Sunday 5 January 2014

The Sunday Savage Episode 1

The boy's hopeless I tell ye all, and add a bit of worthlessness into the mix and I believe that you'd have an acculturate enough description of this here Savage.

Why what has he done now?

He's not only gone and attempted to put our little savage thing on the internet one hour late.

So what it's one hour?

So what, so what, SO WHAT! I'll tell you so what it is still going to take about slightly more than 4 hours to upload.So that is 5 hours over the original dead line for the project. 

Red I know which is why for next Sundays Savage Sunday I have got to get it done by a latest time of 00:00 on the morning of  Sunday So I could set it up aka; getting it uploaded before the  usual 6:00 blogpost so that way I can include it into my blogposts for the day before actually on Sunday, Then it may actually fulfil lit's actual purpose which is to fend off boredom.

As i have typed beneath:

"This is the first episode of my new project to help alleviate, some of the boredom that may arise from the most boring day of the week. My first episode of The Sunday Savage."

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