Tuesday 7 July 2015

Day 730

Day 730;

So today was another disappointing day on the rowing machine as I got naught done on that today, but that's not to say that I had an especially unfit day today,

Only as on the contrary to that I had an excellent time in the sand pit today, in the long jump sand pit that is. As we each had 3 jumps each with a run up that is today. Mr B was drawing a line behind our feet after we had each landed, and I was surprised by the results. I was surprised pleasantly but the results were still a shock, as I won the long jump contest, apparently, such a shame I can't do that on any actual event.

But there seems to be some movement on the skiing front, apparently, or so I think that is what they're using the grant that was issued to me for winning an award that they nominated me for, for reasons of which I do not know, and I'm thinking that it was against no-one else, like that 60m race that I won even though I came 4th out of the people that ran. But due to the fact that we all could have been in different categories of disability, as mine was an acquired Brain Injury and I was racing against someone with Down Syndrome, which is a Congenital Disorder, and the man with downs is an excellent runner as I'm thinking that he won. Then their's a newer man as well that also comes to the same Monday athletics club Dave is the name I think and he is also quicker than I and I'm thinking that he's also taller than I, which could mean that he has longer legs  and aren't long legs going to help you especially in the long jump, and for the standing jumps we did before I was greatly beat by all of my competitors.

But now I'm thinking about a bit in "Spectacular Spider-Man" as if you have seen some of the final episode of the second season, that is, as I did on a previous day, and I was just thinking why the hell does Liz Allen like Peter Parker so much as he's constantly late, and he always double booked himself while he was off being Spider-Man and he made no actual apologies to Liz about the fact that he'd always prioritise his work first and her second, but what she doesn't know is what his real job is, the job of Spider-Man, but Liz could just look the other way and everything would be alright within her besotted with Petey world view, even when he *spoiler warning* broke up with her she acted all confident by saying that she was going to brake up with him first but then went off crying. *end spoiler* It's not that I don't think Gwen is worse than Liz but Liz is more reliable than Gwen, from what I have seen as pete did his part of their deal meanwhile Gwen didn't.

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