Friday 31 July 2015

Day 754

Day 754;

So today has been another day of this worthless freaks existence and I have viewed another one of the banned episodes of Pokemon, but I can kind of get why this episode was banned.

The vast majority of the below video is as harmless as the majority of the others but then just before the end when you've got Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, Jessie, James, Meowth and the 2 Porygon's (even though the subtitles call them polygon's) when you've got Pikachu's electric attack smashing into the anti virus vaccines exploding them into bright colours, it did irritate my eyes, and I'm an old man (well I know it should probably be something like an old male freak) so it hasn't given me any seizures but that's just me. Please exercise extreme caution if you choose to watch the bellow episode.

Pokemon Season 1 Episode 38-Electric Soldier Porygon

But first I would like to state Warning; When this Episode was aired in Japan many Japanese children suffered seizures after watching. Viewer Digression is Advised.

Thursday 30 July 2015

Day 753

Day 753;

Now today was a Wednesday, as today was a Wednesday I did some exercise at the gym today. But I didn't do as much exercise as usual, which was due to Tini wanting to escape from the gym earlier today as my usual gym instructor wasn't there so Tini was covering for him.

Also today I have been on Splatoon, a bit, I was trying out a new bit of kit on it as well today, I started off by using my good old Kraken Roller which I managed to win a couple of the games, when I was the number one ranked player on the winning team which was fun. It may have only happened once or twice, but it happened, so I was shocked by this so I switched my equipment around and I got myself a Carbon Roller and I started loosing again as I was either positioned at the bottom of the winning team or the bottom of the loosing team.

So I have just seen one of the banned episodes of Pokemon, it was Pokemon Season 1 Episode 35, of which I am struggling to see why it was banned, I know it has guns in it but what ten year old doesn't know about guns, I know that I was playing with made up guns years before my tenth year of this pitiful existence.

You can watch it too...

Samot isn't ready to be se, at least not yet, but when it is I'll show you.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Day 752

Day 752;

Now today it has been a day on which I only finished my playing of Pokemon Y version, from yesterday, at at about 4am. So no time for dreams this morning as I was up 6 hours later.

I was awoken those 6 hours later by Tini by her saying that I have to get up and ready quick due to the fact that she'd ignited a bomb under my bed.

Lies I tell you, lies.

Well congratulations for seeing through my miraculously concealed deception,

Well it wasn't really that well deceived.

I know, I was attempting a bit of sarcasm.

Well can you make it more clear next time?


I don't know, but you could add a little disclaimer message after you have posted something sarcastic.

But wouldn't that just negate the point of me writing something sarcastic in the first place?

Aww... just shut up.

Well what she really said to me was something more along the lines of you have to get up and have eaten your breakfast double speed due to the fact that you are going to be going to watch a football game later on today,

Bur the football game I thought the score would be 1-0 to the team that I wasn't there to support as I knew that the other team was from one of the leagues above the team that I support and It wasn't a competitive match so they could have been resting they're best players until the season starts for them but the score I predicted would have been correct for the first half at least, then the second half kicked off the team that I support managed to get a goal back then I signed to Mich that the score would be 2-1, then it came to pass that that was the score it came as the opposition attacked the team that I supports goal, and then it went in so the score was 2-1 to the opposition team, so the team that I supports manager subbed the goalie that had conceded in 2 goals and then there was no more goals at least not from the opposition team, but from the team that I support there were 2 goals to make the final score 3-2 to the team that I support.

Samot... Samot... what are you Samot?

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Day 751

Day 751;

This morning was eventful to say the least, by this morning I meant about 4 am this morning, as this morning I needed the loo at that time but it's decidedly dark at that time in the morning but I got myself confused between the stairs and the room where the toilet is situated, so I stepped into/onto the stairs; which resulted in me stacking it down the stairs, but if I am allowed to tel you the most humorous part to this incident, which is that I don't think that I actually fell over until I hit the floor at the bottom of the stairs, so I was falling down the stairs but I was still stood up, at least I think that's how it happened.

But then I went back to bed for another sleep and I'm thinking that I had a dream but I can't remember about it, probably because of all of the kerfuffle that had gone on previously. But fortunately I didn't wet myself or worse when I stacked it down the stairs as in the end I made it back up the stairs to the room with the toilet in, before I had to go.

Today I had a vaguely humorous thought which would be if May from the Pokemon animated series used a Max Repel would then it mean that Max would be repelled?

Elsewhere in the Pokemon World I completed my set of gym badges for the Kalos region by defeating Gym Leader Wulfric, so next I should move onto victory road and Elite 4, at least I'm thinking that is the way to do it.

Monday 27 July 2015

Day 750

Day 750;

You probably know what number day it is so I'll spare you from having it shown to you again.

This morning started much like yesterdays morning meaning I got up to go to the loo and then I went back to sleep, but the dream this night/morning wasn't as clear to me when I awoke, as I am thinking that it included the space ship from one of the Pokemon generations which was renamed in it's remake, due to the fact that the space shuttle crashed on reentry to earths atmosphere, but I cannot remember what the dream was actually about.

Today the F1 GP was additionally interesting as neither of the Mercedes managed to get into the top 3 by the end of the race and god old Hammy (Hamilton) even though he had pole position going into the race, his terrible starting saw him get knocked down in to 4th position by I think the first corner but then he decided to drive across the gravel which cost him 6 places so he was in 10th place by the end of the first lap, then he managed to get back up into 4th position behind his team mate, Rosburg, then Mich was saying what he needs now is a safety car to allow him to bunch up with his team mate and the two Ferraris which had jumped both of them from the start, but then a safety car was called out So Mich was licking his lips, metaphorically, and then a spoon as the race started once more Hammy was bogged down by both of the Red Bull cars and they managed to push him back down the order again but it wasn't just the Red Bull's that pushed him to the back of the grid, but by the end of the race he managed to get himself back up to 6th position but thanks to Ricardo he didn't actually drop any points to his championship rival/team mate, as Ricardo was involved with a racing incident with with Rosburg  which knocked Rosburg down into 8th position, which actually helped Hammy out in the championship as it means that his lead in the F1 Championship has grown by 2 points, over his closest rival.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Day 749

Day 749;

But I had another dream this night, well it was really this morning as I woke up and I decided to go back to sleep, after I had gone to the loo.

Of the dream that I can remember that it was like it was in the Pokemon world but it was in 3D and it had a serious lack of Pokemon, it was just as if I had invited a friend over to play in my 3D Pokemon but it was completed and I actually had 2 player avatars, 1 male, which was me, and then 1 female, who was obviously a female friend of mine,

Then I was listening to the radio on the death of test cricket. But I was thinking that if they wanted to save it you'd just need to sell it to the Americans; but sell it as a cure for obesity or something like that, but I know what you could say that you already have a sport similar called baseball, but baseball is a lot quicker and with cricket you can just stand around all day doing nothing in a test match, due to the fielding positions may not actually get the ball hit to them and the opponents could be avoiding getting out so they could bat until they declare and then it's time for a switch.

There was also a thing with the draw in the kitchen that really bugs me, yes it really Vemonat's me. It just won't go in place properly. It's a fault with it's construction.

But today I caught Yvelta from Pokemon Y version which I caught in 1 move as I just did as I was instructed, below.

But today I made a friend in Pokemon, well what happened was this guy challenged me to a battle, so I accepted, then he proceeded to basically dismantle my Pokemon by knocking them all out without me even being to knock one of his out. But if I wanted an excuse for my poor performance I would say that he had some Pokemon that's lowest rank was higher than my highest Pokemon's level but that isn't really much of an excuse as to say that I lost to him as he was a better than me.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Day 748

Day  748;

Now today has been the day numbered seven four eight by none other than myself probably.

Basically today it rained, but today it was some proper rain, I mean as in a down pour of rain. Well it was this morning at least due to the fact that a friend of mine Emailed me that he'd be getting to mine at 1 or half past 1, that was before the rain started that he had Emailed me that message, and then after the rain started and I thought to myself "good luck, actually getting to my home as he is my friend that uses public transport" as I don't think that  he has either a driving licence or a car but he'd be equally stuck if he only had one of those. Due to the obvious facts that if had a car but no licence he couldn't legally drive his car, but then if he had a licence  but no car he would be allowed to drive but he wouldn't have the necessary component to drive; a car.

Also today I have been attempting to build my 3D replica of Pokemon Gold/Silver. well at least New Back Town, but I am hoping that by the time I pop my clogs you may be able to take a stroll around my 3D replica of the world of Pokemon, I might even have managed to build some 3D characters of people and then if I'm incredibly lucky, I may be able to get a couple of Pokemon made up in 3D.

But I am thinking that if I was to actually do that I might be being a bit illegal.

Friday 24 July 2015

Day 747

Day 747;

Today has been the day mentioned above no less than twice.

Ok,,, Ok I think anyone that has come here to read this post has already got the idea!

Woah cool yourself Red.

Why should I? You know that you have introduced quite a few of your posts within that manor now, and I have to tell toy that it's getting n my wick quite a bit.

Aw, it's Ok you'll live,

No I won't live, as the property that you called life doesn't really apply to me, 

Agh,  I know.

But today In Pokemon Y, I trained my Machop up to become a Machoke and then I traded it in the GTS so it'd evolve into a Machamp, Also in the GTS I traded another Haunter for a Bulbasaur this time so that's one Gengar for a Bulbasaur basically which I have been using to put some wild Pokemon to sleep to make sure that I catch them which is excellent, and I have already evolved it into an Ivysaur and from there it turned into a Venusaur. So I wonder what I should trade for a Squirtle?

Thursday 23 July 2015

Day 746

Day 746;

So today has been the above mentioned day. And today I have been questioned on my age as I told someone that I was thinking about how to genetically modify a turtle to get a Squirtle.

But the thing is about the person that I was typing to at the time didn't know what a Squirtle actually was, at least not until I showed her a picture of one and then she got it. As it's a Pokemon and now she doubts my age. That's Allergy that I'm typing about by the way, that doubts my age.

But I say it is actually in keeping with my age as I  was born at the correct time to remember the original season and the first Generation of the Pokemon/before 1998 as that is the year when Pokefever took hold of the world. But Allergy was too young to remember that phenomenon, but she can remember some of the Pokemon probably due to the impact that the games had on the mainstream media throughout her growing up portion of her life.

I have played the Game lettered Y today and I have discovered something within the game that is better than my having to go into the Pokemon Centre to check a board to trade your Pokemon with anyone else in the world as you can just tap on where it says GTS on the second page of the menu when you push the start key, it just need you to go online then you're away you can trade your Pokemon to your hearts content, there is even this feature called Wonder Trade which you don't know what you're going to get in return for your Pokemon that you placed but that is on the first page of your start menu, But now thanks to the GTS I am now the proud owner of a Gengar and an Alakazam.

But also today I went to the Gym, in actual fact I went to 2 Gyms, as I went to the Gym that you could have gone to to get fit, and I went to s Gym that was in a Pokemon game, and I beat up the gym leader and all of her lackeys.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Day 745

Day 745;

So today it was the day numbered 745, and today I watched a lot of Pokemon the Original Series, Season 1, as well as defeating the next gym leader from Pokemon Y.

Well by a lot of Pokemon that I have watched, or to re-watched, the first 20 episodes I know that everybody says that Misty loves Ash, throughout the season but I am just not getting it, still, maybe it'll become more obvious towards the end of the first season, but I cannot remember ever thinking that the two of them either should or really would "get it on" because they could easily due to the fact that they are old fictional characters and probably anything you could imagine has already happened in someone else's mind before yours. Like a Pokemon Zelda hybrid game You could be killing stalfols one minute with the master sword aloft and the next  moment you could be sheathing the master sword for a Pokemon battle against Gannon.

You know that my fitness plan is basically scrapped now?

Now, it is scrapped if you hadn't gathered as yesterday I lost 3 LB's in weight, I knew I was doing exercise yesterday but not enough to make me loose 3LB's surely, but today again I lost another LB and my Wii U which isn't good.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Day 744

Day 744;

So today I didn't even know, what day it was but I had a hunch that it was a Monday, which in actual fact it turned out to be, but as I was initially typing this I was thinking that it could be Tuesday instead as wasn't yesterday Monday? Plus I had no idea of what number day it was as I hadn't got my specs on at the time.

But that is no excuse, due to the fact that I don't have my lasses on now and I am appearing to type well, which is probably half decently in actual fact. So today I have done some stuff probably, but today I retuned to the athletics thing, so that probably should be rephrased as definitely.

What else have you done today?

I've been listening to the Golf on the radio...


I have played a bit more on...

No I was wondering about the Golf you dim whit. 

Ok some American won, but it wasn't the American that everyone thought would win, but after regulation play  it went into a 3 way play-off between an American a South African and an Australian, the radio commentary was actually quite interesting especially on the last hole as they kept saying that they needed the South African to hole his put to take it into a tie break on top of the tiebreak as the leader had just missed his put to win the open but when he missed the put the crowd sighed and with that shot he lost the open. So it was one man Zach Johnson that won the open.

The game that I played a bit more on was Pokemon Y, I completed up to the gym leader that's at the top of the Pokemon Ranger Tower, now I've moved on to the trainer that is in another tower; the tower that resembles like the Eiffel Tower/Splatoon Tower.

Monday 20 July 2015

Day 743

Day 743;

Now just to make sure that I don't not include this message about the death of a F1 driver, he was put in a Coma 9 months ago due to his head injury but he never woke up,  but I know what a mystery is, it should be wether he had his life support terminated or if the trauma he suffered was too much for him to take anymore.

Andy Murray beat the Frogs in the Davis cup 3-0 so the actual score was 3-1 as the Frogs only won the only match that Andy didn't play in. S0 it's Scotland 3 - 0, England 0 - 1 both of these are to the results were to the Frogs but Andy lost the first set to a break of serve but it was his second game in the match that he lost this time, not the first. The game  was exiting until the final set. when the match got a bit stupid , with the sore of the final set being 6-0 to Murray.

But I have been playing Pokemon Y version today I still can't find Red version I thought I had seen it the other day, but no longer,

Australia bowl England out by the end of play today to level the series up at 1 - 1, Cardiff and Lords now will England be able to expert it's  dominance over this Austrian stampede. I don't know but I honestly doubt it, as that is one thing about Stampedes when they start they are very difficult to stop.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Day 742

Day 742;

So today has been the next day and I have finally decided to put my ideas out there into the public domain about the future of Pokemon,

Now I can't really remember when I had these ideas but I know that I had these ideas years ago, but I can remember a swimming pool and me sitting in the little cafe that was aside of it, I'm thinking that it was Easto's Anniversary of his existence party also, on the day that I had this idea, as I was sitting in the cafe waiting for my parents, it may have only been for as little as 5 minutes but my mind worked quicker back then, as I was thinking about Pokemon and I was speaking to myself about how amazing it would be to be able to post a notice up in the Pokemon Centre saying I need a Pokemon like Charmander to complete my PokeDex, I have Squirtle. and then if somebody had one they could trade it and then do the same type go thing with Charmanfer for Bulbasaur, so you now have bulbasaur you train it up and evolve it into an Ivysaur and then trade it for a Wartortle and so on so forth, and then there would be all of the game septic Pokemon like in the below lists, which I got from Wikipedia (Please copy and past the following address into your browser bar if you would like to check):émon_Red_and_Blue_Versions#Version_exclusives


Well now you have just been informed stuff that I'm sure you already knew, now lets move onto some information about sports and it has been another dire day for the English cricket team as England didn't manage to lose only 2 wickets by the first night of their play they doubled that and they had lost 4 wickets which may be explained by them declaring on just shy of 600, but I don't think so. England are all out on the second day of they're batting within this the first innings of the second test, which Australia excerpted more dominance over England. After getting them all out for 312, by taking another 108 runs for no losses, so I am thinking that they will probably only bat another 50 runs until they declare so probably before lunch tomorrow, to leave them a good period of time to bowl England out, even if they don't really need it, just to be safe.

But in Tennis today the two Murray (Scottish) brothers only had their serve broken once in the whole match, the first game of the first set in the match, which was on Andy's serve. Which due to that they lost the first set 5-6, then they won the second set 6-3, then the third set was settled on a tiebreak 7-5 (So the actual result of the set was 7-6) and then they ran away with the next set 6-1 to the Scottish people.So that means that team Great Britain is leading the frogs 2-1within this Davis cup tie, of which both of the points have been won by either Andy or the Murray Brothers, if I'm not too mistaken.

It was to windy for the Golf for the majority of today but they managed to squeeze in the end of yesterdays play 6pm time and the golf has been set to take an extra day,

But finally today as I was watching the Tennis while Mich was watching the Tour De France; Chris Froome is still wearing the Yellow Jersey but an English man won the stage,. But Froome wasn't happy due to the fact that someone, a fan, said that he was on drugs and the fan tipped a cup of urine on him, Froome.

Saturday 18 July 2015

Day 741

Day 741;

Now today I' would like to apologise for yesterdays post As I actually wrote it yesterday but I didn't proof read through it, and then I went to bed and I had forgotten to click publish at least not until today quite a bit later on in the day, so late in actual fact I had forgot to proof read through it, as I usually do; but my.proofreading skills aren't too great.

We know.

Ok thank you Blue.

But today I was playing two of my GameBoy games on my GameCube which was fun especially as one of them was Legend of Zelda: Link's Adventure, and the other one was Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. But there was one game that I was missing from today, Ppkemon Red  version which happens to be a game that I got manny years ago for my GameBoy Colour, back all that time ago you could say that it was a life time ago, now I have always wanted to complete the PokeDex but I have never been able to, So I am thinking that I should start up a bucket list of all the things that I want to do before I die.

1. Complete the PokeDex for Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow versions.

Actually scratch that as number 1 thing to do before I finally kick the bucket is to complete all of the Legend of Zelda games, at least once before I leave this world and my body is returned to the earth from whence it came.

But I've still got a list to complete also so my bucket list is looking quite populated now that I'think about it, so maybe one day I'll share it with you?

Friday 17 July 2015

Day 740

Day 740;

So let's be having a look at theHero of Time's darkest secret.

As I watched it this morning and it's good, it's very well made and I wouldn't be surprised if It turned out to be true.

Today I had an idea for a new flash project it was inspired by what a person was saying on the radio this morning. I think it had something to do with the golf, Australia Cricket was devouring the English bowling in their immense batting as of today they got 337 for 1 today so I'm betting that the score should be at least 600 declared by the close of play tomorrow, and England will be in batting with probably 2 down by the close of play tomorrow, so it'll be a tough job to get it so that the Aussies have to bat again  if you're, England's, hoping for a draw at least by the end of this test.

And I played a bit of Bayonetta today which was fun, at the beginning of the game it says that that there's only one which left in the world but I was counting two witches as there is Bayonetta and her blonde friend, but you could say that Bayonetta isn'r even a proper witch as she was the fruit of one witch and then one Angel/sage, that started off the war between the Umbra Witches and the Lumen Sages, which almost exterminated the whitches

Thursday 16 July 2015

Day 739

Day 739;

Today was the day which followed yesterday and I had an idea to scare all of the religious nut jobs away from your home, but more about that later,

As today I went to the gym, and my irritating right hand kept letting  go of the gym equipment, like the cross trainer and the rowing machine, but with that included I still had a good time today in the gym.

But also today my new GameBoy Advance arrived today, that was a goof use of £17.02, so now I have enough GC gear to play on the Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures with 2 players, Now I just need to find either one of my 2 memory cards. of old.

So my plot to keep the religious nuts away from your home is about how you know that practically all religious nut jobs are shamed by nudity. Of which I don't understand in the religious context, as didn't God make us nude to start off with and ur was the tree that made them realise that they were nude, and that was... bad? Even if in the eyes of a God he saw no reason to make them clothes until they had the revelation which would mean that in the eyes of your God there is no problem with them being nude. at least according to early scripture (yes I'm on about Christianity). But back to the plot it is if a selected word is used by the preacher who is standing at he door an Item of clothing is lost, like:
if a preacher is standing outside of your door and he said
"Praise God in his infinite majesty as another fine day is upon us, if you wanted your eternal salvation it's now more affordable than ever, as you can just head on down to 'tour local Church and get christened today for as low as £29.00, if you book now you'll be winning a free Crucifix and one of those little red books which I thing is a load of psalms in"

Now I have made bold  6 words so that will be
1. T-shirt
2. Jeans
3.  Right Sock
4.  Left Sock
5.  Boxers
6.  Hat?

Then I'd be naked and they'd be speechless (not in the good way),

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Day 738

Day 738;

Today it gas been day numbered 738, but today I had a new idea of something to do for YouTube.

I also found the below YouTube video of funny stuff.

Now today I haven't been playing on the GC or the Wii U today due to fact of there being two separate sporting developments on the TV that Mich wanted to watch it seemed as if Mr Froome is back in business in the Tour De France of which Mich was excited about, snd then it was the Golf another U.S. open but it was at St. Andrews this time.

But my attention has been distracted recently due to Satoru Iwata's recent demise, he was still looking so well the last time I saw him on a Nintendo Direct, so I have got a new idea, which comes from my idea to create a 3D version of Pallet Town in GameMaker from the original Pokemon games but now I have decided to hold that concept until I at least complete a new 3D version of New Bark Town in GameMaker first due to the fact that Satora Iwata helped create the games that the new Embark town was the Pallet 'town of one, or 2, of the Pokemon Games, Pokemon Gold and Silver, which are pretty much the same games.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Day 737

Day 737;

Now today could have been very boring as missed my usual bit of exercise for today, as I didn't go to the little athletics thing today, due to the fact that everyone was out, working, apart from me.

But today I kept myself busy by playing Wind Waker HD. Today I completed the over-world map by finding all go the fish, you know the one that calls you "small fry" and then he gives you a load of bonus information after sharing it with you. But now I have done that I am unsure of how far I got in the game before. as I am currently thinking that I still have to do the tower of the God's but as I went in there I noticed that the first things in the tower had already been done. So that is a possibility.

But what has happened in a sporting capacity today? 

Nothing much.

Especially from what I have seen, but Tiger Woods seems to think that he could the next golfing prize at St. Andrews, so I would just like to say good luck Mr Tiger. 

Monday 13 July 2015

Day 736

Day 736;

Today I was doing nothing much apart from I was attempting to watch the Tennis which failed for me, so I started playing super Mario Sunshine,

But I still haven't found my memory cards for the console so that kind of sucks having to play through it without saving I only got to the second stage of the first level before I gave up, I'm sure the controls are more awkward than I remember, or it could be my disability but I don't think so. Next I played on Mario Kart, Double Dash, in the first kart GP that I completed today, it was a 50cc event that I aced 40 points by the end of 4 races, nut I only managed to finish in third place best on all of the 100cc races that I took part in after. Then finally today I was going to see if I could use the Tingle gadget from in Wind Waker but no I couldn't even get far enough in the limited time that was available for me.

But keeping the topic on the Legend of Zelda still I have decided to share my best ever drawing of anything with you, my bias personal opinion,

But I'm unsure if i have already informed you of England's shocking ashes form as they have won the first ashes test.

Sunday 12 July 2015

Day 735

Day 735;

Now today was day numbered 735 for the reason that I started this blog project 735 days ago.

As I started this blog project up over 2 years ago now I have been thinking what could I do to celebrate that fact? But then my mind drifts off to should I be celebrating that? So on so forth...

But today I went into town to get my hair cut it was Mich and myself that went to get our two separate heads of hair trimmed like how what you would most likely do to a tree. I had a man doing the cutting of my hair meanwhile Mich had a woman snipping his off, it was at my local star wars hair dressers, as it is called something like The Empire, Dun Dun Du De Duh De De m I know I;m terrible at scathing,

But today I almost spent £17.02 which should be the cost of a new, but used GameBoy Advance for my hopeful attempt at playing LoZ:FSA, with another person, on my old GC as I played FSA a bit today but I wasn't able to save any progress due to the fact that I have misplaced the memory cards for my GC, but I was thinking that I did have them not too long ago.

Ir's another thing that I found on YouTube that I thought was funny.

But from the lack in any exercise that I have done over  the past couple of days you should be guessing that I'm disappointed with myself. 

Saturday 11 July 2015

Day 734

Day 734;

So today I have wrote a bit on how King Dick the Lionheart could in actual fact be the King of Red Lions, If he was based on anyone.

Now that's one thing. what else have you done today?

I can't remember It all seems to have been frowned out by "3 Lions on a Shirt" and the memories go going to an after school club on some nights which was at a local sports centre which is no more now, but the hall that we played in is still there, but that is about it of the old sports centre that is left. Seeing how the squash courts and the original gym building not to forget the swimming pool were practically all there was and all there is now in the new sports centre, But the main difference between the two sports centres is the changing facilities as within the old one you had two separate swimming changing rooms one for Male and one for Female and from each you had two separate entrances into the swimming pool area, so if your eyes hadn't been fried by the chlorine you could see the way that you came into the swimming pool but if not you had to remember which one you came out from. But the new swimming pool has got a more communal changing feel to it but you still shut your door when you're getting changed as the changing room is a lot bigger and it haas a lot of little booths for you to get changed in. However the actual changing rooms have stayed similar to the ones that were in the original place, with the gender segregation still intact.

How did I get onto the subject of changing rooms from the tune that I played yesterday? 

I don't know.

Friday 10 July 2015

King of Red Lion's

King of Red Lions being a representation of the King of England, within the Legend of Zelda series. Is a possibility as where in the whole Legend of Zelda series have you seen a lion? I know that a dungeon in the original Zelda game is called Lion and a character in Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love. Who is literally the same character as the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz. But that game isn't exactly Cannon within the Zelda franchise and it takes place within a picture book.

Who within the real world could be Known as the King of Red Lions? I haven't got a clue if your using that exact terminology but I know that within medieval times an English monarch may have been called the King of Red Lion's, due to the facts that on the flag of St. George there's a red cross and the 3 beasts that we display on a football shirt are lions. As it shows bellow.

The Lionesses almost brought the coveted World Cup trophy "home" also they were just on the wrong side of the score sheet against those Japanese, women.

But it could have been about one of our (meaning England's) many medieval kings. Potentially King Richard I AKA. Richard the Lionheart.

Day 733;

Day 733;

So today has been intriguing not as I have actually done anything today, as actually doing something today requires me to actually have a short term memory that's good, as I am not appearing to have one of those.

Thanks to the tabular browsing style of modern browsers, I can actually see all (well probably quite a bit less than all) that I selected to go onto earlier, which can reawaken some thoughts that I had earlier when I was looking at them fresh, well fresher at least.

As I was confirming my suspicions about what Link was doing after Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask to arrive at ]Twilight Princesses with him as the Hero's Shade from all of his regrets of his former mortal life. Which you could find from clicking here.

Which from within that link I remembered that Hyrule was based on Medieval Europe, with the feudal system, like Kakirko village is property of Lady Impa within OoT at least, Deku forest the great Deku Tree, Zora's Domain King Zora, Goron mines chief Darunia, aI had a slight brain wave earlier and so on I shall explain it:
Medieval Europe there would be Royalty every where, Like the King of Hyrule, the King of the Zora's, so on. But what it is that I'm getting ,,,

Not quick enough]\

 King of Red Lions is in actual fact the King of England, well it could be.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Day 732

Day 732;

So today I noticed that my post from yesterday was an absolute load of tripe, I hope you can see what I put on there about the drugs, as I'm thinking that the words "gave"' that I put instead of the words "have" as well as  all of the other corrections that I have made to it  were slightly necessary for it to be readable.

But today I have been to the gym, on drugs while being in a gym, wasn't so bad to be honest as I could just focus on doing some weights to make the headache/dizziness go awayBut for the rest of today I was a bit of a lazy bones,

But isn't it out bones job to be lazy?


I mean if we were all bones we'd be skeletons and without all of the muscle, ligaments, they would all stay still as lazy as you like.

I think there must be something I'm missing here, so please allow me to go through.


Thanks Red, so your start by stating that bones are lazy as their primary function is to give our primate bodies a basic shape, as well as to protect our internal organs. Put quite frankly if we didn't have any bones we wouldn't be able to exist as our brains would probably drop down through the neck hole and it'd probably end up being eaten by your own stomach acid. Anyway all of the muscle in the wouldn't be able to help you as without the bone to push and pull around how are you going to move a thing?

But now moving on to the cricket in the Ashes today and England 1st Innings 343 runs for 7 men dismissed for either being caught, bowled or ran out. Now what England need is for the rest of the team to get 200 more runs on top of that fantastic Joe Root century, to make it a decent enough score to to protect from the Australians for when they come into bat in a little while.

Now on to Tennis and today in the men's Wimbledon the Frog, Gasquel, managed to knock out the number 4 seed to stop it being a top 4 shootout for the right to be called the Wimbledon champion 2015but instead it's a top 3 and the 21st player shoot out. So go on Gasquel, you can do it beat the number 1 seed.

But the Woman's game is a lot less predictable as in there's you've got the first seed playing up against the 4th seed, which is how it should be, but then the other two are the 20th seed and the 13th seed squaring off against each other. But I'm unsure why I think that the number 1 seed for the women will just be able walk it without even breaking a sweat.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Day 731

Day 731;

So today it has been the day after yesterday, and I have just been having a long chat with myself about what I actually did today, but I have forgot it by \now, 

But I have got an additional potential point of blame today for the weight gain of today.

But recently I have been put back on drugs.

The drug drugs don't help at all, in actual fact they hinder me a bit, and in Tennis news Novak managed to defeat the guy that had got him 2 sets down.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Day 730

Day 730;

So today was another disappointing day on the rowing machine as I got naught done on that today, but that's not to say that I had an especially unfit day today,

Only as on the contrary to that I had an excellent time in the sand pit today, in the long jump sand pit that is. As we each had 3 jumps each with a run up that is today. Mr B was drawing a line behind our feet after we had each landed, and I was surprised by the results. I was surprised pleasantly but the results were still a shock, as I won the long jump contest, apparently, such a shame I can't do that on any actual event.

But there seems to be some movement on the skiing front, apparently, or so I think that is what they're using the grant that was issued to me for winning an award that they nominated me for, for reasons of which I do not know, and I'm thinking that it was against no-one else, like that 60m race that I won even though I came 4th out of the people that ran. But due to the fact that we all could have been in different categories of disability, as mine was an acquired Brain Injury and I was racing against someone with Down Syndrome, which is a Congenital Disorder, and the man with downs is an excellent runner as I'm thinking that he won. Then their's a newer man as well that also comes to the same Monday athletics club Dave is the name I think and he is also quicker than I and I'm thinking that he's also taller than I, which could mean that he has longer legs  and aren't long legs going to help you especially in the long jump, and for the standing jumps we did before I was greatly beat by all of my competitors.

But now I'm thinking about a bit in "Spectacular Spider-Man" as if you have seen some of the final episode of the second season, that is, as I did on a previous day, and I was just thinking why the hell does Liz Allen like Peter Parker so much as he's constantly late, and he always double booked himself while he was off being Spider-Man and he made no actual apologies to Liz about the fact that he'd always prioritise his work first and her second, but what she doesn't know is what his real job is, the job of Spider-Man, but Liz could just look the other way and everything would be alright within her besotted with Petey world view, even when he *spoiler warning* broke up with her she acted all confident by saying that she was going to brake up with him first but then went off crying. *end spoiler* It's not that I don't think Gwen is worse than Liz but Liz is more reliable than Gwen, from what I have seen as pete did his part of their deal meanwhile Gwen didn't.

Monday 6 July 2015

Day 729

Day 729;

It was the day after yesterday, and I have finally got around to playing on Splatoon as I had already typed I was going to do to aid rock, music in it's quest for supremacy against pop music.

Actually you may not have typed the final part of that.

Oh, Lewis Hamilton managed to convert his pole position in the race into a victory within the English GP. Which was good for Allergy  as she "likes" Lewis a lot, and she would approve if he finishes all of the remaining F1 races in first position also.

Lets have a slight discussion on plastic Brits,

By the term slight discussion do you mean you type the  discussion you are having in your head, 

Yes but I am leaving the comment box open for all  of you to add anything, if they so wish.

Plus how random of you to suddenly start typing about Katie Price?

When did I mention anything about Katie Price?

You said plastic and Brit, wasn't Katie Price made out of plastic, well she had has lots of plastic surgery and the brit part could be as she's British.

So I was typing about people that were born outside of the county that they are competing in place of people that were actually born in the county, But it's a big todo about nothing as within the athletics and their disciplines they can choose who they want to represent as long as they own the passport for there chosen country. 

Sunday 5 July 2015

Day 728

Day 728;

Now today Mr Lewis Hamilton managed to get pole position in tomorrows F1 race.

Also today I watched a load of 'The Spectacular Spider-Man' which was interesting, especially as Peter Parker and Mary Jane are in the "Friend Zone" which in my opinion is the best place to have girls, and boys for that matter, that way your not panicking if you accidentally do something, either to them or that may jeopardise your relationship. The "Friend Zone" only gets a bit scary when the other friend appears to care too much about you.

The scariest moment in my life so far was something that happened a very long time ago as I was in the infants school, children of an ages between 4-7, so I had an even less life experience than I do currently back then, now this thing that I think is a memory was of one of these little games that we played and it was a little one of those trivial things called marriages. As in infants school we used to take two people from our class and we used to get them married and there was one in particular that sent a shiver down my spine and I can't even remember why, as it wasn't me getting married, at least I think that it wasn't me the marriage was to a girl that I shall call Blon, as she was blonde, and my best friend (at the time) was a boy that went by the name of Conor Murphy he who got some spectacles before  the end of year 2/the last year of infants school his blonde hair wasn't as toxic as mine, I waited until the start of school year 6 until I got my first pair of specs which was at the end of Junior school, But Conor had left due to the fact of his father's job moving, I think. But the wedding I can't remember why I was so terrified during it's course, but I was I'm thinking the intimacy that is involved.

What do you mean the kissing part?

I'm thinking as I have never managed to properly kiss anyone, .

You're pathetic.

Yes I know. I also know that I ran away, the rush that I got from running away from that  instance was amazing. I couldn't say it was as if I was an adrenaline junky, which it only could be if the rush that I felt was adrenaline.

But the England Women football club have managed to beat Germany's Women 1-0 in the Women's World Cup, to make them the best English football team since 1966 when England actually won the World Cup, but it was the men that won it that time. So that makes it England Women have won 3rd spot in the world cup and the very last match was the only match that they managed to keep a clean sheet in.  So now we're all waiting on the the US to see if they can lift the trophy for a third time and make it 2 wins out of 2 for the old school Allies over the Axis forces. but then if Japan beat America for the second time in a row it'll mean that England did their part but the Axis forces have the best woman's football club in the world, But congratulations English Women, you are the best performing England football team for 49 years.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Day 727

Day 727;

Today was the day that I completed my watch through of Spider-Man: Animated Series, which started in 1994 and it lasted 5 seasons until 1998 when it ended, I used to enjoy watching it when it was on the TV.

Today was very hot, which makes it better to not have seen any of my hot friends today else wise the temperature would have exceeded the hot temperature that it was already but I have had another lazy day today. I have got another Comic Book idea also from today, which came from me comparing some of my friends to some of the characters from Spider-Man. But need I ask you to guess who I have chosen for me?

Well you could ask us but we already know, so it wouldn't be much of a guess.

Point taken, how about any of the readers?

How are they supposed to answer you? By telepathy?

I don't know, maybe.

Well it's not Peter Parker, nor is it any of the female members of the cast, it's J. Jonah Jameson that I think I will be, as I spend a period of time per night writing and publishing this blog and I am no villain or so said Het, but I am also no hero but I would say that I'm leaning more towards the villains side. Just as triple J is.

But there is the first Splatoon Splatfest tomorrow to Sunday, 6pm to 6pm I would like to be involved in it but I have no Idea if I actually can.

Friday 3 July 2015

Day 726

Day 726;

So today was another day like any other non special day.

It was very hot today and I have been watching more Spider-Man: The Animated Series for old times sake, as I used to watch it on the TV many years ago.

Now today I have finally got around to posting the previous Coexist image which highlights the inadequacies of the coexist symbol.

I have finally got around to stating my thoughts on this years Wimbledon, as Rafa Nadal got knocked out by a geri who's surname is a colour, the colour is brown.

Heather Watson has to play the player ranked number 1 in the world's women's game of tennis, for her next match.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Day 125

Day 125;

So today was the day that I was waiting for, can England's women manage to reach the final of the women's world cup.

BAHA MEN, Who Let The Dogs Out, was the first CD single that I ever received but the thing is unlike those 7" singles of older days it wasn't actually a single. As it has 3 versions of the same song on it;
1. Radio Edit
2. Audio Cook Remix
3. Club Mix

But so today I saw a plane in the sky but it wasn't like the usual planes that flu over my home, it looked more like one of the plane below;

But it didn't have any of the armaments and as it was flying over I only got to see a silhouette of the planes underside and it looked a little bit more of a pentagon in shape, as in the primary wings were positioned slightly closer to the nose and the plane was shorter the secondary wings (the tail wings) appeared to be more in keeping with the whole pentagon shape.

That's a terrible representation it looked more like;

But it had a much smaller nose cone, from my perspective. 

Weren't the tail wings also different on the one that you have put.

Oh, yes they were a bit.

But it has been hot today, and I have gone to the gym, but today the air conditioning had broke and my useless right hand kept slipping off things that I had to keep hold of. My personal trainer kept saying it was the heat that ha been doing it to me, and then the personal assistant asked me if I'd had a hair cut, so I responded on my tablet device that I'd had numerous hair cuts over the x years of my life, but recently I cannot remember.

Oh no, England women lost their semi final match after managing to get it back on level terms before the end of the first half in aded time at on the end of the match it was an own goal that settled the match 2-1 to Japan. So Japan will be playing USA for the right to be named the winners of the 2015 women's world cup, and the right to be named the country that has won the Women's World Cup 3 times was they have each won it twice in the past.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Day 724

Day 724;

So today I thought that it was day numbered 124, so I was about to write that it's a day where you can just the first digit to get the second and do the same to the second to get the third, but alas it wasn't it just had to be day 724 instead.  Which isn't even close.

Today I have attempted to row for a prolonged period of time but I failed, I only got 10 minutes,


Yeah I know.

Jane, why Jane? Why did I just find that word in my computer systems memory, as if I had selected that word to copy and paste, I can't remember selecting that one name, and I don't know why I had copied it?

But today I had got another 40 minutes on the rower, in total, 2 days in a row I wonder if I can keep it up for 1 maybe 2 or even 10 weeks as 7 times 5 is 35 so 35 per week will give me 350 minutes bonus then I should be clear on all of my days training, I think.

So what about the woman's World Cup?

Ok, well what happened first was Germany missed a penalty,


But then USA scored their's.

Yes, I know.

But England still need ton beat Japan, but the thing was the first penalty should have been an actual penalty and it should have a red card for the USA player that impeded the German player. The other penalty shouldn't have been a penalty as it wasn't in the penalty box. But anyway the USA team won by 2-0, can England equal this score tomorrow, to make sure that they can make it to the final?