 736

Day 736;

Today I was doing nothing much apart from I was attempting to watch the Tennis which failed for me, so I started playing super Mario Sunshine,

But I still haven't found my memory cards for the console so that kind of sucks having to play through it without saving I only got to the second stage of the first level before I gave up, I'm sure the controls are more awkward than I remember, or it could be my disability but I don't think so. Next I played on Mario Kart, Double Dash, in the first kart GP that I completed today, it was a 50cc event that I aced 40 points by the end of 4 races, nut I only managed to finish in third place best on all of the 100cc races that I took part in after. Then finally today I was going to see if I could use the Tingle gadget from in Wind Waker but no I couldn't even get far enough in the limited time that was available for me.

But keeping the topic on the Legend of Zelda still I have decided to share my best ever drawing of anything with you, my bias personal opinion,

But I'm unsure if i have already informed you of England's shocking ashes form as they have won the first ashes test.

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